Saturday, November 18, 2023


Yes, we have joined the Wordle craze. Actually, we have been playing for a couple of years. It is part of our routine. Barb will say "Okay, it is your turn to pick the Wordle word" I would look around and come up with a 5 letter word of something right in front of me. Like today, my word would have been "Frost" on this frosty November morn. 

Some people use the same word every time when they play Wordle. Believe it or not, researchers at MIT actually did a study on the best starting word. I won't tell you what it is here, but it is googleable. What is the worst starting word? "Xylyl" of course. I mean, who didn't know that? 

We can almost always guess the word in the allotted six guesses, most times in the 3rd or 4th guess. One a week or so, Barb will get it in the second guess. 

One time, I think it was two years ago now, Barb asked me for my Wordle word. We were somewhere on the road, Florida, I think. It was foggy and dewy, so I picked "moist" Barb plugged it is and one by one, all the tiles turned green! That is the one and only time we have gotten the word on the first try. What are the odds of that you ask? Not as high as one would think. 1 out of 2,315, as there are only 2,315 five letter words that Wordle uses.

But on to other things:

We conquered another peak on our quest for 100 this week. We continue to be amazed at the beauty right outside our backdoor. The Poets Table hike is right in Custer State Park and at 6,606', it is the 38th highest peak in the hills. This was probably our most challenging peak thus far. Not because of the terrain of the hike itself but because the Poets Table is just hard to find. 

The history behind this hike is quite interesting as well. In the 1960's a man by the name of John Raeck arrived in the hills and took a job with the park. He fell in love with the park and stayed, nicknaming himself The Vagabond Poet. He even built himself a table and chair in a remote part of the park where he would write his poetry. This site is now known as The Poet's Table. 

You will not find signs leading you to the table. Nor will you find many people willing to tell you exactly where it is. What you will find is vague and cryptic descriptions of "about" where it is. So, with these vague directions, Barb and I set off to find it. 

We got off to a bad start right away when we headed off in the wrong direction from the truck. The instructions said to follow the main trail to Little Devil's Tower for 900' and look for a faint trail off to your left.  Along the way we passed two elderly couples (elderly = anyone older than us). We exchanged pleasantries and each went our separate ways.  Try as we might, we could not find this faint trail.

Then we ran into another couple who looked as confused as we were. They too were looking for The Poet's Table. Together, we determined we were nowhere near the area we were looking for. Starting anew, we found the faint trail and headed up the ravine. Between the 4 of us, we hunted and pecked up each trail we came across until Barb found this ladder. Having seen this ladder in pictures to the table she knew she was on the right track. Barb, Darcy and I climbed the ladder. Darcy's husband stayed below. 

Once up the next level, we split up looking to catch the trail again. Barb left, me right, and Darcy down the middle. I followed a trail up to the top of some rocks. Nothing. But I did see Darcy below me and those two elderly couples across a ravine. Barb was nowhere to be seen.  I walked back down to Darcy, and we headed up to where we saw those other hikers. Upon meeting them, they noticed that I was with a different woman and asked how that happened. I told them I lost my wife but found this woman on the trail. One of the guys said "That is the western way" and kept on going down the trail. 

A few minutes later, Darcy and I ran across 4 women who asked if I was looking for a brunette woman. They said she is just up the trail around the corner. Upon coming around the corner, we found Barb, sitting at The Poet's Table!

We followed Barb's route on the way back down, less of a trail, but a more direct route. We got back to the ladder, made it safely to the lower level and met up with Darcy's husband (I never did learn his name) and parted ways. What a random but great adventure! This one definitely ranks in our top 10!

