Sunday, December 24, 2023

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the camper, not a creature was stirring, except a restless French Bulldog, a pleasantly plump lab and an overly caffeinated grandma.  

The stockings were hung on the slideout with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas would soon be here. 

Barb and I have celebrated Christmas to its fullest for 38 years now. Mostly with friends and family, a couple just by ourselves. This year finds us in Greencastle Pennsylvania celebrating Christmas with our daughter Jessica, her husband Shane and their two kids Dylan and Kendall.

The last time we celebrated Christmas with them was in 2014 when the kids looked like this.

Now they look like this....

Shane and Jess are in the middle of a very busy few days. With many friends and family in the area they have several get togethers planned. Our day with them was today, Christmas Eve. And tomorrow morning before they head off to Shane's family gathering. 

Several nights before Christmas found Shane and I at the kitchen table surrounded by 9 bottles of bourbon. We had a challenge in front of us. To sip each of them, ranking them in order of our least favorite to our favorite. 

Barb and Jess were the moderators, pouring and numbering each of the mini dixie cups so we would not know what was in which cup. Then the tasting began. Just enough to wet the palette and get an idea of the aroma, flavor and taste. 

One by one we went through the 9 cups placing them in order. Some we could not tell the difference between at all, while others were absolutely horrible. Granted, this was not a controlled test as the flavor of one often carried over to the next. The results were surprising to both of us. 

First, our choices were almost identical, with only a few variations. Secondly, since it was a blind tasting, we did not know until the end that one that we had thought was our favorites, actually ended up near the bottom of our list (Weller). 

Our top 4 (although not in the same order) were Blanton's, Eagle Rare, Sazerak and Elmer Lee. Our bottom 4 were identical; Hartfield, Weller, MannCave and Bakers.

Here is the thing about doing blind taste tests. We started out with 9, then someone goes to the cabinet and says "You gotta try this one!", then they do it again, again and again. That was several days ago, and I still do not even want to look at a bottle of bourbon. This is what we looked like an hour or so later...

Just for fun, we had the girls take a sip of some of the worst tasting ones just to get their reaction. Here is the results of that. This was a very peaty Scotch Whisky. 

Then momma, thinking she was Super Momma jumped on the Hoverboard and started hovering around the kitchen. 
Pretty impressive for a almost 64-year-old grandma. What the video does not show is when she biffed a few minutes later and she hit the back of her head on one of the chairs in the kitchen. Grandma is not allowed on the hoverboard anymore.  

Not to be outdone, Jess jumped on to show her mad skills. Her's, however, did not end as smoothly, ending in a death spiral. 
To keep us busy during the day, we started a project in one of the living rooms. This house was built in 1850ish and has lots of small rooms. Three of the rooms have fireplaces; the kitchen and the two living rooms. None are functional anymore and Jess wanted at least the look of a fireplace in the living room they spend more of their time. 

So, away we went! It is still a work in progress, but here is where we are so far. We framed in the old chimney, ran some electrical for the fireplace and the TV, then sheetrocked it. We talked about leaving the old brick, cleaning it up and exposing it, but it is in really rough shape and is not the route they wanted to go.

There is absolutely nothing square about this house. The walls and ceilings are off over an inch in a matter of a few feet, so every cut was a custom cut. The walls are made out of horsehair plaster and if you cut into them, they basically disintegrate in a puff of dust. 

We are working on a fireplace surround at the same time. Shane had a surround from an old job that I needed to cut down to size. We tried every antique store in the area trying to find one that was already the right size, but no luck.  
This one needed 10" cut out of the middle bringing the overall width to the same as the wall. I am happy with my cuts, after the girls finish scraping it, I will attempt to put it back together hiding the seam as best I can. 

Next up, we need to finish the tape, mud and then paint. We hope to get it wrapped up before we leave in a week or so. 

Last, but not least, our Christmas photo. No one really wants to see us and I know Harry would love to see the girls dressed up and ready for Christmas. We took this picture a few weeks ago when Sophie was visiting. 
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


  1. The bourbon adventures were interesting to read. I haven’t tasted bourbon but I’m not sure I want to after seeing your daughter’s reaction. Lol.

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Probably not particular one, but others were better tasting.

  2. Merry Christmas Jim, Barb and family! I love the puppy photo! And can’t wait to see the fireplace…I love the mantle piece.

    1. Merry Christmas to you as well! Hopefully the fireplace will be done by the next post.

  3. I’ll stick with the beer tasting when we eventually come your way. 🥴 Merry Christmas and all the best in 2024 to y’all!

    1. Remember the last time we got carried away with the bottles? 🤢

  4. Merry Christmas!
    Thank you for the videos and laughs!
    Y'all are brave. I think out of all alcohols, bourbon is the one that can go to the extreme nasty taste.

    1. There are some good ones and some nasty ones. It is an acquired taste for sure.

    2. In younger years, at happy hour with friends, I was the bourbon sipper. If they they couldn't tell which drink on the table is bourbon, they ask me to take a sip.

  5. I love everything about this! What a hoot! I really do hope that one day your travels will swing this way. We would love to have you!

