Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Halibut Frenzy!

Previously on Jim and Barb’s Adventures…….

 We were making our way to Homer Alaska to Halibut fish with our friends Rich and Susan who have a place in Ninilchik. Some of you may remember them from this 2016 post where we serendipitously met them while walking the harbor looking at boats. They are both really great people and we have kept in touch on and off over the past 8 years.

 They had asked us if we wanted to go fishing with them on Thursday so we headed there way on Wednesday telling them we would meet them at the launch. We spent the night outside of Homer at a gravel pull out. When we woke up, I had a craving for a donut. Do you know what you get when you google the words: “Homer Donuts”? The thought really did not cross my mind but made total sense as the results popped in……


Mmmm, donuts!

 Refining my search, I was able to find donuts at the Safeway in town. At the appointed time Rich and Susan arrived at the launch along with their friends Bob and Becky who were also joining us.  

Away we went! The water was really calm thankfully, as I have been known to get a little queasy on heavy chop.


On the way out we kept passing these rafts of sea otters. I took a few pictures of them through the boat window, but Rich said it he stopped, they would all dive. Keeping going, and they just ignore you.


Motored about 30 minutes getting to Rich’s halibut honey hole and dropped the rods using ½ a herring and a 20oz weight to get it down the 100’. It was not long before I was reeling up the first fish! Not huge, but a nice eater size fish. Or ‘but as Rich called them. Over the next few hours, we took turns reeling in fish, all about the same size. Rich and Susan just sat back and watched as Bob, Becky, Barb and I reeled the fish. They encouraged us by yelling “Reel that ‘but in” or words to that effect. Let me tell you, these things can get tiring to reel in! Sometimes just reeling that 20oz weight up 100’ is tiring, never mind a 10-20lb halibut fighting you all the way up. These things can get over 200lbs with 50-100lb’ers being fairly common. I was getting worn out just reeling in these little guys, I could not imagine a 100lb’er!


While waiting for fish to bite, we talked and just soaked in the scenery. We noticed this sea otter off in the distance kind of standing up in the water looking at us. It would swim a bit closer and stand up again, doing it over and over until it is just a few yards from the boat!


Barb and I were pretty even on both size and number of fish when I had an epiphany. I turned to her and said, “If you get the biggest one, my next blog post is going to be titled “Barb’s Big ‘But”.” She said “You wouldn’t dare: “Oh, yes I would” I replied. “Do and you’re a dead man.” Funny thing, ever since I made that statement, she did not want to reel any more fish in. Apparently, she was afraid. Very afraid. As she knows me, and know I am just dumb enough to do something like that. Many of you already know that, remembering my post titled “My Wife is a Cow”. She did reel in a few more when we knew they were smaller ones, but she did not anything to do with a big fish!


So, I guess maybe I should have titled this post “Barb’s not so big 'but”. I never caught the big one either, but we did end up with 8 really nice eaters and a couple of cod.

After cleaning the fish and the boat we headed back to Rich and Susan’s. I had forgotten just how beautiful their place is. Words cannot describe it. They are on a bluff a couple of hundred feet above the water with a view of miles and miles in each direction. What a gift from God.


Eagles land right on their lawn.


When was the last time you were looking down and took a picture of the top of an eagle?


Their house is perfect for the location with windows to take advantage of the views.


Oh, and their shed! They write on the walls throughout the year as a remembrance of how the fishing was and tales. Kind of like an ongoing living diary over the years. 

What an awesome place. We spent the night, in fact, two nights right there in their driveway enjoying that view.


The next day, Rich was taking a couple of his buddies, Royce and Seth, out, telling me he had room for one more if I wanted to come. Barb told me to go, and she and Susan would hang out together. This time we went 25 miles out to a place called “The Deep”. Arriving, Rich starts dropping the lines and within 10 seconds, had one on! He hands the rod to me, and I started cranking. I look over at Royce and Seth and they both have fish on as well. We tripled up in less than a minute!

 The action was like that most of the day. Fish, after fish, after fish. We could have limited out within an hour, we kept a few of the nicer ones but threw back most of them saving room for a few monsters if we hooked into one.

 As we were driving to another spot when I see this whale breach the water coming almost all the way out. Then it does it again. Of course, before I can grab my camera. It was a pod of Orcas. I did get some shots of them as they surfaced though.


