Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Becoming an Influencer

Those of you who have read our blog for a while know that Dino and I go back and forth ripping on each other. Those of you who are new to our blog, be prepared to be a ghast that I would do this to a seemingly innocent person. Believe me, Dino is far from innocent, in fact, he is usually the instigator while I am an innocent victim just trying to defend myself. We both have pretty thick skin, and he deserves everything I give him. So, without further ado.... I present you another Dino tale. 

It's all the rage you know. Becoming an influencer.

Who knew that I would become an influencer at least to one person, influencing and motivating the uninspired. Case in point. Apparently, Dino, author of MN Drifters was so touched by my exposé on Wordle, that it inspired him to write an entire blog!  Before you read any further, go read his blog. It will give you more context going forward. 

Let me tell you, this is no easy feat given he has not one, but two grossly disfigured arthritic hands. I would post a picture of them here to show you just how grotesque they are, but I know some of you are probably eating breakfast and I would not want to spoil your appetite. 

Now, here is a man, who is too busy to comment on a blog, who stops everything he is doing to sit down with pen and paper and start writing. Who I am kidding, Dino cannot hold a pen, he cannot even hold chopsticks. We had the horror of witnessing this firsthand a couple of years ago.  My therapist says it is good for my recovery to write about it so if you are done with your breakfast, you can read about that incident here

It was after reading his latest post that I realized that I not only inspired him to write this post, but also inspired him to build his house. I am sure that after reading all our posts about us building our house, he thought. "If Jim and Barb can do it, I can do it". This simple thought (all of Dino's thoughts are simple), resulted in Otter Tail County in Minnesota to rewrite their entire building code to include things no one in their right mind would ever consider in the past. Like, who would ever consider running a pipe straight from their toilet into the Otter Tail River?  Or, they now have a code against using mouse and muskrat pelts as siding on their house. The resulting stench still lingers in the air on hot, humid summer days. 

Dino and I go back years, too many years. 9 years this spring. Since we have some new readers, I thought it might be good for some of you to read about the day we met Dino and Lisa. One would think we would run for the hills after meeting them, but we are gluttons for punishment, it was not until we met up with them in Yellowstone during the fall of 2016 that we finally realized they were in fact aliens simply visiting our little rock. Obviously not very smart aliens as out of the 8.1 billion humans on earth, they chose to take over his body. 

Now that I think about it, we have been inspiring and influencing Dino for years. Let's see....Jim and Barb buy a Cardinal 5th wheel, Dino and Lisa buy a Cardinal 5th wheel, Jim and Barb buy a Lance camper, you guessed it, Dino and Lisa buy a Lance camper. Jim and Barb build a house.....Well, you get the idea.  Or perhaps the aliens are geniuses after all as they chose Barb and I to guide and lead them through life.  Whatever the reason, being an influencer to if only one person, is a burden that I carry. 

Now, for your viewing pleasure, I present you with this adorable video. This is what we deal with every night, x 2 now, with our little visitor. The other night I actually went out and slept on the couch as it seemed like they were having some kind of snore-off competition. 

We continued to send Alana and Ryan pictures each day to let them know Sophie is in good hands. Like this little gem for example. The girls got dirty and needed to be cleaned up so I sent them this picture asking if I should set the washer on delicate or extra soiled. The wash cycle went pretty well, the dry cycle was another story altogether. 

Sophie is usually a Vikings fan (or 9'ers), but when Barb is in charge of the jerseys, all bets are off. Sophie dressed up in a Bronco's jersey for the Vikings/Bronco game. Sadly, her team was victorious. I don't think Alana and Ryan are going to let Sophie come over and play anymore if Barb keeps this up!
Then of course we needed more dress up photo shoots......

I forgot to mention in last week's post that DeAnne made us this awesome table runner. It matches perfectly with Barb's autumn centerpiece. 
Monday, friends Doug and Lisa came over to process a deer. Don't worry, no dead animals in this post, just Barb and Lisa packaging up a few cuts. 
As we were processing the deer, Doug asked me if I wanted to go fishing on Wednesday. "Ah, hell yeah!" We hit the water about 11:00 in search of the ever-elusive lake trout.  We would have invited Barb and Lisa but they both had Thanksgiving prep to do, and heaven forbid we get in the way of that!

Alas, we did not catch any fish, but it was a gorgeous day. Today got up to high of 57, then the bottom fell, and our high today topping out at only 28 and tomorrow is supposed to be 19. Brrrr! 

