I could write a book on this subject as there are so many
reasons…… this is just but another example of “You Know you Married the Right
Woman When…..” It started last Friday, Barb was over at Jessica’s painting
Dylan’s room and I was to spend the day getting started on a project of
finishing the roughed-in bathroom at Forrest’s house. I went to Home Depot,
picked up some sheetrock, insulation and a few other supplies. Returning to
Forrest’s I remove everything from the truck and get to work. I got as far as I
could for the day and decided to go to the bike shop to get those bicycle flat
tires I mentioned on my last post fixed and jumped in the truck to head to the
bike store. Halfway there I realize I don’t have my wallet…..turn the truck
around and head back to Forrest’s. Search the house high and low….cannot find
my wallet! Go look in the truck, no luck. Go back in the house…. Nothing. I
knew I had it at Home Depot, where the heck is it?????? Now I am panicking, did
I leave it at the store? Back out to the truck, take everything out of the
truck, jacket, computer, iPad, trash….. no wallet! Ugh! Back in the house tear
the couch apart and there it is! Whew.
I jump in the truck, all is well and I am going to get those
tires fixed. I get about a mile down the road and I hear something sliding
across the roof of the truck followed by Bam, Clank! “What the heck is that?” I
look behind me in time to see the computer bouncing off the bed of the truck
and head towards the pavement. I stopped as soon as I could but it was too
late. I walk back and start picking up the pieces….computer body, battery, CD
door. Walk back to the truck and remember that I had put my iPad up there as
well. I get out again and look, no iPad. I have a protective case around it so
maybe….. just maybe it survived. So I turn around and retrace my path and a few
hundred yards back I see my iPad! I pull over run over to the iPad and pick it
up. No iPad, just am empty case. I look a little further down the road and
there it is in the middle of the road totally smashed! I again pick up the
pieces and head back to the truck totally sick to my stomach! Between the two
items, there goes a couple of grand. Mentally beating myself up I head to the
bike shop and drop off the tires and head over to Jessica’s to wait the hour it
will take the bike shop to fix them. Do
I tell Barb right away? Do I wait for the right moment? May as well get it over
with…. “Barb, can you come out to the truck, I have something to show you”. We
get out there I tell her the story and show her the pieces. She starts laughing
and says “Sucks to be you!” That scenario could have gone so many ways but that
my friends, is another example of how I know I married the right woman!
That night I get home and inspect the computer. The screen
is not broken….maybe, just maybe…. I had to jam the battery back in and after a
few whacks it seats itself in place. I open it up and hit the power button…..it
works!!! I give it a good run through and other than not having a CD door and
some cosmetic issues it seems to be okay!
One survived the crash |
The other did not... |
The weather turned for the worse here much like almost
everywhere else across the country. Not a lot of snow, but the temps have
dropped down into the 20’s during the day and the single digits at night. As a
result we have not been doing a lot outdoors. Most of our time has been spent
at the kids continuing to paint and finish Forrest’s bathroom. The trailer held
up for a few days but we woke up two days ago and everything was froze up. No
water! We have been trying to thaw it out for the past two days but no luck. We
finally came to a solution that we know will work, we are leaving Wednesday morning
for warmer temps! As of right now, it appears as though we are going to head to
Zion National Park about 4 hours south where the temps will be in the 60’s. We
have been wanting to see this area and planned to when the weather turned
colder, we just did not think it would be this early. Our plan is to stay there
for 4-5 days and head back to Salt Lake for Thanksgiving.
Another result of this cold snap was the marina froze up
with 3” of ice virtually overnight leaving 8 boats frozen in their slips.
Talking to the marina manager, he doubts it will thaw anytime soon and they
were going to work on getting the remaining boats out today.
Frozen in tight! |
Hopefully the weather will be a bit warmer when we come
If you have an example of how you know you married the right
person, feel free to post it in the comment section, we would love to hear it.