Saturday, August 10, 2024

Zoey the Destroyer!

I wonder if dog toy companies ever hire dogs to test their new line of toys. If they do, Zoey would be one of the best toy testers ever, for she can destroy any toy in record time.  If she were born in the early time of Greece, she would be known as Zoey the Destroyer. If it has a squeaker and stuffing, it will not last a day in our household. Perhaps I should video her destroying a supposedly indestructible toy and send it to them. Then again, they probably do not want such destruction on record! 

Well, maybe not any toy. She cannot destroy those hard rubber ones. This is Zoey's toy box. These are the only toys that make it more than a day or two in our house. Her favorite is the little orange balls. Dakota's is the blue pretzel. Most days, the toys just lay in the basket untouched, other days, Zoey will take them out one by one, inspect them and grab the orange ball. Just like other kids, she never puts them away when she is done with them!
Since we are on the subject of dogs, how about a short dog video?!?! Several of you are cheering, Harry is groaning. But yes, here is a 50 second video of the girls playing. They do this once or twice a week....
Last Saturday was the last of the really hot days. Since then, we have been in the 80's and 70's, with lows in the 60's and 50's. In fact, when we woke up Thursday morning, the inside of the house was 62. Starting to feel like fall!

Several of you asked about why we hauled water to fill the hot tub and whether or not we had a well. The quick answer is, no, we do not have a well, but here is the long answer. When we first built, we had three options for water; try and drill a well, hook up to the rural water system or get a cistern. We researched each of those options. Talking to the well people, they say they have had limited success drilling a well in our area of the hills. Some are successful, some are not. And at the cost of $30,000+ for maybe hitting water, we just did not want to take that chance. 

The next option we researched to have the rural water brought into our house. Many, if not all roads in our area have rural water pipes running the length of the roads for residents to tap into. We could have too but there are some downsides. There is a cost of $3,000 or so just to tap into the system, then you have to pay by the foot to have it dug to your house. Since we are over a 1/4 mile off the road, that would have added up. Once it is to your house, it is $100/month for the service fee, then you are charged for every gallon you use. It all adds up, especially when we are only here 6 months of so out of the year. 

After reviewing the cost of these, we decided on a cistern. A 2,500-gallon tank buried in the ground which we have water delivered to once a month or so. The initial cost of the cistern was $2,500, this included installation and piping it to the house. We have two options for getting water; filling it ourselves or having it delivered. It is much cheaper to get it ourselves, we just need to drive to Custer with our 450-gallon tank and pay $0.02/gallon. And we do do that once in a while. The downside of that is having to keep moving the tank in and out of the truck and keep that tank very clean which is a pain. Mold is always trying to work its way into the tank. The other option is to have it delivered at $0.11/gallon. This is what we do. There is a monitor on the tank that texts the water guy whenever we hit 30%, he then puts us on his route. It is usually $200 or so to fill it, we typically go through 2,000 gallons a month when we are here. It works pretty seamlessly and was the cheapest option. It also forces us to keep an eye on our water consumption, something we were used to anyways from our years living in the RV.

So, when it comes to filling the hot tub or water tanks, we will load up the tank and head to town for the cheaper water, so we do not drain the cistern. Whew! That was a long answer for a short question!

Let's see, what happened this week? Oh, we had an overnight visitor! 3 actually. Chad, former owner of Pasha Lake Cabins, was in the area on a mission trip and stopped by for a night one after the work was complete.  With him was his 15-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter. They were replacing a roof on an orphanage on the Pine Ridge Reservation while during 100-degree weather had to be brutal!

The first words out of his mouth upon arriving were "What do you need help with?". "How about helping me set a ladder stand for deer season?", I replied. And we were off, Cavin in the front with me, and Chad in back.

After that, we just chilled in the gazebo and chatted for a few hours before bed. They were gone when we got up, as they had a 10-hour drive ahead of them. 

Projects this week? Well, I have to admit, I squirreled on a couple of them. Meaning I got distracted by other things that were not on my list. The easy answer was to put them on my list so I can say I was staying on track, but that was not the case. Barb, true to her form, she spent more money and crossed another item off her list when she bought a new to us lawn mower. Personally, I could have gone the rest of my life without buying another mower, but she wants a groomed area for the dogs to hang out in when we are out in the gazebo. She opted for a battery powered Ego which does surprisingly well for the little area she is mowing.

