Saturday, September 3, 2022


Strange things are happening around here. Things that I cannot explain but something is definitely amiss. The first thing I noticed is that my sock and underwear drawer was empty. Nothing in it at all. Not even a single lost sock looking for its match. Likewise with my work shirt drawer. Empty, no one home, In all my years, I think this is a first. 

On the bright side, I had made several discoveries and a new invention. The discovery is that hampers are totally unnecessary and are just a marketing ploy. When you are done with an article of clothing just throw it in the washing machine and take out the middleman known as the hamper.  My invention is going to turn the furniture industry on its side. It is called the dryser. Not a dresser, not a dryer but a combination of the two, a like a dresser and dryer together. No more need to put those socks, underwear and shirts back into the dresser. When I need something, I just go to the "dryser" and pull out what I need. Plus, if something is wrinkled, 2 minutes on "more dry" and it is not only wrinkle free it is also comfy to put on. Genius! 

Then there is the dishwasher. Of course all the dirty dishes go into the dishwasher. But getting them out of there is a lot harder than one thinks. So, the key is to put all the dirty dishes on one side of the dishwasher then run the cycle cleaning them. From there, you just take the dishes and utensils out as you need them putting the newly dirty ones on the other side. Kind of like a rotation system. Again, genius!

As you can see, I am taking these housekeeping chores to a whole new level. Barb was just speechless when I explained my approach to each of these chores. I am sure she is just in awe of my creativity.

Barb is getting better. Still sleeping on the couch in the recliner but she is able to get off the couch by herself now. Still in pain and discomfort but hopefully this pain is temporary and will replace the constant pain she had before the surgery. But now that she is mobile even more strange things are happening. For example, I walked in the house the other day and found her in the dog wash. She looks at me like "What, you never seen anyone shower in a dog wash before?". Had she actually asked, my reply would have been "No, I have never seen anyone shower in the dog wash before". But her logic is sound, she cannot shower in the human shower so she thought she could at least take a mini shower and shave her legs in the dog wash. 

Zoey is none too happy about Barb sleeping on the couch. She looks sad and pathetic snuggled up on Barb's side of the bed next to her pillow.  Dakota on the other hand gets to sleep on the bed so I don't think she minds quite as much. 

The other strange thing I noticed is that the kitchen towels magically appeared in the towel drawer. When I asked Barb how those got in there all I got was an "I don't know". I go into the bedroom and sure enough my dresser drawers are full again too. I guess she was not on board with my dyser idea. It was then that I noticed that the floors had been swept. Seriously? I was only outside for like 30 minutes! 

I am happy she is feeling better, but she over did it and paid for it later. 

We did get a visit from our neighbors to the north; Doug and Debbie. They brought over a get-well card and two delicious, sweet rolls from the bakery in town. Thank you, guys, you can come over anytime! 

 And neighbor Jim showed up with this little gem of a water bottle for Barb. He does leather work that he sells in local shops. 
Monday was concrete day. The truck was scheduled for 1:00. Kevin arrived at noon with a pot full of Buffalo Chili. Thanks Cheryl! With just two of us pouring this 6.5 yards it was nonstop action for the 3 1/2 hours. The first 45 minutes are pretty chaotic as we pour, screed, and smooth the edges. I was not prepared as 20 minutes in I had sweat pouring down my face and did not think I was going to make it. I had forgotten to hydrate and was paying for it. 

But we eventually got it all laid out, paid the truck driver. Concrete in our area is a little over $200/yard so this pour was right around $1,400. Once the driver left, we set out to finish it. Kevin bull-floated while I worked the edges. Then Kevin hand troweled the entire pad. Finally, at 5:00 we were on the porch having a well-deserved beverage. I asked Kevin what it would have cost us if we had a crew lay the concrete instead of doing it ourselves. $6.50-$7.00/square foot. Roughly $3,000 saved in 3 1/2 hours. Definitely worth it.  

There are two side effects from having your hands in concrete all day. One good, one just an annoyance. The annoyance is that my hands are so rough that the fingerprint reader on my computer does not recognize me, and I have to enter my password. I know, first world problem right? The good side effect is that my rough hands give killer back rubs. Barb has to wear this compression wrap that makes her back itch like crazy and she said that my back rubs are noticeably better with concrete hands. 

