Saturday, August 17, 2024

Oh, What a Week it Was!

Have you ever had Trigger Finger? No, I am not talking about the approach of fall when hunters like me get itchy to get out in the woods. I am talking about the medical condition where your finger gets stuck bent in one place and then snaps straight like a rubber band. I have had trigger pinky for about two weeks now, so weird. Not painful, just weird. What concerns me most is what I read about this condition on the internet. This condition is most common in women over 50. What the hell? I am now a woman over 50? Does this mean I have to change my driver's license to Jamie instead of James?  Does it mean I can now compete in the "Women over 50" category in my next marathon? Who am I kidding? This old guy (or gal?) ain't running any marathon!

At any rate I sit here typing this, my right pinky bent 1/2 the time then uncontrollably snapping straight. 

Several of you have asked how Barb's doctor appointments went. She had bloodwork done and an ultrasound. Both were sources of great news and stress relief. For the first time in several tests her white blood cell count was in the "normal" range. Which, if I were to be honest, is probably maybe the only thing "normal" about her. Her ultrasound showed "Nothing concerning". Good news all around, AND, she is feeling much better!

So well in fact that she tackled a couple of big projects around the house. The first was staining the doors on the shed. A project that she had not planned on doing, but Dan (of Dan and Bonnie) had stained their shed doors, and they looked so nice that Barb just had to do it to keep up with the Jones's.

Although it sounds somewhat simple, this was a 10-hour endeavor over 2 days starting with her sanding the doors and then staining them. That wood was so dry, it really soaked up the stain!

A day after that we started on a shelf and table project that she wants to get done while I am gone. Remember these slabs of redwood and pine Barb bought at an auction a few months ago? Well, she thought of a few projects to use them on. 
My job was just to cut them to length and width, then she went to sanding them. What a mess. We have never worked with redwood before and that is one messy, dry wood. The table she is making is on the left below, the shelves on the right. 
What else did we get done? Well, we grouted a section of the stone on the outside. 
It was not nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Just tedious, making sure you get grout in every crack and crevice. You use what I refer to as an icing bag but made for grout. We add a dye to the mortar giving it more of a chocolate color. Then mix the mortar to a consistency that allows it to flow easily through the bag. 
Even with the right consistency, your hands cramp up. Once the grout is applied, you need to let it partially dry and then scrape it to the right depth and get the sheen off the grout. 

I disced up a couple of acres for a food plot for the deer. Well, first I mowed it then I disced it, then I seeded it with a yummy clover mix that the deer and turkeys will love, then I dragged it, then I prayed for rain which we never got. That was all a two-day process. Then there were two concrete projects this week. One for Neighbor Jim who is getting a new shed installed in a few weeks. He needed 40x40 footings poured for it. We formed it up this week, augered some holes. Luckily, I mean sadly, I will be gone next week when he pours it.  

Then Kevin had a pour on Friday for a job he is doing. It was Barb, Kevin and I and his son Ryan who is visiting for the weekend. 

About 1/2 of the pour had to be done with wheelbarrows. Barb's job was to fill the wheelbarrows, Ryan and I wheeled and dumped, Kevin smoothed. It made for a much longer pour, but overall, everything went well. Kevin even found a unique way of reaching a spot that needed a little touching up!

Oh! I almost forgot about my niece Alana and Ryan came by last Saturday with their fur babies Sophie and Loki. Loki once again just off a fresh surgery to fix his broken leg. This is surgery 3 or 4, I forget. More pins, they are hopeful this one will do the trick. Loki has a pretty gnarly contraption on his leg and the accompanying cone, so he does not lick it all the time.

Sophie and Zoey had not seen each other all summer so it was pretty chaotic. Impossible to take pictures or videos. They just ran and ran and ran. I was able to take one short video of dogs being dogs. That cone of Loki's must really be a scent collector!
It's not until later when they are all tuckered out that I am able to get some decent pictures. 

Friday night was Queen of Hearts again at the VFW. It was over $16,000 this week. I was in line for our tickets, $10 each, when the guy in front of my buys 1,000 tickets to the tune of $1,000. Now, I get it, it is for a good cause, but $1,000?!? We waited in eager anticipation for our number to be called and when the first few numbers were called, we knew this was not going to be our week. Nor was it Mr. 1,000 Ticketman's week. The woman whose ticket was selected promptly went up to the board and pick.... the 6 of Clubs. Cheers went up everywhere, the game continues!

