Sunday, December 31, 2023

Toys of Yesteryear.

Christmas has come and gone. Just seeing the kids look at the tree with all the presents under it was worth the trip out here. 

Toys sure have changed over the years. BB guns have been replaced with video games. Big Wheels have been replaced Hoverboards and One Wheels. And Stretch Armstrong has been replaced by something called a Squishy. Hot wheels racetracks, one of my favorite toys growing up, must be a thing of the past. What was your favorite toy growing up?

Like most mothers, Jessica used Christmas as an opportunity to replenish the kids socks, underwear and shirts. Like most kids, Dylan tossed those aside after opening them looking for the gift that he had been waiting for all year. For him, that was a gaming table, monitor and keyboard. Oh, how I would love to see the look on the kids' faces if we gave them presents from our era. Like clackers or a set of jacks with a little bouncy ball. Or better yet, replace Dylan's XBox with a old Pong console.

We received this photo from our nomadic son Forrest. He, Somer and Lily are in Savannah, Georgia for the next few weeks as Somer took a temp job at a hospital there. 

Soon after opening their gifts, the kids were off to their rooms to play with them. That got Barb and I talking about the toys of our childhood. It is a wonder we survived and did not shoot our eyes out. Do kids even go outside to play anymore? Do they play Kick the Can, Flashlight Tag or go to the playground anymore?

For school recess, I am picturing kids all standing around just staring at their phones. All the dangerous equipment from yesteryear removed. No more Tether Ball, no more playground spinners, heaven forbid that a kid plays dodgeball with those balls that would leave marks for days. Nope, nowadays they just stare at their phones and text their friends 10' away from them rather than actually talking to them. 

I am glad that I am old, so I do not have to see how the next generation turns out. Do you think our grandparents said the same thing? Speaking of grandparents, Dylan made Barb laugh the other day when he said, "You are not like most grandmas". I don't know if that was before or after she bonked her head after riding the hoverboard, but truer words have never been spoken. Funny, he never said that about me. Or maybe he did but I was in the camper taking my nap and did not hear it. 

Our fireplace project continued this week. Shane was down most of the week with a horrible cough of some sort that resulted in an urgent care visit. So it was up to me to finish the taping and mudding. Not my best skill, but I faired alright. 

From there, it was Jess and Barb's turn to take over, priming and painting the walls and ceiling. That was a two-day project. I attached the two sides of the fireplace surround back together and installed it, a TV mount, and the fireplace once the painting was done. 

Barb priming the wall and Jess painting the ceiling.

Jess painting the fire surround while Kendall watched on the couch with Oreo the cat tucked in her shirt.

The final touch was a new ceiling fan and we deemed the project completed!

We got out with the kids on one outing when Barb and I took them out for bowling and ice cream one afternoon. 

It has been unseasonably warm here for December, so warm in fact, that I decided to dewinterize the camper. The extended forecast for the rest of our stay shows it barely dipping into the 30's at night. Then we head south, so I figured it is safe. So nice to have running water in here again!

The big event this week was my birthday! Non-event really, as the girls painted, Shane worked, and I hung out in the workshop. But we did go out that night to the Keylock Brewery, then brought home some Chinese for supper.
A special thanks for our neighbors, Jim and Carmen in South Dakota. They let the furniture delivery people in the other day when they exchanged our couch. Carmen even inspected it before they left to make sure there was no damage to this one!
Tomorrow is our final day here before we hit the road, our 10 days went too quick but Jess needs to get back to work and the kids back to school. We have one day left to spoil the kids and maybe toughen up a little bit. Perhaps a good old BB gun fight in the woods or a game of Jarts. Nothing like sharp metal pointy lawn darts flying at you to toughen a kid up!

Happy New Year!


  1. Belated happy birthday to you!
    You know listening to you talk about yesteryears toys explains a great deal about you Jim! ‘Nough said. Lol.
    The fireplace looks fabulous, great work all
    Safe travels as you move on down the highway, may the wind be at your back, the road in front be smooth and clear! If not, at least keep it between the ditches.
    Happy New Year.


    1. There was a game we used to play in gym when I was younger. The teacher would put a kid on each end of the gym with a ball in the middle. The teacher would blow his whistle and we'd race towards the ball. One time two of us arrived at the same time, collided head on and we were both knocked out.
      After coming to, we were just sent back to class.
      That should explain everything you need to know about me!

