Sunday, March 2, 2025

Last Week in Dunnelon

So hot! A bead of sweat dripped down my back providing a little relief. I tapped the thermometer with my finger thinking it was stuck. What a difference a week can make. The 80's have returned to Florida! Back home this week there was over a 100-degree difference in the low of last week to the high of the week. But don't let those 60-degree February temperatures in South Dakota fool you, it is not spring, not even close. Mother Nature lulls you into a false sense of spring, then she slaps you in the face, letting you know who is in control. A couple of years ago, we received 17" of snow in May.  But we are not in South Dakota, not yet at least. 

We just wrapped up our last week in this area, have the camper back on the truck and are ready to move on. The past 28 days have absolutely flown by. This week was filled with more fishing, walks, reading and some horsing around. Dan and I went out fishing on Tuesday morning. Bass fishing on the Withlacoochee. Beautiful day, 0 fish.  We mainly threw plastic worms and spinners, but the fish were not fooled. 
Of the 5 times I got out fishing, none of them were spectacular, but it was certainly nice to get out on the water, enjoy the sun and talk smart with Dan. We thought maybe it was the weather, or the time of the year, but Dan went out Thursday and filled his livewell full of Crappie. We determined it was just me causing us to not catch fish. I don't think he will ever invite me fishing again!

Barb and Jeannie had two adventures, the first to Botanical Garden in Williston. An old quarry that has been transformed into a beautiful garden and gathering place. 

Their second outing was to Tampa Downs to watch some horse races. They do them early in the year here to beat the summer heat. They bet on each of the races, in the end breaking pretty much even. 
Thursday, we got together with Mike one last time for Thirsty Thursday at Copps Brewery. Hard to beat their $4 drafts on Thursdays. Mike bought Barb a Copps Brewery cap! After that we went grocery shopping and bourbon hunting. We are on the hunt for rare bourbons to add to our collection. I am on the search for a Stagg, but so far it has eluded me. Well, I did see three of them on our hunts, but all way overpriced. For the same bottle at three different liquor stores the prices ranged from $299, $199 and $149, the lowest price still $50 over what I am willing to pay. I did pick up two bottles this week, another Eagle Rare and a Knob Creek Bourbon-Rye. 

We also took the girls for a long walk at Blue Run Park in Dunnelon. We ran across one very cool sighting. I know several of you will know what kind of bird this, it was in the middle of eating a pretty long snake. We watched it for 20 minutes while the tried to swallow the snake. That snake fought the entire way, but the bird eventually won. 

The girls had fun though and got a lot of sniffing in. So many things to sniff, so little time....
Friday was cleanup day as we were leaving early the next morning. Putting the camper on the truck and putting everything away. Dan and Jeannie picked us up around 3:00 for our last trip to the Freezer. We did not accomplish our goal of going there once a week, but we did make it 3 out of the 4 weeks. What a great way to end our time here! 

Saturday morning, we were off with the sunrise, headed through Tampa and Sarasota on our way to my sister Judy's house in Fort Myer's for 4 more days of fun in the sun!

Sunday, February 23, 2025


Our cold and shivering bodies gathered around the fire trying to absorb its warmth. We did not know if we were going to make it through the night, but by God we were going to try. I looked around our group, we were too cold to talk, too cold to move, we just sat and stared into the flames silently wondering if this was our last night on earth. How could it be this cold? We came down to Florida to escape the cold, glancing at the thermometer on the window, I see the dial was dipping down to the 40°, this was definitely life threatening.

I am sure most of you reading this are wondering if we all survived. I am happy to report we did. 

What a crazy week across the country. Back home in South Dakota, we saw a low of -25 below (is using the - sign and the word "below" a double negative?) The high that day was -4. Two days later the high was 48. Talk about a roller coaster. At the farm in North Dakota, they saw a low of -33, now that is cold! But that does not stop them from working, life carries on at the farm regardless of the weather. Here are a couple of screenshots I took when the temperature when I thought to do it. 

Speaking of The Farm, we talked to Farmer Bob this week in Kenya. He is getting along well. He and the priest are pretty much the only two in the area (at least in his circle) that speak English. Even the masses are in Swahili. Bob has learned a few words and phrases, so far, his favorite is "Hakuna matata" which means "No worries".

Before the bottom fell out of the thermometer (by Florida standards) we were able to get out for a few adventures. Dan and I fished Lochloosa Lake, a beautiful day on the lake, but our worst day fishing so far. I am happy to report, we saw no spiders or snakes, but the wasps were out there!

Like Noonan, the cormorants were waiting in the trees for us to go under them so they would practice their aim. 