On the way back from getting the lawn mower, I needed a beer, so we stopped by Lost Cabin Brewing in Hill City.

I did get several small ones done however, the most noteworthy was the 1/2 wall I built for our grill area. Now that Barb has the smoker, we needed a little more wall space in that area. Probably a 4-hour project. We just need to sand and stain the cap and it is done. 

It is Sturgis week so there are bikes EVERYWHERE! Hill City closes down Main Street to all car/truck traffic. Motorcycles only. Custer closes the two middle lanes through town for bike parking. Not the week to do much if you do not like crowds. 

We did have a busy social week, however. Kevin came over Wednesday night for halibut, Thursday, we took Neighbor Jim and Carmen out for supper for watching the house (and killing prairie dogs and chasing cattle) while we were gone. We went to The State Game Lodge in Custer State Park. And Friday night we went to the VFW in Custer with Dan and Bonnie for Queen of Hearts which was up over $15,000. The Queen of Hearts game is one where you buy tickets and if your ticket gets drawn, you pick a card (face down) from a board of 52 cards. If you draw the queen of hearts, you win the pot. You can buy as many tickets as you want, but only one person drawn each week and if the QOH's is not drawn the pot is carried over each week until someone wins. Of all those events, we only took one picture of us our night out with Dan and Bonnie. 

The smoker has been busy with two batches going through. The first was some smoked salmon. Brining them overnight, we then put them in the smoker for a few hours. 

They are delicious. We devoured one in short order, the other three are vacuum sealed and in the freezer. 

Next up was venison sticks. With deer season around the corner, it is time to use up our remaining venison. I only took two pictures of the process. The grinding/stuffing and the final product.

The critter cams provided no bucks at all, but lots of other critters! The local bluebirds are enjoying the big tank. 

The deer, squirrels and turkeys drank so much out of the smaller tank that we had to refill it already. If you look closely below, you can see a red squirrel just above the deer's head.  

The camera even captured Neighbor Jim and I chatting as I refilled the tank. 
That's it for this week. Today is a big day as my niece and her husband are coming over for the day with their two dogs. You know what that means! A doggy play day! And hopefully, if you are lucky, I mean really lucky, next week we might just have another dog video to show you!


  1. all certainly do live an exciting life. As they say...Retire from your job but never retire your mind. Sounds like you all made the most reasonable choice on the water. Your dog video made me think of my granddogs. They love to "wrestle" with each other and they are huge toy dogs. You didn't mention that you won the money pot?? This sounds interesting and sure would have been nice to have drawn the winning card. Send those cooler temps down here to Texas....but you can keep on the motorcycles up there. I have a friend who is in Sturgis right now.

    1. The card drawing was pretty funny. We were outside when they drew the winning ticket. I stopped paying attention when none of our tickets were drawn. Pretty soon there was a lot of cheering from inside. I thought for sure whose ever ticket was drawn picked the QOH's for sure. Nope. The cheering was because they DID NOT win, and the game continued for another week!

  2. Well YAY!!! I actually get to comment on a blog!! I think I may just have fixed it ... MAY. Love to see the pups. Lucky for me, Cooper is not a destroyer! He's a lover I guess. Interesting about the water. I would have thought you had a well. Ups to Barb for smoking the salmon. LOVE my smoker!! Glad its cooling off for you! Now you can get more work done!!!

    1. New computers or tablets are such a pain. Hopefully you are getting the kinks worked out of yours. Barb has promised me a pork butt and chicken wings this week, I cannot wait!

  3. Your smoked fish looks yummy. Freya used to be really good at destroying squeeky toys too. Once she got the seam opened it was a free for all with the stuffing.

    1. Barb sewed up this toy three times before giving it up and throwing it in the trash. It did last three days however, which I think it is record!

  4. Barb always looks so happy with a flight of beers! That’s quite the meat processing facility you’ve got going there. 😋 Always enjoy your game camera pics. Cheers!