  2. Happy belated birthday! Your final line killed me. Too true.

    1. I chuckle any time I see a set of Jarts in an antique store. How did anyone ever think that was a good idea?!?

  3. Clackers! I haven't thought about those in years. I loved the sound they made, although if you weren't very coordinated you could hit yourself with them - not that ever happened to me. :)

    1. Oh yeah, I had clackers when I was young! Everything went well until I didn't, then it was out of control and maiming you!

  4. Nice photos, good to see them and people working too and being quiet, hopefully.
    Children always look for good presents :)
    Yes my grandparents would have said the same, as did my parents.
    Happy New Year to you and your family, may it be a good one.

    1. I suppose you are right. These kids will probably grow up and say the same thing about the generation after them!

  5. Happy Birthday! Looks like you all had a great Christmas! My favorite toy was a teddy bear I was given at a year old. I still have him and he comes out every Christmas. I also loved my Bunty and Judy Annuals, and Snakes and Ladders (the board game). You have very nice neighbors. And love your fireplace. Happy New Year to you and yours!

    1. The only thing I have from my childhood is my stocking. I have never heard of Bunting and Judy, but I certainly remember Chutes and Ladders!

    2. Yes, they changed it to Chutes and Ladders from Snakes and Ladders years later. I wish I had a stocking. Our gifts were put in an old pillowcase and didn't know about stockings until I came across the pond. I am going to have a go at handmaking them this year.

    3. Interesting, the different traditions around the world. I had never heard of using pillow cases before!

  6. That was quite a transformation.

    Happy New Year 🎇 and happy travels 🚚.

    1. Thanks, the kids are really happy with how it turned out.

  7. Great job on the reno. Happy New Year to you and your family!

    1. Thanks Marie! May 2024 bring you a hurricane/tropical storm free year on PEI.

  8. Times have changed for sure. We lived outside as kids. Maybe only having 4 TV stations at the time was really a blessing. I had a cousin who actually lost an eye with Jarts. Even at my young age I was smart enough to not throw them at others. I bet you did. What's that saying about an elevator? I am also glad that you can find time for other peoples projects while cripple people are left to fend for themselves. Happy New Year!

    1. And I bet you were the remote! Your comment about 4 channels reminded me of how my dad would say "Change the channel". Then I'd have to get out of the beanbag chair, go to the TV and slowly change the channel until I found a show he wanted. Good times!

  9. It just amazes me that everywhere I go, I see everyone staring at their phone. You are right ... talking to the person standing right next to them. Even the "old" folks! My toys were guns and holsters, along with one stuffed animal. Oh ... and don't forget the oranges and walnuts we threw at each other. Happy New Year!!

    1. Our stocking were filled with an orange and nuts, but we did not dare throw them, we would have gotten a whooping!

  10. Hello,
    Happy Birthday! You could have your own fixer upper show, the renovation looks great. It would be nice to see the children outside playing more than inside on the techy toys. Safe travels! Happy New Year to you and your family.

    1. One has to wonder, are those days over forever? Or will there come a day when kids go outside to play until the street lights come on signaling then to come home.

  11. Happy birthday,
    I see that you have enjoyed this time.
    Thanks for posting on my blog.
    I wish you and all your loved ones a happy but above all a healthy 2024.
    Greetings Irma

  12. Belated happy birthday! You forgot a few things like the tiny rubber WWII soldiers that let you create your own battles in the yard, bikes with cards in the spokes and the staple of every playground, the big wheel where some got on, others turned it as fast as they can and whoever held on the longest won. There really should have been a distance trophy for who flew the farthest when they lost their grip.

    1. Ah, yes, toy soldiers as well as cowboys and indians! We used to do the cards in the spokes. My mom would always wonder where her clothes pins and cards always went!

  13. Happy belated birthday Jim! 🎂🎉 As a kid we were always outside all day until dinner time, catching gophers, tadpoles/frogs, building forts or just exploring the prairie. Firecrackers were readily available and sometimes a lit firecracker would end up in one’s pocket while hanging from the monkey bars…good times! The BB Gun was a definite favourite. Great job on the fireplace. Happy New Year and safe travels on your next adventures!

