Friday, November 3, 2023


This post is all about the deer. Boy deer, girl deer, big deer, little deer. Oh, how I dearly love to see the lovely deer. 

Some think I should become a writer for Dr. Suess, others think I should keep my day job. Oh wait, I do not have a day job. 

Lately, my day job has been deer hunting, or deer photography might be a more accurate description as I spend the first two hours after sunrise and the two hours before sunset out in the forest photographing deer while waiting for The One. The One who will fill the freezer and maybe be forever immortalized and honored on our wall. There are no dead deer in this post, if I do get one and post a picture, I will give you fair warning. 

The color pictures were taken with my Lumix FZ300, while the B&W pictures were taken with one of the many trail cameras scattered throughout the property. If you were to ask me last week, I would have told you this guy was The One. But after seeing him up close and in person, I am having second thoughts. He is a beautiful deer but maybe not The One. 
I enjoy just sitting out in the woods, watching nature, with the anticipation of what might walk by.  I am seeing plenty of deer. Even the does and fawns are fun to watch. Some of the fawns get the zoomies much like Zoey. They zoom around the forest just like Zoey zooms around the living room. The only difference is that the fawns do not have couches to bounce off of. Videoing them is nearly impossible though so here are a few pictures. 
Momma, ever watchful for danger
There are bucks of all sizes in the area, I will start with the smallest and work my way up. 
The pose below is called Flehmen response. Deer (and other animals such as horses, elk, sheep....) make this face just after smelling where a doe peed. They are using all their olfactory senses to determine is a doe is in heat and ready for breeding. You will see this pose in another picture below as well. You can click on the link above if you want to learn more about it.  

Small 8 point

Bigger 8 point

Another Fleming pose
Most of these pictures were taken from my ground blind. I had set it up before season so the deer got used this new structure in the woods. 
The new ladder stands are working as well. At 18' high the deer don't even know I am there as they walk by. See the deer right below me?
There was one deer I was very tempted to harvest. He had a really nice rack on one side and the other side was really screwed up due to an injury. 

As you can see, he is a perfect 5 point on the one side while the other side is funked up with only 3 points as far as I can tell. Perhaps he and I will meet again in the near future. 

The deer are not the only ones who have been making appearances around the homestead. The turkeys are visiting more often, sometimes walking right up to the window to see what we are up to! 
Zoey and Dakota pay little attention to the wildlife outside, instead they just cuddle up near the fire to stay toasty warm!
Last Sunday was a big day when the Vikings played the Packers! We had quite the house full with Jim and Carmen, Kevin and Cheryl, Dan and Bonnie and Barb and me. 
The gang watching the game in the living room.
 Barb, Kevin and Zoey were the lone Packer fans and were in mourning by the end of the game as the Packers lost. But then again, the rest of us were in mourning as well, having lost our quarterback to a season ending injury.

Tuesday was of course Halloween. Zoey wanted to dress up as a ghost. So spooky!
Speaking of spooky, I got this letter in the mail this week. It was like winning the lottery! I mean, not everyone qualifies for a $20,000 TAX FREE benefit! To be fair, it did say that I may qualify. I have to send in the postage-paid card by the deadline to know for sure. Do people really send these things in?!?!?
But I am not dead yet, so we did go to a couple of day jobs! We did two concrete pours this week. One on Wednesday and one on Thursday. Both were at the same job site as last week's pour. The temps were in the 30's when we started but it warmed up to mid 50's during the day giving the concrete a chance to harden. With these two complete, we should be done with concrete pours for the foreseeable future. 
Ready for the first pour!

Kevin floating, while Barb works the edges. I sit back, drink beer and watch them work. Life is good!

Thursday's pour was adjacent to Wednesday's and a little smaller.
The big news of the week is that my sister Carol arrived for a visit! She did not make it out last year, so we were excited to have her and show her everything that we have done since our last visit. She enjoys reading and visiting. The weather warmed up enough that she could sit out in the gazebo for a few hours in the afternoon. 

We did get out for one adventure so far when we crossed one more peak off our Quest for 100. Carol is not a hiker, so we selected one of the two remaining "drive up" peaks when we went to Bear Mountain outside Custer. 

At 7,166' it is the 4th highest peak in the Black Hills. 
We finished the afternoon with lunch at the Alpine Inn in Hill City. Carol is not good at letting me take pictures of her, but I did sneak this one while she was looking at the menu. 
She will be here through the weekend, so we are hoping to get out and about a bit to do some more adventuring!


