Thursday, June 6, 2024

Shocked, Amazed and Confused

Those were the feelings that went through our heads as we arrived at our friends Dave and Leslie's place in Leduc, just outside of Nisku Alberta. Our entire reason for taking this circuitous route was so we could stop by and see them. 

We first met Dave and Leslie in January of 2018 in Quartzsite Arizona where we were spending the winter out in the desert boondocking with a group of friends we met the previous years. They were visiting mutual friends of ours from British Columbia; Steve and Dianne. We hit it off with them right away and have met up several times over the years both in Arizona and South Dakota. Now it was our turn to stop and see them!

We pulled into the driveway of their country estate to spend 3 days of catching up and enjoying the area. They came out to greet us with hugs and got the rig set up and walked into their house. 

Barb was a few steps ahead of me as we entered their house. She turned, walked into the kitchen and screamed! What the heck?!? I then walked into the kitchen to see our B.C. friends Steve and Dianne standing in the kitchen! So many things go through your head when you experience something like that. Confusion is the first, as your brain processes what you are seeing. Then shocked that they are there, followed by amazed that they actually took the time and expense to fly out to join us. Steve is taking a video of our reactions so if you want to see our shocked, amazed and confused looks, you can watch it here.  

What followed was three days of fun and laughter... and food. OMG, the filets they prepared the first night were to die for. We have not had a good steak in so long. When then adjourned to the living room for what is basically the Superbowl in Canada. Well, not quite the Superbowl, but certainly the divisional playoffs. The Edmonton Oilers were playing the Dallas Stars.

It was a good night as the Oilers pulled it off. Believe me, you do not want to be around neither Dave nor Leslie after an Oilers loss.  

The next day started with a hike along the North Saskatchewan River in Voyageur Park in Devon with the girls. 
After dropping the girls off back home, we headed over to Rig Hand Distillery just down the road for a tour Dave had arranged. This combination distillery/brewery had been started several years ago by a couple of oil workers that had been laid off. 
They also serve food, so we headed into the main area for a few cocktails and a meal. Barb and Leslie got a Ceasar flight

Then it was back home for a game of 10,000 around the fire. 
Nothing but the best from the Rouche's as they served their wine in a stemmed mason jar complete with a lid! Dianne may or may not have taken a tumble at one point ending up on her back in the grass. I can neither confirm nor deny that rumor. 
Even Zoey get in on the action!
Our last day there consisted of a hike, a visit to Sea Change Brewery, lunch at Blackjacks and another evening of watching the Oilers trounce the Stars. Next up, the Florida Panthers in the Stanley Cup Finals!

The entire three days went way too fast and before we knew it, Steve and Dianne were off to the airport and Barb, I and the girls were off to parts unknown. What a great visit! Dave and Leslie were incredible hosts. We have plans to get together in the fall of '25, see you then guys!

Our parts unknown were really not unknown, they were just a few hours west into Whitecourt where we spent the night, then onto Dawson Creek which is the official start of the Alaska Highway! Between Whitecourt and Dawson Creek was the town of Beaverlodge. How could we not stop and take our picture with the world's biggest beaver!??!?

In Dawson Creek we did laundry and stopped by the Post & Row Brewing Co. where Barb had a flight of Ceasers (basically the same thing as a Bloody Mary) and I had a Strawberry Lemonade drink that sounded quite refreshing but was a little more flamboyant than I thought. While we were sitting there, we each bought an 8-day BC fishing license ($50 each) on our phones and were ready to catch some fish!

We spent the night several miles outside of Dawson Creek along a high bridge that spanned the Kiskatinaw river. A quiet and remote spot.

We walked down to the river, a pretty steep grade. The thing about going down a steep grade is that you have to walk back up. A good workout for the day. Zoey got a new rain jacket; she is not a fan. 

The next day we were ready to begin our fishing adventure! I know many of you who have been reading our blog for a while know that Barb and I have an ongoing battle of who catches the most and the biggest fish. This year I was bound and determined to take the title for both of these categories! 

