We made a trip to Prescott to pick up a saddle that Kevin and Cheryl had bought during their visit down here. Since they flew, they had no room to bring it back. We had never been to Prescott before so we made the 3 hour drive up there to pick up the saddle and check out the area.
We loved the area and the drive there was incredible! We went from 900’ in elevation up to 6,100 feet. Had some snow and some great scenery.
Yes, those white specks is snow.... |
The town of Prescott was pretty cool too. Touristy, but definitely a town we would like to visit again. After picking up the saddle we went to lunch at the Palace Saloon. If you ever get up that way you need to check it out here. If you have time, read about its history, very interesting.
The original bar has seen a lot of history!
We also had dinner at Ray and Deb’s again. Deb had cooked an incredible pork prime rib. I had never heard of it but it is a meal we will not soon forget! Steve and Dianne were there as well as we feasted on the prime as well as potatoes and two other things I have not eaten before a keto cauliflower dish and asparagus in a cheese sauce. Two things I cannot stand but you could not taste either as the sauces were so good!
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Ready to eat! |
Here is the birthday boy, Guy!
Harry, Dino, Dianne and Lisa |
Sue, Vicki, Pam and Red |
Imagine if you will, you are parked out in the desert surrounded by your friends. It is 11:00 at night everyone is tucked safely in their beds when you hear the sounds of vehicle tires crunching on the gravel. As the sound gets closer your senses become in tune with the noise and you wonder; “Who is driving around at this time of night?”. The sounds comes closer and closer until you realize that the vehicle is passing within feet of your rig. This is what happened to us a couple nights ago here in the desert.
Why is a vehicle passing by our rig at 11:00 at night? We are not on a road, someone has to intentionally turn off the main road into our area to get that close. As I look out the window a white van, (you know the creepy kidnapper type vans everyone warns you about) is circling within feet of our rig, not once but twice. Then it stops literally within 5 feet of us, turns off their lights and just sits there. WTF!?!? I turn on the outside light. They just sit there. I get dressed, text my buddie Dino that I need a little help over here wait a minute and get nothing, just crickets in return. Where is my wingman? Probably passed out drunk again.
So I wake Barb. Yes, she is sound asleep as well and tell her I am going to go outside to confront the intruder. I go up to the driver’s window and this tweaker looking guy is staring back at me. Acting as tough as I could I say; “You’re not parking here move along!” “Huh?” I repeat myself and he starts his van and does a full circle around the rig again before heading off into the dark. I was so wound up after that and could not get to sleep for a while.
Our next episode occurred when the buyer of our rig showed up at our door to let us know when he would have the money to buy it. He lives in Arizona but was from Washington where he still does his banking. He proceeds to tell us that he is getting at $20,000 cash advance on his credit card and is transferring that and some money from his bank account to another bank down here so he can buy our rig. Who does that?!?! Apparently the terms on his credit card makes this a very appealing option. The problem being that it will take another week for all this to take place. Hey, I don’t care where he gets the money from as long as I get a cashier's check when we turn over the rig and title. Update..... after I wrote the above the buyer stopped by to say his money had cleared and would like to take possession on Friday. Well, that was a quick change. We went from having a week to pack up to two days!
Our last Twilight Zone episode occurred after we returned from Walmart where we had bought 4 plastic totes to pack all of our belongings as we vacated the 5th wheel. The totes were all stacked together and as we separated them we discovered that someone had stashed some merchandise between two of the totes. We had never pulled them apart and were now the recipients of this ill-gotten merchandise. What was it? Was it some valuable diamond jewelry or perhaps some really cool electronic devices? No, we were the proud owners of 4 enema bottles! Out of their box but still in the plastic packaging! The greeter even checked our receipt when we left. Could you have imagined if they looked between the totes? We would have been in handcuffs for stealing enemas!
So what does one do with 4 stolen enemas? You give them to
your neighbor (Dino) who will drink anything free and tell him it is a new type
of beer packaging!
Our last two days were passed quickly, way too quickly. We spent the days packing. Even though we had pared down prior to coming down we did not do enough. We had thought that we would have the ATV trailer to put most of our stuff in when we sold the rig and left. But our last minute decision to leave the ATV changed all that. Unfortunately it was so last minute that we did not take anything else out of the rig. This is the result of that......
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We are full! |
Let the fun begin! |
Dianne and Vicki |
This one was not nearly as good as the name implies |
Speaking of the next day, we made a mad dash to get our Mexico run in. Since our truck was 1/2 packed, Dino drove. We left at 7:30am, none of us feeling very good. Someone, (I will not mention who but it wasn't Barb) even stuffed a plastic bag in her purse just in case her stomach decided to revolt on her.
Our mission was to get all the medications we needed for the next year and a couple bottles of booze. We walked the sidewalks getting bombarded by the vendors and went to the Purple Pharmacy with our list of drugs. Barb had premade a list and rattled everything off as the clerk filled a large bag with our purchases.