While we were doing that, Jeannie and Barb were having a sushi party for the women in the neighborhood. Many of them had never made sushi before and came prepared with sake, fans and geisha hair pins. 

Not wanting to get home too soon (The women were still making sushi), Dan and I stopped at a bar along the way home. Upon entering the bar, it was like we stepped back in time. A blue smokey haze hovered over the entire place. As we took our bar stools, no less than 3 of the 6 patrons were smoking. What the?!?! We ordered our beer, and I googled, "Is smoking legal in Florida bars?". I was shocked to read that yes; it is under specific condition. Apparently (I am going from memory) in 2017, 5 states changed their laws to allow smoking in bars, Florida being one of them. 

While I am not a smoker, I don't disagree with this law, businesses should be able to cater to who they want and survive if there is a market for it.  But I will never go there again. After a quick beer, it was still too early to risk going home, so we stopped by the Clubhouse in their subdivision and met some of the other "sushi husbands" for a few games of pool. 

The next day Barb and I headed to Yalaha, an hour and a half SE to meet up with blogger friends Marlene and Benno. Barb and I have wanted to meet these two for several years. Married almost 60 years, they have lived in a sailboat, a diesel boat, an RV and are in the process of rebuilding another boat. Such and interesting and inspirational couple!

We met them at Yalaha Bakery, an authentic German restaurant. Barb and I had a giant pretzel and a couple of hefeweizens while we sat outside and visited. Before we knew it, two hours had past, and it was time to head home. We all went back inside to get a dessert to go. They have an incredible selection for sweets!
We even got to meet Elsa and Reggie!
Oh, I forgot to tell you about last Sunday when we went over to Dan and Jeannie's for our 3rd annual crab claw/oyster feed. Here is Barb and Dan shucking the oysters. They were then flavored with various toppings; garlic/parm, hot sauce, truffle oil.... Delicious!
The four-legged girls just hung out and watched us. Dakota and Sally in the sunroom, Zoey was quite board with everything. 

Friday, we went back out to the World Equestrian Center for a dual-purpose visit. First up was the boat show which was taking place in one of the buildings. While we are in the market for a fishing boat, they did not have any boats that we were interested in. The fishing boats in Florida and so different than the fishing boats we use up north. Talk about some crazy boats though, the most expensive one we saw was over $700,000! 

Then we walked a short distance to watch a jumping event. Hard to beat this venue with the arena in the foreground and the hotel in the background. 

Finally, Saturday was again our Mike and Liz day, no distilleries this week, instead we went over to their house for a smoked brisket feast! Mike had put the brisket in the day before and smoked it overnight. We were joined by Rachel (Mike and Liz's daughter) and John and Karen (Mike's brother). 
John and Karen (and Zoey and Tux)
We had not seen John and Karen since 2019, so it was really nice to catch up with them. They own a couple of shrimping boats and brought a bucket of shrimp to go along the meal. It was still cold (like in the 50's), so Mike started a fire in their outdoor fireplace to keep us warm. 
The brisket was to die for! So tender and juicy. John and Karen also brought a box of Girl Scout Cookies. When I say a box, I mean like a case. Earlier that day they had stopped by Walmart where their granddaughter was selling them. They bought 167 boxes, yup everything she had, at $6.00 per box! Do you think their granddaughter will ever forget that sale?
What a great night. Good food and good friends are hard to beat. We went home with a bag of brisket, a bag of shrimp and 8 boxes of Girl Scout cookies! 

The week did end on a sad note however, when we got a call from back home informing us that our friend Janet (Kevin and Cheryl's neighbor) had passed away. You may remember her from the hay ride we had to Greg and Janet's house late last year. I will never understand why God takes the good ones first, you would be hard-pressed to find a kinder person than Jan. Our hearts go out to Greg and his family. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Florida, Week 3!

I am still alive and well after last week's post on Mansplaining. Thanks for all your cards, letters, phone calls and wellness checks to make sure I was okay. I think the danger has past so let me create a little more danger. (Sometimes I just cannot help myself). 

Did you know that there is such a thing as Womansplaining as well? It is only fair that I explain the other side too. I know most of the married guys out there are nodding their heads or at least want to but are too afraid for fear of getting a frying pan upside the head. Let me elaborate. 

After last week's beating though, I am not going to use Barb as an example in my examples of  womansplaining. Instead, I will use a few examples that some readers sent me this week.  But first, an explanation of what womansplaining is; It is the uncontrollable urge for a woman (many times a wife) to make a statement about the completely obvious. 