    1. I keep waiting for the first big buck to show up, but so far he is a not show. I am not too worried as we have a lot of does and where the does are, the bucks will eventually show up!

  5. Cute video of the dogs playing! The dog toys in our house never lasted long, especially the ones with the noise maker. We have well water here, there is no chance of what I call city water and pipes coming close to our home. The smoke salmon looks yummy. Have a great weekend.

    1. What is it about those squeakers that drive dogs insane until they get them out and destroy the toy? Zoey is just obsessed with any toy that has a noise maker.

  6. Halibut season starts this month on the east coast. We’ll get some later this month. Yum! My mouth waters at the thought of it.

    We are sitting the golden grand-dog this week and we’ve replaced toys once already. She is had on the hollow balls.

    1. When I think of your area, I think of lobster. I imagine you get sick of it and look forward to something new, but that would take me a long while! Barb cooked an almond crusted halibut yesterday that was delicious!

  7. Your long explanation made perfect sense to me and was quite interesting to learn about your options.
    That smoked salmon looks sooo good!
    With all the various duties that you got to, I can see why you were distracted--but in a good, productive way. :)
    Enjoy the cooler weather!

    1. Hopefully that cool weather heads up your way. We had a low in the 40's this morning, I absolutely love it!

  8. Good morning Jim…I love the video! And Zoey the Destroyer reminds me so much of our Dover the Destroyer. She also destroyed her toys along with Wrecks’, Jack’s, and Sally’s toys. I kept a very special purple hippo Wrecks got when we adopted him in 2009. Dover wasn’t allowed to play with it…😉. We love smoked salmon. Well, we just love salmon and have it often!

    1. I have a confession to make. I mixed the smoked salmon in with the regular salmon. I had to go through each of them trying to figure out which one is smoked. I think I picked them out, but I will not know for sure until I thaw them and open them up!

  9. The salmon looks great!, you'll be enjoying it until next trip. At the San Felipe beach house we had a 2500 liter (660 gal) cistern and had the water delivered at $20 a load. We visited Sturgis once and there was a Corvette rally taking place.

    1. I am guessing you were here in the fall then. The corvette rally is usually after Sturgis. There are several rallies in the fall; corvette, mustang, and a couple others I cannot think of right now.

  10. Zoey the destroyer, too funny!! Sherry's dog Sadie was the same, the only toys that didn't get immediately destroyed were the Kong brand of toys.
    Enjoy the rest of your summer now that fall is approaching!

    1. The Kongs are a pretty good brand, tough to destroy. Anything made of cloth or sewed together is no match for Zoey though.

  11. I live in Memphis, so city water is just something we take for granted. The salmon looks delicious. I've never had smoked salmon

    Dogs fo know how to have fun, don't they!

    1. It is easy to take water for granted, and we still do to a certain extent. When we went on the road fulltime, we really watched our water, now we have relaxed a little but still keep an eye on our usage.

  12. I enjoyed hearing about your dogs. I like the blue pretzel toy. Sometimes ordinary days are the best days. Too much travel and adventure would be overwhelming for me haha. That's a nice new lawn mower. I'm out there weed eating sometimes, as I like when the yard looks a bit groomed. The small video of the dogs interacting together was delightful.

    Enjoy the rest of the summer days.


    1. I am up for a few ordinary days right now. After today, we do not have any plans the rest of the week. I am sure we will come up with something, but having no plans is pretty appealing!

  13. Rural desert homes have pretty much the same three water options. Before our desert home, I had never heard of haul your own water! I have that same EGO mower. Been pretty happy with it.

    1. I pretty much insisted on a battery powered mower. I want nothing to do with another gas engine in our lives, too much hassle to keep them running.

  14. That's a great idea to brine and smoke some of the salmon then vacuum seal and stow away. Also, the half wall looks perfect for the circumstances. I agree with the comment about Barb's cheerful demeanor when presented with a flight, lol.

    1. Barb always seems to be smiling when there is beer in front of her! We only have 2 of the 4 packages of salmon left. I think it is time to smoke some more!