Our little Lily turned 13 this week! I guess once they are teenagers, we probably should stop calling her little Lily. Forrest, Somer and Lily are still in Tennessee for a few more weeks before they hit the road in search of their next destination. They celebrated her birthday with ziplining and sushi. 

I got a couple of texts a week from Farmer Bob and Chris with harvest updates. They are in full harvesting mode at the farm. I think they are about done with the peas and have moved on to wheat.

Chris texted the other day asking when if I was still on schedule to come up next week and if I was in full relaxation mode in anticipation of all the work up there. My response? I told him that I am "in full getting as much as I can get done around here before heading up to the farm mode". Speaking of which, the next post will be from the farm as I head up there in a few days!

I will leave you with this picture of Zoey standing (sitting) guard. You can find her like this most evenings when we sit outside. She just sits on the edge of the concrete, taking it all in and watching over her domain. 


  1. good evening, good news on the health. I have not heard of a finger doing before-snapping back on their own. Mine have started sticking or locking up at the joints and then I have to pull them straight-ugh Lots of projects getting done-that is always a good feeling. Happy new week ahead

    1. Probably a similar condition, but opposite effect. I it is more annoying than anything, so I am going to see if it self-heals in the next few weeks.

  2. That Zoey is something else. Glad Barb is doing well. Don't worry about being called Jamie...if you had any girl blood in you, Barb wouldn't be beating you all the time with fishing, hunting, etc.

    1. Good point, now maybe I will give her a run for her money!

  3. A good read. You both have been busy, Barb's doors look good.

    1. Things should slow down here the next couple days. We have to pack and get things ready for the next adventure!

  4. Love all the doggie photos, the contraption on Loki's leg looks scary. I hope Loki recovers well. Wow, you and Barb never stop working, I guess there is always something to do. Happy Birthday to Lily! Take care, have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. I did not know how else to describe the thing on Loki's leg. It looks super painful, but does not seem to slow him down or bother him too much.

  5. The doors look great and the little stone wall does too. Good health news -- for her anyway.

    1. The shed doors were "fine" the way they were, but you are right, they look really good stained! I cannot wait to get all that grouting done. I doubt we will do any more before I leave, so it will have to wait.

  6. You certainly have been busy! I love the look of the stained barn doors and also the dark grouting on the wall. Now I'm curious what Barb is going to do with that exotic wood. Wishing you happy harvesting and good weather to do it.

    1. You and me both. She just asked me to cut them to size. Whatever she is going to do with them, she will do while I am gone so it will be a surprise even to me!

  7. Happy Birthday to Lilly. Sounds like a fun day celebrating her. I have had trigger finger and actually had to end up going to the doctor. They had to cut a tendon and this completely took care of the trigger. You sure have some beautiful dogs and I do hope that Loki heals quickly. As Southerners would say..."y'all are busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor." 🤣 thankful that Barb's test have come back good and her white blood count is good. It truly feels good to get things done around the house and it sure looks like you all got a lot accomplished.

    1. Let's hope it does not come to that. It is not painful or bothersome enough that I feel the need to get it looked at. I will live with it and see what happens. I have never heard that saying before. Around here we use "busier than a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest".

  8. That last photo is so peaceful!
    Good luck with health issues.
    You have so much work to do. My. I'm barely able to do housework. Well, more I can't get motivated. :-)

    1. I cannot wonder what is going through Zoey's mind as she sits there and looks out over the valley. Is she a human reincarnated enjoying the scenery or is she just a dog looking for rabbits?

  9. We’re so glad to hear Barb has checked out ok. Dianne has had a trigger finger for years and it just so happens to be her middle finger. She likes to show it to me often! 🤣 You two have to be the busiest retired couple we’ve ever met. I bet Barb’s projects are going to look fabulous. Safe travels to the farm!

    1. Was her trigger finger doctor diagnosed or she just uses that as an excuse when she feels like flipping you off?

  10. You and Barb have definitely been busy. Is there ever a period where you just sit by the fire and read books?

    1. We read a lot when we are on the road traveling. I do long for the days when our minds will let us relax, sit by the fire, a dog by our sides while we read a book.

  11. Do you know how furious I am about this post? Do you? Oh, poor Jim. Wa, wa, wa! Look at me, I have trigger finger. Boohoo. Years ago I had a finger that was locked in the straight position for months. Months. Two surgeries later and countless hours of physical therapy with no positive outcome. Not one single "Get Well Card" from you or flowers. You will not get sympathy from me! Then you say you get CRAMPS! I remember being the laughing stock of America because I got a cramp holding chopsticks. Oh the irony. You are dead to me. Glad Barb is doing better. She needs all of the strength in the world to be around such a dead person. Love the blog.