The first comes from Dino in Fergus Falls, MN. Dino writes: On the rare occasion that my wife and I save up enough money to go out to eat at a restaurant the following scenario always happens. We are sitting there at a restaurant, having a lovely meal and Lisa has to use the restroom. As she gets up, she looks me in the eye and says, "Watch my purse". Really? Apparently, it is uncontrollable. She just has to say it as if she doesn't say it, I am going to sit there and let some stranger come up and take her purse. She would come back; her purse is gone. "Where is my purse?". "Oh, some guy just came by and took it, you didn't say anything about me watching it, so I thought it was okay he took it". But, when she says, "Watch my purse". I spend the next 3 minutes staring at her purse without blinking. I don't know why I am watching her purse, but she told me to, so watch I will. Is it a magic purse that will transform into a puppy? So far, in the hundreds of times she has asked me to watch it nothing happens.  Even if the waitress comes by and asks if everything is okay I do not remove my eyes from her purse as I say, "I am fine, I am just watching my wife's purse". When Lisa comes back, I do not get any kind of thank you for watching her purse, she just says, "Okay, I am ready", picks up her purse and heads to the car.

Another writer, Steve from California wrote: I don't know why this always happens to me but whenever someone hands me a baby they always say the same thing. Debbie and I were over at a friends house who just had a baby. Debbie was holding the baby and came over to give it to me. As she is handing it to me, she says, "Don't drop the baby". Now, it is not only Debbie who says this, mothers have said this to me as well. They just cannot help themselves as they hand you their precious bundle of joy. The word's just spurt out.... "Now, don't drop the baby". I think to myself "Thank God she said that, I was just going to dribble it like a basketball and slam dunk it into the crib!".  Everyone knows that a baby is to be treated like a fine bottle of bourbon, cradled in your arms like it is the most delicate thing in the world.

Harry, from wherever Harry happens to be at at the moment (They are world travelers) writes: The other day we were backing into one of our RV sites when I hit a post on the edge of the site. My lovely wife Vicki turned and looked at me and said, "Didn't you see that?". I wanted to say, "Of course I saw it, but we don't have a dent on that side of the camper yet, so I thought I would add one. 

My last letter comes from another Steve, this time from British Columbia: I don't know if this qualifies as Womansplaining but this is what my bride Dianne does to me all the time. She must think I have horrible fashion sense. The scenario goes something like this: We are getting ready to go out to one of our local pubs cuz that's what we do up here in Canada eh? Dianne will ask me, "Should I wear the beige shirt or my red one?". I will respond, "Wear the beige one, it looks really good on you." Invariably, her response will be, "I think I'll wear the red one". Same goes for which pub we are going to go to; "(Her) "Do you want to go to Rummer Runner or Brentwood Pub?" (Me) Let's go to Brentwood, they have ½ price pints today." (Her) I want to go to Brentwood". Same goes for shoes, necklaces, what to have for supper. It does not matter, she gives me two choices, I choose, and she picks the opposite option. I finally got her figure out though. I beat her to the punch and will now say something like "You'll never guess where I am taking you for lunch. She will respond by saying "Bard and Baker Pub?" And I will say "How did you guess!?!" Win/Win, she gets to go where she wants to eat and thinks I was know where her favorite place is! 

The Steve's, Harry and Dino probably won't remember sending me those examples and will accuse me of making them up. I in turn, will say they were just too drunk to remember and will never really know whether they sent them or not. There were other letters, but I think these are sufficient enough to get these boys into trouble this week and take the focus off of me. 

Apparently, I left many of you in suspense last week when I was telling the story about how one of us had to quit our jobs after getting married some 39 years ago. We talked it over, we both loved our jobs, but in the end, it was Barb who decided to quit. It ended up being the best decision for both of us. She went to work for a private attorney in New Richmond, Wisconsin, that only lasted a year of two, but then she got a job in the Washington County Attorney's Office in Stillwater, MN where she stayed for 24 years and loved it. Me, I stayed at my employer for 30 years and really enjoyed my job as well.

Now, let me tell you about the rest of our week. Sunday was Superbowl Sunday, and we were invited over to one of Dan and Jeannie's neighbors. I have never met any of them, Barb had met a few of the women. Here is the interesting thing about this neighborhood, it is very interesting and diverse. Of the 20 or so people at the party, over half of the men have Venezuelan wives. Most were 2nd (or maybe 3rd?) marriages having divorced or become widowed. Some of them spoke very good English while others spoke none at all. Very nice people and quite the festive group! 

Dan and I went fishing on Monday, we did a lot better than we did the two other times. The day started out cool and foggy before the sun burned through and made for a beautiful afternoon. 