We never did get the big ‘but, but we did limit out on decent fish!


After that we all went back to Rich and Susan’s and had a big fish fry. We were joined my Bob and Becky. Do you think I thought of taking one picture? Nope. 

Barb said she had a great day as well, going into Ninilchik and touring the town. Ninilchik is really an old Russian village with a really cool church and interesting cemetery. It was overgrown with flowers and grass with tiny paths.

The next day, we thought we’d get out of Rich and Susan’s hair for a few days. We will be here for a few weeks and too much of a good thing would spoil us. We headed off up to the Kasilof River to see if we could catch a few salmon. We parked the truck in a crowded parking lot and headed off to try a spot that Royce had told us about. It was a little further out and maybe a little less crowded. We were walking the trail, came around a corner and what do I see standing in the brush not 10 feet from us? A moose! Apparently, this moose is used to people as it just looked over its shoulder as we walked by.


The scenery was perfect, the fishing not so much. A few people were picking some up here and there, but we did not. I would say maybe 1 out of 10 fisher-people caught a fish.

June 21st marked the summer solstice, the longest day of sunlight for the year. Hard to tell here when it is always sunny! Here is what I found on the sunrise/sunset charts for the area...... Pretty crazy!

We fished that area two days with no luck on the salmon yet. It is still early and will happen. Just need to put our time in. If you are keeping track (and believe me I am), I am ahead on the rainbow trout, grayling and halibut, Barb is ahead on the dolly varden and of course the lake trout. Who can forget that lake trout! So, that makes me ahead? Or does it make her ahead because of that monster lake trout? I am not even going to ask the audience as I know it is rigged!

We are in the Homer area for a week or two, we will continue try for salmon, continue to hook up with Rich and Susan and continue to try top each other in the halibut and salmon categories. Who knows, maybe Barb will get a big 'but afterall!


  1. Good evening, I enjoyed reading about your fishing adventures-such a beautiful landscape

    1. For the landscape alone, I would say Haines is the most beautiful spot. For overall things to do and landscape, this area is the place to be!

  2. Super cool! We’re excited to get some big buts! We haven’t got any Salmon or trout yet.

    1. I cannot wait for your blog post titled "My Big 'But!"!

  3. Interesting the sunrise and no sunset but of course it's nature up there.
    You certainly have caught a lot of fish and hopefully the salmon will come you way in a day or two, or even three. Beautiful view where your friends live, but I guess they take it for granted now.
    Take care.

    1. I asked him that very question the other day as we were standing on the bluff. He said "No, they do not take it for granted. We only get to enjoy it for 3 months a year and look forward to coming back every year".

  4. What a trip &THE MEMORIES for ever--awesome countryside,terrific friends ,experiences.Enjoy,all the best

    1. The places we see and the things we do, are great, but it is the people and friends that really what make our lives special.

  5. Hello,
    Hailbut is one of my favorite fish to eat. I love seeing the sea otters and the orca. Great sightings. The views from your friend's home is gorgeous. Happy fishing! Take care. have a great day!

    1. For us, salmon is our favorite fish. Then walleye, halibut, crappie, not necessarily in that order.

  6. The sea, wildlife, the weather…just gorgeous! I think you might be even with the fish! No ‘buts about it.

    1. Had I posted a blog with that title, I am sure I would be swimming with the fishes right now!

  7. I’ve only been deep sea fishing once for red snapper and it was much the same. Lots of identically sized fish and nonstop reeling them to the boat.

    1. There are dozens and dozens of charters around here that do the same thing. Take a boat load of people out for halibut, or whatever. We are truly blessed to have friends like Rich and Susan!

  8. Oh Jim....you may wise to create a new title for that post! LOL . Your friends, Rich and Susan sound like great people and what a gorgeous view they have at their home. Are you all having these fish frozen packed and sent back home? My husband has told me how exhausting it can be reeling in those big halibut. He also said it is so much fun! I will be waiting on photos of the salmon you will be catching in the next few weeks. Looks like you all are having a trip of a lifetime, not only with the fishing, but in seeing the beauty of the land as well as the wildlife. Love seeing all the photos... take care and enjoy!

    1. Rich and Susan were night enough to borrow us some freezer space while we are in the area. We bought an airline approved insulated box and will be shipping 50lbs home as soon as we have enough.

