Monday, September 16, 2024

Slowing Down a Bit

The big news at the end of last week's post was the impending arrival of Her Majesty and The Girls.  When she arrived Saturday and walked into the camper, sniffed, looked around and said, "Not as bad as I thought it would be". She still spent an hour or so cleaning it more, but I will take that as a win! 

The next few days went way too quickly. I still helped out around the farm, but not nearly as much, so I could spend some time with Barb. The first night we went out to supper with Bob and DeAnne as it was to be the only day Bob was going to be on the farm while Barb was here. The next day he was flying to D.C. for part of his legislative duties with National Farmers Union to lobby congress to pass the farm bill that expired in 2023. 

We also made it to Minot twice, once by ourselves when we went to N.D. Asia for some sushi and Chinese food. The epicenter of sushi in North America. I mean when one thinks sushi, isn't North Dakota the first place that comes to mind? Not the best we had, but not bad. 

Then we went out to lunch with Chris, Holly and Tessa to Wings and Rings. That was very good! Speaking of Tessa, Barb spent a lot of time down at Holly's holding Tessa and talking to Holly. 

Chris and Holly also had some professional pictures taken of Ms. Tessa this week.....

I even built up the courage to hold her, which is a big moment for me. Little babies scare the bejeezus out of me. I just sat on the couch and had Holly lay her in my arms. Then I did not move. She basically just slept and after a few minutes my arm started to cramp. Apparently, I did not relax. After 20 minutes I got a phone call from Chris asking me to come out to the field, so I was released of my duties and away I went. 

Barb went out to the field with me a couple time to help me a few times. I even got her to change a few sections on the combine!

Before I knew it, it was time for her and the girls to head home. But it was great seeing them if only for a few days. 

I also got a chance to harrow this week, which is the process of fluffing up the residue in the field which gets rid of it in the wind. 

We also combined the chickpeas this week. So, everything is in except for the soybeans which need a week or two to finish before being harvested. Barb was still here when we were doing the chickpeas, so I sent a bag full of them home with her to try and do something with them.

Chris was telling me something interesting about chickpeas. Did you know that of all the 400,000,000 or so acres of cropland in the U.S., only 54,000 of them were planted in chickpeas? There is just not a huge demand for them in the U.S. and the tariffs for exporting them make it cost prohibitive. 

Once those were done, we got a break of sorts. No more 14-16 hours days, we have a lull for about 2 weeks waiting for the soybeans. So, what did we do? Played poker of course! Almost 8 hours of poker, before we knew it, it was 3:30am and Ty had all the chips on this side of the table. 

We have also been cleaning and organizing the shop, no small undertaking. Barb sent me a couple of pictures from home. She is being Barb. Remember that table she was working on from that slab wood she bought? Well, she finished it! It now sits proudly in the gazebo with some stools she purchased. 

She also went to Octoberfest in Hill City with Dan and Bonnie this past weekend. She just loves sending me pictures showing how much fun she is having without me!
She did take the time to check my trail cameras, however. No big bucks yet, but we do have some thirsty deer and fox!

So here I sit, toiling away, while Barb is out carousing the Black Hills of South Dakota. What is wrong with this picture? I've already started next week's post which will detail some of the challenges we have had to overcome during this fall's harvest. Some unavoidable, some self-inflicted. With luck, by the time the next post comes out, the beans will be off the field and it will be time to start duck hunting!


  1. As always a great post....a baby....doggies....deer...Barb...friends...and poker players. Life is good.

    1. Life is good indeed! The best part of course was seeing Barb, I wish she could have stayed longer.

  2. That new baby is just precious! Good that Barb spent some time with you, Minot for sushi who knew?? Potato harvest is on hold here as it has been too warm. Soybeans still green in the fields but slowly turning. That is a great idea with the stock tank...the deer empty out our bird bath every night. Looks like a Bambi is taking a bath! Enjoy your not so busy time:)

    1. Sounds like you need a stock tank! That's the second time we have seen a fawn in the stock tank looking for the last drops of water.

