Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Good to be Back in the Hills!

Upon returning to our property in South Dakota we were greeted with open gates and no prairie dogs (thank you Jordan’s!). It has taken over a year and countless hours but I think they are finally under control. What we found was out of control was the weeds. High weeds were growing throughout our parking area. I am not sure of their real name but tumble weeds had taken over the entire area. They were 2-3’ tall and just as wide. The upside, if there is one, is that they are easy to pull and have a single root so we had them pulled in short order and were settled in our spot for the next 4 weeks. The downside, Dakota was running and got a weed seed in her eye. 
Arrr. I'm a pirate!
As a result she went around for about a week looking like a pirate. A week of saline and suave and she was as good as new.

Some of the many tumble weeds that were awaiting us!

Even the turkeys were happy to see us return!
We have a mix of work, play and visitors planned over the next 4 weeks with lots to fit in. First up was visitors and play. Good friends and fellow travelers Tango and Gladys (a.k.a.Dino and Lisa) stopped by for a few days showing off their new cabin on wheels. Their regular home is a 2014 Cardinal 5th wheel but being rich folks like they are, they decided that wanted a cabin as well so they went and bought a Lance pick up camper and decided to make a quick run down to see us to test it out. It is a great camper and similar to the one we are looking at for our next Alaskan adventure.
The Turtle...
We spent one afternoon touring the city of Custer going in and out of almost every store on main street. Another afternoon we took a road trip through Spearfish Canyon and actually got Dino on a hike! We had been saving this hike escpecially for when Dino and Lisa visited as it is only a little over a mile long as we cannot go too far due to Dino’s “condition”.
Roughlock Falls
Trout hiding in the stream

Whew, we made it!
It wasn't until later we discovered that they had already been on that hike…. Oh well, all was not lost, at least we were near one of the breweries we still had not been to in the hills! 
Their visit coincided with the opener of the archery deer season and as good of friends as they are, you don’t get in the way of deer opener! I think they were amazed/disgusted at the lengths deer hunters go to in order to get within bow range of these wily critters. Over the years I have gone from getting “a” to getting “the” deer within bow range. The three primary senses of deer are sight, hearing and scent. If you conceal yourself and stay quiet you can usually overcome the first two, the sense of smell however it the hardest to overcome. Making sure you are positioned downwind of where you think the deer will come is the first rule but I think I lost Dino and Lisa with the rest of my preparation. Washing my clothes in scent free detergent, showering with scent free soap/shampoo both make sense. But when I pulled out the fox and deer urine Lisa looked at me like I was crazy. “You put that on?” she asked? “Sure, just a dab behind each ear and the deer come runn’in!” Actually you use it on the surrounding ground to cover any remaining scent you may have in the area. Both Dino and Lisa just stood there scratching their heads probably wondering how you get it from the fox or deer into that bottle.

Which brings me to our funniest moment of the week..... Barb was doing laundry in Custer and came across a bottle of fox urine in the pocket of my jeans. She put it on top of one of the washers and the owner walked over picked it up thinking it was some Essential Oil and smelled it before Barb could say anything. Barb was mortified and the owner did not talk to her the rest of her visit!

Can you see my tree stand up there?
How about now?

One of the ground blinds
Opening morning arrived and I snuck out of the camper at 4:30am wanting to get into the woods well before sunrise. Over the next two days I spent 16 hours either in a blind or in a tree and saw lots of deer but not the deer. It is therapeutic just being out in the woods, watching the wildlife, listening to the wind in the pines and plus I had my camera with me (on silent mode) and was getting some great shots. 
Mule deer still in velvet
Nice tall 8 pointer
Fork horn muley
On the morning of the third day I was again out an hour before sunrise and had seen several deer but not the big guy. That all changed within minutes when to my left side a deer walks into view and it is him! It is amazing how calm I can be watching all these deer but when this one showed up my heartrate went through the roof! I carefully picked up my bow and waited for the right shot…. As he turned broadside I started to draw back my bow when the slightest of creaks came from the chair I was sitting in. All I saw from that point was a white tail as he bounded away. Dejected I packed up and headed in for the morning.
That afternoon I went out to a different spot thinking the big guy would steer clear of the spot with weird creaking noises. About 7:00pm I heard something approaching from behind me and I could see a deer with antlers walking through the pines. When it got to an opening I could see it was him! He walked directly under my tree and this time I was able to draw back without making any noise. Minutes later I was standing over him feeling a cacophony of emotions; elation, excitement, respect and sadness. That is part of hunting and for the second year in a row I had harvested a trophy buck on our property! For those of you who want to see a picture it is at the end of this post, for those who want to pass, skip the last picture. Unfortunately Dino and Lisa had left that morning and were not there to see him.