    1. We'll work on that next time we travel east from South Dakota!

  6. Blind taste tests are always fun, but bourbon would not be my first choice for one. Looking forward to seeing the finished fireplace. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    1. We generally do beer, but bourbon is an interesting change up. Not sure I will do it again anytime soon. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!

  7. Merry Christmas! We totally understand how much grandkids change from 2014 to this year, we're on the exact same time schedule since the last time we were with our grandtwins for Christmas, what a difference 9 years makes!

    1. If we keep up this schedule, Dylan will be 23 and Kendall 18! Merry Christmas to you and Dale!

  8. Lots of crazy things happening in this post. All that bourbon tasting, ugh! And trying to ride the hovercraft!!! Thank goodness Barb didn't get hurt too badly. Geesh! But what a cute photo at the end. Merry Christmas to you and Barb! Enjoy PA!

    1. But what if it were a bourbon ball tasting?!?!? When her head bounced off that chair, I knew there was going to be some pain. It is slowly getting better. Merry Christmas to you two!

  9. Merry Christmas to you and Barb! Two good looking grandchildren you are getting to spend Christmas with. Interesting about the whiskey taste testing results,

    1. Thanks guys, Merry Christmas to you two as well. 9 years is too long between Christmases with them!

  10. Merry Christmas to all! I hope Barbs noggin us better!

    1. It was never normal to begin with, so a little more damage is not going to hurt anything!

  11. Ok, y’all totally win Christmas! 😁🎄 Sounds like much fun is being had!

    1. Thanks Mandy, we do our best to mix a little fun into the work!

  12. Yeah, I tried tasting whiskey ONCE. That was all I needed. Can you say headache?? Ouch on the head bang, but yes, I would try the hoverboard too. Very cool you are helping repair the house. You know how it is, nothing is as straight as it was 50 years ago, including us. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

    1. You are right, I certainly don't stand as straight as I used to. I could totally see you trying that hoverboard. The body says don't do it, but the head says "I got this!".

  13. Merry Christmas! I would say Barb is brave to try the hover thing and sorry she hit her head! You guys always need a project--Mike is ready to head home--he's missing his projects! Can't wait to see your finished fireplace!

    1. We warn the kids before we arrive that we need a list of projects awaiting our arrival. We are not good at relaxing.

  14. I love bourbon but just looking at those 9 dixie cups made my head hurt. Love the work you're doing on the living room wall, it's going to look great. Merry Christmas!

    1. Yeah, in hindsight we should have limited it to 5-6. 9 was a little much.

  15. That is quite a project for this time of year, but it seems that you are having a merry time all in all.

    1. We were questioning the tearing up of the living room right before Christmas as well, but it's working out.

  16. Merry Christmas! Looks like such a great time, had us busting up laughing at the girls and the bourbon tasting!! Can't wait to see how the living room turns out!

  17. First of all I would like to officially wish you and Barb the merriest of Christmas'. Let the record show that I did that. Secondly, I have to question the amount of money spent on Bourbon when it is obviously gross and disgusting. Thirdly, my gift must have been lost in the mail. Fourthly, enjoy your winter down south while we freeze our butts off up north.

    1. Not all of them were gross and disgusting, but that one certainly was. I cannot imagine anyone liking it!

      You'll be down south soon enough, see you there!

    2. Shhhh. We are not going anywhere when the zombie apocalypse is just around the corner so don't spread rumors that we will be enjoying ourselves. We would never leave the SSUVFL unprotected. What's gotten into you? Mass quantities of Booze?

    3. My bad, I don't know what I was thinking!

  18. The kids have grown up sooo much! Glad you are getting in a visit, but I am also glad I don't drink--ROFL! Their faces tell that bourbon story so well--LOL!
    I would never attempt a hoverboard. I do not do well off the ground and have never been able to roller skate or ice skate. A hoverboard would probably kill me!
    Enjoy your time and I hope you show the finished fireplace. Merry Christmas!! :)

    1. Barb is an accomplished roller skater and skier, so her self of balance is pretty good. Well, until she hits a rug that jumped out in front of her!

  19. Bourbon is a bit much for me, but I do like some baby Whiskies like Fireball, Southern Comfort, Jack Daniel's to name a few. I went skiing once, Squaw Valley (they have renamed it now), broke my hand first time down the hill. Never skied again, and I doubt I would ever "hover". Hope Barb is feeling better...happy you all had a good Christmas.

    1. Baby whiskies, that's a good name for them and actually my go to drinks at social gatherings where we are going to be for a few hours. Hope you and Marcia had a good Christmas!

  20. Most people play board games or football in the snow to "keep busy" during the holidays. You build a fireplace. Of course :-))))) Nine years goes by too fast and then the littles are big already. Wonderful you got to spend Christmas Eve with them and will be there for a while longer. It's still never long enough with the grands. Happiest of holidays to you and Barb and the tribe, and best wishes for an exciting 2024.

    1. Football has been on in the background, and I have played two games of Life with Kendall and Barb. Does that count as relaxing?

