Sunday, December 1, 2024

Being Thankful

My thoughts this week were centered around how thankful I (we) am for so many things in our lives.  It is natural this week, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, all bring these thoughts of thankfulness and reflection. We have so much to be thankful for in our lives, but recently I have been reflecting on 2024 and the things we sometimes take for granted and need to remind ourselves that these are blessings. 

First and foremost, I am thankful for Barb. She is my world, my everything, I could not function without her.  Her strength, her drive and her overall positive attitude carries us through the day, weeks, months and the entire year. I know no other woman who works as hard and has such a positive outlook on life day to day. 

This past year has been quite the adventure, our Alaska trip, hunting with Forrest at the farm, Jessica and her family visiting.....All things we are thankful for this year. 

We have been relatively healthy throughout the year, something we often take for granted. As many of you know, that is something that can change in an instant, totally rocking your world. We had a couple of bumps/scares in the past year, but overall, our health is good allowing us to get out and do the things we love. 

Closely related is our happiness. Health certainly affects one's happiness, but there are many totally healthy people who just cannot find happiness, going through life focusing on the negative and letting it affect their overall attitude in life. There are so many good things that happen during a day, but it is human nature to take these for granted and let the one or two little negative things/annoyances affect the entire day. We are constantly reminding ourselves to let the little things go. In the overall scheme of life these things do not matter, need to be overlooked and not affect your overall attitude.

On the heels of Jessica's visited I am reminded at how thankful we should be that we have good kids and get along with them so well. Not only them, but their spouses and children. Sure, there are minor annoyances, as I am sure they are with us, but that is just what they are minor and should be overlooked and not let them affect our lives. 

I am thankful for our friends. Kevin, Cheryl, Dan, Bonnie, The Finken's, Sobieck's, and the Ross's up in Alaska. All were big parts of our lives this past year. Our friends in Minnesota (yes, you too Dino), Wisconsin, Florida and Canada, people we may not have even seen this year, but we are thankful to call our friends. 

We are thankful to have great neighbors on all sides of us. Something one has no control over. We have become good friends with some of our neighbors, others are silent, respectful and courteous, again, something we take for granted. In fact, we got out to supper with Jim and Carmen this week!

So those are the things we are grateful for as I type this on a whim at 5:45 in the morning before going out hunting. I am sure I forgot a few things/people, but I have not had my morning Moutain Dew yet today. 

For those of you fearing for my wellbeing, fear not I have survived another week and no, Barb did not really give me black eyes. Ironically, she DID end up with two black eyes this week when she walked into the edge of the door in the middle of the night. Not seriously black, but some definite bruising. 

Out in the hunting blind, the quest continues. The bucks are chasing does like crazy, none stop action every morning and night. I would say 1/3 of the bucks are coming in like this....

Busted racks. They are fighting more this year than I have seen in the past. I had an encounter with on really nice buck that I probably would have taken but half of his rack was gone! You don't suppose he did that himself to make him less attractive?

As you can see, we got more snow, about 3". Barb will sometimes pick me up or drop me off at my blind. Here is my view as she pulled up to pick me up the other day. 

Out in Pennsylvania, daughter Jessica and Baby K are on their own quest for a big buck. No luck yet, but they it looks like they are having fun!
Forrest and I took advantage of the snow and went exploring for elk. Barb's Elk season opens on Sunday. Although we did not see any elk, we did see some tracks, giving us a clue to where they are hanging out.
Our biggest clue as to where the elk are hanging out came on Wednesday night when we pulled in the driveway at 9pm after attending our weekly bingo event. There, in front of us, on our property were about 100 elk! Hopefully they hang around another few days!

Speaking of bingo and Wednesday, it was a big day, as it was Somer's birthday! Although no one at our table won big, we had a good time, and Somer had a great day.
I purposely did not mention our niece Alana and nephew-in-law Ryan above who brought us many laughs this year. That is because they were a big part of this week! The day, of course was Thanksgiving. What a day we had planned! The theme of the day was dogs. Of course, we had Dakota and Zoey, then Jack and Chloe. Alana and Ryan came down from Spearfish with their two dogs, Loki and Sophie making the total count 6 dogs and 7 humans. But wait, there's more! Alana's sister and our other niece, Tess, drove up from Denver to join us with not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 dogs! Making the final count 8 humans, 10 dogs. We were definitely outnumbered!
To say, I was hesitant/skeptical would be an understatement, but it went really, really well. A couple minor squabbles and one Christmas Story moment when Loki jumped up and grabbed a chunk of turkey off the counter.