  15. I enjoyed reading your post-reminds me of our younger days for sure. we have always lived rural but fortunate we always had our own well. the last one we had at the woods house was very very deep and was dropped into an underground river. This area of Missouri has a lot of those.
    our last fur family member was a wolf pup-Larry rescued her from some bad people. she was truely a part of our family-she did the same thing-destroyed all of her toys haha-so that brought back memories and had me smiling
    Yum smoked salmon
    You have been busy enjoy

    1. Glad I could bring back some memories and a smile to you! Good for you for rescuing the wolf pup, that had to be a challenge.

    2. Larry has always been really good with all animals I will remember during the first year that me or her (nikita) would be the dominate female One day she just decided-ok fine you can be the dominate-haha she was very special in our lives I think our pets make us better humans sometimes

    3. Pets definitely make us be better humans, and bring smiles and joy to our lives.

  16. Some dogs are so destructive, when left home alone
    Your water issues are not something I have ever thought about, water is something I take for granted

    1. We've had a few dogs that were destructive when left alone. Luckily, these two are not. Destructive to toys, yes. But they've never chewed on furniture or anything they were not supposed to.

  17. Fun to see the dogs on the video, obviously Zoey is the boss:) Sadie destroys toys too...I bought her a red crab a year ago and parts of it are okay...but it was from Petco and was about $20
    Interesting about your water situation, around here water is not a problem it is about 50 feet down. I guess we take water for granted! You are in the meat all looks good and i bet that salmon is wonderful!

    1. When we lived on the lake in Wisconsin, water was not an issue either. A short sandpoint well would give you all the water you needed. Oh, how I long for those days.

  18. The thought of freshly smoked salmon has me drooling! I believe you can smoke just about any food you can name in those type of smokers, so I hope you get to have some fun experimenting :)

    1. I am thinking of smoking some summer sausage later this week to take to the farm with me!

  19. Yummy on the smoked salmon.
    Here we have water tanks mostly above ground (if not on town water which we are) with pipes to the spouting of the houses to catch the rain water, people can also buy water in the bigger country areas. The remainder of Australia is different.
    Loved the video of the dogs, one trying to rev up the other.

    1. Once we get gutters, we are thinking of doing the same thing. Not for water to be used in the house, but for watering the plants and animals in the area.

  20. Your home & surrounding property look terrific plus relaxing in the gazebo must just be hard to take,lol.We lived for some time in the Bahamas islands & potable water is not easily managed since most wells are very brackish .All older construction include large cisterns often as basements & any rainwater was directed off the roofs with eavestrough-don't know how much rain you get but might be something for you to consider-when you're at loose ends of course.Always enjoy following your activities,all the best.

    1. I have talked to/called at least 3 gutter companies. They either do not call back or do not show up when they promised to. People around here are either too busy or just plain do not want to work. Frustrating. I will probably end up putting up our own gutters, something I am not looking forward to.

  21. Never get enough of those dog shows! ;)

    1. Good deal, we had dog guests yesterday and I took a couple videos. I will have to look at them and see if any are good enough to post!

  22. You do a heckuva lot in a week. The explanation about the water is quite something. Rural life is different.

    1. You can add that to your "things you don't think about when you live in the city". I am sure there are plenty of things we do not think about that city folk have to deal with that we would not even consider out in the country.

  23. Hello Jim and Barb :)
    I think it was the was the right decision about your water supply. Luckily we don't have a problem, as we have our own well, and I hope it never dries up. My dogs always destroyed the squeaky toys first. It's a dog thing,...they can't stand the noise Your smoked salmon looks so good. I have only eaten it once, but it' remains in my memory as a delicious meal.

    I have been away from blogging for over three months, but it feels good to be back,
    All the best

    1. Welcome back! I noticed that you were back for your respite. We took water and wells for granted when we lived in Wisconsin. It was just a matter of how deep, not whether or not you would hit water at all.

  24. Another nail biting episode. Will Zoey destroy the toy or will she not? What critter will show up at the watering hole? Electric mower? What's next? An electric car? I'm sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation. Just a thought. Maybe if you cut out breweries for a month you could buy a well. Crabby old guy, out.

    1. You thought that was exciting, just wait for the next chapter in the sagas of Detective Olivieri. It is turning into an action-packed chapter which will leave so many questions!

