Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Eastern Time, not a fan

Since we started traveling, we have been in 7 North American time zones (Alaskan, Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern, Atlantic and Newfoundland). Of those, I would have to say that Eastern is my least favorite. I just cannot get used to it. I have found that we are sleeping a little later, getting up at 7:30, which would be 5:30 back home. But, what I cannot get used to is my football schedule. At home games start at 11:00 am, 2:00pm and then 6:00 for the night games. Out here, the games at 1:00, 4:00 and 8:00. The night games do not get done until 11:30 or so! This old man cannot stay up that late! Maybe if we lived here longer, but as of right now it is wreaking havoc on my system!

Except for New Years Eve. My Viking's were playing (if you could call it playing) the Packers, so I stayed up for the entire game. Once that was over, it was only 26 minute until midnight, so we stayed up and brought in the New Year!

Interesting thing about Pennsylvania, when the clock struck 12:00, everyone started unloading their guns into the sky. It sounded like World War III out there with all the gun fire. There were fireworks also, but the distinct sound for gunfire dominated the noise we heard. Shane contributed with 3 shotgun blasts himself before we hit the hay for would be our last day in Pennsylvania. 

I've read many posts that said they were glad that 2023 was over and were moving on. Personally, we had a great 2023. Nationally, I think we are still a mess, and I do not see that changing anytime soon. The media is going to do everything they can to insure that. Especially with the election this year. They are going to sensationalize and terrorize us all through the election. 

But, with the start of 2024, it is time for us to move on. So we packed everything up, hugged everyone goodbye and pointed the truck south. We had a great and productive trip, but with Jess heading back to work and the kids back to school it was time to head south. We made it out of there without any broken bones, just a bump on the back of Barb's head. Oh, and a nasty scratch on Zoey's nose when she got too close to one of the cats. Zoey was a bloody mess, but totally deserved it and STILL did not learn her lesson! I just wished I would have taken a picture of it instead of cleaning her up right away.

Our first stop was in Waynesboro, Virginia where we hiked the Blue Ridge tunnel trail. At 4,237', it is the longest railroad tunnel in the country.  It was in operation from 1858-1944, now it makes for a very interesting hiking trail. 

See the light waaaay back there?

We started on the east end and as we approached the tunnel and saw the light at the other end, we thought that there was no way it was almost a mile to the other end. 

Zoey, and her bat ear shadow

But as we walked it and the light on the other end did not seem to be getting any closer, we learned it was indeed almost a mile. We brought flashlights for the middle section, which was pitch black. We heard tell that there were salamanders and crawdads in there, but we did not see any. What we did see were bats. Not a lot, but there were a few hanging from the ceiling. 

Headed back through the other way

After that hike, we had worked up a thirst, so we headed to our Harvest Host for the night; Seven Arrows Brewing Company right in Waynesboro. Our plan was to hit as many Harvest Hosts as possible on our way south. 

If you have never been to the eastern part of the country, you may have this picture in your mind of lots and lots of people and you would be partially right. But the countryside out here is as beautiful as you will see anywhere else in the country. Mountains, rolling hills, farmland and forests. The countryside around Waynesboro is stunning. That said, as Barb and I settled in for the night in the parking lot of Seven Arrows, we did hear the distinct sound of gunfire coming from somewhere in town, and it was not even New Years Eve!

The next day was one Barb had been looking forward to for over a year when she started seeing the place called The Blind Pelican in Holly Springs, North Carolina. The Blind Pelican is known for their infamous bloody mary's and Barb planned our route so we could stop there and get one.

When it we got to town, it was a bit early to start drinking (is it ever really too early?), so we headed to Holly Springs park and walked around the lake with the girls. 

It is two miles around the lake which normally would not be a problem, but at the one mile mark my foot fell asleep, then it started creeping up my leg so my leg was numb up to my thigh. Barb was laughing at me as I tried to walk with this numb stump for a leg. Looking more like a guy about to have a stroke than a healthy man out for a stroll with his wife and two dogs. I don't know what the heck was going on but when got back to the truck we figured a little hydration was in order, so we headed over for Barb's bloody mary. 

When she saw the prices, she started to back off her desire for one, but I told her, we came this far, we are not leaving without her crossing this off her bucket list. So, we made a meal out of it. 

Pickles, olives, peppers, a grilled cheese sandwich, shrimp, a pound of crab legs, two lobster tails and frog legs just for fun. That was our supper for the day and Barb said the bloody mary itself was just how she liked them; spicy!