  1. An interesting post. Lots of wild life, some in front of the camera and some behind it. Lol. Enjoy time with your sister.


  2. I've been deer watching too - but not from a blind! I drive country roads through corn fields in the dark, going to work in the morning. I'm pretty jumpy right now because those deer love to run in front of me.
    My hubby is checking out the hunting property and would be thrilled with some of the deer you showed. You have some beauty's around you.
    Have fun with your sister!

    1. As I am sure you know, this time of year when bucks are chasing does is when most deer/vehicle accidents occur. Be careful out there!

  3. Very interesting, the deer, turkey and the dogs.
    What a lovely lounge room with all the woods stacked and good fire to keep you all warm..

    1. We love our living room, it is so cozy with the fire going.

  4. You do take 'deering' very seriously with a blind etc.

    I wish you and your Vikes well. I don't do football any more, but way back when, they were my team with their Canadian connection of Bud Grant, Joe Kapp and [I think] Marshall.

    1. These next few weeks are my favorite of the year!
      That era of the Vikings was the best. The purple people eaters!

  5. Wow! that is a lot of deer. We don't see any deer where I live but we have plenty of turkeys!

    1. Our turkeys outnumber the deer probably 4 to 1. Sometimes there are so many, they are a nuisance. Still fun to watch though!

  6. Glad you got a visit in with your sister. Cute pic of Dakota and Zoey in the dog bed - way to leverage your body heat. Good luck in your quest for the One and in the meantime enjoy those sunrises/sunsets.

    1. Zoey loves Dakota. Dakota tolerates Zoey. At least that's the way she acts. Deep down I think they would be lost without one another.

  7. My father was a big deer hunter and spent all year in the woods learning the deer population looking for "the one". Then when the season came (2 weeks around Thanksgiving), he would usually get the one he set out for. And our freezer would be full for the winter. He would have loved trail cameras and the such. What is deer season like where you live?

    1. When we lived in Wisconsin, the rifle season was the two weeks before Thanksgiving.
      Here, bow season is September 1st through the end of the year. Gun season is the entire month of November.

  8. That's a lot of deer. We had one in the backyard last night that I didn't see until I'd let the dogs out and I saw her/his white tail bopping away into the woods. Luckily the dogs only ran out as far as the edge of the lawn and didn't chase it. I was quite relieved about that. I love Zoey as a ghost-smile.

    1. Our scariest moment with Zoey (well, one of several) was when she chased some deer into the woods at night when it was -17f.
      I think she has learned not to chase them but don't know for sure.

  9. It must be exhilarating sitting in your blind watching all those bucks and being able to be so choosy. The only deer we see around our area with a large rack are in the rural and city areas. We watched a nice 4 point stroll thru Rob’s yard the day after returning from our unsuccessful hunt. 🥴 Zoey sure is a good sport just like Daisy was.

    1. I am in the stand right now and just saw a beauty! He had one time broken off though. I got a few pictures of him and will include one in the next post.

  10. I do love looking at the deer. The shooting part, not so much. I can just HEAR the turkeys!! As for Miss Zoey .... she has the best spot in the house!!

    1. I don't know how she can just lay there like that, she has to be roasting! She lay there for a few minutes, then get down and lay with Dakota.

  11. All that's going to be on my game camera this week is the concrete guys preparing the pad for the garage Mike is going to build here in AZ. Need to go move that camera! Whew--that would have been scary--Zoey chasing the deer when it was so cold!

    1. Yeah, I chased her, but this old man cannot keep up with a young French Bull Dog! When I found her, she was froze up and could not move. Mike and I seem a lot alike. Always needing something to work on.

  12. What a fun post Jim and what a gorgeous property and home you have. Love the deer photos , but the turkeys are my favorite. And what a cutie Ghost Zoey is. Zoey and Dakota are so sweet all snuggled up in front of the warm fire. Love you adventures and it’s so fun sharing them with family.

    1. Well, then you would love it here as those turkeys hang out most of the day!

  13. Great photos of the deer. Enjoy the weekend with your sister. Great job on the concrete by the look of it.

    1. The concrete turned out great, the owners should be very happy. I still it is interesting that you do not have any deer on your island. If I remember correctly, the largest non-human mammal is a fox?