Arriving at Inga Lake, it was wet, muddy and raining. We set up at the campground right on the lake (which is free) and I set up our fly rods. I then went out to start my quest for the first fish of the trip. My second cast, it felt like something was weird with my flyrod. It was then that I noticed that the top 8” of my rod was missing. Well, it was not missing, but it was broken off and sitting on the line down by my fly. I am pretty sure Barb sabotaged me already!


The next day I set up one of our spinning rods, our remaining flyrod and Barb and I drove to the other end of the lake to start fishing. It was still drizzling and wet, but we made the most of it. Barb had two on, got one right to shore, but as you all know, unless you put your hands on it, it does not count.

I put my hands on not one, but two really nice trout! That’s right ladies and gentlemen, I am up 2-0 leading both the most and the largest fish categories. 

Perhaps I should break the rest of our rods right now and call it a win!


  1. Why have I not heard of a Ceasar Flight?! What fun to have Steve and Dianne surprise you! Nice catch.

  2. What a fun meet up with the Colibabas! I think Barb might have something not so kind to say if you break the remaining fishing rods just so you can be the winner!! Just saying, the end result might not be what you are wanting.

    1. Hmmm, 🤔. Might be worth it so I can claim victory!

  3. What a most excellent surprise!!!! We met S and D in Q at a boondocking rally, good folks. How special of them to make the gathering of six happen! Few things are better than sharing adventures and cocktails with good friends. Those flights look mighty tasty :-) Nice fish, bummer about the rod, Barb is not worried.

    1. You won't find better folk than S&D. So special that they made the trip!

  4. What a fun surprise. Glad that you're having such a good time.

  5. When ou mentioned a Caesar Flight I was thinking a a few salads! Brews are better.
    What a surprise to find other great guests at your gathering! Nice!
    Hope no more fishing rods break
    Continued Safe Travels!

    1. I am debating whether I need to buy a new rod up here or wait until we get home. I am sure they would be twice the price here.

    2. Now you 'could have' said, "I had such a large Trout on my line that it snapped my rod, and it got away..." Barb probably has the Bass Pro Shop in Anchorage on her travel agenda, might be a good place to buy another rod or two.

    3. Or...It drug me in the water, I 'restled it and it broke my pole!

  6. Fun stuff with your friends! Good for you! Safe travels!

    1. We were so excited and surprised to see Steve and Dianne there!

  7. Now that sounds like it was such a great surprise and a really fun few days!!
    No, I can't imagine you would want to quit the fishing contest while you were ahead at the very start of the contest--lol! ;)
    Zoey did look miserable in the rain jacket.
    Looking forward to seeing your trip unfold! :)

    1. Zoey looked so sad and pathetic. She has not worn it since!

  8. So much fun reading this post! You two sure know how to enjoy yourselves, and have so many friends along your way. What a life!
    Caesar flights...hmmm....

    1. We never really thought of it before, but we do have friends scattered across two countries!

  9. We were so happy you guys were actually surprised and didn’t just turn around and drive off in a mad dash. 😂🤣 We had such a blast with you guys and Dave and Leslie. Looking forward to your adventures and fishing competitions. Take care and safe travels!

    1. You guys are the best and sure did surprise us! Thanks for making the trip, it would have been a total bore without you. Did Dianne like her picture on the ground?

  10. Looks like you had a fun time! Nothing like good friends, food, and fishing!

    1. This is so true! So good to hang out with these four for a few days.

  11. What awesome fun. So great to have such wonderful friends :)
    Enjoy your "temporary" fishing win. I'm sure Barb will be beating your record again very soon LOL.

    1. Oh, believe me, I am enjoying it while I can! But this is trout and salmon fishing, I think I have the upper hand compared to walleye fishing.

  12. Well that was a wonderful surprise. We make some wonderful friends whilst on the road, how lovely of them to fly to meet you too.
    Keep fishing and that trout looks a beauty.

    1. We have made so many wonderful friends while on the road, we hope to catch up with a few more in the coming weeks!

  13. What a fun surprise, sounds like you are having a great time.
    I have never heard of the Caesars Flights, I do like a good Bloody Mary.
    Have fun, safe travels. Take care, have a great day!