The waiter took a picture of both of us, but when we looked at it later, it looked like the crab leg was right up my nose!

Out Harvest Host that night was Mason Jar Lager Co. in adjacent Fuquay-Varina. 

The next day we were off to Florence. Zoey was comfortable on the center counsel, sleeping most of the time or gazing longingly into my eyes with her head on my shoulder. 

Dakota gets half of the back seat to herself. Both are really good travelers never moving or whining until we are stopped. Then they get up, look out the window to see what brewery we stopped at next!
Why, it is Seminar Brewing of course! We went in for an appetizer and beer before settling in for the night. Earlier in the day, we stopped by Tubb's Seafood for lunch. A kind of hole in the wall place, but very good food!
Next up was one of our favorite towns along the coast, Charleston. The history and architecture in this town is incredible. And if you are into old churches and cemeteries, this is the place to be! This is the Circular Congregational Church graveyard established in 1681. 
Some of the headstones are just as old, but you cannot read them. This pillar monument below is just one of the many in the graveyard. The picture to the right of it is the inscription. 
I am sure back in the day, these inscriptions were hand chiseled into the stone. Poor Nathan (below left) was a merchant from Rhode Island who died at the age of 48.

From there, we walked about 2 miles to the waterfront where we looked at the monuments honoring war hero's and those lost at sea. 

While we were in town, we stayed at two Harvest Hosts. The Tideland Brewery and The Striped Pig Distillery! Breweries that serve food are the perfect place to stop as we got some great food and got to sample some local beers. We got to talking to the owner who gave us a tour of the backrooms and get a behind the scenes look of his operation. 
The Striped Pig is a very cool distillery, family owned. One of the son's gave us an in depth tour and a tasting of each of their products. They got their name from a tale back in 1838:

The story behind our particular Pig dates back to 1838, when the Fifteen Gallon Act was enacted in an effort to curb the excess drinking practiced by Americans at the time. 
The Act stated that liquor purveyors could only sell alcohol in quantities of 15 gallons or more, essentially making the product too expensive for the average man. In retaliation a quick-witted fellow devised a plan to make money, whilst staying within the confines of the law – he no longer sold spirits, he gave it away for free. He cleverly striped a normal pig with paint and charged admission to see this “most un-natural curiosity.” 
Even more strange, the cost of the ticket was equal to the amount of a tipple of rum. The Striped Pig later became a representation of less regulation and tax in political cartoons all over America. 

The next day we set off to tour the USS Yorktown. As we pulled up to the gate, the attendant said, "You cannot park here, you are too big" Then she said, "Unless you can fit into one spot".  Well, I can, if I back in and overhang the grass area so I asked her how much parking was. She said, it is whatever you want to pay day. We paid $5 to park. 

After parking we went up to the ticket booth. Prices were $27 for adults, $19 if you were over 62. At the booth told the attendant 1 adult and one senior (Barb being the senior of course) and he said, "It's pay what you want day, how much do you want to pay?" I said $30 and he gave us our two tickets and we were on our way. We overheard the two couples behind us say they wanted to get in for free, so the attendant just gave them tickets. It was so weird paying that way! 

The carrier itself is huge! You could spend all day there. One does not realize what it takes to operate, maintain and provide for the 3500 crew members. Cooking, laundry, doctors, dentists, everything that goes into running a city is contained into this one ship! We spent about 3 hours taking each of the four self-guided tours. 

Exhausted, we drove south an hour parking at a trailhead right along the highway. Noisy, but we managed to get a good night sleep. Then we were off to Savanah! We arrived yesterday, and now are parked next to our son and his family. It seems like the past few days just flew by and now we are ready for some relaxation and visiting time!


  1. Looks like you've had a fine start to your southern trek. It's nice to have such agreeable traveling companions! You're right, much of the eastern part of this country is beautiful countryside, lovely to visit for sure.
    I'm glad you finally got to enjoy the infamous Bloody Mary.....though it looked like it was made in the Little Shop of Horrors instead of the Blind Pelican!

    1. So true! Those frog legs really sent it into the Little Shop of Horrors category.

  2. I'll pass on that Bloody Mary! But glad you didn't and have the picture to show for it. My BIL would take a nap after work to allow him to stay up for whatever ballgame was on that evening.