  25. Zoey has sure grown into a wonderful teenager. Wish the heat would go away here in Sacramento Valley...although we are headed for a cooler spell of upper 80's to low 90's. Looks like Barb is feeling better, just shows you there is no place like home....

    1. She is feeling much better! Upper 80's, low 90"s is still way too hot. We were in the 40's the other day, it was awesome!

  26. I'm sure it's loads of fun to get back to seeing your local friends after a time away -- lots of fun stories to share! I was fascinated by the cistern/water stuff. Rick has worked with well drillers for years and one thing I've learned (both from him, going to the trade shows and from dealing with our lake well, which should be replaced -- and won't be unless I win the lotto I don't buy tickets for! -- is that wells are super expensive and in some areas, almost price prohibitive. Your option sounds like a lot of work -- but the smart option for your location.

    Zoey -- she's a little toy terror! Yes, she should be a tester!

    1. If we had a 100% guarantee that we would hit water, we would probably have drilled a well. There is peace of mind knowing that you have a good well with an unlimited water supply.

  27. Our Kayce does not seem to be a destroyer--yet! A good choice on the water situation especially since you don't live there fulltime. In Montana our water comes from a developed natural spring up the creek and gravity fills our cistern buried in the backyard. The overflow for the cistern flows back into the creek. In Arizona we paid $23,000 to drill a well. You can understand why we get antsy about people near us drilling 1500 feet wells!

    That salmon looks so, so good!

    May I make a suggestion? Never let anyone ride standing up in your side by side. Two years ago my brother (60 years old) was riding in the back of their side by side with a rifle in his hands. He and his son were checking to see what was harassing their cattle when they realized the cattle were about to go through the gate they had left open. My brother told his son (also a grown man) to "gas it." My brother flew out of the back of the SxS and was unconscious for a long time. It was dark, my nurse niece was so afraid he was dead. He sustained two brain bleeds, one frontal and one at the base of his brain and still to this day has issues from this accident. And this was just about a year after he spent 8 days in the hospital inches away from being on a ventilator from covid. I tell him he's used up his nine lives!! Just a story--ignore me if you wish--it won't hurt my feelings!

    Have a great week! Always enjoy your blog!

    1. Good advice and you are absolutely right. Ironic I got your message today just hours after I was chasing two bulls in my sxs that escaped the neighbors pasture. There was no way anyone could have remained in the back of the box the way we were driving.

  28. That is interesting about the water. Sarah plans to have a cistern and has debated the size. I will share this post with her. I think you made a good decision. If I had known more about cisterns, we might have put on in rather than the well. We'd have been hurting this year though.
    Loved the dogs playing! Looks like Dakota has the easier part!
    You guys sure know about meat processing. Very impressive.

    1. We got through about 2,000 gallons a month. She would probably get by with a 1,200-gallon tank, but if you want to fill less often, she could go with a bigger one.

  29. I know what you mean about toys. One of the dogs just likes to carry them around in his mouth, but the princess just rips them to shreds. I find it interesting how one dog likes one type and another like a different type. They have such personalities, don't they? I wonder if we can buy water from any local community around us. My entire town is on some type of well. We get a lot of iron, and it would be nice to fill the hot tub with clear water. And I visited the Black Hills once just before Sturgis bike week began (like 1 day before) and it was pretty nuts. We have a bike week here a we towns away from where I live (Laconia) and the bikes are just everywhere then. Have a great week.

    1. I bet the riding up there is beautiful. They say the Sturgis rally is one week, but many show up the week before and the week before and the week after, so it is pretty nuts for 3 weeks.

      I am guessing you would be able to find a water delivery service out your way that could bring you some quality water for your hot tub. No idea what they would charge out there. Here, it is $0.11 per gallon.

  30. That was a neat lesson about the water. I think I would have chosen the same option y’all did! Looks like y’all have stayed busy since you got home. Always love seeing the wildlife pictures! I know they appreciate the water, too!

    1. Water is a scarcity in the area even for the wildlife. Other than our pond, I do not think there is a natural water source within a mile or two of our home.

  31. We used to buy those rawhide chew toys advertised to last weeks for our dog, a yellow lab/golden retriever mix. He would chew through them in a day.