  9. What a fabulous trip you guys are having! And what a lovely home your friends have--the views, eagles in their yard!! Happy fishing!

    1. You could not find a better location for the views that they have in their home. The entire house was designed to take in that view.

  10. What a truly beautiful area. Their home looks like it is in a paradise! You all caught lots of fish while you were with them, that's for sure. Not much nighttime. I hope you have some good eye masks for sleeping! I hope you have luck with the (delicious) salmon. ;)

    1. We did not bring any eye masks and our shades are not exactly darkening shades, but we have not had a hard time sleeping. We are not getting a full night's sleep like we would if it were dark, so sometimes a mid-day nap is in order.

  11. That was my all time favorite place, Homer. Oh for the taste of fresh halibut. We all know Barb's going to win by the way!! I mean really, do YOU want to be known as having the BIGGEST BUT?? We stayed below the gas station at the top of the hill, with that fabulous view and eagles flying on the currents right in front of us. I can't wait to go back.

    1. Not that I am keeping track, but so far it is 3 people rooting for Barb and 0 for me. When people ask us where our favorite place is in Alaska, we always say Homer. Not necessarily because of the scenery, but because of the memories, friends, everything there is to do here but yes, the scenery is spectacular!

  12. Hahahaha well I'm Team Barb but mainly just because we girls have to stick together. I am no fisherperson and in fact, one of my funniest childhood stories is of the time. was forced to fish in the Intracoastal Waterway in Fort Lauderdale and I caught a catfish and my stupid dog Pepper mangled the thing before I could even get it off the hook and I said a bad word and to this day I don't know why I didn't get into trouble! Anyway, LOVE the sea otters! Wow I would have enjoyed that so much! And the moose, and the Orcas! And I cannot IMAGINE living with a view like your friends have. AMAZING. I would never leave the house. I would just be in my kitchen cooking for whatever company was coming over, and in my off time, sitting on that deck with a good book. Oh and I love the words "No Last Light" ... that's precious. xoxo

    1. Rich says he will pull a chair right up to the top of the bluff and just sit there and look. I don't blame him, I found myself doing the same thing the couple of days that we were there.
      I am guessing your parents did not punish you as you said the words the situation called for at the time. I bet they went off by themselves and just laughed at the fact that you swore! It took me years to realize it, but my parents were not the fuddy duds I thought they were when I was a child.

  13. Thank Goodness the Canadians did not allow you to bring guns, or Barb might be driving back alone leaving your decaying body for the Griz. Sure hope you don't have any dog issues, BUT, if you do, the best Vet in the world is right there at the Soldotna Animal Hospital where Dr. Meezie Hermansen works (a commercial fisherman herself). And as soon as you mentioned Ninilchik, I immediately thought about that old Russian Orthodox Church...

    1. That church is pretty interesting, isn't it? Now that we are getting closer to the implementation of the new dog regulations, we should get online and make sure we know everything there is to know about it.

    2. Just read the rules, starting August 1st, for dogs coming into USA from Canada...much harder for a dog coming into the USA than a person crossing the boarder from the south...something is just wrong about this...

    3. Yep. Over regulation for sure. Not sure what they are trying to accomplish.

  14. Halibut is a favorite! and fresh is better.
    Odd Sunrise/Sunset ... How can there be a First Light, but no Last Light?
    Good Luck with the salmon fishing. Does Rich have a secret salmon spot?

    1. You know, I wondered the exact same thing. How can there be First Light with no Last Light? Rich does have a secret salmon spot, but so far, he has not given it up. I may have to apply a little more Pabst Blue Ribbon beer to my questioning! He assures me that we will get plenty of salmon, they are just no in the rivers yet. Another couple of weeks....

  15. Barb you got this, show them how its done! :)

    1. There's another one for Team Barb. It seems as though I am very outnumbered!

  16. great post! Humor, otters, eagles, flowers, beautiful old ethnic churches, friends and....halibut - our favorite!

    1. Those otters are so interesting. I think I could just sit there and watch them for hours. Apparently, they can dive 100' or more to get to get to the crab and clams on the bottom!

  17. Happy fishing and good times with friends. No, I have never looked down to see an eagle…what an awesome feeling that would be! I love the moose, the old church and fish fries…hope you had hush puppies too! And the view…truly a gift from God!