    1. I don't like them either. I think I'd have to take a nap as well if I lived out here long term.

  3. I love reading about your adventures. I am a Bloody Mary fan, but unlike Barb, I do not like them really spicy/hot. I enjoyed your description of the southeast...the mountains, rolling hills, farmlands and forests are beautiful and from time to time, I do miss them. We have enjoyed many an hour perusing old cemeteries. Being married to a sailor (and having a son who was a sailor) who lived on board a carrier off and on for four years, I have a great appreciation for life on a ship. Enjoy Savannah...pecan crusted catfish is a winner if you see it on a menu!

    1. I don't like bloody's at all. I'd like to, just can't. The more time I spend out here, the more I like the countryside. Virginia, West Virginia, Vermont. I love the seclusion or the wooded hill and mountains.

  4. That poor fellow Dino who you always berate must be laughing now at who the cripple is. Or just maybe from too much alcohol. You've seen drunks walk I'm sure. I bet he is up in Minnesota laughing now.

    1. Had I been drinking that day that might have been an excuse. I think I hike more in day day than Dino does in a month. Unless you count his steps to the fridge for another beer that is!

  5. The true Jethro and Bambi are here. If we didn't have so much going on up north it would have been fun to see you for an hour, but we are smack dab in the middle of our new house addition. I can't wait forever for you to help. How many of those bloody Mary's did it take for Barb to get drunk? $1000 dollars worth? LOL. Love the blog.

    1. Probably a good thing you stayed up north. I hear a cold front is moving through that would freeze your septic for sure!

  6. Wow! You guys really get around. Those hours on the east coast would be hard to adjust to. That cemetery looked interesting. That bloody Mary meal looked a bit creepy to me--lol! And your adventure continues! :)

    1. The cemeteries out here are super interesting. I cannot even begin to imagine what life at like in the late 1600's here.

  7. Well, I´m partial to the Eastern Time zone but that´s because that is what I am used to. Football start/ end times don´t impact me especially now that the Bengals are out :(. Agree with you about 2023- had a great year and the pessimist in me is worried about ´24 for all the reasons you mentioned. Have a great time visiting your son and family!

    1. The Bengals are in my top 5. I hated to see Joe get hurt. I hope 2024 goes smoothly, but the realist in me says otherwise.

  8. Wow…with all that gunfire I wonder where the bullets ended up! 🤕 I think I would have preferred a side plate with that Bloody Mary. 🤣 Old cemeteries are so interesting, especially if it’s historical. I flew over a visiting aircraft carrier in a Cessna 150 before 911, and it looked like a postage stamp. Couldn’t imagine landing it, never mind a jet on one. Awesome travel theme you guys got going…Cheers! 🍻🍾🥂🍷🍷🍹🍹🍸🍸🥃🥃

    1. I was wondering the same thing about all those bullets. No news reports of an errant bullet hitting a house, so I guess we're all good!

  9. We really enjoy our visits to Charleston. Let us know if you have time for a meet up while you are in the Keys. ktmissouri@gmail(dot)com.

    1. We were just wondering if we would be near you guys. We'll shoot you an email!

  10. Y'all's travels are a highlight of the week! Such fun y'all get up to.
    Safe Travels!

    1. We are enjoying ourselves. I think these next couple weeks with Forrest will go pretty quickly.

  11. Just a suggestion, A little over five years ago I was sitting in our kitchen drinking coffee and got up to take the five steps to the coffee pot. My right foot was asleep but big deal! I took one step, found myself lying on the floor! Skip through the efforts to get up, calling for help, having to get ambulance, chat with orthopedic surgeon " This is the BEST ( wicked look on his face) one I've seen all year!!" It was November. Shattered tibia , eight screws, two plates, tons of rehab and just this year beginning to walk without crutches! For nearly 50 years I had enjoyed the outdoor life fully, including a LOT of extended solo, and group back- country trips ( hiking, horseback, boat, and vehicle) in very remote regions of US and Mexico with only two blisters and a few minor cuts to show for it! The suggestion, after age 60, don't try to walk on a sleeping foot!
    Glad your experience wasn't like mine and that you guys are having a great trip!

    1. Ouch! Good advice. I generally just try and walk it off, but I certainly do not want to go through anything like that so I think I'll reconsider that strategy!

  12. I didn't read the post my head hurts too much but I did like the photos, also had the computer freeze then shut down and now it is 2hrs later and I am writing this.

