Saturday, January 20, 2024

Savannah; Beaches, Breweries and a Birthday!

 We had another birthday this week when our little baby turned 37. Funny how I forget what I did yesterday but remember this event 37 years ago like it was yesterday! It was a Saturday; we were driving from our apartment in New Richmond Wisconsin to my dad's in Shell Lake. The drive is a little over an hour. We were about 1/2 way there, when Barb started having really bad contractions. We turned around, a short time later, Forrest was born. We have never been broker than we were back then, but we were happy, everything was new and we had our whole lives in front of us. 

We did not know the gender prior to the birth, something I think very few people do anymore. Gender reveal parties are now the rage so rather than be surprised at the birth, expectant parents gather together with all their friends and family and make a party out of it. Did you know the gender of your child(ren) before they were born?

Speaking of surprises. I had a surprise when I went to empty our black tank the other day. For those of you unfamiliar with RV'ing, the black tank contains everything from the toilet. We had stopped by Camperworld to use their dump station which was a broken off pipe in the middle of the parking lot in the back, near their service area. No water available to rinse, or wash anything when you are done, just a hole in the asphalt. 

So I pull up, get my hose, hook everything up and pulled the tank lever. Apparently, I had not used this hose in a while and when the "liquid" started down the hose I quickly found out it had a dozen or so pin holes in it resulting in something that looked like a sprinkler hose you would use in your garden! I quickly turned it off and switched to my back up hose, but the damage had already been done. I used my outdoor shower to clean it up the best I could, but there was only so much I could do. Camperworld really should provide a water source at their dump stations!  

Now, for this week's edition of Find the Frenchie! This is a tough one, you may really have to zoom in. Don't worry if you cannot find it, I have a picture near the end that shows exactly where she is. 

We got out on several adventures this week. The first was just Forrest, Lily, Barb and I while Somer was sleeping. We headed to the Hilton Head Beach to take in some sun and sand.

Those are my toes on the left, I think my last manicure turned out really well! Barb's, however, need a little work!

Forrest brought his metal detector. We looked for treasures but only came up with bottle caps, pull tabs and a few foil wrapped candy wrappers. 

Then it was off to mini-golf!

We finished the day off with a stop at Hilton Head Brewery for a couple of cold beers and jumbo pretzels. 

On Somer's first day off work we headed to the Prohibition Museum in Savannah. A very interesting time in our country's history. The older I get, the more I discover that our country has not progressed a lot in the past 100 years. The issues have changed, but the blowhards on both sides in Washington continue to push their agendas with regard to what is really good for the country. 

The museum had displays depicting the time leading up to prohibition, during and after. The wax figures were very realistic.

From there, it was off to the Bonaventure Cemetary. In use since 1864, it is one of the oldest in the country and has some really spectacular headstones and monuments. 

One thing different about this one compared to others we have seen is the number of Family Plots. It seemed like the majority of them were large family plots that could hold up to a dozen or more burial sites. Some were filled, some were empty, some had only one or two sites used, where other family member decided to go elsewhere. There were a number of baby sites where the infants were a few days or few months old. Always sad to see, I can only imagine the hardship those parents went through. 

Barb, Somer and I enjoyed the cemetery, Forrest to a lesser extent, Lily, not at all. 

For Forrest's birthday we had planned three events. We started off by going to Burnt Church Distillery in Bluffton, SC. 

This is a very cool distillery offering lots of whiskeys, moonshine, bourbons, gins and vodkas. We each had a flight of tasters and a couple of appetizers. I really liked the cards that accompanied each of the tasters. It explained what goes into each and a QR code that links to a short video telling a story of each.

The highlight for me, was the bathroom. I think I need one of these in our house! It is a cascading water wall, quiet, peaceful and serene making for the perfect setting when the need arises. I just hope it is not recirculating water!

From there it was off to bowling! Twice in two months. We all had fun; Somer had her highest game ever at 141!

Then we were off to the Bluffton Seafood Company for supper. Good, but not great. Their prices were reasonable though. 

The next day Forrest and I loaded up our inflatable kayak and hit the New River in Bluffton. We had Barb drop us off at a launch and we floated 4 miles upriver (the tide was coming in) to another launch where we were picked up several hours later.

