Ah, the little things in life….. last Wednesday was the first day
in 7 weeks that I did not have to get up before 7 and get to work on something
right away. So what time did I get up? 6:00 of course but at least I did not
have to have breakfast and rush off somewhere. I did however catch this awesome picture of a redheaded woodpecker! I used to see them all the time as a kid, I don't know the last time I saw one....
I am happy to report that Kevin and Cheryl’s inspection/appraisal went well so they too
can slow down and enjoy a morning or two. Their house is pretty close to being
done. They still have a couple of small jobs left…grout the rock outside, caulk
the outside and a couple of things inside. I cannot wait until we are to that
My next job at our place was to put the rock cap on the siding in preparation of putting the scratch coat and eventually the rock on an
area 140’x40” along the entire east side, south side and about 15’ of the west
side. To be honest, we just were not too motivated this week. The sad thing is that I felt guilty not working on the house all day every day as there is still so much to do.
The rock cap is on the bottom of the metal siding |
For Barb’s part she stained and varnished some trim parts
for the loft area. Now that it is carpeted we can put the trim up!
Looks like the flooring and tile is going to take up to 6
weeks to get in so that too will have to wait until we get back from our next
adventure. Oh well, that will give us something to do when we get back.
We made two big (well biggish) purchases this week. We bought
a 5’ mower deck and a back blade for the tractor. The mower deck will help us
keep the tall grasses down around the house and the back blade will help us
keep the driveway maintained. It is kind of fun and therapeutic to go out on the tractor for an hour or so at a time and work on things.
I am starting my own implement row! |
We also got our first blog2print book this week! It is not
exactly like we had envisioned it but we like it enough to do the rest of the
years. The first thing that we did not realize is that it had a paper cover and
the printing/picture is not embossed on the actual book. Apparently that is
another option that we did not choose and will do so next time.
Front Cover |
Back Cover |
The other thing we did not realize is that the captions on
the pictures appear where they did in the original blogger post but the
pictures do not. The pictures show up pretty close to where they originally were so that part is easy to follow along but the caption appears without the
picture, so the narrative does not flow seamlessly as it did when the pictures
were in the right place.
All in all, we are very happy with how they turned out. It
will be nice to have them to page through and read occasionally.
Our big excitement for the week was while Barb and Zoey
were out for a walk. Zoey loves to run through the tall grass and play hide and
seek with Barb. She will run ahead of Barb, turn lay crouch down in attack mode
waiting for Barb to approach. Then she will jump straight up in the air. Spin
180 degrees and she is off again! Other times she will run, then drop her front
end into the grass and push her body through the grass with her hind legs.
Then there was the time she ran ahead of Barb and started to
eat the grass like it was a Filet Mignon. When Barb got up to her she saw it was
not grass she was chowing down on but a batch of mushrooms! She had downed
about 6 of them by the time Barb caught up to her.

Oh oh…. Barb gathered up
some of the mushrooms and brought them and Zoey back to the house to show me.
At first I thought she wanted me to eat some too so we could both go on a
magical mushroom ride but sadly, she just wanted to show them to me. We tried
looking them up to see if they were edible or poisonous but could not find
that exact mushroom on any sites. So we decided to call the vet. They said some mushrooms show immediate signs if they were poisonous while others would not show any
symptoms for 6-12 hours until the mushrooms hit the GI tract. Barb sent the vet
the pictures and after about 15 minutes they called back and said they too
could not find them to determine if they were poisonous or not and suggested
that they call the Pet Poison Control but that would be a minimum charge of

Not knowing what we were dealing with we went that route and Barb started
driving the 30 minutes to the vet. Meanwhile the vet also took Barb’s pictures
and posted them on a Facebook Group that vets sometimes use in these situations. From the looks of the site, anyone can use it in an emergency for pets, humans, you name it...
Once Barb got down there they had received several responses
from the Facebook Group identifying the mushrooms as Marasmius Sp., non-poisonous but might irritate her GI Tract. To be on the safe side they gave Zoey a shot to induce vomiting. Barb said the results were
instantaneous. Everything came out of her stomach including….. lots of deer
poop! Zoey continued to vomit until they gave her a reversal and she stopped.
She probably would have been alright if we just let things go but better to be
safe than sorry. So how much did this emergency vet call cost? Well, including
the $65 charge to the poison hotline the total came to $105. Gotta love those
country vets! It has been several days since this incident and Zoey has been her
normal crazy self since then but Barb does not let her get that far ahead of
her in the field anymore!