    1. My, what a whiny little "B" you are this morning. I am sure my trigger pinky is more painful and annoying than anything you have had to deal with.

    2. Don't make me unleash the Spork. Harold F'ed around and found out the hard way.

    3. You sporked Harold!?!? I thought there were laws against that!

  12. Very good news about Barb! Mike has a trigger finger. Whew--you guys have been busy! Grouting--we've done so much of that in both our houses--makes me never want to see a bag of grout again. It sure makes your stone work look great! Love that last photo of Zoey--surveying her domain.

    1. We have about 70' of grouting left to do, which, looking at it that way seem overwhelming. But it is broken down into sections, so we plan on doing a section at a time. Looking at it that way, it doesn't seem too bad.

  13. Glad Barb's tests came back normal!
    Love the table she's working on, the grouted wall, and the barn doors. You guys are always busy.
    Never heard of trigger finger. Sounds very annoying. Glad it's not painful!
    Love what you did in that field for the critters. Maybe it will rain a little. Fingers crossed.
    Always like to see the dogs. Man! I really hope the surgery works for Loki.
    And happy birthday to Lily!
    Will be nice to know Barb is okay now while you are gone. Hurray for that!
    Have a great Sunday. :)

    1. This might be Loki's last chance to save his leg. He's been three-legged so much in the past few months though that I am not sure he would notice if it was missing!

  14. I was wondering where you were!! GUARD DOG!! Gotta love em! By the way, a 40 x 40 structure is not a "shed", it's an industrial BUILDING! Good grief that's a lot of concrete. LOVE the shed door stain ... I see Barb has the same can't-sit-still disease I have. So happy to hear she is feeling better!!! Where are all the pictures of YOU working??? As for your trigger finger ... maybe that will come in handy when you are hunting ... you know, improve your aim?? Good to hear from you guys ...

    1. I know, we have been neglecting our blog friends. We usually have relaxing mornings where we read blogs. This week not so much. Neighbor Jim's shed is actually going to be 64x40, but only 40x40 needed footings. Barb definitely has CSSD, way worse than I do!

  15. Landed here as going back on road, this time camper van. See you're off the road, beautiful place. Husband and his mother cured with no surgeries using the plastic splint. Search Amazon Oval Finger Splints, 5PCS Oval Trigger Finger Splint for Trigger/Mallet/Arthritis/Straightening.....

    1. Hope the camper van adventures treat you well, I will check out the spint for the finger!

  16. I was wondering where those redwood slabs might end up. Looking forward to the finished project. The barn stain really highlights the wood doors and siding.
    My trigger is worse in the morning and loosens up after watching it pop a few times.

    1. So, you have the traits of a 50+ year old woman as well! Mine does the same, very tight in the morning and loosens up throughout the day.

  17. Awesome news on Barb. I got tired just reading all you had done this week. What was missing was any breweries/distilleries.

    1. I know, what is wrong with us?!?! The breweries and distilleries will be scarce for the next few months. We'll ramp up again in January when we get back on the road!

  18. Glad to hear Barb's tests were "nothing concerning", you two and your projects!! You said the house was finished?? LOL, the stained barn doors look great.

    1. I did say that didn't I! Well, it is done except for this, that and a couple other things. Then it will be done, really!

  19. Good news on Barb's tests! What a relief.
    You all sure had one busy week of hard work. Maybe when you get to the farm you can put your feet up? Ha!
    Looking forward to the harvest reports. Stay safe, Jim!

    1. Yes, there is a constant shadow over you until you get the test results back. Now that is off our shoulders, we can carry on and make the most of every day!

  20. My finger started doing that the other day! I was singing “Angel from Montgomery” at the time. Hmmm…

    1. Oh no! That is not a good ailment for a guitar player like you!

  21. okay, I am here to tell you, you guys wear me out. Always going or staying busy with all the other stuff. I would love to have a sudden burst of energy, at least once a day and maybe, just maybe I could get somethings done. One day here and there don't seem to be getting it done. LOVE, LOVE that pic of the doggie looking out to the open field. Nice catch.

    1. Barb is the energizer bunny, and I am the tortoise trying to keep up with her. But at some point, even I give up and just let her do her thing.

  22. Oh yeah, I had a friend that had a trigger finger and had to have surgery on it to fix the problem.

    1. Let's hope it does not come to that. It is the worst in the morning bouncing back and forth. By this time of the day (2:00) it just kind of clicks when I bend it.