  14. Can the deer not smell you when you are above them in your blind? I love the tableau of your Sunday- friends, football, fire in the fireplace, food, fall cozy vibes in your beautiful family room. Enjoy the weekend with your sister!

    1. You wouldn't believe the lengths hunters will go to to become as scent free as possible. Scent-free laundry detergent, shampoo and covers scents. Even with all those the deer will often smell you and run the other way.

  15. That’s too bad about Kirk Cousins. I remember when he was in high school at Holland Christian. No excuses for the Lions now. Glad to see Barb picking up your slack on the job site. How’s Kevin doing since his horseback mishap?

    1. Kevin is doing well, I'd say he is 98% of normal. Well, as normal as Kevin gets!

  16. So many beautiful deer. We share our land with mule deer here so yours look like they all had haircuts with their sweet dainty ears! Your pups live a rough life for sure. Your space is great for football watching. So bummed your QB got taken out in a season when he was playing incredible ball :-(

    1. We have some mule deer here but not a lot. They are always fun to see.

  17. Beautiful deer! Looks like a fun time watching the game. (Not my thing, but many enjoy various sports in my family so I understand and can imagine the noise--lol!) Enjoy your time with your sister! :)

    1. We do enjoy our "sportsball" as sister Carol calls it. Truth be told, it is just a reason to get together, we only half watch the game.

  18. When I saw the title, I paused. But soon realized it was all right to proceed. Glad you'll give me a warning. I really enjoy looking at the wildlife photos. The photo of the girls snuggling is so cute. I'm surprised Zoey doesn't burn herself so close to the fire. Nice visit with your sister.

    1. I knew you'd appreciate that comment, others too more than likely. Our Daisy used to crawl on her belly to get underneath our wood burning stove. I don't know how she could take it!

  19. --- "I sit back, drink beer and watch them work." --- Don't be surprised when he pays you with Miller Lite (official beer of the Green Bay Packers) bottle tops!

    Nice looking deer...any way to exchange that broken antler with one of the ones you all have found on the ground previously??? (That would probably be cheating...)

    1. There actually is. All you have to do is ask the taxidermist to fix it. A good taxidermist can fix it so you'd never know that it broken.

  20. Zoey's outfits are awesome, Packers fan and hiding after their loss as ghost. Nice wildlife pics, we do see turkeys in our hills but only seldom see deer.

    1. That is an excellent way to look at it. Zoey was so embarrassed that the Packers lost, she had to hide!

  21. So much going on at your place! Those are some handsome bucks.
    We love your fireplace. Larry built ours from stone from our land. So we were most interested in yours!
    Lucky Carol to be able to visit your lovely place.

    1. Our stone is local stone but not off our property. You are allowed to go out in the National Forest and pick rock but we opted to just buy it from a local quarry

  22. It's my first time visiting your blog, and your little dogs are so cute! This post made me smile. My late dad used to call the prize deer he was after "The Big'Un". haha! He did indeed finally get him and he is proudly mounted for all to see. I can't even imagine just stepping outside my door and seeing all of this like y'all do! How beautiful! I'll be stopping in to read more!

    1. I got The Big'un tonight! I love hearing stories like that of your dad. Thanks for stopping and sharing!

  23. Say hello to Carol for me. I was a preteen, and she the sophisticated eldest cousin, last time our paths crossed.

    1. She says hi back. She mostly remembers you, Gary and Patrick(?), whereas I remember you, Tracy, Duffy and Steven. Vague, but good memories.

  24. This is such a wonderful post. Felt like I was visiting family.
    Great work on the deer census. Between the trail cams and photos from the blind looks like the population is very healthy.
    The time with your sister was a nice treat. I suspect she feels the same way.
    I even enjoyed looking at the pics of the concrete pours. Yep, I could watch folks work all day long.
    Thank you for a great overall post today.
    However, I am now craving a nice venison roast. Chicken-fried venison steak. Deer sausage. Dang. Now you've done it.

    1. Barb has a great venison roast recipe by substituting venison instead of beef in her Mississippi Mud Roast recipe. The steaks are delicious as well, but I have never tried a chicken-fried one.

  25. I know you have been waiting for my words of wisdom. You have a lot of deers roaming around. So many bucks. We have lots also but we never see any bucks. Just does. Have you ever wondered why deer are referred to by monetary terms? Is it because it's an expensive hobby? Maybe that's why I can only watch people hunt. People like you with your deep pockets. Love the blog.