After that, we went to Dan and Bonnie's for an impromptu happy hour. Bonnie went to their fridge and pulled out a plastic bag of.... mini's! Fireball, 99's, Rumchata's and a Butterscotch Scotch! Sitting there in their garage telling tales and laughing, Dan sees his bunny friends outside and goes out to feed one. From his hand!
Later that day, we had a special delivery in the form of Sophie, the French Bulldog! She is going to be spending the next 12 days with us while her parents are in Paris. Our house has been Chaos Headquarters ever since. One might think having two Frenchies is twice as fun as having one. But you would be wrong, it is 4 times the fun! These two play and play and play! Not only that, just watching their personalities. They are very jealous creatures. If one has a toy, the other wants it and wait for just the right moment to dart in and steal it. Then the chaos would begin again as they would run through the house. Heaven forbid one of us pay more attention to one than the other!

Although they are both Frenchies, they both have short noses and pointy ears, they are both very different in looks and personalities. Sophie is mottled and she is a snorter. She snorts when she does everything! These two features make me think we have a little piglet running through our house!
Speaking of walking, the other nickname I have for Sophie is Shuffleupagus, as she shuffles her feet whenever she walks. Case in point....

And Harry, just for you, I have included these precious videos and pictures to waste one minute and 25seconds of your life! The first segment demonstrates Sophie's shuffleness, followed by a play session on the bed. This is one of dozens that take place throughout the day and then more shuffleness. As you can see in the video, Dakota pretty much ignores them. That is, until it sounds like things are getting a little too out of hand, then she will get up, stand over them and make them stop. 

Now, prepare for doggie video and picture overload!
Then all of a sudden, they will stop, walk to their respective beds and plop down for a nap. 

We sent Alana and Ryan various pictures each day. We have more, but these are the two we have sent them so far. 
For those of you wondering, the harness in the next picture is specially designed for dogs to hang in so no harm or trauma came to Sophie in this photo.
Just hanging out today
Barb has been busy making plans for our winter adventure. We leave in less than a month. It sounds like we will be staying at quite a few Harvest Hosts on our way down. One area we are having a hard time with is Savannah where we will be staying for 10-14 days. The campgrounds in that area want almost $1,000 a week. Might not seem like a lot for some, but for these two cheapskates, it is way too much.

 Friday was a big day as we got visitors in the form of DeAnne and Farmer Bob! They stopped by for the night on their way to Denver for Thanksgiving.  They brought with them their daughter's dog, Berkley who they were returning home to her. So, for the night, we had 4 dogs in our bedroom!
And.... they brought me a new (to me) toy to play with! They bought a new utility tractor to use around the farm to they sold me their old one! 

The passing of the keys!
As much as I love the Ford Jubilee, it is just not as functional as the Deere and it is time to part ways. So, if you know anyone in the market for a Jubilee in great condition, send them my way!


  1. One question begs asking.....why do enough people want to "hang" dogs to have a purpose made harness available to the public? Inquiring minds want to know!

    1. Excellent question. These are designed to be used for trimming a dog nails. Zoey goes crazy when you trim her nails, these harnesses are supposed to cradle and comfort them. She still goes crazy.

  2. THAT was an adventure! You are a lot more fit than I am. I enjoyed your post, though.
    Cute pup action.

    1. We actually did pretty good, especially given the elevation. There are times that we struggle, usually early in the season.

  3. P.S. Wordle, what a fun way to play it! I play online and my daughter and I post our scores and cheer or put on a sad face!

    1. It's little things like that that create just a little something to look forward to each morning. Very cool!

  4. Hi there no reading for me this morning I am having trouble focusing so I just looked through the photos, smiled a lot and liked what I saw

    1. Well, that's no good! Hopefully you enjoyed the pictures.

  5. I do the daily Sudoku, while Fran works on the Wordle with her gal pals.
    That's an awesome hike with a fun destination. Glad you shared it.
    Enjoy putting the new-to-you tractor to work.

    1. We put it to work today while splitting wood. The loader comes in handy for loading the split wood and transporting it over to the woodshed. And, everything is a working height, bonus!

  6. So much to say and no time to say it. Love the blog.

    1. Really? You are so busy you cannot spare another 45 seconds for your buddy? Maybe if I had made the video a little shorter you would have time.

  7. Poets Table sounds like quite the hike. I wonder if there is a geocache there that would have been helpful while tracking to it? Your new tractor looks like a big step up.