After eating we watched some more football and played a few dice games.

Just two trail camera photos this week. This first one is a cool picture of a magpie staring into the camera.
The next was an unplanned picture but it shows how I am now filling my water tank. So much easier than putting it in the back of the side by side and tipping it over. I should say was filling my water tank as everything is now frozen. 
Our last event of the week was one that Barb looks forward to every year. Our Christmas tree hunt! When the kids were young, Barb made it quite the event; going to a local Christmas tree farm looking for the perfect tree. She would walk up and down even row of trees comparing each and every one. I T  W O U L D  T A K E  H O UR S!!!!! It has become a running joke in the family. The last couple of years we have been getting our trees from Bomgaars. Even there, she has to inspect each and every tree. 

This year we went to The National Forest to select our tree. For $10, you can buy a Christmas tree permit allowing you to go out to the forest and cut a tree. How in the world would she ever select a tree from the millions scattered across the Black Hills? Luckily, it was narrowed down to only a couple hundred thousand as she wanted a spruce and not a ponderosa pine. 

Forrest, Somer, Lily, Chloe and I tagged along as Barb went from tree to tree say "No". Two hours later, our group had dwindled to 3 as Somer, Lily and Chloe tapped out and returned to the truck to warm up. Finally, she narrowed it down to two tree and went back and forth between the two trying to decide on her final selection. Finally, it was done! She had selected a tree! 
The problem was, we were now 1/2 mile from the truck, and I had to go back and get the chainsaw. 20 minutes later I return to "The Tree" to find Forrest and Barb nowhere in sight. "Barb!" I yelled....nothing, three more times, no answer. I finally call Forrest on the phone; he answers and says we are over the next ridge looking at more trees, but we are coming back. 

Tree cut, Forrest and I drag it back to the truck. Finally, we have our tree! A 14' beauty that we cut down to 11' that stands proudly in our living room. Barb spent the next morning decorating it. It's a little thin, but it will do for this year!
When Somer came in, Barb had Christmas music playing, Somer made the comment that in their family, they only played Christmas music on Christmas day. In our family, we play it Thanksgiving through Christmas. 

What is your tradition? Only Christmas day? A week before Christmas? The entire holiday season? What other traditions do you have?


  1. You have some good reasons to be thankful, I am thankful for Tim without whom my life wouldn't feel the same as he makes my life so much better, even if at times he drives me bat shit crazy. I am also thankful that I can do more then I could a year ago.

    Christmas decorations go up from mid November which is when I start wearing Christmas shirts and jewellery .

    1. Good news that you can do more this year than last! Hopefully that trend continues for you.

  2. It's Christmas at our house since the day following TG - haven't braved music yet as Bill is more of a December 15-starts-Christmas kinda guy. I've always loved the idea of finding our tree in the forest and bringing it home. Love your choice :-) That Magpie looks like it's dancing with big legs, LOL! You certainly have loads of blessings to count. Good health is such a huge one every year! I miss the days when Tessa enjoyed other dogs, how fun to have so many gathered together with you.

    1. That magpie picture is just so random. The camera did a great job at captuing it perfectly in motion. So many of our other pictures are blurry and out of focus with movement.

  3. Sometimes letting the small stuff goes is harder than it sounds, but very much worth the effort. When we were growing up, my father would go into the woods and cut our tree. It wasn't always perfectly shaped, but it was bigger than anyone else's. He and Barb might have made an interesting team.

    1. I know people struggle letting the little things go. We do at time too, then I try to ask myself; "Does this really matter in the scheme of things?" Usually, the answer is no and I try to let it go.

  4. Our house is decorated, including our 2' pre-lit tree. Christmas music is playing much of the time, and the a winter scene, including a fireplace, is constantly on the tv. The tree decorating party at the kids' has been held, and we will gather there on Christmas Eve and again on Christmas Morning. Meanwhile, it's Dec 01, and we are getting our first snow, and it is a pretty gentle one -- so far, at least.