  3. I am loving catching up with you and Barb this evening! That is a precious grandbaby! Absolutely beautiful! You have certainly been working hard for weeks now! Glad Barb is having some fun! Stay safe!

    1. Although I enjoy the hard work of being in the field, a little break and variation is nice too.

  4. I was surprised by that chickpea acreage. I would have thought more would have been grown than that. Shows you how much I know!!

    1. I was too. They raise their chickpeas to sell as seed to other farmers, anything extra, they will sell to the commodity market.

  5. One handy gal you got there Jim...she even remembered to add air holes in the seat for those who visit who, shall we say, have there head up their ....

    1. Knowing Barb, she probably had our friend Dino in mind when she ordered those stools!

  6. Enjoyed your post-sweet and tiny little baby. Love the table Barb made. I am thinking you are happy to see the coming end of harvesting. Enjoy your autumn

  7. Ms Tessa is adorable! I like Barb's table, it looks great. Cute doggies and great captures of the deer. I watched a small deer with a few spots on it's rear end walking around our yard last night. Good luck with the rest of the harvest. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

    1. The fawns should be losing their spots in the next week or so. I think we have 500-600 acres of beans left, once they are ready, that should only take a few days to get done.

  8. Always interesting to visit here. sounds like a great visit for both you and Barb. Sweet photos of this precious angel. Enjoyed seeing the wildlife pics from your cameras. Keep up the good work...Hunting season will be here soon.

    1. Hunting season is like a national holiday down by you guys! I am sooo looking forward to November when I can get out in the blinds and stands to see a few deer myself!

  9. While Barb was Okotober Fest, weren't you playing an endless poker game? I think you're both having a good time. :)

    1. You are missing the point entirely; this is supposed to be a pity party for me!

  10. How quickly another session on the farm has gone! Hard work but it must feel rewarding when you see a crop harvested! That is a cute baby! You did well with the cleaning!

    1. Tessa is pretty darn cute isn't she? She will be ruling the house before we know it. You are right about looking at the harvested fields as being rewarding. Some just see an empty desolate fields. I see the result of hard work.

  11. I really enjoy your posts.
    Happy to see you with the babe. So cute.
    Trailcam season is amping up! Hooray!

    1. Being up here disrupts my blog reading routine, I will jump on your blog right and see what critters you have been seeing.

  12. Glad to hear you're about to wrap it up in the fields and move on to the duck hunting. That table is the perfect size for the gazebo and now you won't have to dribble mustard on your shirt while watching the games out there, lol. Barb's a very handy woman and deserves some fun (and manages to find it pretty readily without you). I'm glad she got to see the baby - love the pic of the "basket" baby!

    1. What makes you think I dribble mustard on my shirt? Well, you aren't wrong, some days I have to change my shirts 2-3 times because I dribble something on it!

  13. I'm sure the BIG ONE is just out of camera range ... and Barb will be the one to bag him!! There's a reason there's no market for chick peas ... just toss them. Babies and puppies ... it doesn't get better than that!!

    1. Our property is weird when it comes to deer. It is nothing to have 20+ does and fawns hanging around all year and never see a big buck. But come breeding season, it seems like every buck in the county makes its way to our property!

  14. Nice that the girls came up to check on you Jim. Great job on that live edge table Barb! Good luck with the duck hunting. Stay safe!

    1. That table does look great, doesn't it? I cannot wait to get back there and test it out for myself!

  15. Harvest just started here with some corn but it will be another week or two before it is a full time occupation.

    1. I wonder why it is a little later there. One reason is that they do a lot of what they call "early crops" here whereas corn and beans are considered later crops.

    2. We had the best year that I can remember in decades with timely rains and mild weather so the crops are just taking a long time to dry down. In a normal year, we would be going full tilt, 20+ hours a day and have more corn than we could get through in a week already ripened and ready for harvest.

  16. Beautiful photos of Tessa! I love the photos of Zoey and Dakota looking out the window! And I’m happy for you it is almost time for duck hunting! As always, Barb did a great job on the gazebo table…it’s perfect!

