Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Where Do You Want to Live?

Where do you want to live? I want to live where I can look outside and see turkeys and deer feeding across the meadow. I want to live where neighbors help each other out and wave when you drive by even if you have never met them. I want to live where your neighbor is next door, or 5 miles away. I want to live where you have to drive at least 20 minutes to get to the nearest grocery store. I want to live where the sound of gunfire is not alarming (most of the time at least, more on that later). I want to live where people on opposite sides of political lines can have supper together.

I could go on and on. We have found our slice of paradise but cannot help but think about these things as I see Forrest, Somer and Lily travel the country looking for their own slice of paradise. In the past year or so they have spent extended time in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Tennesse, Missouri, Oregon and of course, South Dakota. So far, they have not found it, so the search continues. There are things they like about each of these areas and things they don't like. Of course, we try to point out all the positives of everything in our area, but I think the winters (and wind) are two of the biggest drawbacks. 

In a way, I envy them. They have the excitement of finding their next home, where will they end up? They also have the stress of finding their next home. We loved our nomadic lifestyle but are happy to have our forever home. It has been several years since Lily, now 13, has attended school. I wonder when they find their next home, if they will enroll her in school or continue with her home schooling. They have gotten to the point where some of the education is a bit challenging for the teachers, so they have turned to an online curriculum that they have found that teaches 8th grade (and up) subjects. They still do educational field trips in each area they are in though. The nice thing about the website they use is that it not only sets the curriculum, but it also grades it and maintains records for when she enrolls in a high school or colleges. 

The last four days have been great, we had something going on each day. Here is a recap the four days I spent at home..... but first a funny story.

Forrest and I were driving around the property on our side by side when Kevin called to catch up. During our conversation, Kevin asked, "What's your crazy wife up to?". I looked towards the house, not expecting to see anything, but I do. I see Barb, on a ladder, leaning against a tree, so I reply, "At the moment she is on top of a ladder which is leaning against a tree". Why I did not find that alarming, I do not know. But Forrest and I did drive up there to see what the heck was going on. 

She was hanging her dart board on a tree. 

That night we went on a field trip as part of Lily's continuing education. Math, statistics and social economic are crucial parts of everyday life so we felt it essential that we help Lily learn more about these areas. Where did we go you ask? The VFW of course where all children should learn necessary life skills! With the Queen of Hearts over $30,000 how could we not go? No one won so the game continues for the 42nd consecutive week. Only 10 cards remain so someone is going to win soon!

Saturday was Bonnie's birthday. A milestone birthday! Barb spent the morning preparing for the big day starting at 6am when she put a pork butt in the smoker. She then made a cake and potato salad. Around noon we went to the Harvest Moon Festival in Custer where we enrolled both Zoey and Chloe in the pet costume contest. Neither won, but they seem none the wiser. 
That's right Harry, it is a dog video! 

After that it was back to our house where Dan and Bonnie joined us to help with more of Lily's home schooling. More math, economics and Phy Ed when we played darts, jenga and dice games. 
Sunday is football day! My Vikings were in England playing against the Jets. The game started at 7:30am Mountain Time and I woke up to find Zoey already pumped up for the game, traitor!
Speaking of dogs, we have 4 of them in the house much of the time. Zoey and Chloe spend a lot of time playing. Jack and Dakota, both over 10 years old, spend a lot of time sleeping. 
A little later in the morning Kevin came over to help form the pad for the garage in preparation for our upcoming concrete pour. Forrest got a taste of what it takes to get a site ready for concrete. 
Once that was done, we spent some time sighting in and practicing our archery skills for the upcoming archery season.
Monday morning, way too early, we headed over to one of Kevin's job sites to help him with a concrete pour. This one was a little sketchy and both Kevin and I were glad to have Forrest there as the first half of this pour had to be done by wheelbarrow up a ramp. 

Back to the sound of gunfire in the neighborhood, we did have a little excitement recently when one of our neighbors (about a mile away) was involved in a murder/suicide. We did not hear the gunfire, a very sad story for these this couple in their mid 60's. They had just moved to the area, and we did not know them. Another one of our "neighbors" (10 miles away) was arrested for arson, charged with setting 9 wildfires in the area. Again, we did not know the individual but are happy he is off the street.

That is our past 4 days in a nutshell. This morning Forrest and I are headed back up north to The Farm for a few days of father/son duck hunting. But first, a picture from the trail cameras. This one is for you Nancy, I know how much you love these little guys. Be careful, I think he knows where he wants to live and is headed your way!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you did a great job helping Lily with her education :) Yes it's nice to be home where you know most of your neighbours around you. Sad about the Murder Suicide couple .... that happened to some friends of ours 25 years ago, no one had any idea there was trouble. You just never know. Good luck hunting with Forrest.