It was very cool and very remote. It is amazing that you can be in the middle of a city one minute and in the remote swamplands the next. Forrest brought his fishing pole to see if he could catch anything. Neither of us knew what species of fish were in the river so we were going totally blind. On his second cast he hooked into a largemouth bass that danced its way across the water as he brought it in. It got off right at the boat, but Forrest was pumped that he even caught anything. 
I paddled and guided the boat while he fished. 15 minutes later, he hooked into something else. This time it was much, bigger. As he fought the fish, he finally got it near the boat and we got a look at the distinctive dot near the tail. A Red Fish! We did not bring a net, so Forrest swung his rod around to guide it to me to try and pick up. It took several attempts, but I managed to get it in the boat. No easy feat in the kayak! Forrest took a picture with me holding it, then I handed it to him for a picture. Forrest had it in his hand for a total of 1 second before it gave a mighty wiggle and plopped back into the water. Oh well, he was happy to have caught his first Red!

I started with a pup picture; I should end with one too. Here is a close up of the Find the Frenchie picture.

Every time we come home, those two eyes and little pointy ears are in the window. And sometimes there is a big white lab head right next to her!

I get the biggest kick out of Chloe. I do not know how to describe her expression. Mournful? She always has the goofiest look on her face. And then there is Jack. Anytime there is food around, he sits up like this and rotates his head from person to person trying to act cute so someone will give him a treat. It worked every time!

Today is our last day here in Savannah, it is time to move on. Who knows what adventures await as we head south into Florida!


  1. Y'all had a fun visit. The red fish is gorgeous, nice catch.
    Strange cemetery, not much like the ones in New England.

    1. Apparently, they are good to eat too. We did not know if it was of size, so were not too disappointed when it fell off. After looking it up, we found out that we could have kept it.

  2. Another great post, Jim. But that hose story! Bet you were a real stinker! The fish is beautiful. I have never seen one of those.
    Did you read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil? Is that the same cemetery as on the cover of the book?

    1. There was an odor that followed us for a mile or two. I did not know if it was me, or something else. But it went away, so thankfully it was not me! I have not read that book, but I did look it up. Scary cover!

  3. A pee wall! Happy 37th to Forrest. Looks like you all had a wonderful time celebrating him. We did know the gender of both our children but there was no gender reveal.. no one else knew. It was just for us.

    1. That's a pretty good way to do it, a surprise to everyone but you!

  4. Great time with family by the look of it. Safe travels!

    1. Sad to leave them, but after two weeks, I think they were ready to see us go!

  5. Wow...looks like a great trip. I am like you, can't remember yesterday but I can remember back to when my daughter came into the world 43 yrs ago. Crazy! Cont. to have a great trip and get that hose replaced.

    1. The hose is already replaced, so hopefully our mishaps are behind us!

  6. It's freezing and icy here, so your pictures look out of place to me, but it all looks like a good time. We did not know the gender of our first child, but did on the second one - no parties, though.

    1. Looks like the entire northern half of the country is freezing right now. Even cold here too, only got to the mid 40's today.

  7. The hose with the pinholes--awk!
    I would have enjoyed the cemetery.
    The pee wall! Looked recycled--so yellow!
    On the whole looks like a really fun visit! :)

    1. It was a great visit, hopefully we will see them this fall if they come to visit us.

  8. A Pee Wall that's a great idea! Not vey practical with the southwest drought tho. It's always a good time when family is involved.

    1. I thought the same thing. My first thought was that it must be recirculating. Then I thought, no. Then I thought, what a waste of water.

  9. First I must say I am dog lover and I was not able to find Frenchie. Thankfully the photo at the end helped. adorable furbabies. Th beach and Hilton head is beautiful, I have only been there one time. Looks like fun times with the family. Take care, have a great weekend.

    1. The beach was very nice, probably only in the mid 50's so a lot of people were bundled up. We are hoping to hit some more (and warmer) beaches in the coming weeks!

  10. Such a fun city! How fun catching some fish. His does she get up to the bed?! I hope you get some warm weather in Fl.

    1. Zoey goes under the dinette, onto the bench and then launches herself up onto the bed. She has become quite good at it and gets up and down throughout the night.
      I just asked Barb today if we were going through Abbeville so we could stop by Schuck's. Sadly, we are not.

  11. Great pictures and I did find the Frenchie. Your son is 37? He looks much younger. Good genes! We both enjoy strolling around old cemeteries. On to the next adventure!

  12. Too bad there are no pics of the sewer hose sprinkler! Lmao. The look on your face must have been something. Keeping along those lines, the Pee Wall. Why do you care if they recycle the water, do you usually play in the toilet bowl?
    Happy Birthday Forrest. Nice fish.
    Many old cemeteries have large family plots, my G Grandfather’s has 8. Many of those plots may be full, no stones or engravings doesn’t mean no one is there. Wooden crosses rot, get destroyed, money for stones or engravings may have been hard to come by.
    Safe travels as you continue your journey.