  23. Thank goodness that Barb's tests have had positive results, what a relief.
    I am looking forward to seeing the redwood table when it is done.
    Be safe traveling up to the farm. Mxx

    1. Do you guys have redwoods out that way? Our redwoods on the pacific coast are amazing, some of them are over 31 meters in circumference.

  24. I'm glad to hear Barb's lab work was good news. Praise God. I like the color of the grout. It really stands out. Jerry has done a lot of tile work. Black grout was the worst...said he would never work with black grout again. I love the last picture...Zoey enjoying her kingdom. ❤️

    1. Funny thing about the grout. We could not remember how much dye we put in the other batches, so we started on the other side of the house away from the stuff we already finished just in case it did not match.

  25. Ok, never heard of Trigger Finger but it does sound weird and not something I want.
    Good to read Barb's test result were normal and nothing to worry about.
    The dogs made me smile

    1. Trust me, it is not something you want. Life is challenging enough as we get older, I do not need another ailment to deal with!

  26. You think trigger finger of the pinkie is bad - after all the repetitive rock business this past fall I suffered from trigger middle finger and trigger thumb(!!) on the same hand at the same time. Whew! They will usually resolve on their own (ask me how I know), but it takes time. I am only now able to bend my thumb in a normal manner. The icing?, it was my dominant hand, LOL! (Not really). Hope it resolves for you soon. Good luck up north, and good luck to Barb with her special project.

    1. That sounds awful! Someone else commented that they had it on their middle finger and her husband thought she was flipping him off all the time. But to have it on two fingers at the same time? How annoying! Good to hear it can resolve itself though.

  27. Glad to hear Barb got good news from her tests:) Always a weight lifted off the shoulders. Love the newly stained barn doors! Awesome dog photos and video this post! Thanks! Poor Loki looks so sad in that cone. Can't wait to see Barb's new creations. Have a fun and safe time helping at the farm.

    1. It is amazing how dogs adapt and deal with pain. Those pins look so incredibly painful, but it did not seem to bother him at all.

  28. Sorry to read about your trigger finger - my mom had one. It would come and go from time to time. So happy Barb's tests were normal. Looks like the two of you were extremely busy. Take care and have a great week.

    1. We are very happy with the test results. Even though you try not to show it, there is always a weight over you until you know for sure.

  29. Happy Birthday to your Granddaughter! They grow up so fast. Boy I tell ya my leg started to hurt when I looked at Loki ...I do hope it heals well. Yes I have had trigger thumbs...two of them. Sooner or later your finger may give you much pain when it pops back in place...and it may pop in and out. If that happens Vet Wrap works great to keep it in can buy it at any Farm Store in the Horse Department it comes in some great colors! Just wrap it straight and you will be good to go until you have to have surgery. You are headed Up North for Harvest hope it is a good one. Travel safely. Good to hear that Barb had good results from her tests. Tell her I said to wear a mask when sanding wood:)

    1. I laughed at your last comment. Yes, she probably should wear a mask while sanding. We are very familiar with vet wrap from our horse years. I think we still have some on had for just such emergencies. Now, the real question is what color to wear?!?!

  30. Sounds like you and Barb had an incredibly busy week!
    The projects look like a lot of work, but the results are amazing.
    Great to hear Barb's health news is positive—what a relief!
    Loved hearing about the fur babies' reunion and the Queen of Hearts excitement at the VFW.
    Safe travels to the farm—can't wait to read about it in your next post!

    1. The pups did have a great day, they get so tuckered out at the end. It is lots of fun to watch them.

  31. So good to hear Barb's tests came back good! How amazing you guys were able to do projects around the home! Sounds like your little Lily had an amazing birthday! Hope you two and your family have an amazing rest of the summer!

    xoxo, MidoriLinea

  32. So glad of Barb’s medical results! Great news indeed. Hope that finger recovers!

    1. I'll live with my finger like this my entire life if it means good news for Barb!

  33. That is a great last photo of Zoey. I always wonder what dogs are thinking as they sit and surgery their territory. Perhaps they aren't really thinking much at all. I would be great to be able to know how dogs actually think sometimes. And you've both been busy. That's a whole lot of work you've done recently. Have a great week ahead. Erika

    1. Right? There has to be some deep intellectual thinking going on there. Like; squirrel, rabbit, ball, food.....

  34. I am pretty sure you could compete in the Woman over Fifty category of a marathon nowadays. All you have to do is say that you feel like a woman and viola, you are and it would be completely fair to compete against them. #progressivismiswonderful (for guys!) You two have been busy! You all are talented. Hope that pinky straightens itself out, literally!