    1. I still have a scar on my hand from a BB gun fight. Firecrackers and frogs. Hopefully the two never met. We used to get those cigarette poppers and stick them in my mom's cigarettes. When she would light one up, they would blow up. We thought it was as funny as hell, my mom, not so much!

  14. Merriest Blated Bday! I am sure that each generation from the past has said prob close to the same thing. HAHA....and with each new generation they are SMARTER (they think they are) than they are!! lol

    1. I am sure that when I was younger, my parents thought our generation was a bunch of dumb@sses. But this current generation takes it to a whole new level!

  15. Happy birthday (mine was Dec. 26th) and happy new year!
    My granddaughters spend a lot of time thrifting, crafting and drawing. They play a lot of board games, as well!

    1. So you too know the pain of having a birthday near Christmas! Growing up I was forever getting Christmas gifts with the comment "This is for your birthday too".

  16. Best Christmas toy I ever got was "Slot Cars" set (shared gift with my brother who is 3 years older than I). We both saved up $$$ through the next year to buy a few of our own slot cars and some more track...that was a fun toy. Our cousins got a pong game, and we all would go over there and have a pong tournament which hooked up to the TV. That was 'cutting edge' tech back then...along with the two soup cans with a long wire stretched between them turning them into a communication device.

    1. I totally forgot about slot cars! We used to have those too. Thinking back, our parents were pretty good to us. They bought all sorts of toys so we would stay downstairs and not annoy them.

  17. Happy birthday! Yes, toys have really changed. My grandsons can show me presents they got and I have no clue what they are--lol! Gramma gave jig saw puzzles and books. At least they didn't seem too disappointed--lol!
    Sadly, I don't remember having a certain gift I wanted for Christmas. We got a lot of board games and card games that we liked playing, but that was for all three of us. When I was about five I got a Tiny Tears doll. I do remember that! Maybe I had wanted that doll. I don't remember. I only remember being shocked when I opened the box.
    When you think about it, we learned how to be careful by all the dangerous things we were allowed to do--lol! ;)

    1. Expectations sure have changed over the years. I like the fact that you give them books and puzzles as it opens their eyes to things no one else gets them.

  18. Happy belated birthday. Yes I played a lot of those games as a kid, especially kick the can. We always played outside. Fortunately for us Amelia's requirements according to her parents, is at least an hour outside a day possibly twice, so we try to comply when we have her. :)

    1. That's a pretty good rule to go by. I don't think kids spend a couple hours a week outdoor from what I have seen.

  19. The toys of yesteryear were different but just exciting to children as the toys of now days are to children even though for many of us older people we have no what some of these new toys are or what they do but the children are happy.

    1. I agree, I remember being very excited for whatever toy was The One, back then. The virtual reality goggles the kids get with their games nowadays are surreal.

  20. Loved the trip down Memory Lane. Toys sure have changed over the years, and so has the number of presents given LOL. We never received more than one present from each person, plus a Stocking that hung off the end of the bed - and sometimes that one present was a dress or cardigan!

    1. I have never heard of stockings hung off the end of the bed. We usually got several gifts, but socks and other clothing were always included.

  21. Happy Birthday! Looks like a wonderful Christmas. We’ll be thinking of you both when we fly into Rapid on Thursday. At least there’s no snow storms.

    1. Sorry we won't be there to greet you. Hope it all goes well!

  22. Happy Birthday. Toys sure have changed.. as have many other things.

    1. I am guessing that there is no comparison between your childhood and that of your children. Cultures and philosophies sure have changed over the years.

  23. Happy Belated Birthday! 🎂
    Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas.
    I enjoyed seeing the photos.
    The renovation looks amazing!

    Happy 2024!

  24. I think our grandparents and parents definitely said the same thing about our generation. Pong, disco dancing, I could drink at 18 (not that I drank often), going to the mall...I think every generation goes through the same thing at least until the kids get into their 30's. But of course, so many things continue to change for every generation. I hope you both have a wonderful and healthy 2024. Happy New Year.

    1. I do not have any memories of my grandfather, but I specifically remember my dad saying some like "What the hell is the matter with your generation", so I think you are right.

  25. Happy Birthday, Jim!! Definitely looks like a wonderful Christmas with family. I've said many times I'm so glad our kids didn't have cell phones when they were growing up. Video games were just coming around so that wasn't too bad. Our house didn't have cable TV or video games but our kids survived. Love the fireplace surrounding and the whole room. Great job!! Wishing you and Barb a healthy 2024 with lots of new adventures.