    1. Those are the only photos I have seen so far of Tessa's photoshoot, but the photographer did a great job. I learned a little something about photographing babies. They like to have them asleep. Tessa had woken up for part of it and they had to wait for her to fall back asleep to finish. Makes sense if you think about it, but I had never really thought about it!

  17. I'm sure Barb and the puppies missed you too. You look like a natural cradling Tessa.
    Barb's table looks great!
    Once the soybeans are in you'll be back at home doing your own projects.

    1. I actually thought it looked like I was falling asleep while holding her. I was so tired I think I could have actually fallen asleep had I not been so traumatized!

  18. Send those chickpeas this way! We love them! When we get tired of ‘em, we call ‘em Garbanzo beans and love them all over again!

  19. The new baby is so sweet! I've never seen photos like that before. Beautiful and unique!
    Glad you got a visit from Barb and the pups. Her table is beautiful!!
    Love the pics from the wildlife camera, too.
    Won't be long and you'll be back you can leave to go duck hunting apparently. lol!

    1. The wheat on the side of Tessa in that first picture is such a nice touch. It looks as though she fully cooperated with the photographer allowing her to pose her hands perfectly!

  20. Well okay, if that is what you call SLOWING DOWN! lol....You wore me out, and you seem to be just as busy as normal. Love that sweet little babe. So adorable

    1. This is about as much as we like slowing down for any length of time, although when I get back home, I could see myself sitting on the couch and doing nothing for a least one day.

  21. Likewise scared of newborns, yet with each grandchild it becomes easier.

    1. I am totally comfortable holding my grandchildren now. Of course, they no longer want to be held as the youngest one is now 10!

  22. Great photos but those of the baby are amazing, visits often go by fast and I wouldn't call this slowing down

    1. That photographer sure knew how to capture the sweetness of little Tessa. Well worth whatever it cost!

  23. It's nice you had some company for a few days, but I don't see anything wrong with you working and Barb hanging out in SD. Big smile and grin. We don't have big grain farms here in New Hampshire so it's interesting to see what you're up to. That's one thing I liked about traveling in the Dakotas- how different they are from here in New England. Dont' work to hard but hope you get everything finished.

    1. There are only a handful of states where I have seen farms of over a few hundred acres, let alone a few thousand. Although I am sure there are some east of the Mississippi, all the ones I know of are west of it.

  24. You just had to post that baby. Nothing else matters in comparison.

    1. She is so adorable, of the half a dozen times I have seen her, she has been sleeping pretty much the entire time. In fact, I have not even heard her cry yet!

  25. Cute baby!! Love Barbs table too! Glad you all had a great visit!

    1. With the table now done, she has moved onto her next project. I am not sure that this one will get done before I get back, but it sounds like a fun one!

  26. Such a sweet little baby. You look kinda scared stiff holding her though! Honestly, these days I feel the same way with a baby.
    I have seen some interesting chickpea recipes out there, like roasting them so they are like a snack. I toss them into vegetable soup, into salads, casseroles...anything but hummus, which I hate.

    1. Barb is going to try roasting and seasoning some next. Roasting actually sounds more edible than anything else that I have heard of.

  27. barb sure is a worker, and she really puts me to shame. the table she made is really pretty and functional!! you should know better than to post pictures of a baby, they are so beautiful and really stole the show!! the trail camera is providing some great images too, but nothing will beat those baby pictures either!!

  28. Y'all have mastered that "variety is the spice of life" thing 👍

  29. Another great project done by Barb. The table looks beautiful. The trail cameras are great to see what goes on out there, especially at night. You are doing a good deed by providing water for the wildlife. Looking forward to your next post about the challenges you had at this harvest time. I bet not all went smooth ;-)

  30. I think my favorite photos today were you with the sweet little baby. Barb's table is great and those cute pups are darling. Great post and enjoyed all your photos as always :)

  31. Y'all have a beautiful life.
    Holly is adorable!

    Chickpeas! I made a dish today with browned Hamburg, can of rinsed chickpeas, diced onion, shredded dandelion greens, BBQ sauce. and water.