Well, she is in luck, as the other project I am working on involves working with mortar putting the rock up on the house. This project has been staring at us for months and it is finally time to get it done. It has been slow going as I have not been super motivated, but it is getting done, one stone at a time. 

Also this week I spent several hours over at Kevin's setting and tying rebar for his new bunkhouse which will be a VRBO when finished. The next day we poured concrete there. This 12-yard pour was a bit less taxing than our garage as we had a crew of 6. It still took 5 hours but before we knew it we were done.  

On the critter front we have a couple of new arrivals now that we are back. The deer have been making regular appearances to see what we are up to.

This mule deer stops by to drain our bird bath. She thinks it is her personal water dish. 

Then there is this red squirrel who likes to hang out on a branch near the birdfeeder and watch the world go by.

In turkey news, they still visit almost every day. We discovered something new this week when we saw two turkeys fighting over something out front playing tug of war with it. Curious I went out to see what it was thinking as I approached them, they would drop it and I could see what it was. They would not let go of this thing! Finally, one of the turkeys let go and the other one ran off with the mystery object. I gave chase and the turkey dropped it but then another turkey ran over grabbed it and started running off with it. But I was able to get close enough to see what it was. A mouse. Who knew that turkeys ate mice?!?  Makes sense if you think about it. They eat grasshoppers and other bugs, why would they now eat a mouse?

On Wednesday, we headed into Rapid for Barb's follow up appointment. All went well. She went back yesterday (Friday) and got some of her dressings off. A big relief to her as these were causing her a lot of discomfort.  She is feeling so much better in fact that she is kicking me out of the house for a few days. Kevin and I are having so much fun pouring concrete, we are going to take the show on the road. Tomorrow, we head up to southern North Dakota for a couple of days to help a friend up there with his pour. Honestly, I think she just wants some alone time and to make sure my hands stay rough!


  1. the answer to the question you asked on my blog about the swans: each time i visit, there seem to be more. they leave for the winter and return the following spring!!

    1. When we see swans flocking up around here, we truly know that winter is coming. Swans are one of the last ones to leave right as everything ices up.

  2. You come up with such brilliant ideas Jim when Barb is out of commission! So happy you are feeling better Barb. That’s a lot of concrete work! Good job on the rock wall.

    1. Thanks guys, I knew you would see the genius in my ideas!

  3. I feel confident in saying this because I know Lisa and Barb don't read the blogs. I know for a fact that men have for centuries worked smarter not harder than women. Some of the world's greatest inventions were created by men out of pure laziness but we tell them it was for their benefit. Are we playing that game of my horse is bigger than your horse? I blog about how hard I work and you all of a sudden say how hard you work? I hope Barb is feeling better and that my list of ailments don't make her feel inferior.

    1. You mean like inventions like the wheel, remote control and the beer keg right? All have certainly allowed me to be lazier and made Barb's life much easier.

  4. Well genius is one word for your life hacks :-))) It must be inspirational for Barb to get better watching you invent new ways of living! All that concrete looks like a whole lot of hard work. Watching the critters looks much more fun.

    1. Watching critters is much more fun but I have yet to find someone willing to do the work for me or the money to pay them. So, that just leaves us..... It's a labor of love for sure!

  5. WoW!!! what a read, you are a funny guy!! first question, barb had surgery?? i missed that, i will have to go back and read!! second question, did you do concrete work in a former life...that's hard work man. my husband did that, by hand, for many years. do you know they have a machine that finishes concrete now, it looks like the ride they use to smooth out ice at ice rinks!!

    your cleaning inventions, no comment, i would definitely not be able to put clean dishes and dirty dishes in the dishwasher together. but that sounds good, maybe for a man!! i doubt barb is going to go for that!! hehehehe

    nice to see the wild ones return!!

    1. No, it has just since we retired that we got into concrete work. Much too hard to us! I have to give it to those who did/do that for a living! Kevin has a power trowel but the kind that looks like a buffer, not one of those ones you ride.

  6. I got to say, I like your idea for both the dryser and the dishwasher. Both of those chores are not my favorite so to make them simpler, I am all in! I am glad Barb is feeling better; just now so she doesn't overdo! I always enjoyed the times my husband traveled and I had a few days to myself. Now that he's retired, I would encourage him to get away for a weekend if he wanted to :) Seems like a big project with the cement!