Today is Thanksgiving, Dan, Bonnie, Kevin and Cheryl are coming over. Food, football and friends, it doesn't get much better than that! We have so much to be thankful for. Each other, our health, our family, our beautiful home, our friends. Especially friends like Dino, who gives me never-ending things to write about.

Wait! I just had another revelation. Dino writing that blog inspired me to write this post. Who is influencing who?!?! God help us all. 


  1. Interesting post. Will venture over to his blog and read...Have a good day today, all of you.

  2. You and Dino are so funny. Happy Thanksgiving to you guys. We are now at Lost Dutchman and I am cooking 2 cornish hens for Ray and I. :) It was 75F yesterday afternoon.

    1. That sounds like a good day, I cannot remember the last time we had game hens.

  3. I don't know who this Dino guy is, but the way you attack him all of the time is wrong. My advice to you is to sleep with one eye open, especially if he knows where you live. I heard he was doing some black-op sh#t in the military. He was trained by ninjas. You know the story of John Wick killing a guy with a pencil, right? I heard he killed a guy with a spork. Why did he use a spork you ask? I was told it was because he can't hold chopsticks. But you knew that already. Beware of the Blind apache.

    1. If I did not know better, I would think that you, Mr. Anonymous, were the infamous Dino himself! No need to for me to sleep with one eye open, as I have Ninja Barbie to protect me!

  4. Hilarious as well as the older blog recaps! Looking forward to Dino’s rebuttal. Those dogs sure are good sports!

    1. I know, I reread those older posts and laughed to myself. They make a lot more sense if you know Dino like you guys do.

      Those that don't know him may be a bit more confused by these posts. They don't realize it, but they are so much better off not knowing him.

  5. You have a good sense of humour and you are obviously a powerful influencer, but I sincerely hope that you don't influence people to wash and dry their dogs that way. And can you imagine trying it with cats?!

    My last read is partly about influencers. They seem very powerful, and it also seems very lucrative. But I trust that it is more fiction than fact.

    As for Worldle, we continue to play most days. It's been tough sledding lately with 4s, 5s, and 6s, and one entire miss. Someone else in the fam also missed that day, and the other scored a 6, so I didn't feel too badly about it all.

    Have a good TG. It was nice of you to cate the premises to help out the gals in their preps.

    1. Perhaps I need to put disclaimers on the blog such as: These dogs are trained professionals, do not attempt.

      Barb had a word this week that was tough for her. She got it on the sixth attempt.

  6. What a way to wake up this morning. I had urgent messages on my phone going off saying that I was being slandered all over the blogosphere. So I groggily got up, poured myself a hot cup of coffee and then read your blog. I said to myself, "Oh boy!" Then I got up, headed to the bathroom and finished ready that crap where it belonged. I don't know who anonymous is but but they were right. Beware of the Blindapache.

    1. I have heard of this Blind Apache. He is infamous for his Call of Duty gaming skills!

  7. There is nothing like friendship to make a person laugh. I think in your way you were thanking Dino for being such a good friend and inspiration. He does tend to give you much fodder for the blog. Lol. I loved the dog washing pic. I must say that had you taken Barb fishing I’m certain the outcome would not have been zero! She tends to pull in lots of fish.
    Good post! Happy Thanksgiving to you, Barb, all your family and friends. I’m sure the merriment will be lively today.


    1. Yeah Jim. Without me, your life would be boring and meaningless.

    2. Even though we were trolling and all using the same lure, but you are probably right about the fishing!
      Happy Thanksgiving to you and Riley!

  8. Happy thanksgiving to you both!!

  9. You guys are so funny!
    I am glad we got to actually hear the snoring or I wouldn't have believed it--lol!

    1. I slept on the couch the other night too when she crawled up by my head around 2am.

  10. I am not influenced by others nor do I influence others generally speaking this is because I am a boring person with a boring life

    1. My influencing certainly is not intentional, I guess it just comes naturally! 🤣😂

  11. Jim - your blogs are always so fun to read!! Loved the pics of the dogs, are you sure you and Barb don't need to adopt a couple more just so you can enjoy a chorus of snores every night??

  12. Happy Thanksgiving you two! Have a wonderful day!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Yessiree, you do know how to poke the wasp nest. I think I’d rig up a dummy on the couch and sleep in the truck. Might work well where the puppies are concerned too!!!

    1. You are either on to something or on something with that suggestion. I'll think I'll play it safe and sleep in the truck in case you are right!