    1. Our dogs love rawhide chews! But we stopped giving them when Zoey got a 6" piece stuck halfway down her throat and we had to pull it out.

  32. Yes, that was a long explanation about your water, Jim, but interesting to read. We both grew up with city water in NJ and then when we moved to VA had a septic tank. Now, we are back to a city water supply, and use a water filter for drinking water. The salmon looked great, but will pass on the venison. My parents used to make homemade pork sausage in a similar way.

    1. The water we get is treated and we double filter it before drinking it. The venison sticks are delicious, you would not even tell them apart from beef sticks.

  33. Your covered patio area looks nice! Sturgis made the news (and not in a good way! (at least what I read about)). Good pictures of the animals/birds at the watering hole.

    1. What did they say about Sturgis? We have not been there for years, just too crowded, no parking and a long drive (2+ hours). We have had fun every year we've been there and the people watching is over the top!

  34. Darn, Zoey is so cute! I am trying to picture her in her Greek battle gear and having a smile. Very cute video! It was interesting reading about your water situation. Thanks for explaining that. Love that grilling area. You and Barb live a wonderful life, and thank you for sharing all the happenings in your neck of the woods. They always make an enjoyable read.

  35. That is a pretty funny visual! I wonder if AI could create a Frenchie in armor!

  36. as i watched the video, it seemed zoey was the only one having fun!! do you subscribe to "chewy" my brothers dogs love that and recognize the box when it comes. you have had an exciting week, i do not know how you do all that you do. as i read i feel a little bit of shame...chuck better not see all that barb does, i would never be able to keep up with her!! the grilling area looks great. i remember watching a show on t.v. about sturgis, it was quite comical and the people were a little rough around the edges!!

    1. The people watching is the best part about Sturgis. If you want a sneak peek, go on YouTube and put in Sturgis 2024. Entertaining for sure. You feel shame? How do you think I feel, she outworks me 1:2, there is no way I can keep up with her!

  37. I love your wildlife cam. What great fun for you checking out your guests each day. I enjoyed the water explanation. Sounds like you chose wisely for where you live. I'm not sure video is showing the girls "playing." I saw it more as Zoey tormenting poor sweet Dakota...haha! Have fun with your niece and her husband.

    1. Trust me, Zoey does torment Dakota. But in this particular case, Dakota was enjoying it and playing back as much as Dakota plays back.

  38. Zoey sounds like a real toy destroyer! It’s impressive that she’s met her match with those tough rubber toys, and I can see why the orange ball is her favorite. Your water system is fascinating—so much thought went into choosing the best option. Looking forward to the next doggy video, especially with your niece’s dogs joining in the fun! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I just reviewed the videos from when my niece was here. They did not turn out great, but I might be able to put something together.

  39. We have a "destroyer" here also. Taos the Destroyer I can't imagine how much $ we've spent on toys for the little dear. If there is a seam, an eye, leg, tail, arm it will be torn off immediately. Even hard objects are bitten in half in relatively short order.
    He now has only four things left in his toy box.....elk antlers and a leather "antler". Ah well, dogs are all nuts, but we love them anyway!

    1. Together, they could conquer the world chewing things up one at a time!

  40. That was interesting information about your water supply. Years ago friends lived out of Wickenburg AZ. They had water delivered to them. The tank was above ground. They were long haul truckers. One trip when they got water. Someone cut the lock and stole their water! Some people !!!

    1. Unbelievable! The only time I've heard about water being taken is by fire departments in an emergency. In those cases, they'll take cistern water or water right out of your swimming pool!

  41. You really do have to do your research, with the water.

    1. I feel as though we have made the right decision, for us anyways.

  42. We have never owned a dog that cared anything for toys! Rizzo used to chew a little bit on a set of rubber rings I bought for him on the day we brought him home from the rescue place, but it has been years since he touched them! I love the video of the dogs playing. That's exactly how Rizzo and Sibi (Erica's dog) are when they hang out together. Constantly bothering one another, haha! Your smoker operation is fascinating! Everything looks so delicious. Chad and his entourage sound like an amazing bunch! xoxo

    1. Chad seems to do a mission trip like that once a year or so and brings at least one of his kids. They are such good kids, it is good to see a parent get their kids involved in something like that.