    1. Does life get any better than that? Sounds like you are off to a good start!

  5. Hello,
    There is so much to be thankful for, my family , health, happiness are all on my list. I can not imagine 10 dogs in my house. We would not be able to move, the dogs we had years ago followed us whenever we moved. We do not see elk here only the white-tail deer. We had one run in front of my car coming home from my son's house yesterday. 100 elk in the yard, that would be a cool sighting. Love the Magpie photo. Pretty Christmas tree. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

    1. Health and happiness are two things most often taken for granted and I am thankful for each every day. I know several people who do have poor health and/or who struggle to be happy. We are truly blessed in each of these areas.

  6. Nice tree! Yes there is much to be thankful for! I am bahumbug mostly...Christmas is so commercial nowadays. I think Christmas should be going to Church on Christmas Eve, singing Carols...we used to go caroling as a group, then exchanging homemade gifts and having a potluck dinner:) My husband woodcarves Christmas Ornaments and I paint them for relatives and friends and I make our Christmas Cards. That is what I started to do today! I like the old Christmas Hymns and if kids got a paper bag with an orange or an apple and peanuts in the shell and some hard candy they would really complain. I buy my husband a gift or two and everyone else gets cash as I am not a shopper. My husband like all kinds of Christmas music but he listens to it on his headphones.

    1. I like homemade gifts, they are very special. We are going to do homemade gifts for our friends this year. Never been Christmas caroling, but I have vague memories of going to midnight mass as a child.

  7. Our tradition is to decorate the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving night with Christmas music. I love the tree and I LOVE Christmas music…the classic traditional songs, the hymns, and some of the more modern songs as well. Your tree is pretty…I am partial to thin trees as they really show off the ornaments!
    I totally agree each day is a gift and I try to live life on the positive, happy side. It doesn’t take nearly as much energy as being upset over the “little things” you have no control over.

    1. We are into the old classics ourselves. Bing, Cole, Sinatra.... There is nothing like those old Christmas songs!

  8. Please be sure that the dogs keep that tree nice and watered. Have you ever seen the videos of how fast a Christmas Tree can turn into a inferno??? Thank goodness it is a shorter time period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Hope you get that BIG Buck you are looking for, and of course, Barb's Elk. (What is it, did she win the lottery for a Elk License and you didn't?????

    1. Barb opted to go for a cow elk take which takes a lot few points than a bull. I am holding out for a bull, but I could be in my 70's before I get it!

  9. I love this post. Your positive, happy attitude is just a joy to read.
    I like that tree! We used to drag in the 12 footers when our boys were young but then I developed allergies, and now it's just a little 4 foot fake tree. Ah well.
    Christmas music? I love it and began playing it last week because why not? I used to do a presentation on the history of carols, complete with audience singalong. So fun!

    1. I believe I remember a post you did last year, or maybe the year before on the history of a Christmas carol. I forget which one, but I do remember it being very interesting!

  10. A great write-up on what we should all be thankful for. I love how Barb has been your "rock". I hope that you were able to enjoy Thanksgiving as you gathered with family and loved ones. A great series of photos showcasing your activities the last week.

    1. I speak the truth. We had a great week/weekend, good seeing my niece Tess and of course Alana

  11. Fun times, as a kid I can remember going out with the family to cut a tree, great memories from those times. Mom always picked a tree that had Dad complaining about the distance to the truck!
    Christmas music at our house started on Thanksgiving night this year, always starts some time during the Thanksgiving weekend, usually when we're putting up the tree, but that is delayed this year as we have a fly away family trip and didn't want to leave a tree up with 2 new, rambunctious kitties at home, alone.

    1. Your childhood memories sound a lot like my reality. Forrest for one, will forever remember our tree adventures. He was a trooper this year sticking with Barb the entire time on her tree quest.

  12. Y'all have certainly been blessed! And we are all blessed that you and Barb share your adventures with us! 100 elk?! Wow! Hopefully they do hang around. I can't believe it takes Barb so long to pick out a tree!! Haha! I guess it can get overwhelming when you have so many to choose from. I used to pass perfect ones on my way home from work and thought many a time how beautiful one would be in our home, but alas, we do the artificial tree because I have never in my 50 years had a real one and I wouldn't know what to do with one, haha! But y'all's looks great! I love the colored lights and wish I would have done those this year. Enjoyed all the pictures. So glad y'all had a great Thanksgiving and wishing you happy hunting!

    1. You need to shock your family and do a real tree next year! Although buying one from a tree farm will be upwards of $100, it might be worth the shock value.