    1. No hush puppies at this fish fry, but those do sounds good, don't they? We saw a momma moose with two little babies the other day. We were going down the road, so no opportunity for pictures though!

  18. The scenery and the views y'all have are stunning! I call those fish monster fish lol It would be exciting to live in a place where you might expect eagles in your yard and whales and otters nearby. Wow!

    1. We talk about it and imagine ourselves buying a place here. In the end, we love where we are and love the fact that we can load up and go other places. The stress and commitment of having a second home is just not for us at the moment.

    2. Umm yeah I like the thinking of you guys getting a place in AK too ! Then we can come visit you there and never leave 😆

    3. I wonder if that's what Rich and Susan are thinking.... "When are these people going to leave?"

  19. I'm not a fisherman, so I have to ask. Do you ever get tired of fishing? My father loved fishing and I think his answer would be, "No." Rich and Susan do indeed live in a beautiful area.

    1. We do, and when we do, we will go for a hike, of just sit in the camper and read. We have not fished in three days right now. But I am thinking we will head up to the Kasilof tomorrow and try our luck again!

  20. Lots of good fishing it seems and i can imagine how delicious they tasted at the fish fry. Your friends do live in a beautiful area and seeing a bald eagle in the back yuard would be quite the sight as would seeing a moose as you did.

    1. The moose are pretty used to people around here. They just hang around and let you take pictures of them.

  21. What awesome fishing tales you will be able to remember in years to come. Keep having fun! :)

  22. Dearest Jim and Barb,
    Well, you both are really into adventures, the long drives and the scenery with wild life.
    Such humongous fish, do you prepare them or do you let them go?
    When traveling like that you don't have a freezer I presume...
    You are now at the latitude of Prince Rupert in BC where my Pieter's adopted daughter is born.
    One has to love nature for such a trip or else it is not enjoyable.

    1. We kept the ones pictured, let go many more. Rich and Susan are letting us use their freezer while we are in the area. Then we'll ship a box back home.

    2. WOW! Well organized and thus worthwhile fishing...🤗

  23. I didn't read this I just scrolled through the photos, I am having a problem keeping myself focus this morning and reading is giving me a headache this is most likely due to Parkinson's but I did like the photos and thought how much Tim would like the fishing, not me I do not fish nor do I eat seafood, all in all great photos and a great post.

    1. Thanks Jo-Anne. Hope you are feeling better soon. Parkinson's is a debilitating ailment for sure.

  24. Wow…that’s quite the haul of my favourite ocean fish…buddy, friend, pal…just saying. 😋 So nice of Rich and Susan to take you guys out and let you mooch-dock.The friends we have all made during our travels are the best! The fishing tales in the shed would have been an interesting read. Hopefully the salmon fishing will improve. Safe travels!

    1. Funny, I all of a sudden have all sorts of friends now that they found out we have a few pounds of halibut! But, you guys did fly out to see us......
      When we made that hunting blind at The Farm this spring. I suggested that they put a sharpie in there so people could write about their hunting adventures. Imagine the years of tales that would be eventually on those walls!

  25. Wow, those pictures certainly bring back good times on our travels to Alaska. We were parked on the Homer Spit for a few days and took a fishing charter out during our stay. Jim snagged a Halibut, Captain said he'd never seen one come up like that! LOL. If you like to check out wineries, Bear Creek Winery was a fun side trip for us in Homer. Glad you are having a great visit with friends and the fishing is good. Safe adventures!

    1. So, I checked comments at lunch this afternoon. Then I checked them again after we went to.....wait for it... Bear Creek Winery, and there was you comment! Great minds think alike!

  26. Great post! The photos are awesome, and to see whales and otters, wow! I am jealous of their house, with that view.

    1. I too am jealous of their house. I can certainly see why they love it so much. The otters are certainly fun to watch, as are the whales, but the otters almost act like they want you to watch them.

  27. Diana spotted an eagle flying about 100 feet below us at Sleeping Bear last year. I did manage to get a photo of it…not quite as clear as yours. Did Barb see the eagle’s nest at that church? If not, stop by on your way out of Homer.

    1. I got your photo on messenger. I wish blogger would allow attachments or photos on comments.

  28. You must be in fishing heaven. It sounds fun. And what a view from your friend's home. I love all the wildlife you have been seeing. Any more bears?