    1. You are right about alone time. As much as we love each other and miss one another when we are apart, alone time can be really heathy for a relationship.

  7. Well, there must be some readers out there saying: "Why didn't I think of that?" as to your new ways of doing dishes and laundry, but it sure worked for Barb to get better in a hurry! Glad to hear she is feeling better. Your concrete work is great and the price you paid is phenomenal cheap compared to what we have to come up with here in Southern Canada. I can see that the stone work around your house might be a bit tedious but will look neat when finished for sure.

    1. Some of these posts are really more like public serve messages allowing me to inform the world of new and improved ways of doing some simple household tasks.

  8. Sounds a bit like Bachelor Housekeeping to me - I can understand why Barb wanted to get up and do things. I'm glad she is starting to feel better, and hope it continues.
    Good luck with keeping your Concrete Hands in good condition :)

    1. That would have been a great title for this post ! "Bachelor Housekeeping"

  9. Marcia does laundry at home, I do it on the road. I LOVE the idea of going to a laundromat and getting it all done in 90 minutes.

    1. I guess my whole dryser thing would not work when you are on the road. Well, I guess it could, but it might get a little weird.

  10. It’s Gay…wonderful news that Barb is much better. That’s alot of concrete work…the rocks are so pretty. It’s always awesome to check those “I don’t want to do that” chores off the list! Love your genius ideas and I’ll share with Joe if I’m ever out of commission.

    1. Who knows, Joe may even come up with his own genius ideas. But let hope that you are never out of commission!

  11. You may have just given Kevin Costner an idea for a sequel to Dances With Wolves: Runs After Turkeys.

    1. It would have made a pretty hilarious video had anyone been ready for the action!

  12. So head Barb us on the mend! Pretty clever cleaning hacks. Concrete looks good.

  13. In the old days before electricity (caveman times) we raised turkeys. They ate everything ... mice, rats, snakes ... especially snakes. Good watch critters. As to your genius ... I've been doing that for years. It must have something to do with being single. I'm sure Barb will be glad you're gone for a time, just be ready for those back rubs when you return!!! So happy she's feeling better.

    1. So, what you are saying is that you were a genius long before me!

  14. So glad Barb is feeling better. I am sure it "killed her" with your housekeeping skills lol I am sure she will be going 100 miles an hour soon.

    1. She's going 70 in a 55 now. Way too fast for her condition.

  15. I've often wondered whether men's inability to do certain housework correctly was intended to make women say "I'll just do it myself." Of course, in our home, Kevin does the cooking, so I can't complain too much, but he is not allowed anywhere near the washing machine.

    Glad to hear Barb is coming along. I'm sure all the love from the sweet pups helps. Good work on the concrete and stone work. It's all gonna look fantastic when it's done.

    1. You might be on to something with that theory! There was a point in time where I was not allowed anywhere near the washing machine but now we don't own any fancy clothes so it doesn't matter anymore.

  16. Fun post to read. Glad Barb is doing a bit better. Best tell her to not overdo while yu are away. Colin does the dishwasher but hates emptying it to the point that he will wash the current dirty dishes by hand!

    1. We've done that before too and just used the washer to air dry them. The problem is you still have to put them away!

  17. Poor Barb! I'm sure she was going crazy watching the house slowly fall apart as you "invented" "genius" ideas to make life easier. So glad to hear Barb is feeling better. Please give her our best. I'm sure she is loving her alone time. Ugh! Those concrete projects look horrible. But when Kevin said what it would cost to higher someone, I can understand why you do it yourself. Love the wildlife camera. Once again, Dakota is missing!!!

    1. I know, I know. When I was putting this blog together I noticed there was no Dakota picture so I looked over at her on her bed and she was sleeping so I did not disturb her.

  18. I hope Barb has a speedier recovery.. can't be fun being stuck on the sofa the whole time. And who knew concrete hands could be so beneficial.

    1. No, I can tell she is tired of just sitting as she is always wandering around the looking for things that she can do. Luckily, she is getting better and better everyday.

  19. So glad Barb is feeling better. Poor PoPo was appalled and pained to learn his brethren were on the turkeys dinner menu.