    1. That sounds painful, I hope your head and your computer are feeling better soon!

  13. Welcome to South Carolina! I have spent many happy hours photographing the Circular Congregational Church graveyard in Charleston. The church bells when they sound up and down Meeting Street when you're back there amongst the tombs sound as though they are pealing in heaven itself! I've never been aboard the Yorktown but most of my family have. TG went with Dagny on a field trip just last year. There is a pretty small window each year for me to go to Charleston, because of how hot it is most of the time hahaha! But TG is a graduate of The Citadel so we go every year for at least one basketball game and to see some old friends. We honeymooned in Charleston nearly 45 years ago so it's a special place for us. BTW NO WAY would I have walked through that dark tunnel, even if you could see a dot of light at the end, hahaha! You and Barb are brave adventurers. Happy New Year! xoxo

    1. I thought of you when we were in that cemetery. I had no idea that you have actually been there! It is the middle of winter and we commented on how humid it was when we were there. No way I could take it in the summer!

  14. Hope you made it through that storm this evening that blew through. We had a radar tornado warning, but nothing seemed to come of it...but there were a number of tornadoes in Florida the past two days or so.

    1. It rained cats and dogs today and wind. I think the worst is past us, hopefully we will have sunny days ahead!

  15. Thanks for showing us some interesting places to check out.
    You could be silently suffering from a Blocked Artery in your leg. Might be worth getting it checked out.
    Be Saffe and Enjoy your time at your son's.

    It's about time.

    1. Good to know, I will have to have that checked out. Sounds like something like that could end very badly.

  16. WHOA!! Now THAT is a Bloody Mary!! Haha! That is so outrageously cool! I'm sure it was amazing. Glad ya'll are having more wonderful adventures. I know y'all enjoyed the family time very much. Sounds like the way Mississippian's ring in the new year as well...shots! Haha! I don't know that I could have done the hike through the tunnel knowing that bats were overhead. Y'all are brave! Safe travels!

    1. Truth be told, we did not know there were bats until we were walking back through and I looked up and saw one. It was so cold though, that I do not think they could have flown if they wanted to. The smart ones all went south for the winter, there were just a few stragglers left behind.

  17. Interesting hikes continue. That Bloody Mary was something! Enjoy time with family!

    1. We do like to find interesting and unusual hikes. Ideally where there is not a path, but when need be, we try to find the most challenging or unusual.

  18. I am not much of a drinker, but I haven't heard about bloody marys for a long time. We have caesars which are essentially the same but made with clamato instead of tomato juice.

    1. Barb loves Caesars! The only place she has been able to find them in a can has been Canada.

  19. What a trip! And sounds like a lot of fun too. There is a tunnel here in WV, the Dingess tunnel, that is almost a mile long too. That one you can drive through, but it is one way and very narrow. Brick- lined, and water drips constantly so there are some small stalactites. We drove through at night, very creepy.
    We toured the Yorktown years ago, and it sure wasn't that expensive! You are right though, it is very impressive.
    Safe travels, Jim!

    1. The one we went through sounds very similar. Part of it was brick, part of it was natural stone. Lots of dripping water and one spot where it was running out of the wall.

  20. Well, you rolled past me on I-81 (I assume that's the way you went). Sounds like you're having fun, though.

    1. I think we did go down I-81, although we try and take back roads now and then. I'll try to remember to include our travel map in our next post.

  21. I had to laugh at your comment about football schedules. Those late games are terrible, especially if you have work in the morning. Newfoundland time is just tough because it's that odd half hour. I'm keeping that tunnel trail in mind as it looks fun to walk. Enjoy Savannah.

    1. We had never heard of Newfoundland time prior to going there. Who knew there was such a thing!?!

  22. Ahhh poor Zoey. I hope her nose now knows kitties are trouble! Sounds like a whirlwind trip to me. No on the bats ... yes on the Bloody Mary when it comes with all that crab ... definitely yes on the cemetery ... NO on East Coast football. You're going to love Savannah!!

    1. She will never learn with cats. She goes into a whole other dimension when it comes to them.

  23. When working I stopped accepting travel assignments to the east coast from Montana--it just made me so tired and four hour plane rides were brutal! Wow--you guys have been busy but what a great way to travel--Harvest Host to Harvest Host! There are actually 3500 crew members on an aircraft carrier?? Wow! Enjoy your time with family and stay warm!

    1. For a few years of my career I was involved in a coast to coast team where we had multi hour calls. It often involved working later to accommodate the west coasters.

  24. Our strategy is to record the late games and watch the next day, of course, you have to avoid plot spoilers which can be tough. Love Charleston and Savannah for the touristy stuff - lots of eye-candy.