  21. Loved this! Oh wow though, sorry about Barb’s head. I fell on slippery mud a few days before Christmas, konked my nose a good one and actually ate mud! Would rather sip bourbon, lol! Looks like you all had a great Christmas. Happy New Year!

    1. Ouch! Barb's head is better, but she did not learn her lesson. She is back on that thing zooming around!

    2. Good for Barb! She is braver than me. Once again, A Very Happy New Year to you both, and to your family also.

  22. this looks like a wonderful holiday!! barb is very brave on that hover board. i kept waiting for her to fall (sorry) even though she did fall, she sure started out great!!

    this also sounds like your kinda' holiday...built a garage, build a fireplace, you guys are amazing!!

    1. I warned Jess that I needed a project to work on when we got out there. She did not disappoint!

  23. Well Christmas is done with for another year I hope yours was as much fun as it looks like you were having, mine was ok

    1. It was nice to see the excitement in the grandkids on Christmas morning. It has been years since we've experienced that.

  24. I'm very late, having been off blog for about a week but it is lovely to see your holiday photos and I hope you had the loveliest of Christmases and are continuing to enjoy the wonderful season!

    1. We did, thank you! Hope you too had a good and relaxing holiday.

  25. The kids sure have grown. Amazing. Glad you had a good time with family. Cheers!

    1. Although we have seen them pretty much every year, that is a lot time between Christmases!

  26. It sounds like you had a nice Christmas, except for that rum tasting you had. Funny little videos of the reactions. Your dogs are all dressed up and festive for the holiday.

    Wishing you a Happy Year filled with peace and joy.


    1. Thanks Sheri, the reaction of the women when they drank that was absolutely priceless. It was bad, but I managed to maintain my composure when I drank it.

  27. I love the doggies in their Christmas hats and headbands. So cute!

    That's a big project with the fireplace, but it sounds like it will look really nice when it's finished.

    1. The girls are painting today through Saturday, then we can put it all back together!

  28. Merry Christmas - we miss you guys. You have been gone long enough. You should come home now.

    1. Merry Christmas to you guys as well! We have only been gone like a week, but we miss you guys as well! Maybe you should come visit us!

  29. Amazing how fast kids grow up! The taste testing sounds like fun. The fireplace project came out beautifully. You guys have skills! Have a very Happy New Year!

    1. New Years is just a couple days away, then it is the end of our adventure here in Pennsylvania. Time to move someplace warmer!

  30. Christmas looks lovely at your home -- and loads of fun. (And you are definitely making progress on your not-square house!). Three cheers for the fireplace. One of my wine tasting buddies is a big bourbon fan. I'll have to tell him about your blind tasting!

    1. We will give three cheers when we are all done.
      The blind taste testing was fun, with surprising results!

  31. Children grow so quickly. A nine bourbon tasting - yikes. Especially when Scotch is included in there somewhere. I am not a fan of Scotch, but do enjoy tastings of bourbon at local distilleries (New York State). I would probably find a way to kill myself if I ever got on a hoverboard. Sounds like you had a good time in Pennsylvania with all that carpentry keeping you busy.

    1. I think I have found that I am not a fan of scotch either. But, further research will have to be conducted to know for sure!

  32. The whiskey tasting made me smile:) I was at a distillery once and they say branch water is the secret:) Those Grands of yours grew up! Happy New Year and that fireplace looks like an awesome project!

    1. Each of the distilleries say it's their water that makes the difference. I don't know if it's true or not, but so many of the other ingredients are the same so it might be true.

  33. You folks sure have amazing skills, the carpentry, I mean, not the drinking!!!!

  34. Hello,
    Looks like fun times were had with the family during the Christmas holidays.
    I am not a fan of bourbon or whiskey, maybe just beer and wine. I just love the last photo of the doggies, so cute. Happy New Year to you and your family. Have a great weekend.

    1. I love that picture too, they were really patient with us during the photoshoot.

  35. I'm reading these out of order but I have to say again that, now, seeing what you started with, I'm even more in awe of how that project turned out! Kudos to you all. Impressive. As to the imbibing, you know I'm a teetotaler but I will add to the chat that when I was a kid, we had a stepfather for about ten years and he was a drunk. He taught us how to make his mixed drinks -- always a screwdriver for breakfast, very little OJ and a lot of vodka. Of course my sister and I were required to clean up after him, empty his ashtrays and throw away his beer bottles (he drank beer at night). Once I put a beer bottle with a little in the bottom, to my nose and sniffed. That was the most disgusting thing I have ever smelled and from that moment to this I cannot imagine what would induce me to taste that nasty stuff, hahahaa! But I was plagued with toothaches (because as children we were never taken to the dentist; I go a lot now, hahaha) and Jake, said stepfather, had a "cure" when I was crying in the night. He'd make me take a therapeutic slug of whiskey and hold the liquid over my aching tooth for a minute, then swallow. That was enough to convince me that I didn't need to taste that again either, hahahaha! Good times. xoxo

    1. Those are memories that you will never forget! My mom was a smoker. Her hacking at night turned me off from smoking. Growing up, I would not even date anyone who smoked.
