Wednesday, October 2, 2024

10 and 10

 I learned something after last week's post about the automation at McDonald's. A couple of somethings actually. First, I learned is that with the exception of one deranged lunatic, that the majority of the readers are with me on my view of the kiosks. The second thing I learned is that McDonald's has various names throughout the world. Two commentors referred to McDonald's as Maccas. At first, I thought it was just a nickname that this commentors called it, but when a second person said "Maccas" I had to look it up. Sure enough, McDonald's is known as Maccas in Australia and New Zealand. Who knew!?!?

While waiting for the beans to get ready earlier in the week, we continued to clean peas, we now have about 16,000 bushel (960,000 lbs) of peas ready for sale. These should not be needed until spring, but they are ready!

Now for a P.S.A: 

Any of you who live out in the country have undoubtably come across one of these monstrosities on the road. Here is one of the frustrations of every farmer out there.... when a car approaches from the other direction, the combine operator has the ability to lift and tilt that header, they will then drive halfway into the ditch allowing the car to pass. But often times the person in the car does not know what to do and will stop in the road near a road sign so the combine operator cannot go into the ditch. Then it is a standoff. So next time you come across one, look to the other side of the road and make sure there is nothing preventing the combine from going into the ditch. 

Why were we on the road this week? Well, we harvested the remaining 500 acres, our last two fields for the season, wrapping up this year's harvest season! Upon finishing the last field, I prompted went back to my camper, took off my gloves and my boots and socks, counting my fingers and toes. 10 and 10, another successful season!

That same day Bob S. arrived back up here with his wife Sue. While Sue help Holly watch the kids, Bob and I got everything ready for Saturday, the opening of waterfowl season! This will make the 46th year that as have hunted together. Back in '79 when we started hunting together, we were the youngest in the group, now we are the oldest. We have spent many a morning together in a duck slough watching more sunrises than most see with their spouses in a lifetime. 

Our first morning together found us in a slough just west of the farm. The weather was perfect for anything. Anything but duck hunting. No wind, no clouds means no ducks. We fired one shot all morning, resulting in one duck. 

Drake Canvasback

The next two mornings found us on a couple of different lakes just east of the farm. Again, no clouds, but it was windy. Windy is good when it comes to duck hunting. We had some great hunts adding to our freezers and the memories we share together. 

As some of you may recall, Bob lost his younger brother Russ earlier this year. Bob is helping Russ's wife liquidate some of Russ's things. One of which included a single shot 12 ga shotgun that I just had to have! This particular gun was manufactured between 1962 and 1973 and is in great condition. In memory of Russ, Bob and I took the gun hunting one last time before it becomes a show piece in our loft. 

Bob and I each shot it, taking a few birds and let me tell you, this thing kicks like a mule! I don't know how people shot these things all day long, my shoulder hurt just after a few shots. 

I have hunted with dozens of dogs over the years, but Ember, the dog you see above (and below) is by far, the best dog I have ever hunted with. So well behaved, so wanting to please, and so loving. She loves Bob so much that she always wants to have him in her sights. In fact, when Bob was in the shop, and she was outside, this is what I saw from outside and then inside.....

Although we have been busy, it has also been quiet. Farmer Bob and DeAnne have been gone. Bob for two weeks now (he is back now) and DeAnne almost a week. They went in the same direction, but to different destinations. For years now Farmer Bob has wanted to go on a religious pilgrimage. With unrest in many of the areas one would typically go, he decided on Portugal where he toured a number of churches, basilicas and other historical sites. Based on the pictures I have seen; he is had a great time. DeAnne took a girl's trip to Ireland with several friends. 

 What's Barb been up to you ask? Well, after leaving here she went right back to work, starting with end tables for the bedroom upstairs. She used the leftover live-edge wood from the shelves she made for the laundry room. She made the legs out of scrap wood we had laying around and the lamps she got on Amazon. She is now working on a way to conceal the cord for the lamps.

Once she was done with that, she started work on a backing for a dart board for she bought at an auction. She bought some cork board and built a frame, now we just need to figure out where to hang it. 

If that is not enough, she built a giant Jenga game for the gazebo. She used scrap 2x4's, cut, ripped, sanded and painted 54 pieces and is now ready for action! 
Who is that lovely young lady in the picture you ask? That is our granddaughter, Lily! Forrest, Somer and Lily arrived this week for an extended stay at the house!
Bob and Sue left the farm Tuesday morning. They were replaced that night with a nephew that I have not seen in 30 years when we was 12. We lost touch many years ago until I got a message from him out of the blue a few months back asking if I knew a place that he and his friend could go duck hunting. I set him up to hunt here at the farm and was able to get out with him the first day. 

John brought his friend Connor; this was the first North Dakota duck hunt for either of them. John is in the background with the weed in front of his face...

Finally, the day I have been looking forward to for weeks arrived. Thursday morning. After spending an hour sweeping, scrubbing and cleaning the camper to get it into a somewhat presentable condition I headed for home! 7 weeks since I left, I am ready to sit on my couch, pet my dogs and hold my wife, not necessarily in that order.

I will not be there long however, as Forrest and I will he headed back up here next week for something we have not done together in.... I do not know how long, years for sure. A father/son hunting week, I cannot wait!

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