    1. That is probably what we would lived out here. But I don't know if I am patient enough not to peek at the final score!

  25. As soon as I saw your title I thought "football!" Every time I routed us east Bill said "never again during football!!" Don't know how fans work and watch night games. I'm a bloody mary (with gin) fan too, but wow that one is an engineering feat. Glad it was good :-)) That tunnel is ominous, not sure I could brave the pitch dark center. Fun to see the HH options along your route - amazing how many breweries that just happened to pop up!

    1. I know, it is almost like we planned our trip around breweries. 😁
      I made it all the way through a couple of games, but otherwise I went to bed at halftime.

  26. This looks like a terrific trip. But you're right about the time change. It may not necessarily be the zone but the fact that you have come from one to another and it takes awhile to catch up! You did lots of wonderful things and it looks like a good time. I remember when we went to Paris and things weren't inexpensive but Rick said, "We didn't travel this far to save money" (though we tried!) but the occasional splurge is well worth it -- it builds great memories (and a fun photo!)

    1. We struggle with the same thing when traveling. We want/need to save money, but also want to experience where we are. It is a constant battle.

  27. What a great trip so far! Can't do Bloody Mary's, Ken can but likes his on the simple, spicy side! We like Charleston too. The Yorktown is an incredible ship and tour! Hard to see it all in one day. People behind you were so cheap! Glad you're enjoying!

    1. We said the same thing. If one were to take the audio tours and read every sign, there is no way you'd get through in a day.

  28. OK so here I am again for a second comment because I forgot to say this yesterday. And I have read no other comments so if this has been addressed, apologies! I've never shot a gun (we own one but I don't touch it) but can someone please explain to me how when people discharge firearms into the sky, they can be certain that a bullet will not come back down and injure someone? If you can answer that I will be most grateful because I worry, hahahaha! xoxo

    1. Well, you should worry because they do come down somewhere! Shotguns are no big deal, it would be like tiny hail pellets falling from the sky.
      Rifles and pistols could potentially hit a house, car or person. Hopefully those out there shooting are not literally shooting them in the air, but into a safe backstop.

  29. Sounds like you had a great trip. The pictures of the cemetery really got to me, as both my parents are gone now, and I love visiting them at their site. Some people don't like the cemetery, but I find it a peaceful place with groomed flowers and shrubs. Wow, that crab leg was something else! That is a cute picture of both of you.

    Happy New Year, and I hope the new year brings much goodness your way.


    **I don't blame you for chuckling about the bathroom stall. It was humorous after it happened, but not during it all. ; )

    1. Golf courses and cemeteries are two of the most peaceful places on the planet. I don't really golf, but I do enjoy them.
      Oh, and floating on a calm lake while fishing!

  30. I have lived in eastern and central time zones, and I much prefer central because everything happens an hour earlier.

    1. I lived my first 50 in Central, now that I am in Mountain, I like it because everything is an hour earlier than Central!

  31. You continue to bring up some great memories of our past road trips. Thank you.

    The time zone!! I knew there had to be a good reason I was so messed up! Born in and continue to reside in the Eastern Time Zone MUST be why I am the way I am. Wait 'til I tell The Boss. She thought I was doing this on purpose.

    Be safe, y'all!

    1. It is all just second nature to you then. I am sure I would get used to it, but it would take a while.
      Lots of different birds out here. I am posting some next week that I have no idea what they are.

  32. I loved the story of the Striped Pig!
    I can imagine the chaos that would ensue if people starting shooting off guns here in the city at New Year (or any other time of the year). People would be clogging the emergency call line to ring the Police. We have very different gun laws to what you have in America :)

    1. I can imagine the phone lines would be clogged! Whoever came up with the striped pig concept is a genius for sure!

  33. That sounds a wonderful trip you had there. The tunnel would have been rather interesting, not sure about the bats though.
    Graveyards can be very interesting especially reading headstone from long ago..
    I guess you did wonder why your leg went numb, our bodies do tell us so many things at times.
    Lovely photos and I did enjoy your post.

    1. We did not know about the bats until we were on our way back. I imagine there are a lot more in the summer.

  34. I'm loving your travels but I don't think I could handle the tunnel. Great pictures of the food. I had to show those to Jerry. I also didn't like being in the Eastern time zone. I always had to be careful about calls and texts. 8:30 Eastern time is 5:30 back home. Wellton was very quiet on New Year's Eve. I heard a couple of gunshots in the distance but that's all. Safe travels!