    1. Yeah, I think I will pass on the 50+ woman's marathon. It would be too embarrassing to have the 80- and 90-year-olds passing me up and leaving me in the dust!

  35. Happy to read the great news for Barb! I have a soft spot for barns…old or new or anywhere in between! The newly stained barn doors are gorgeous! Can’t wait to see the table and shelves…redwood has such pretty lines. And your stone work was already a piece of art which the grout just really shows off. Zoey and Sophie are so cute together. Fingers crossed for Loki! And the sweet photo of Dakota really grabs my heart! Safe travels to the farm!

    1. The two shelf projects are done so you can see them later this week. That is assuming I have time to write a blog!

  36. I've been on blog break (still am) but had to check in and say good news on Barb's test -- and not such good news for you. I hope everything can get worked out for your finger soon.

    1. I can live with my finger, I only care that Barb is recovering. Enjoy your break!

  37. Good news about Barb, but strange finger issues for you. You both really know how to keep busy with house and yard projects when you are home. The stained barn doors were a big project and looking forward to seeing the table when completed.

    1. The table might be a week or two. The shelves will make a debut in the next blog!

  38. Awwwww Zoey surveying her domain! Brought a tear to my eye, as did poor Loki with all that nonsense hanging all over him! But his leg will soon be well and that's good news. I'm glad to learn that Barb is feeling better and that the tests were satisfactory. She certainly gets out there and tackles just about anything there is to be tackled! The problem with keeping up with the Joneses is, it can cost a lot of time, energy, and money, hahaha! Those shed doors really do look nice, though. TG will not let me touch a paintbrush. I have no idea why! Lily is a darling girl. I said the other day that I have to stop calling three-year-old Rhett "Baby Rhett" ... I have never called Elliot "baby" anything, and HE'S the baby! I call him Skippy. Because he's a peanut. xoxo

    1. Zoey does that almost every evening. We think nothing of it other than wonder what the heck she is thinking looking over the landscape. She looks like Simba from the Lion King standing there!
      We call our granddaughter Kendall, Baby K, although not to her face anymore as she is now 9 years old. I just doubt she would appreciate it!

  39. Oh I meant to add, I have never heard of trigger finger as you described it, but it sounds like a major annoyance. I'm so sorry. The closest I can come to that is, a year or so ago I noticed that the second toe on my right foot was constantly drifing over and sitting on top of my big toe! I was like, whaaat? The doctor said it's crossover toe. I think it can be treated but I have not yet been to the podiatrist. It's always something. xoxo

    1. Okay, that is just bizarre. I have never heard of crossover toe! That sounds equally as annoying!

  40. Your blog is appropriately titled as you have quite the adventures going on at your house and keeping you both busy. I loved seeing all of the progress being done and the doggo photos were awesome. I have a yellow lab (Ms. Frizzle) and a basset hound (Lucy) so the more dogs the merrier. Hope the finger feels better and glad to read the good news about Barb.

    1. Being fairly new to your blog, I went back and looked for pictures of your furbabies. I have not seen Ms. Frizzle yet but did see Lucy as she was the feature photo on your July 18th post. What a cutie! We too used to have a basset, but just could not keep her at home. We lost her twice. One time we received a call from someone across a large river she had apparently swam. The second time we received no call. We like to imagine she was picked up and cared for by some loving family and had a great life.

  41. So glad to hear about Barb's tests! I so envy her being so creative and doing all she does! The barn doors look amazing, even though I liked them before the stain too! Your Little Lily is turning into a beautiful young woman. Love the pic of her and your son! :) Looking forward to your adventures on the farm! Doesn't seem that long ago you were there! Time sure flies! Zoey is adorable in the last pic!

    1. Barb and I were just saying the same thing. It seems like I was just at the farm. And really, I was. I spent several weeks up here in the spring, then we went to Alaska, I was home for 3 weeks and came back up again. I think I am spending more time up here this year than I am at home!

  42. I knew someone once who had trigger finger. It was very frustrating but resolved on its own as I recall.

    I'm happy the medical test results were good

    Y'all have been busy!

    1. I am hoping this resolves itself as well. Been a few weeks, no improvement yet but I can live with it.

  43. Slowly getting caught up and of course you two have not been idle!!! What an epic summer. Glad the dr news was good - always such a relief. And truly normal is overrated. Love the barn doors, the perfect color. That soft sided cone is a wonderful upgrade to the old hard ones. Sounds like a great way to celebrate teenagerdom!

    1. I'd never seen that cone before. They've come a long way!