    1. No bears this week. The salmon should really start running in the next couple of weeks so the bears should be piling out of the woods to snack on the tasty fishermen!

  29. I have never seen 'first light' reported like that. It could be useful information for a photographer.

    1. Wouldn't it? Unless you were up here this time of year, then it is totally worthless!

  30. You are truly blessed to have such good friends that will take you out fishing like that. What a catch and good memories. I can't wait to read about the next big adventure.

    1. You will get no argument from us. We are blessed with good friends. Rich and Susan are the best!

  31. 1 out of 10 fisher-people caught a fish........ it is always a game of luck. (love those yellow flowers)

    1. It really is. Wait until I explain HOW we catch them. Then you'll realize just how much luck is really involved!

  32. Amazing view! I have never been to a location that has so much light for that much of the day (/night). I would not get any sleep, I´m afraid. Cool moose! I had to draw a moose for Pictionary the other night and all I can say about that is that I cannot draw a moose for the life of me!

    1. You need to put a picture of your Pictionary moose in your blog. It would be hilarious!

  33. Alaska sure is beautiful! Otters and whales 🐳 Amazing! Hope you and Barb both get your big ‘buts! 😁 What an amazing view your friends have!

    1. We went out again today. No big 'buts, but lots of little ones!

  34. You caught a lot of fish! That halibut is huge! And it's not common to see the bald eagle as well. I've only seen one since living up here. The view at your friend's place looks so peaceful. Alaska is so pretty, and my brother-in-laws were deep sea fishermen on the great waters of Alaska at one time. It was a unique experience for them. The old Russian village sounds charming. What a pleasant surprise to see a moose! And Yes, on the donuts. I just had one this weekend too.

    Enjoy these Summer days.


    *you seem to really appreciate nature, and if you'd like, you can check out my Monday post of the waterfalls we saw this week.

    1. There are so many eagles here you start to take them for granted. The scenery, on the other hand would take a long time to take for granted.

  35. This is gorgeous and looks like loads of fun. Boy, you made it to the tip of the state and the universe, I think. Fabulous photos. And, I might add, I'm with Barb. Don't you dare. Ever!

    1. Ha! She just better not give me a reason to!

      So for this year we have been from the Keys of Florida all the way to Alaska!

  36. Another outstanding trip report!

    Rich and Susan have a terrific spot in paradise. Doesn't hurt to have outstanding fishing to go along with the scenery.

    Jealous of all that fresh fish. I'll get over it. Eventually.

    Y'all keep enjoying and reporting!

    1. Oh, just wait for our next report, it will take you even longer to get over it!

  37. While I have no desire to fish for halibut, I would have LOVED getting a few fillets. It's my favorite fish. I have all my fish shipped from the fishery on Alaska. Glad you're getting on lots of good fishing. Hope the salmon start biting soon. Love the moose!!

    1. Salmon report comes out tomorrow or the next day. We aren't going to go hungry!

  38. What an adventure you are on! Look at that cute little otter.

    1. That cute little otter is over 100lbs and has jaws strong enough to crush your hand in a single bite!

  39. Wow....looking like you all are having fun and you were able to catch dinner! I have never been much on fishing, I always had trouble just sitting still to fish. But my dad taught me to bait my hook and take the fish off....I prefer doing something else..lol. Love the visitors you had, the seal, and the whales. I would love to see those whates swimming around. Nature is amazing. I love photographing old churches.

    1. That old church is pretty darn cool. Think of all the history and people that have been through its doors.

  40. Amazing fishing. I can't wait to get back to Alaska some day.

  41. You could sail SHIFT up here. Now that would be an adventure!

  42. What a great trip and thank you for the maps also. Alaska is one of the beautiful states here in the U.S. I am not sure I will get back there but I enjoyed our visit in 2018 with our family. We did not do all that you did, though I suspect some of us would envy you the fishing trip. Fun to be with such great friends and meet other interesting travelers. Sorry Barb caught a cold but she is a trooper. Wow! Those are big fish! Congratulations Barb on catching Codzilla, lol! Lots of great information on salmon and I thank you for that. All your photos and tales were a real treat. I really like your last line, “will always have the memory of and that unspoken bond of sharing a river with good people.” Nothing gets better than that. Happy 4th of July!