I waited outside while Barb made her purchases |
This guy was looking for treats from the tourists |
Then it was off to the liquor store. We are each allowed 1 liter to bring across the border. Still feeling the effects from the previous night we did not even want to look at a bottle of booze but we forced ourselves to pick out a bottle and made our way to the border to head home. Steve and Dianne had come a couple of days earlier and had waited an hour and 40 minutes in line to get back across the border.
It was just after 11:00 we were able to basically walk right up to the agent and present our passports. I had my one bottle and the bag of medications from the Purple Pharmacy. The agent asked what I was bringing back and I said "1 liter of booze and some pills". "What kind of pills?" he asks. It is at that point I realize I have no idea what is in the bag. I look over at Barb being processed at the next line over I think to myself, "Oh great, I am about to be probed" and tell the guy "I honestly have no idea, just some medications". He looks at me for a second and hands me my passport and says "Have a nice day". I guess he is used to clueless husbands serving as drug mules for their wives!
That night, for the first night in....well, a while neither Barb nor I had a drink at happy hour. In fact we just walked over to say goodbye to everyone and were back in our rig and in bed by 7:00!
The next day we were up bright and early getting ready for our big day! I started by putting down the solar panels and continuing to pack the truck. That thing is so full we seriously could not fit anything else in there. We barely fit the dogs!
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Dakota stuffed into the back |
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Daisy is still queen of her castle |
Really dad, you expect me to ride 20 hours like this? |
Harry and Vicki came by as we were packing up to say good bye. We only got to spend two nights with them, not nearly enough. Hopefully our paths will cross again this year. Red and Pam stopped by as well. We hope to catch up with them in Texas within the next year. Then it was over to Steve and Dianne's, Guy and Sue and finally Dino and Lisa's. We had a great month here with lots of laughs. Imagine living in a community surrounding by so many great friends. It was very hard to leave.
At 9:00 the buyer arrived and after a quick walk through we followed him to the DMV in Parker to transfer the title. An hour later we handed over the keys and walked out with a check in our pockets. From there we went to the back and deposited the check and bonus....it was good!
Bittersweet day for us. We lived in our 5th wheel for the better part of 6 years, it took us to some amazing places and provided us with memories that we will never forget. Both Barb and I were close to shedding tears as we took one last picture and headed north towards our new home in South Dakota....
Good bye old friend... |
Glad we got to spend some time together before you left back to your house build. What a week you both had. Looking forward to more of your updates.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for the pork prime! That and your company was outstanding!
DeleteCongrats on the sale! I totally get the emotions of letting go, we still miss our Scoopy and are sad she isn't waiting for us to come home and hit the road! Sounds like you had a great time in Q, we are looking forward to returning there one of these days!
ReplyDeleteWe don't know what the future holds as far as a bigger rig but it just did not make sense to have it sitting for the next few years just depreciating.
DeleteOH Gosh you had us laughing all the way through this blog :) Great way to start a Saturday morning! Scary though, the tweaker! Glad you were able to take care of that with no issues! What is wrong with people! Congratulations on the successful sale of the 5th wheel. I don't think I'd take out a cash advance for that much, but his problem, not yours! It was a beautiful home for you for sure! Safe travels and on to new adventures!!
ReplyDeleteGlad we could be there for you. Like you, I don't care where the money comes from as long as it clears!
DeleteI am glad that I wasn't the only one close to tears. It was very sad to see you leave and your empty rig just left here like an abandoned puppy on the side of the road. We wish you the very best on this new chapter and will see you when we see you. It was a very fun month here. Thanks again for everything.
ReplyDeleteTake care of our table and chairs!
DeleteAs far as your friend in the white van is concerned, I had him in my crosshairs from my camper.
DeleteGood to know. You better keep a close eye on the rig that moved in there now, I hear they are trouble!
DeleteThat Van might have hooked on to your WiFi Signal if you left it on or was casing the Trailer. Either way I'd have gotten his License Number and sent it to the PD.
ReplyDeleteI certain Dakota will appreciate every stop you make on the way home.
I'm sure it was hard saying good bye to your friends and your home.
Be Safe with the Winter Storms crossing your path and Enjoy your home in SD.
It's about time.
Never thought of that. We generally turn off our wifi at night but don't know for sure if we did that night.
DeleteWow...that’s quite the cash advance on a card. He must’ve been going for the ‘lunch with Jennifer Garner’ bonus. Gonna miss that Cardinal, but it DOES open up a prime site for our rig!
ReplyDeleteIt certainly does and you are welcome any time!
DeleteWhile it is nice to have sold your rig I can imagine it was hard to leave it. We wish you all the best on your next adventure and with the house build.
ReplyDeleteIt is. We are already looking forward to traveling in our camper to some places that we did not fit with the bigger rig!