    1. Deer hunting is a super inexpensive hobby. I am actually saving money by providing food for the family. At least that is my story, and I am sticking to it!

    2. I prefer to fight for my food at Walmart. Like God intended.

    3. That is much more dangerous than anything I am doing!

  26. Deer are such stunning creatures! You live in an amazing place.

    Corinne x

    1. Although many of the deer look alike, some have personalities all thier own.

  27. The funniest part was the deer getting the zoomies. My cat Sweetness gets those every night and acts like a nutcase. By the way, thanks for dropping by IHATH and leaving a comment. I love walking a cemetery as much as just about anything. Several years ago TG and I were in Pittsburgh and spent several hours at Allegheny Cemetery, a huge historic cemetery right on the Allegheny River. I was standing by the car and TG was nearby looking at a tombstone when I said "Deer ... deer ... DEER!" And he was like "WHAT???" because he thought I was saying dear but I wasn't. I'm leaving a link to the relevant post and I hope both that you don't mind that and that you may enjoy reading it! xoxo

    1. You can almost set your clock by Zoey's 6:00pm zoomies. Every night, she gets ramped up and zooms around for a couple minutes and then settles down again.
      That was a lot of deer in the cemetery from your July of '17 post.

  28. Nice pictures of the deer. Must be so enjoyable sitting out there watching them. I especially like your description of the fawns getting the "zoomies". Dakota and Zoey have quite the life stretched out by the nice warm fire. Tom is a lifelong Packer Fan and he has not mentioned to much about the games this year except to say they are not doing good, when I Nice to have family visit.

    1. No, it is not a good year to be a Packers fan. He's had it good for so many years with Farve and Rodgers, he is due to have a couple down years. Tom now knows what it is like to be a Vikings fan. We will win are few games but it is rarely pretty.

  29. Love the wildlife pictures! Beautiful deer! 18 feet above, not me. Great pictures of Barb. Love the pics of Zoey and Dakota, they're so cute! You guys are really busy, bet you're looking forward to some travels in the near future! :)

    1. We generally have something going on every day, which we generally like, but once in a while a day where we have absolutely nothing planned is the best day ever!

  30. you are brave to talk about your deer adventures here, but i am getting use to it and realize it doesn't bother everyone. i am open minded and understand the circle of life and sing the lion king song at the same time i am reading. i am happy that it is a way for you to feed your family and it is not like i don't eat meat!! they are so cute!!

    your living room is very pretty, all barb i assume!!

    zoe made a cute ghost and i am "sure" she was happy to participate in halloween!!

    it is nice to read about someone who is retired and enjoying life so much!! but do you have to kill the deer???????


    1. I love all the deer photos. You certainly see many. Awesome to see all this amazing wildlife, and to read about the fawns and their zoomies. I also enjoyed seeing the pups snoozing by the fireplace, and I laughed seeing Zoey in her ghost costume. You have a beautiful home and always lovely to see what you and Barb are doing around the house. Carol must have been very impressed. Beautiful views from Bear Mountain and a perfect ending visiting a nice restaurant. Thanks for another interesting post and you and Barb enjoy the rest of the week.

    2. Thanks Denise, we really love our home and all the wildlife. Zoey is a real sport letting us dress her up like that.

    3. Brave is one word, others might call it stupid, but I am who I am. One thing I like about blogs is the variety of other people's lives we get a peek into, most of which are very different than ours. I assume people who don't want to read about our lifestyle simply won't read it, and I am okay with that.

  31. There is a Native American song titled "The Deers Song"
    My Shining Horns
    I hunted for most of my life, but it was all about the venison. I have no issue with those who pursue the "trophy" as long as they dont waste the meat. I do MISS the venison!
    Picture taken from our front porch a couple of days ago but i cant figure out how to send it to you?

  32. I sent my email address to you as a comment in your last post. You can delete the comment.
    I am 50/50 on the meat vs trophy equation.
    We want the venison, but I like to make it as challenging so I go with a bow and hunt for a Big'un.

  33. Thanks for the comment, appreciated. You have some lovely photos here. Have a good weekend Diane

  34. Our deer are rutting, as well. Of course. That is an interesting post. I have a trailcam on the scrape in our forest. Our neighbour, who wants to put in the gun range, is a trophy hunter. It irks me. A sweet cougar. He flew miles away to do this hunt. Thousands of dollars.