Our most traumatic event of the week occurred while we were having happy hour over at our place with the Jordan's. We were outside our rig having a beer(s) enjoying a quiet evening when a goldfinch landed on a sunflower plant just a few feet from us. We all sat there watching the little bird thinking how cool it was to have it so close when all of a sudden out of no where a hawk swoops in and snatches the goldfinch off the flower without missing a beat. We all just sat there stunned looking at the empty flower. "Did that really just happen?"   
Hunting complete, it was time to get to work. Barb is continuing to work on the stone around our fire area. It is a big project but she is making good progress! My project for the week was building a set of barn doors for our shed. We went to a local saw mill and picked up (10) 1x10  and (10) 1x4 rough cut boards.

Over 1/2 way done!
I had to special order the hinges and am still awaiting their arrival but the doors are done and ready for installation. You will have to wait until next week to see the finished product!

This coming week is again filled with visitors and projects as my sister Carol is arriving and we are getting ready to pour concrete! Stay tuned!

One happy hunter!


  1. Boy did we dodge a bullet. We are so thankful the work began again after we left. Lisa really wanted to gut that deer. It was a bucket list item. Maybe next time.

  2. You sure have some nice bucks on your property. Patience sure paid off for you. A couple of years ago when we were camping at Tunkwa Lake I was watching a chipmunk was on top of our bird feeder. All of a sudden I felt this rush of air just over my head from a hawk that swooped down and grabbed the chipmunk. I too sat there kind of stunned as to what I just witnessed...kind of cool but sad for the little guy.

    1. You experience with the chipmunk sounds just like ours, we still look at that sunflower and relive that experience in our minds!

  3. You guys live in the most amazing part of the country I can imagine. So much to see and do......or just sit in the quiet of nature. You are so lucky.
    What a great buck! Nice shooting. Will he be mounted?
    So what would have happened if Barb had missed the fox urine bottle and washed the pants? Maybe banned for life from the laundromat?? Too funny!

    1. That is exactly what drew us to this area. We love it here! The deer will definitely get mounted and as for Barb getting banned from the laundromat? She might already be, we will find out next time she goes!

  4. Well, at least the opening of the blog was readable!! Nice to see the doggies, but poor Dakota looks so sad with his poor eye. Now I need a photo with his eye all better, please:)

    1. Well at least I got you to read 1/2 of it! Dakota is almost all better but once in a while it still bothers her. I think she might have scratched her cornea but she was a trooper and is in still good spirits.

  5. When we don't feel good or injure ourselves we can at least describe what we feel. Our pets aren't able to do that and you really wish you could do more for them.
    Being a city dweller all my life I learned to hunt with my Camera and sold my Bow.
    You property is slowly taking shape. Keep up the good work.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Other than rubbing her eye, Dakota was just her normal self. She would act the same and do all her normal stuff other than having one eye closed!

  6. Nice buck. How exciting for you as it was on your property after all the preparations you have done. Well Done.

    1. We just wish our property was as completed as yours is so we can sit back and enjoy it!

  7. Congrats on the trophy! We witnessed a similar Wild Kingdom moment but with baby blue jays snatched right out of the nest by a raven! Mama bird was hysterical and chasing the big bird! Jaw dropping moment and sad at the same time.

    We can't wait to visit South Dakota! Sounds amazing!

    1. Nature can be very cruel and graphic sometimes. Moments like that just remind us that we are but a small blip on the world that surrounds us.

  8. Congrats on the deer! Funny how Al and I have been talking about picking up a used truck camper. We had one before the 5th wheel so our truck is already set up for one. We loved the way you did the Alaska trip … perfect in our book.

    1. We are looking for the perfect camper for us and when we find it we will have to rush to whatever location it is to buy it. We are thinking of getting one to take on an east coast maritime tour as well.

  9. Wow, nice deer! You have a beautiful place there.

  10. Congrats on the buck!!! You'll be eating well for awhile. We're thinking when we go back to AK and truck camper will be in order. Still a few years off as after next summer we may have to be spending time in IL helping my folks.

  11. Good to catch up with you guys! I cannot imagine being there to see that bird get snatched! Wow!