    1. We had that exact same discussion while we were hiking there. Problem is, we did not bring our GPS unit. But, we did renew our geocaching app so we are good for next time!

  8. That shuffle with her nails is so funny, but probably hard on a floor over time--lol! Loved the video and the pics.
    Looks like a very nice tractor.
    The journey to find the poet's table and chair was fascinating! Would be the perfect place to write alone up there! :)

    1. Is that not the weirdest shuffle you have ever seen?!? We have pretty durable floors as we. knew they were going to be abused by dogs for years to come

  9. That's so funny about Wordl starting words. I always start with 'point'!

    Corinne x

    1. That would be a good one. Have you ever gotten it on the first try using that word?

  10. Your adventure sounds just like the kind I'd like - outdoor exploring with a prize at the end - a table. I play Wordle every day and have two words a start with. However, I prefer Quordle where you solve 4 words at the same time. Fortunately (or unfortunately), you can play that one as many times a day as you like. :)

    1. I had never heard of Quordle until today. Barb plays Connections every day as well, she usually does it by herself. Once in a while, she will show it to me and ask me if I see any connections between the words.

  11. So the trail to the table is in a state park but there is no mention of the trail or how to get to the table? And people don´t want to tell others about it? I have never heard of such a thing although my state park/ trail knowledge is not super high so maybe that is a thing in many parks? To have an area that exists and people know about it but there´s silence surrounding it? Looks like a cool hike and so neat that you er, your wife, found it! Your tractor for sale is darling. I can do a lot of mental gymnastics to justify all sorts of purchases, but I don´t think I can pull that one off!

    1. You are correct on all accounts regarding the hike. It is not an official hike in the park, but yet, a popular one due to the history behind the location. Keep doing those gymnastics, I am sure you will come up with something!

  12. Adorable dogs.
    The hike sounds like it was a lot of fun in beautiful scenery.

    1. We continue to be amazed by the scenery around here. I mean, we see it, but don't really seem to see it unless we are on a hike.

  13. What a unique place this "Poets Table" is and I would love to hike up to see it too. Maybe some day? I used to play the wordle game but we are so busy from the get go in the morning and late night I'm too tired to work my brain. Those dogs are having a great time together, funny to watch. BTW meant to comment on your book case/shelf. Looks very professional and so matching your interior.

    1. If you guys come through this area (and we are here), we will definitely take you on that hike! Thanks for the comment on the bookcase, we are super proud of it!

  14. Welcome to the John Deere family! That tractor will serve you well. I do Wordle, Dordle, Quordle and Octordle every day, with the last two doing both daily and sequence versions. No OCD in these bones…no sir.

    1. I have never heard of those other games, nor am I going to look them up. I don't need another word game in my life. I used the Deere to grade the driveway and haul some wood today. I love it!

  15. The Poet’s Table looks like a great hike. You find interesting ones! Great new to you tractor!

    1. Sometimes we find them, other times, they find us. But this one I would highly recommend for anyone coming through this area!

  16. I forgot to mention that when we visited Savannah we stayed at Fort McAllister State Park. It’s a great park with huge sites about 40 minutes away from Savannah with a Civil War Museum at the Fort. Take a walk at night with a flash light and you’ll see eyeballs glowing from the trees everywhere…Racoons.

    1. Awesome, we will look that one up! Forrest and Somer are going to be there for 3 months while she takes a travel nurse job. They found a spot but that place only does monthly rentals and only to travel nurses, so we are looking for someplace somewhat near them.

  17. I love that hike! How fun!! Such cute pups! I looked back in my blog when we went to Savannah. It was slim pickens. We ended up at (ug) a KOA since it was close, not too bad of a price (at the time). I think back then if you stayed 3 days you got the 4th free.

    1. You would like that hike! Next time you guys come here (when we are here), we will have to get out on a few hikes!

  18. I wonder how that table got up there?? Even a board at a time would have been a challenge!

    1. He brought the lumber up piece by piece and assembled it up there. You could carry a table and chairs up there, but it would take you a while and probably another hand to help you out.