DeleteI'm going to remember that tip with the totes the next time I'm light on cash....lol! Enemas? That really is just too funny....your sense of humor really sheds light on what is important in life, and we truly hope our paths cross again one day soon!
ReplyDeleteLike I said, you just cannot make it up. Of all the things that could have been between the totes....why, oh why enemas?!?!
DeleteSorry we did not get a chance to spend more time or say goodbye. Thanks again for the awesome drone shots!....safe travels and until we see y'all again!
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Have fun at the show and don't work too hard!
DeleteThe tweaker bothered me just reading about him. If one should stop by I'll know not to call Dino, I'll call you instead.
ReplyDeleteBittersweet with the trailer, I can appreciate the feelings. However the future is bright and it has a lovely green hue to it.
Safe travels!
Every RV'ers biggest nightmare. I was not sure if I should go out there unarmed or not. Chose not but in hindsight I should have at least brought out the bear spray!
DeleteWow! You had some very interesting experiences, a few you might not want repeated. Talk about scary with that white van driving around you in the middle of the night!! Lucky you didn't get caught "stealing" the enema bottles!! Poor Dakota! I hope she makes it home in her cramped space. I can only imagine how hard leaving your rig was. But...on to bigger and better adventures! Safe travels!
ReplyDeleteFortunately Dakota is most comfortable when she is in spaces like that so I don't think she minded it.
DeleteSorry we didn't make it to Q in time to see you guys.
ReplyDeleteSo, let me get this straight.....you sold the 5'er, but you have a perfectly good truck camper at home and a Ranger ready and loaded. So just go home, unload the truck, load the camper and come on back. Still two months of winter to kill. The house isn't going anywhere. :-)
That pretty much sums it up and believe me we have talked about it. We are going to work a few weeks and if winters gets the best of us we are headed south again!
DeleteYou are rather stuffed in there like a can of sardines!! Glad it all worked out and the check was good. That's always so scary! So I guess you are back to house building. Hoping the snow holds off for awhile!
ReplyDeleteGot home a few hours ago. There is some snow but lots of open areas as well.
DeleteAfter your absence in Q last year it was great sharing a few laughs with you guys again. It feels like you guys just got here...we’re sad to see you go already. Looking forward to your visit on your way to Alaska.
ReplyDeleteSafe travels!
I know, I think that was the quickest month of our lives! We have not laughed that hard in months!
DeleteAnd that's the reason I don't want to boondock alone. Glad nothing more happened. Safe travels north, you've got one packed truck.
ReplyDeleteThat is only the 2nd time we have had an incident that made us uneasy.
DeleteWe've had multiple incidents involving creepy people hanging around campgrounds and campsites. Fortunately, they've always been drunk or high - but harmless. It is definitely unnerving, but we're happy it's never been anything beyond that. I'm sure it was bittersweet to let your old home go, but I'm sure you're excited for the next chapter too. Safe travels!
ReplyDeleteI should have bought a stun gun from one of those booths in Quartzsite!
DeleteI get get why you sold your 5er, but I can’t imagine life without ours! Glad the transaction went smoothly! Glad the creepy white van left you alone without incident! Good luck with your future plans!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kelly. Although we hated to see it go, it is one less thing to worry about especially since it was just going to sit for the next 2+ years.
DeleteWe went to the RV show in Tampa. Have a 5th wheel and looking to downsize to a slide in. A lot to think about giving up all that space.Good luck with your next adventures
ReplyDeleteI don't think we could have done it if we were still fulltiming but the slide in will be fine for the trips we have planned in the future.
DeleteLove your stories.. what make and model of truck camper is that, what do you plan to haul in the trailer, if you take it on your next adventures. Have you ever camped on Dauphin island
You were the first one to notice that we changed our profile picture! That is a 1007 Lance 1193. We wanted that one because it has a side door and makes it easier to get in and out with a trailer hooked up. We recently bought an Polaris Ranger 1000XP. We won't take the trailer on all our adventures but some!
DeleteWe have never been to Dauphin Island but it certainly looks nice! Our favorite spot in that area is Gulf Shores. Great to hear from you!
Hi Barb and Jim--
ReplyDeleteYour story about the creepy guy hanging out at your campsite made me pray this wasn't going to turn into a Dateline Mystery or 48 Hours!!! Thank goodness it ended in a different direction. I think that guy is lucky no one came after him with a gun!
I was wondering if I would get to see you in Orange Beach this year since I missed you last time when I had to work out-of-town. BUT, it looks like you are otherwise busy and won't be traveling the Alabama Gulf Coast in the foreseeable future. My loss. :(
Best wishes as you complete your new home. Till next time. . . Kaiva (& Brian)
I thought about going out there with a gun but thought that might be a little aggressive so just opted to confront him unarmed. Still not sure if that was the brightest idea.
DeleteWe are planning on getting back to your are sometime in the next couple years and you can bet a stop by to see you two is on the agenda!
Great to hear from you!