  13. Sorry Barb bonked herself in the night, but all the rest sounded just wonderful!! Soooo many dogs, too--lol! What a great Thanksgiving! :)

    1. The whole dog day went a lot better than I was expecting, only a couple mishaps.

  14. Pleased you told us the truth about your two black eyes and sorry to read Barb got a bit bruised by running into the side of the door, must have hurt.
    Nice photos and a 100 Elk, my that is a lot for me to imagine.
    We have a lot to be thankful for in our house's good to reflect on what's happened during the year. Health is most important, having a roof over your head and a few coins in your pocket, and someone to love - they are improtant.
    We don't have any traditions down here in our house, we just hope that it's not too hot on Christmas Day!

    1. It was 7 degrees (-14c) this morning when we went out hunting! Not the coldest we have been but very chilly for sure!

  15. It sounds like life is good and you know it-in the best way. I was thinking about the year too, and it's been a good one for me too. And nice Christmas tree. You have a great spot for one. And you've got to play Christmas music for sure. :) As much of it as you can during December. I also noticed when I happened to glance at my followers you are one of them-thank you, and we have the same last name. Have a great week ahead. Erika

    1. Us Nelson's have to stick together! Hope you have a great 2025 as well, I am optimistic!

  16. I love your family traditions. Freshly cut tree and music. Can't be better than that.

    1. We have such different Christmas traditions; it is interesting to read about yours as well.

  17. So much to be thankful for…such a lovely reminder. I hope the holiday season brings much joy and happiness your way!

  18. Oh HECK no ... it's WAY too cold to sit out in a blind while looking to shoot such a gorgeous creature!! Maybe snag a turkey instead!! Just kidding. We used to go on the GREAT TREE HUNT, but alas, they cut down too many, so we opted for the Christmas tree lot version hauled down from Oregon. Sadly, now it's a fake one because they don't even HAVE real ones here any more. Love the dog days ... that's the best part of any get-together!!

    1. I think our "lot" buying days are over. Although our $10 trees don't look nearly as nice as the trees grown specifically for Christmas trees, they have character and make for a memorable event.

  19. That is a LOT of dogs at your Thanksgiving feast! I really "heard" what you wrote today. We have a super close blended family and for the most part get along. We have great friends, super great friends who even help us move! You hit the nail on the head with this "thankful" post. That's a lot of elk to have in your yard!

    1. I just read the post about your move. I was thinking if we were in that area, we would have helped you!

  20. ...I wish you a safe and successful hunting season.

    1. Stay tuned for our next post, we have some success to report!

  21. Wonderful post Jim. A perfect one for this season, this year. As Jodee reminded us, there is always, always something to be thankful for and I enjoyed your list.
    I think the ratio of people to dogs at Thanksgiving was absolutely perfect!
    One of my favorite aunts bought us a Gorham sterling silver snowflake ornament for our first anniversary and continued buying them each Christmas as long as she lived. We've kept up with that tradition, and this year our tree holds nothing but lights and those 55 silver ornaments. Each one holds a special memory.

    1. That is so cool! When our kids as us what we want for Christmas, we usually say "An Ornament with your picture on it". They are so special to us!

  22. First of all, I apologize for not being around this past week - we were in COLD Ohio visiting my son and his family for Thanksgiving.
    You do have soooooooooooo much to be Thankful for.
    Let me tell you that you are one of the most interesting and busy blogs I read about. Your life always seems to go, go, go. People - Hunting - family.
    I got a BIG kick out of that Magpie!!!!!!!

    1. I am hoping it will be more go, go, go, go in the future. Sadly, it will not be in the near future!


  23. What a wonderful post! I'm so glad you found mine, which is a new blog for me since my old one got messed up and no one could leave a comment. But we have to move on so I started a new one. This, of course, related to the happiness issue. For many years now, growing old, being ill, getting well, but not like I once was, and so on -- I've said to myself: I refuse to be miserable, life is too short, too beautiful and will live it as a happy woman. And it's worked very well for me. I'm your latest follower,

    1. Keep that attitude, the older we get the harder it is and the crankier we get!
      Thanks for joining my blog world, I look forward to reading your new blog.

  24. Creepy place, I like deer meat but I would just get some meat at Safeway rather than risk running into Bigfoot or Sasquatch.

    1. We haven't seen any of those since we've been here, but we did see a couple of Skinwalkers in the caves last week. I gave them directions to a SSUVFL in northern Minnesota where the environment is ripe for spreading their virus and converting others to their lifestyle.