  26. Spending time with family is precious and it looks as though you had a wonderful time. It is the job - and the prerogative - of grandparents to look askance at the pursuits of their grandchildren;-)

    1. We had a great time with the grandkids, they are to the age now where they are becoming mini-adults.

  27. Happy belated birthday! The fireplace looks great. It sounds like you had a good visit.

  28. You are so right about the toys. My favorite toys were Tootsie toy cars. Remember them? Before Hot Wheels, lol.
    You sure had a good visit, and the fireplace looks grand!

    1. I had to look them up, but I certainly do remember them!
      I thought of you when I was cutting that fireplace surround in half. Thinking that you would cringe when you read I was cutting it!

  29. Thanks for visiting my blog. So happy to find new blog friends I "relate" to. I'm thrilled to be old. 82 and loving it! Yes, I deal with a few minor heath issues but God is good and life is great!
    How fun to read your blog and know just what you are talking about with the "toys"!!
    My best childhood memories and toys, was doll and doll buggy, playing in the playhouse, jacks, collecting bugs and butterflies. Riding my scooter ( no motor..haha) etc. Life was good and simple back then.
    Love your adventures. You have a lovely family. Look forward to coming back again. Will save you to my sidebar.
    Happy New Year and new adventures!

    1. I used to collect butterflies when I was young as well. So many things I totally forgot about until people mentioned them in their comments.

  30. Happy belated birthday. The best present you gave your grandchildren was "your presence ". That's what they will remember. I'm looking forward to your next adventure.

    1. Awe, that is sweet, but I don't know if they would see it the same way. However, years from now, they will have long forgotten what we got them, but will hopefully remember we visited.

  31. I still say our generation rocked…I’m pretty sure I would not have survived in today’s world for young folks. One of my Christmas presents was the very first Barbie…1959…you sure know how to conjure up fun memories! Loved reading about your family and love how you completed your project. The fireplace is perfect! Safe travels!

    1. I do agree with you. Our generation and the two before us. Thankfully, both our kids have their heads screwed on straight and have not bought into some of the ridiculousness others have.

  32. I adored marbles and jacks games as a kid and my brother and I played card games war and rummy. We spent most of our Winter Days either in school or outside in the snow:) The fireplace turned out great! Travel safely:)

    1. My parents taught us how to play pinochle at an early age. I always looked forward to those games. I probably have not played it in 40 years now.

  33. Looks like a great visit! I don´t think anyone plays kick the can anymore. Fortunately many schools require students´ cell phones to be kept in book bags during the school day so they are not accessible during recess but I know what you mean. When teens are together, they are generally all on their devices. It is sad. On the plus side, teen pregnancy is down so at least one benefit? (Not sure if there is a correlation but maybe?). Your nomadic son and his family look great in their matching pj´s! Safe travels home!!

    1. I did not know that about cellphones in school. I hope all school's are like that. We are not headed home quite yet, we still have weeks of adventures ahead of us!

  34. First thanks for stopping by my blog. I couldn't reply because it said you were a no reply blogger so I came to check out your blog. Lol
    Oh yes Christmas gifts have definitely changed. Once the nieces and nephews hit 16 they started wanting money since the things they wanted were out of budget for most of us. Made shopping easy but boring. Have fun on your travels. My brother in law and wife are full time RV'ers.

    1. Thanks for stopping by back! We were full time travelers for 6 years, now we just do part time. Our grandkids all wanted money from us as well, you are right about the easy but boring part.

    2. And now I posted as Anonymous. I wasn't logged in. OOPS.. It's Carla from

  35. Hello! Happy New Year, and Happy Belated Birthday! I miss the old school toys too. Mine were Colorforms, Legos ~ the plain ones that you actually built with, not sets, and latch hook kits! I hope you have a cozy evening!

    1. Thank you! I think my sister got those latch key hook sets. That sounds very familiar.

  36. Happy New Year to you both! Enjoy your winter travel.

  37. We hope you're enjoying the New Year. You have had a great adventure from what we've been reading.

    I totally echo your sentiments about our "old toys". Reckon BB guns and slingshots are frowned upon nowadays. Sigh.

    The bottom line for the holiday season as you have so eloquently explained is that our greatest gift is likely something we all already have. Love. For each other and our family.