  19. Oh my goodness, climbing up the hill/mountain, not for me these days but you all did a great job.
    The photos are good to see, the video was fun to watch and hear those creatures carrying on...all lovely.

    1. We love a good challenge and there will become a day when those days are behind us so we are going to enjoy it while we can!

  20. That Ford Tractor is perfect for having in a parade...pulling a large flatbed with people on it waving to the crowd.

    1. If we had room to store it, we just might. But as of right now, we just do not have the space the way it is!

  21. Love the new tractor! There is nothing like a Deere! Congrats on finding the Poets Table, interesting adventure! Interesting too how you changed women ! Lol. Too funny.


    1. I am sure the other people we met on the trail did a double take thinking about how that happened!

  22. There's a lot there, but one thing that I will say is that I come from a time when $1000 would get me a fine hotel for a week, or at least a very adequate one.

    How difficult is that table to find, and you have to go up that ladder to get there. I would have joined the other guy in finding something else to do -- at least now I would but not so long ago I wouldn't have.

    As for Wordle, wife, daughter and me share scores daily. I thought briefly about all starting with the same word, but that seemed like it might be too competitive. Anyway, here's what I posted yesterday after we had all reported in. (I am Buppa to the grands btw.)

    "Congrats to everyone for participating in the 'Let's Humiliate Buppa' week."

    1. Some people do not even blink at spending $1,000 for a week of camping. We too come from an era that a $1,000 is just ridiculous. There is another route to the table that apparently does not involve a ladder, we will probably try that route next time.
      Hang in there, there might come a week where Buppa reigns king!

  23. Nice tractor! A man needs his machines--just ask my husband! You guys are ambitious hikers--glad you found the poet's table. Those Frenchie's are so cute playing together!

    1. If I remember correctly, you have us beat hands down in the cylinder category as I think you have a skidsteer, mini-ex, multiple 4 wheelers.......
      He/She with the most toys wins!

  24. Awww a new toy! I expect to see lots of tractor driving videos!! Love the puppies ... you can post as many videos as you want!! LOL. The Poet's Table ... what a great adventure!!

  25. What a fun adventure and hike. I like the “beauty right outside the back door” days! That’s definitely a house full of puppy love! Love all the puppy photos, but the one I love the most is Dakota and Zoey sharing the bed….so sweet! Have you tried a reservation at Skidaway Island State Park in Savannah….we loved it there.

    1. We both live in such beautiful, unique and different areas. We love seeing your adventures as much as it sounds like you are seeing ours!
      We are thinking about Skidway. It is 40 minutes away from where our son Forrest is going to be, so we are looking for someplace closer.

  26. What an awesome hike!! I am jealous. I love searching for the hidden treasure. Glad you had success. Beautiful area. Love all the dog photos and the videos! Crazy house there for awhile. Poor Zoey will be lost when her friend leaves. Meanwhile Dakota will probably help Sophie out the door!! Great "new" tractor! Enjoy your ride.

    1. Dakota actually got off her bed and played with them today! But, I think you are right, she will be more than ready for Sophie to go home.

  27. I am impressed that Barb can often get the word on a second guess. I usually need 3 or 4 guesses. And that is a beautiful hike. I think even if it isn't the tallest it looks like it was worth it. Have a great week and Thanksgiving.

    1. You and me both, but she will sit there and stare at the word for several minutes before guessing again. I do not have that kind of patience!

  28. We are visiting friends in South Carolina which is why we are heading east and I thought the park I found by them for $500 a week was steep. $1000 a week is definitely steep. Congratulations on another peak.

    1. We are still searching. We found a few Harvest Hosts and free places so far. We would do $500 a week if we could find it!