    1. Most of my friends are in central or mountain so I have to think twice about what time it is before I call or text.

  35. What an adventure! You're a cute couple. And you're fortunate to be able to drive from state to state without having to get on a plane.

    1. That is one benefit of living over here! We have some friends from North Dakota headed your way today!

  36. this is such a fun trip!! i really like that you guys enjoy the outdoors so much. i love the outdoors but i am not sure i would enjoy being outdoors for so long in these temperatures!! i could "zing" through that tunnel, but maybe not if i knew there were bats in it. when i am thirsty, i drink ice tea!! hehehe

    what an adventure!!

    1. We do love the outdoors. Mostly in temp under 60 and above 30. We can handle the snow but could do without all the rain we've been getting the last few days.

  37. Dang, that's a long tunnel! Yup, east coast time is my least favorite too. I used to love traveling from CA to Hawaii because it added 3 hours to my day. Wonderful!

    1. Moving west into another time zone really screws with Zoey's system. I know when we get home, instead of waking up at her customary 6:00, she'll be giving us the paw at 4am!

  38. Hello :=)
    How wonderful that you lead a full and interesting outdoor life. I used to like travelling to new places when I was younger, but couldn't do it now, but it's great reading about your adventures, where you visit, where you stop for a meal and drink, and where you hike.
    Long may it continue, and enjoy your time with family.
    All the best

    1. I bet you have lots of interesting places for adventures over there! I doubt we will ever get over that way, there are just too many places to explore over here!

  39. I've spent the majority of my life in Eastern Time, so for me it was the opposite - when we visited Alaska one September and saw Monday Night football on at 4pm, we got so totally disoriented. I've been to a lot of the places you've mentioned although I haven't been in Charleston, SC since 2015-we were thinking of returning this February. I have loved each of our visits there. The Yorktown is awesome (yes, been there). That Wayneboro tunnel - no thank you!

    1. I can see how that would mess with you. Especially when it comes time to wake up. 7:00 at home would be 3am in Alaska!

  40. Hope it is warmer where you are! We may get above zero for a high on Tuesday...maybe. I don't like any time change, it totally messes with my sleep cycle:) Sounds like you are enjoying your travels, the old cemeteries are really interesting!

    1. It is much warmer here! 60 or so. That is 88 degrees warmer than it was at our place in South Dakota this morning!

  41. When I retired I wanted to do some traveling, but I have not been able to do that. Heath issues are a pain. I do like jumping in the car and doing day travels. Now that I live in a new area, I am waiting for better temps to do somethings around here. It was nice up till last week but I was busy getting the house in order. Itching to grab my camera and go out....I did do a little yesterday but just around my area. Have fun and enjoy those travels.

    1. It'll be fun to explore your new area, but I think I'd be more excited to get the new house set up first as well!

  42. Your posts are always fun and this one was so enjoyable. You had a great trip! I laughed at the size of Barb's Bloody Mary. So glad you encouraged her to get it. I also laughed at the photo with the crab's leg and your nose, two for the chuckles they will bring down the road. I'm keeping this place in mind for whenever we get down to that area. Thanks for such an enjoyable virtual tour. Glad Zoey was none the worse for wear after her nose got scratched/bit? She sure is a cutie!

    1. What are the odds of that crab leg lining up with my nose not once, but twice! I was not going to put it in the blog, but it was too funny to pass up!

  43. Now that was a Bloody Mary! At least since you mentioned Barb said she liked it I am going to guess there was one somewhere under all that food...lol
    Reading your adventures so far it sounds like you are really having a good time. A continued fun and safe journey.

    1. We are, thanks. A lot different than last year where we just more or less chilled. On this trip, we have a lot planned.

  44. You did an outstanding job with the stars of the blog. So good to see the girls out having fun hiking. That Bloody Mary was heavenly!! What every you paid was well worth it. I am beyond jealous! You certainly are having a great time. Both John and I were surprised that you mentioned gun fire on NYE. We both lived in PA, on both sides of the state for most of our lives and we never heard guns. But as John said, you were outside Chambersburg and that's basically West Virginia...haha!!! have fun with the other half of the family.

    1. That's funny, it is very close to West Virginia and Maryland. The Bloody was a little over $100, worth it for what you got and the experience. Th next blog is lacking on dog pictures, I will see what I can do in the next couple days!