    1. I mean, what it I wanted to stick my hand behind the waterfall?
      I didn't think about there maybe being people buried there with no markers, but I guess there could very well be someone under there!

  13. Sounds like a great fun fishing day you had. Your hose experience reminded me of the Robin Williams RV movie!
    We didn't know the sex of our children either. Or even how many you were having! My mother used to say the first thing she did after a babe was born was to count the number of toes and fingers to make sure they were "all there" :)

    1. Believe me, if you RV long enough, you will have plenty of stories like that! We are planning on a couple more fishing adventures in the next couple of weeks, hopefully they are successful!

  14. Are you hooked on metal detecting? I bet you are. You know you have a pee wall at your house right? I've been peeing on your walls for years. I am glad that you are having a good time. I don't know what you could do in the future to make it funner. Love the blog.

    1. Metal detecting is just an excuse for creepy old men like you to be on the beach. I was wondering how you managed to drink all my beer last time you were at my house and never used the bathroom once. That explains a lot!

  15. We didn’t care about the sex of our kids…just wanted them to be healthy. All that running water in the pee wall must be for assistance with lazy bladders. 🤣 I’ve had my aluminum boat in gator infested waters in Georgia and Florida but would feel uncomfortable in an inflatable! Nice fish though.
    Safe travels!

    1. Same with us. We kayaked with the gaters in our inflatable last time we were down here. There was a dead deer floating in the water and one of the locals said they put the roadkill deer in there to feed the gaters!

  16. That yellow pee wall. Oh dear. I wish I could unsee that. With regard to our kids´ gender- we were surprised, just surprised before birth their birth. That is how one person described it- at one point in the time, you don´t know the gender of the baby. Then in another moment, you do. Either way it´s a surprise. Whether you are surprised before the birth due to finding out the gender at an ultrasound appointment or at a gender reveal party, or wait until after the baby is born to find out the gender, it is a surprise.

    1. I guess I never thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense. The wall did not look that yellow when I was there, the water looked clear. But then again, I did not put it in a glass and examine it!

  17. What a fun family time…a little bit of everything…a birthday, kayaking, bowling, museums, a first for Somer and a first for Forrest, perusing old cemeteries, a pee wall, and sandy beaches! I did see Zoey in the window right off, I love Chloe’s face, and Jack is one smart puppy! Safe travels you two…happy trails!

    1. Both of those dogs are so cute! Maybe we need a couple more. We could fit 4 dogs and two people in our camper right?

    2. Of course you would! The more the merrier!

  18. You had a lot of adventures this week that's for sure. It looks like you had a lot of fun. And my baby is 32, and like you, I can remember that day exactly. She hates when I remind her about it too. :) Are you off to Florida next? Hope it's not too cold.

    1. That's what makes it fun, embarrassing our kids in front of others! I think we will see 70's next week, so next thing you will hear is me complaining about how hot it is.

  19. Dumping your black trank was another character building exercise at that Camperworld location, I guess. Crazy how time flies when you look at the age of your children :-) Happy BD to Forrest. Hope the rest of your vacation will be as much fun!

    1. When they were growing up, we never thought that they would turn 18. Once they did, it seemed like those years went really quick!

  20. A "Pee Wall"? Have not seen one of those since the last time I walked from the Hotel to the Conference Center in San Francisco where EVERY building is a Pee Wall as far as the Homeless are concerned.

    1. I can only imagine what that must look like over there. I'll stick with this pee wall and leave those building walls to Dino

  21. I visualized the antics of emptying the blackwater, lol, couldn't help but laugh and yes, water should be available at the dump point, we always have water at our dump points.
    No never new the sex of my sons until born, didn't want to know.
    The dogs are gorgeous, and what a fish - but oh dear me, it didn't want to stay with you both..

    1. I think this was the first dump station where water was not available. It was rather bizarre.

  22. You get a lot of family time and good times on your voyage.

    1. We are just warming up the truck and getting ready to head out on the next leg of our adventure!

  23. You had lots of great family fun. Safe travels to Florida.

    1. We've been gone less than 2 hours and we miss them already!

  24. So YOU'RE the one who left that mess at the dump station!!! Almost happened to me once ... a CROW poked holes in my hose. Sounds like a good time was had by all. I didn't see your sweet little baby in the window, but I knew that's where she was. Doesn't it make you feel bad when you leave them and they just sit and wait for your return?? LOL

    1. Yep, that was us! It was too bad, a lot smaller than most we have seen.
      Dogs are the sweetest things, you are gone for like 5 minutes, they act like it's been days!

