The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of
activity. We have not gotten out hunting but we are still enjoying ourselves with the farm work. Several back to back days
of dry weather allowed Bob and Chris to harvest the remaining soy beans while I
carted and transferred the beans from the combine to the semi-trucks. I could
tell that both Bob and Chris were relieved to have the last of the crops off
the fields so they could now focus on other chores around the farm.
They combined during the day..... |
....and at night |
But they got it all done!!!!! |
There were several large rocks and a fence line
they wanted removed before the fields were prepared for the spring
planting. Although I had plenty of experience removing rocks and fence when we
owned our hobby farm, we did not have the cool tools to make these jobs so much
easier! They have an attachment for the bobcat that digs, lifts and secures the
rock so there is virtually no physical labor involved. In fact, this is
probably the first time I have ever enjoyed removing rocks from a field!
That's one big rock! |
Next up was a ½ mile fence line that they wanted
removed. Again, they had an attachment for their tractor that did most of the
work for you. After walking the fence line and removing all the post
connections you simply hook the fence line up to fence wheel and use the hydraulics to slowly start
winding the wire onto the wheel.
Fence winder, one cool invention! |
Barb even got in the action when she used the
rotary mower and Case tractor to chop up 20 acres of oats residue!
Barb getting some tractor time! |
One of my favorite tasks was continuing to use
one of the semis to take Canola to the elevator. Previously I had just driven
the unloaded semi back from the elevator. This in itself was a learning
experience as unlike any other manual transmission I have driven you don’t
shift these trucks using the clutch. Instead you have to “RPM match”. It takes
a while to get the knack of this and if you miss a gear or cannot find a gear
you may have to come to a stop, use the clutch to put it in gear and start all
over again. This is not something you want to do on a busy road! Luckily this
never happened to me (yet) although there was definitely some gear searching going on
a time or two!
Next came driving the truck while it was loaded.
Having 60,000 pounds of grain on your truck really changes the dynamics of
starting, stopping and even taking corners. It really gave me a new appreciation
for the truck drivers out there.
Arriving at the grain elevator is another
experience in itself. As you pull in you have to scan yourself in so they know
which farm to credit the load to. Then you to pull up to the “Probe Station”
for your two probes. You pull up until they turn on a red light, you stop and
an automated arm dips into the front hopper and takes a sample of your grain.
The light then turns green and you pull up a little further and stop so they
can probe the back hopper. Among some of the things they check for are moisture
content and overall grain quality. You could be docked if any of these
things are outside their specifications.
Once the light turns green again you pull up
onto the scale and scan your card again accepting the weight.
Coming in at almost 87,000 #'s |
Then it is on to the dump station. These
certainly are not like the dump stations we are accustomed to while full
timing. They are long tall buildings with grates on the floor. Once you are
inside you stop, park and get out and open the hopper doors dumping the canola
into the grates.
Approaching the dump building |
Opening the hopper to dump the canola |
Once empty, you head out to the exit scale where
they weigh you again and you get your ticket which details your weight and
grain quality.
Going out at 27,000 #'s |
Then it is back to the farm to load up and do it all over again.
Depending on how long you have to wait in line to dump a round trip can take
anywhere from 2-3 hours. Add the 30-40 minutes it takes to fill the truck back
at the farm and you can make 2-3 roundtrips a day.
There is a lot of waterfowl headed south and we will get back into the field hunting in the next week or so. The other day thousands of Sandhill Cranes flew over no doubt headed to south Texas.
Sandhills headed south |
The deer activity picked up the last two weeks
and we checked the cameras several times to see what was in
each of the areas. It is like Christmas every time you check the cameras as you
don’t know what you are going to get! We have seen everything from pheasants,
raccoons, coyotes, fox, squirrels, deer of course and the occasional moose!
This little guy stopped by for a photo op |
North Dakota Prairie Moose? |
This deer should be in the circus! |
These two were not getting along..... |
Then of course there are the monster bucks....... |
Sequoia is doing well and we could not be
happier! We changed her name to Dakota as it is one of our favorite places and
is rolls off my tongue better when giving commands in the field. I figured if I can respond to all the different names Barb calls me she can learn one new name. She is a very
smart dog and is already responds to it.
We have been working with the retrieving dummy
2-3 times a days and she is doing awesome! We took down the ramp and although
she is not as agile as she was with the ramps she is getting in and out just
fine. We have been working on introducing her to new noises and environments
and although she is initially nervous, she gets calmer and calmer with each
repetition and as you can see she is becoming quite comfortable within our rig!
Which is more comfortable.....the couch or..... |
....the recliner? |
Barb is becoming quite the Sushi Chef! She has been to two sushi classes in the past few weeks and we have been having some delicious sushi!
Caterpillar, Dragon and a Fried Roll |
She also finished her crocheting project, something I honestly did not think she would get done in the next year.
Last but not least, she got her annual haircut! Holly was able to get her into her stylist and she looks even more beautifuller, if that is even possible......