  29. oh i could have written that first fact, i think i have. we take turns picking a work also and try not to use the same word for a while. we usually get one letter and it is in the wrong place!! hehe

    i enjoyed the dog video but we have never had a dog. i am going to be honest here, i would not be able to clean up there poop and vomit. i was with my sister once when her dog got sick and i just felt it was not for me. i did it for my boys, i am a nurse and did it for so many people...but i just don't want to do that anymore!!

    appreciate those climbs, i use to love hiking and i can't anymore. you never know when it will be taken away from you, so please appreciate it and do one for me. your barb is adorable!!

    1. I used the word "point" this morning as one person said that is always their starting word. Only the N fit but not in the right place. Barb still got it on the third guess when she put in CANDY.

      I hear you on the hiking. We both know there will come a day when hiking is behind us, or at least strenuous hiking is behind us. We have friends who are in the 50's who cannot hike and friends in their 70's that can out-hike us. You just never know!

  30. The doggies are darling, playing and snorting! The sound of their claws on the floor cracks me up! Dakota certainly is patient. I'm not all that outdoorsy in the classic sense (not a hiker at all) but your trek to the Poet's Table was pretty impressive. I did climb up a narrow set of steps and stick my head at floor level -- which is as far as they will let you go -- into the room in the tiny house in Baltimore where Edgar Allan Poe wrote much of his most famous work! I think the table was different BUT I know that in Amherst, Massachusetts, when we visited the house where Emily Dickinson lived for her whole life, we stood in her room and looked at the actual table where she wrote. I was blown away by that. I hope that while you're in Savannah, you will find a few hours to visit Bonaventure Cemetery in Thunderbolt! I promise, you will not regret it. xoxo

    1. I just read the last part of your comment to Barb, and she put the cemetery into our itinerary, we will definitely look into it! I am happy to hear someone thought the sound of Sophie walking is as funny as I thought it was.

  31. The Poet's Table hike looks incredible. You play Wordle as a couple? In house it's a competition. All four of us play.

    1. I would get my ass kicked every day, so we play as a couple to save my dignity.

  32. Cute Frenchies;) They have personality!

  33. I used to have a dog, but gave her to someone else when I moved back to Hawaii. Looks like you have quite the menagerie over there. Nice seeing your comment on my blog. I have added you to my Blogroll. Thanks.

    1. We do have quite the menagerie at the moment, but we love it!

  34. I do Wordle every day too, and usually get it in 3 or 4. I use the same start word every day, and have 2 more to follow up with if the first word doesn't yield good results.
    That hike! Goodness, I could have done it in my 30s or 40s, but not since then! What a beautiful place.
    Love the dog pics. We have 2 visiting presently. I don't like dogs in the house but these two, and mine, disagree and seem to be winning the argument!

    1. There are plenty of disagreements here, but we are of the belief that they need to work it out themselves and they are very short. We are going to challenge ourselves with hikes like that as long as we can, hopefully we have many more years of hiking ahead of us!

  35. I'm not familiar with "wordle", but I am familiar with great-looking places to explore, and you certainly found a doozy! I'm too old to climb any more but I certainly enjoy reading about those who can. Including such cool pictures is a great bonus.

    I need one of those hanging thingies that Sophie is enjoying. Hmmm, a note to Santa is in the works.

    1. The Black Hills has hundreds of such places. Now that we are done with the house, we plan on hitting a lot more of them!
      I bet a human sized sling like that would be very comfortable!

  36. I meant to say too that I love Wordle but the game I play every morning is Hurdle which I get on Arkadium Games (paid subscription). I love Hurdle because it's five words and you build on each previous word until you come to the final hurdle. It's really fun. I don't understand why xylyl would be the best start word; I like to start with one that has lots of vowels. My go-tos, though, tend to be lyric and pilot. I don't know why.

    1. I'll have to look into Hurdle, I have never heard of that. We played Connections again this morning, it give you 16 words and you have to match them in sets of 4 that relate to each other. It is pretty interesting.

  37. I play Wordle but not everyday, I forget. That is quite a hike and I am glad there is an actual table and chair at the end of it for a reward. Nice photos, too.

    1. Someone had stolen/vandalized the table a couple years ago, but it has since been replaced.