Over the past week, it has been warm and do you know what warm means down here in Florida? It means every creepy crawly thing in the swampland comes to life. Where are the creepy crawly things? In the flooded cypress trees along the edge of the lake. Where are the fish? In the flooded cypress trees along the edge of the lake. So, off we went, risking our safety just to put food on our table. In doing so, we had no less than 6 risks to life and limb. 

The first risk comes into play as you approach the trees, thousands of cormorants and ibis roost in the trees overnight and I think these things make a sport out of seeing if they can crap on you as you go under them. We made it through that barrier unscathed. A few close calls, within feet of us, but no direct hits. 
As you enter the first row of trees, you often have to pull yourself through the tight spaces by grabbing branches and pulling your boat through. These trees are home to several things that want to kill you. First, are the wasps. Every, and I mean every tree has a wasp nest in it. Not big nests, but it only takes one or two wasps to ruin your day. 
Next up is the one I hate the most. Spiders! Oh, how I hate spiders. And these are not just tiny little spiders, these are palm-sized spiders who look like they want to imbed their eggs under your skin and have the babies eat you from the inside out. 
Then there are the gaters. We were sitting there fishing when a loud splash a mere 10' from us. We both jumped to see a 10+' gator laying right behind the boat. I am not sure who scared who more. 

This next critter is probably the most dangerous and the one we had our closest call with. We were turning the boat around to get out trees Dan was grabbing limbs and pulling us along when he said something like "Holy Sh#t!". I am not sure if those were the exact words, but it was something like that. I turned around to see him staring at a snake, at eye level, a foot away from him! 
I do not know my snakes, but Google Lens identified it as a Cottonmouth, not a snake you want to mess with!

Our last near-death experience of the day came when we were again in the trees. We were in a remote section of the lake within 5' or so of shore. We see this derelict cabin just ahead of us and start talking about how bad of shape it is in and wonder how long it has been abandoned when all of a sudden, this pit bull bursts from the cabin. Barking the entire way, it charges the boat. Now, I have met some very nice pit bulls in my day (Hurley), but this was not one of them. Just when we thought it was going to launch into our boat and rip our faces off it stops at the edge of the water and just barks. We thought it better to just paddle backwards away from the cabin and fish somewhere else.  

In the end, we made it through the day battling the elements and providing food for our families so we can survive another day. Dan caught his personal best bluegill!
While Dan and I were doing that, Barb and Jeannie were at The Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park taking a boat ride and looking at all the animals. 
One of the most interesting things she saw there was how they feed the manatees. The drop cabbage into a floating enclosure and the manatees swim under it and get their treats!

Then they went off to Monkey Island to look at the monkeys. 
Tuesday Barb and I continued quest to get to the Freezer each week we are here. Another pound of shrimp sacrificed their lives for us. 
That night we went to Dan and Jeannie's for a fish supper. The very fish we had risked out lives for the previous day. The meal also featured the one and only lemon from their lemon tree!

After supper, Barb and Jeannie loaded up the kayaks for a full moon kayak ride on the Rainbow River while Dan and I stayed back with the dogs, drank a little bourbon and solved many of the world's problems. 

After two quiet down days of reading, cleaning, laundry and blog writing we were ready for our next adventure! Friday, along with Dan and Jeannie, we headed off to The First Magnitude Brewery in Gainesville for some food and a beer.
After that we traveled a few miles over to the university for a Florida Gators baseball game! This was a first for both Barb and I, we have never been to a college baseball game. 

Saturday was again our "Mike and Liz Day", we went to the two remaining distilleries they wanted to take us to. First was NJoy Distillery. This one is waaaay out in the sticks, but what a cool venue!

This was followed by Aggregation Distillery in Crystal River. They have only been open a few months and are a small, family-owned operation. Very nice family and I hope they make it. We did not buy any bottles but enjoyed a cocktail while talking to the owners. 
I thought it was a very strange name for a distillery, so I had to ask them where they came up with the name. After he made his first sentence, I knew the answer. The first thing he said was, "What do they call a flock of crows?". It was then that I knew a group of manatees must be called an aggregation.  Who knew?!?!

I want to personally apologize to Harry for the lack of puppy pictures this week, it just went so fast that I did not take any! Zoey did have a birthday this week though! She turned 4 on the 14th, yup, she is a Valentines Day baby!

I heard from Farmer Bob once. After two days of travel, he had just gotten to the mission compound in Kenya. They are 8 hours ahead of our time here. I will try to give a better update of what he is up to next week. In the meantime, I dare some of you to send you your womansplaining examples!