  25. I love reading about families that are close and enjoy each other! And you are so right about the blowhards in Washington--nothing ever changes--same ole blowhards. RV dumping disasters are always icky--we've had our fair share. Safe travels and enjoy the rest of your trip!

    1. We've seen some doozies in our days. Forrest has to buy some truck store tennis shoes a few weeks ago when his sewer hose failed recently.

  26. Seems to me that road trips have plenty of highlights, but getting to celebrate one of your kids' birthdays has to be really special. Looks like a great time. For me, kayaking with my son AND seeing him catch fish would be beyond satisfying.

    Stay safe, y'all.

    1. It's been a while since we have been able to celebrate a birthday with him. Fishing was a special bonus!

  27. Emptying the waste tanks is something I left to Tim to do when we would borrow my parents motorhome, mum would leave it to dad to that task. Yeah I can remember my girls births so easily but other memories are hard to come to mind.

  28. I never would have found the frenchie! LOL! Wow. Hilton Head looks like so much fun! I have been wanting to buy a metal detector for awhile now. I follow the metal detecting subreddit and I love seeing what people find from all over the world. A pee wall...what a concept! Haha! And yes, we did find out the gender with our one and only baby. We didn't care what gender our baby was. It took us so long to conceive him, we were just thrilled to death to be having a baby at all!

    1. There certainly are advantages to finding out before the birth. Shower gifts and setting up the room are two.

  29. More fun with family! We enjoy exploring and old cemetery, as well. I can't blame Lily for being bored. Nice that you were able to celebrate with Forrest. It's amazing how much faster our kids age than we do!! Ours are almost the same age as we are!!! Haha! Chloe does have the sweetest face. Looks a little sad. I would do well around Jack sitting up like that. He'd be real fat from all the treats.

  30. I think the same thing about the kids aging faster than us. Until I see a picture of the younger me and wondering who that guy is!

  31. The wax museum is really neat. It looks like the characters are from the pioneer days, which is my favorite era. Wow, that is one BIG fish! My son just got a fly fishing pole for Christmas, and can't wait to try it out. Fishing is such a relaxing and fun sport.


    1. Some of those wax characters were really realistic. It was pretty cool to see them!

  32. Another great time! Happy Birthday Forrest! Time sure flies doesn't it?! No, we didn't know the gender of any of our 3 boys, but again 50 years ago I don't think anyone did.
    The wax museum looks cool! So does sampling at the distillery. That Red was one huge fish!

    1. Good point, I don't know when they started using ultrasounds for birth identification, but it was probably after that.

  33. Looks like a great adventure. The dogs are adorable.

  34. A happy belated birthday to your little 37-year old baby. That’s a great memory you shared there. No, we never forget. I didn’t know I was having a boy but I just knew and kept telling everyone it was going to be a boy.

    I watch a lot of YouTube shows on RV’ing, Scamping, tent living and truck living, so always surprise my dear other half on what I know about such things. He gets a glint in the eye at times but realizes now that we are in in our mid 70s, the hope of buying an RV/Camper is in the wind. Sorry you had that problem but it was very entertaining. There would be no hope for us if we had to deal with such a happening. I thought I saw Frenchie in the window! Fun photos from Hilton Head. You went to all the places we would enjoy visiting, so if we ever get down that way we know where to go. Thank you! Wow, those fish are huge! A sweet welcome home from the pretty pups too. Great photos of you and Barb with the family, and you should write a book. Thanks for another great post!

    1. We didn't know a lot about RV'ing until about 10 years ago. We obtained most of our knowledge through other blogs and trial and error. We have seen a lot of great places over the years and are glad we can give you a glimpse of them!

  35. I have always wanted to visit Savannah. Maybe one day. Glad you had a good time.

    1. This is our second time here and we have not even scratched the surface on everything there is to see!

  36. Bonaventure Cemetery is one of my favorite places in the whole world. My first published article (in American Cemetery magazine) was about Bonaventure. Also I am so excited that Somer liked the cemetery and also did the best in bowling. I am not athletic in the least but I love it that she liked graving but was also good at bowling! A belated but no less sincere Happy 37th Birthday to Forrest. We found out the gender of ZERO of our four children, before the moment of their birth. If I had to do it all again, I would not change a thing. xoxo

    1. You are Somer sound a lot alike. I think you two would enjoy each other. I wish we had more time in the cemetery, but with Lily waiting we cut it short.