  25. like you, I am extremely thankful for the many Blessings in our lives. I do hope that Barb doesn't have too much bruising from her mini accident. I must tell you....that beautiful and Barb did a great job decorating the colored lights. Excited to see the Elk you will get...

    1. Our tree is nothing compared to yours! Barb's eyes are all healed and no worse for the wear. Stay tuned for next week's post, I have some elk hunting news!

  26. I love reading a happy positive blog post
    am just thankful my husband is still fighting his health issues

    1. I know that that is hard for both on you, hang in there, 2025 is almost here!

  27. Life is good if you just take a second to think about it. Good luck elk hunting. By far my favorite hunts. Nothing like getting up at 4 am, driving to your spot, laying under the stars listening for the bugles, and then hiking through the woods to the call. I have seen so many amazing things elk hunting. There is no other hunting as good for the soul.

    1. We did not quite have the classic elk hunt that you described, but you are right, I have been there before, and it is absolutely an unforgettable experience.

  28. Fico satisfeito por saber que tudo corre de feição e que todos interagem de forma cordial.
    É bom quando todos se dão, se compreendem e colaboram.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. It was a great week, and we were happy to spend it with family and good friends.

  29. I love your list, Jim. And I'm right with you on all those things (Jeanie version, but the same overall -- a wonderful life partner, family, friendship, and all the things you mentioned.) And I'm very glad you don't have black eyes courtesy of Barb, though I feel for her with the door encounter. The Christmas tree hunt looks fun and your choice was perfect. It looks absolutely lovely! Happy December!

    1. We try to remember to be thankful every day of the year, but this time of the year it is really at the forefront.

  30. Love that magpie! It’s great that you know how fortunate you are.

  31. That magpie picture is great!
    That is a lot of dogs. You have a lot to be thankful for and that's great.

    1. That magpie picture is so random, that's what makes it so interesting.

  32. Barb is amazing, and it’s clear how much you cherish your time with her and the whole family. The Christmas tree hunt had me laughing—sounds like quite the adventure!

    Love hearing about your family traditions, especially with all the dogs this year! Wishing you guys lots more good times and adventures ahead.

    1. It is always quite the adventure hunting for the "perfect" Christmas tree. Our kids love and hate it all at the same time!

  33. much to take in and comment on! You have a lot to be thankful for, esp what appears to be a wide open space to go out and cut a tree down! Had one live tree one year, first yr I was married in 1980. Not sure where it came from but ex hubs must have got it out on one of his hunting trips. Being I have been allergic to things all my life, I have stayed away from the live ones, esp now with the cats. You know the best thing about this post? The fact you not only have all this to be thankful for, but you are aware of it, and you sound truly thankful!! Like you said, so many can have everything and still not be happy, or thankful. Bless you and your family at this time of yr and all yr long. By the way, not sure I have ever seen a magpie but that looks like a BIG bird.

    1. I got your other message as well. I too have pushed publish and looked away, never knowing if it went through.
      Magpies are bigger than a blue jay, smaller than a crow. They eat both seed and meat. We see them a lot feeding on dead deer along the road.

  34. A heartwarming post and you are a wise man not taking all these blessings for granted. Always a great pleasure to visit and see you and Barb and your dear family, furry family members included of course. A great collection of stories and photos, along with a video, all wonderful! Thanks for sharing and happy December to you all.

    1. We certainly had more than our fair share of furry family members this week!

  35. You guys certainly are very fortunate to have so many great neighbors, and friends. And how often do those very special family moments happen? Cheers!

    1. We have been waiting years to finally get everyone together in our home!

  36. i think you bring people close to you, that is why you have so many friends, great neighbors and family!! we all have much to be thankful for and your barb is lucky to have you!! your story about picking out your christmas tree reminded me of the "chevy chase christmas vacation" story. i have always been very fussy about the "tree" now we have a few small artificial trees and they work for us!! have you ever played left, right, center?? it is an awesome dice game and we play every holiday. you need a lot of people but i think you def had enough!!

  37. I love that tree, it is gorgeous!
    Christmas Music? I only listen to TSO these days for Xmas music. I worked at an office for many years that just played all the Christmas stuff from Thanksgiving to Christmas. It did not make my ears happy.

    1. Your comment about Christmas music brought back memories of when I worked at J.C. Penny's in a mall back in the 80's. So much Christmas music!