    Look out 2024. Here we come.

    1. Every kid should grow up with a BB gun. Well, maybe not every kid, some would definitely shoot their eyes out!

  38. The fireplace is beautiful. Awesome! I remember having fun playing Jacks. Lots of fun doing that with friends.. Glad you had a good Christmas vacation with family. Ten days sounds just right. Happy New Year.

    1. Now, we are headed to Georgia to spend time with our son and family!

  39. Fun in my day: jacks, hopscotch, hide and go seek, nok hockey, hide and go seek, jumprope, yo-yo's and Spaulding little pink ball games. There's enough of a gap between me and my son (who is in his 30's) and a gap he talks about between him and the preteen of the woman he is dating. But some things never change, as you pointed out - clothes are never the gifts the young ones would choose.

    1. I had to look up Nok Hockey. I remember it, but don't know if I ever had one. I do now recall having a table hockey game with players that slid back and forth and shot the puck!

  40. Your project looks very nice. Sounds like you had a good holiday. I of course had girl toys, but liked my brother's toys better, especially the Erector set and Legos.

    1. I completely forgot about erector sets as well! I had one with a little battery operated crane motor to lift things up to the top.

  41. Thanks for an amusing post. Sounds like everybody has been very busy.

    1. Now that we have left, I bet Jess and Shane are enjoying the peace and quiet in their new living room.

  42. Yep, kids and Christmas are the best! Looks like a productive as well as fun visit with family. The project looks great as usual. Cutie kitty in the shirt pic :-) Safe travels, hopefully not with a large dart stuck in your foot!

    1. We were hoping to have all the kids together for Christmas, but Somer had her next position starting in Savannah. Hopefully one of these years we can make it happen!

  43. what a nice score of presents for the favorite gift as a young girl was my velvet doll. i remember her very well, she wore a purple dress and her hair grew. one year i got a guitar but my parents could not afford lessons so i never "really" learned how to play!! i am SO glad i grew up when i did and that my boys 40 and 41 grew up, pretty much, without cell phones. they played outside and even they say their childhoods were great!!

    they room and fireplace look great!!

    1. Of course your doll had a purple dress! I agree with you and we and our kids grew up. Jess is 42 and Forrest, 37. Both spent a lot of time outdoors.

  44. Thanks for visiting my blog. I've been reading back on your posts and find your adventures very interesting. We did some RVing for years in a camperized van but not nearly to the extent that you do. Nevertheless we saw wonders like the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone ( 3 times!). Now that my DH is 81 we sold the van and our traveling days are over. But they were good ones. Belated New Year wishes to you.

    1. We are trying to get a much traveling in as we can, as before you know it, our traveling days will be behinds us as well. Until then, let the adventures continue!

  45. Well first I've got to say, the results of the home improvement project are pretty spectacular! Looks fantastic. I am not allowed to wield anything with paint on it so I'm rather in awe of the prowess of Barb and Jess in that area. Sounds like Shane had the same thing I had so I surely do hope he is feeling 100% better. As to the things kids do (and don't do) nowadays ... I despair. My sister and I, when we were not busy with chores to include cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, and looking after two littles (our mother was at work when we got home from school, and in the summertime), were expected to make straight A's (she did; I didn't) and many times were literally locked OUT of the house because our stepdad wanted to enjoy his beers and sci fi novels and didn't want to hear our voices. We LOVED IT! I took a stack of books outside and when I wasn't sitting under a tree reading, I was on my bike barreling down the road to the library to turn those in and get some more. I had a secret hiding place in a stand of pines where I put together a little house. We went roller skating and collected pop bottles to turn in for the deposit, and went to the rec center to play games like ping pong and so forth. Honestly, toys? We had iggy trolls and made houses for them out of cardboard boxes. My most treasured possession from the age of about ten and on, was my mono record player and my short stack of 45s (The Monkees, Dionne Warwick, Glen Campbell, the Carpenters, hahaha). It seems to me looking back that that was REAL life and what the kids are doing now is FAKE life. It makes me so sad. Anyway ... love reading about your adventures. Happy New Year to you. xoxo

    1. Rhinestone Cowboy, Yesterday Once More, Rainy Days and Mondays..... I could go on. All classics.
      Funny the things you forget about and the things you remember. I had forgotten about bottle returns!