  14. Woot! Awesome blog. I enjoyed it all but the dogs were the best. Happy Thanksgiving.

  15. This all sounds wonderful! Always an enjoyable read, thanks so much and I will check out the link too. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  16. The puppy photos are awesome! We never played dress-up with any of pups except Jack had a sweater he wore on chilly mornings. The washer photo is a real gem…and you should submit it in a contest…it’s a winner!

    1. That is a cute one isn't it? Our little ones have tolerated us dressing them up for years. Daisy was very good about it. Zoey is okay as well, Sophie is still learning.

  17. Dogs snoring is so cute! Ottertail County isn't far from me...:)

    1. It is very cute if you are watching a video of it. Not so cute if you are living it at 2am!

  18. that is exactly what i was thinking, who is inspiring/influencing who?? some stories you tell, you have an awesome sense of humor!!

    thanks for not showing the deer and a belated very happy thanksgiving!!

    1. That's funny, Dino texted me while he was in the middle of reading it and said "Sounds like I am influencing you!". I told him to read to the end.

  19. We managed to side step them for 6 years until they stalked us in Montana. But you two sure are inspiring. That’s why we bought a camper too :-)

  20. You and your friend do seem to have a lot of fun bantering back and
    Good friends, good food, time spent enjoying their company it does not get much better than that.Hope you and Barb had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. They are good friends with thick skin, those are hard to find! We have a good time together.

  21. I think you two are great influencers, many good things were copied like the campers and the house being built. The doggie photos are so darn cute! Take care, have a great weekend.

    1. That is what I keep telling him, but he continues to insist that he is influencing us!

  22. What a complete and interesting world you have here! Aloha from Honolulu!

    1. Kinda wish we were in Honolulu this week with our temps in the teens!

  23. Sounds like a case of "mutual influencing". Whatever it is, it seems to be working.

    Watching y'all process the venison and going fishing has me headed to the fridge to fix a leftover turkey sandwich. Sigh. Life is good.

    1. I just finished the last of our leftovers, I should be good until next Thanksgiving!

  24. Fun post to read! I will have to delve into all things Dino when I get a chance. Your dogs are so cute- love to see them dressed up. We are headed to friends´ house to watch football later today. They have four dogs and I expect their smallest one to be dressed up in his finest Steelers gear! Too bad the fish were not a´ bitin´ but it sounds like it was a great day to enjoy the great outdoors.

    1. Be warned, once you delve into all things Dino there is no going back. Some things just can't be unseen. I think we are going to have a 4-dog afternoon as well. Our team does not play until Monday night, but I am sure we will find something to watch!

  25. Those staged puppy photos are too cute. And I had to laugh at the snore competition too. One of mine is having her morning nap on the couch with me and her snoring is very distracting. Plus I'm not even trying to sleep. Hope it was a lovely Thanksgiving weekend.

    1. Sophie goes home today, so I am guessing things will get quieter and we will get back into our routine. One less snoring Frenchie might equate to an extra hour of sleep tomorrow morning!

  26. In all of those dog pictures, you left out the one of them playing Wordle. Dino is right. That would have been something to read about! :)

    1. Our little Puggle, Daisy would have allowed us to put glasses on her and prop her up playing Wordle. These two have such small noses, the glasses just fall off.

  27. I think it's wonderful that your support and actions have inspired Dino! Well done. (And the dogs -- darling!)

    1. I consider anything I do for Dino community service and my pathway to heaven.

  28. Adorable dog photos. Lol Dino.. he just refers to you as some guy. He could have at least linked back to you.

    1. He refers to that as plausible deniability, he could have been talk about pretty much anyone!

  29. I think it's a wash as to who is inspiring whom more (or less), but who cares? It makes for excellent entertainment, hahahaha! I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving holiday, and now it's time to get busy and have an equally wonderful Christmas season! xoxo

    1. We are heading to Pennsylvania to spend Christmas with our daughter, so it will definitely be wonderful!

  30. The photos of the dogs are hilarious :-)

    1. Then prepare yourself for the coming weeks as we had a photoshoot the morning Sophie left!

  31. Your doggies are dressed up so cute for the season. I'm glad to hear you have been watching some Hallmark Christmas shows. I love them as well. I just watched a Christmas show and it was really good. A Home for the Holidays. It's a charming movie, and I think you'd like it. : )

    Merry Christmas season to you.


    1. I think we've seen that one, at least it sounds familiar. Sometimes they all just blur together.
      The girls tolerate us dressing them up, they are rather good sports about it.