    1. I guess they only difference is they are made with clamato versus whatever is used in a bloody Mary.

  14. I immediately wondered if there would be any distilleries or breweries up thataway.

    1. Wonder no more my friend. Do you really think we would travel anywhere without them?!?

  15. Awesome surprise and what a very fun trip so far! I enjoy reading about your travels
    Happy weekend

  16. Absolutely loved Barbs reaction in the video. As for fishing I wouldn't get to big headed. Barb has a way of coming back to crush you.

    1. My moments of victory are so infrequent that I have to take advantage of them!

  17. You BROKE your rod????? That means Barb WINS!!! Love to see those fish!! How fun to have a surprise meetup with friends.

    1. I don't think I like your rules! With luck, you will be seeing many more fish pictures (with me holding them) in the future!

  18. Never been a bloody mary fan, but those flights look so good! That was pretty special that your friends surprised you! A wonderful three days you all had together :) I couldn't get the video to play :( Love the pic of Zoey, her expression! LOL

    1. I never have been either, but I took a sip of each one. I am starting to like them a little more.

  19. SURPRISE!!!!! Its great when a surprise is a good one like that. Sounds as if you all had a blast.

  20. Hahahaha good work but I predict that before long, Barb will overtake you and retain the title throughout! I am rooting for you, however. And I hope you will root -- even subliminally while doing other things, including fishing -- for our poor beleaguered Chicago Cubs who are in a bad slump. If only they could win as much as the Edmonton Oilers, hahaha! Especially when we travel to Cleveland and Chicago later in the summer to see them in person. Meanwhile, happy trails to you and Barb and the girls! xoxo

    1. As a Twins fan I might find it hard to root for the Cubs, but believe me, we know all about slumps! I am sure they will snap out of it soon and back to their winning ways! Unlike Barb...

  21. What a nice surprise and good to read you had a wonderful time with your friends, some amazing photos prove it

    1. We don't see that group often enough, it had been a few years.

  22. I know that beaver! (And by this I mean I live not far from its location, haha.)

  23. What a great surprise to see Steve ans Dianne!! Sure sounds like a memorable three day visit with good friends. John was glad to see a Canadian team finally make it to the finals. Of course, had the Oilers been playing the Golden Knights he wouldn't have had the same thoughts...haha!! Looks like the girls are going to have a some water fun helping you watch Barb catch fish without cheating!! Go, Barb!!

    1. Ugh! Wait until the next blog. She has taken the lead in one category that will be very hard to beat!

    2. Oh, we your name did come up with Steve and Dianne!

  24. What a totally delightful reunion! You all must have had the best possible time. I love stories like this. Safe travels and enjoy it all!

    1. We did have the best possible time! Who could you not with friends like these?

  25. You know how to have fun! I figure Barb is letting you take the lead for once! Lol.

  26. I get how much of a surprise that was. What a treat.

  27. So far behind on commenting. Was so good to see you both at our place and the last minute surprise with Steve and Dianne was just perfect! Thank you for supporting the Oilers while you were here, I think having all the out of town guests in Oilers colors really tipped the series in our favour!! Good food, great people and perhaps an adult beverage or two just can't be beat. Travel safe you four.

    1. Well, it's not like you haven't been busy. Big game tonight, hope they start with a win!

  28. That certainly made the trip in that direction worthwhile. How fun. It looks like you have a great group of friends. And I'm for the Oilers too, since Florida beat the Bruins in the earlier playoff rounds. Off to read your next post.

  29. Well, that sort of "shock, amazed and confused" is pretty good. Seeing friends when you didn't expect to is a great way to enjoy a vacation.

    Good show on recovering from a broken fly rod to surge into the lead of the fishing competition.

    Certainly sounds like your trip is continuing on the path to become "epic".

    1. We'll take surprises like that anytime! We have a great visit with those guys, it probably a good thing we all don't live closer together!

  30. I also meant to say that it is quite difficult now days not to have phone service, especially since we are all so privileged to use the phone whenever we want. We had this issue up in the mountains and it certainly is difficult when you are using your phone for GPS and all of sudden no service. Excited to see your next post.
