Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Merriest of Christmases

 This is the second Christmas in a row that we have spent with one of our kids and family. Last year we were in Pennsylvania with Jessica and her family, this year it is home with Forrest! A start of a tradition? Probably not, but we will enjoy it for now!

Each Christmas Somer buys matching PJs for her, Forrest and Lily. This year, because we were together, we "got" to participate!

We spent the entire Christmas day in our PJ's. Opening presents in the morning, followed by a day of Christmas movies. A nap or two might have been snuck in during the day. 

Yes, even the dogs got gifts. Dog toys and treats. There were a few scuffles as they often wanted the same toy. 

What did we get? I cannot list them all, just the highlights. Lily got keyboard that she played all day long. It was not as annoying as it might sound as it was just background noise as we went about our day preparing Christmas supper (prime ribs and crab legs) and watching movies. 
Shockingly, I received several alcohol related gifts. Not one, but two cocktail smoker kits as Barb and Somer were on the same wavelength but not in communication when it came to gift selection. Forrest and Somer were on the same wavelength with each other.  Both had gold on their minds; Somer when she got him a really nice gold chain. Forrest had two gold wedding bands commissioned by a local artist out of some gold they had. They turned out beautifully! 
What did I get Barb. My favorite item some of you are going to think is pretty weird. Let me begin by telling you about elk teeth. Did you know that elk have two teeth that are actually made of ivory? They are remnants of prehistoric days when elk actually had tusks. I had pulled the two ivories from Barb's elk and had the same artist make a pendant out of them. She loved it!
The next morning, Barb had all signs of Christmas tucked away in their totes and the tree was out the door. It was time to complete the final preparations for our trip and more packing.

The deer decimated the alfalfa bale I put out last month, so it was time for another one, and to fill the feeder. 
Earlier in the week we had some special overnight guests! Farmer Bob and DeAnne stopped by for an overnight stay on their way to their daughter's house in Denver for Christmas. It was a quick, yet enjoyable visit. 
There was one bummer this week though when Barb was filling the wood box while Forrest and I were out hunting. (We ended the muzzleloader season without filling my tag by the way). She was getting wood off the top of row of the outside woodshed when one dropped....right on her foot. Toe to be precise. Second toe in from her baby toe to be preciser (new word there). She said it hurt like hell, a couple hour later totally black and blue. Definitely broke. Do you think she would go to the doctor? Not my stubborn one, no, she just toughed it out. I took a picture of her gnarly grotesque toe. I do not know if it will make the censor, if there is a picture of a disgusting toe following this sentence, she allowed it, if not, she did not....

(She did not, and I actually got in trouble for even considering posting it!)

She could not wear a shoe for several days, but now almost 5 days later she can wear shoes but still limps around. 

So, we are all packed, we leave in an hour or so. Where are we headed? First destination Pennsylvania, via 10 days in Kentucky visiting several (okay, more than several) distilleries along the way!


  1. Let the great adventure begin. If you are near Chicago, stop in for a visit. Chicago has many distilleries. Chicago Distilling Company was Harold's favorite. Your Christmas looks like it was a lot of fun. Safe travels.

    1. We are staying as far away from Chicago as we can. I don't care how good that distillery is, things ain't the same as they were when ol' Harold was around!

  2. That’s a great family photo, so nice to have family around during Christmas. I had no idea elk used to have tusks and now a couple of ivory teeth…great idea having the pendant made as a memory of Barb’s successful hunt. You always have interesting tidbits of info on wildlife Jim. Ouch Barb…that had to hurt!
    Safe travels!

    1. I wasn't sure exactly how they would turn out, but the jeweler had done some before and knew exactly what to do.

  3. I love those pj's and the laid-back day. Jim, everybody's got your number, you ol' booze hound, haha. More distilleries, huh? Enjoy it while you can cause once you hit your 70's the intake slows wa-a-y down (sad but true). Barb, I feel for you, and hope your toe gets better soon. Safe travels.

    1. Don't say that! Well, at least we have a few years before that comes.

  4. Sounds like a good time was had by all! Except Barb. Her poor toe! Been there, so I know the pain, although I don't think I actually broke mine.
    Safe travels, Jim. Holler if you get anywhere near Ripley. WV!

    1. It was a great day. I'll look up Ripley, Barb has us on a tight timeline but I'd love to see your area!

  5. By the way, one of our granddaughters is currently ice fishing in North Dakota! She caught 3 nice walleyes yesterday.

  6. Ouch!! Poor Barb! I hope it heals up well.
    The rest--sounds like wonderful fun and a fantastic visit. Cute PJs! LOL! ;)

  7. Looks like an amazing Christmas! Relaxing on Christmas day sounds wonderful too! Love the pendant you had made for Barb and the rings that were made also! Looking forward to your winter trip and all the destinations!

    1. This is a trip that I think you two would enjoy. At least the Kentucky part!

  8. Good report, and also farewell of sorts.

  9. Elk teeth jewelry from her elk, priceless. Broke toe, painful but it will heal.

    1. I wasn't sure how she would feel about an elk teeth pendant, but I think she really likes it!

  10. Nice pictures. Looks like a good time was had by all! Not much you can do for a broken toe. Maybe tape it to a good one. I've broke couple (broke the same toe twice) never went to the Dr.

    1. That's kind of what we talked about. We could go to the doctor, but would they do anything except take our money? Probably not.

    2. However, my sister broke her toe and has had problems with it every since. The doctor said if she had come in he beginning, they could have fixed it. Just a thought.

  11. Family gatherings at Christmas are the best! And lounging around it matching pgs just tops it off.
    Safe Travels!

    1. I had hesitant about the PJs at first, but it was kinda fun!

  12. What a wonderful Christmas! And I did not know about the elk teeth! Wonderful idea! So sorry about Barbs toe. Have a great trip!

    1. Sounds like you guys had a good one as well. What a bonus that Steve won big at the casino!

  13. You had a wonderful, Norman Rockwell Christmas! Nice.... Safe (and pain free) travels and Happy New Year!

  14. Sounds wonderful! love the pj's and really love the jewelry didn't know about the ivory teeth in elk- nothing the doctor can do about broken toes-I have gone through that several times-just taped them together
    Happy New Year

    1. That is kinda what we figured and it would have been a waste of money.

  15. A great Christmas for sure!
    You could have taped the toes together, like you would fingers. Or after this long, just leave them alone!
    Safe travels. Enjoy the taste testing!


    1. We never thought of taping them together. We will have to remember that!

  16. I love the family pj's - the tree is so cute! I did not know Elk teeth were ivory - lol. Barb's toe looks horrible - watch it does not get infected!!
    Have a nice vacation across America there!

  17. Pyjama days are the best. Safe travels.

  18. Very nice. Hope you have a happy new year.

  19. It looks like a great holiday. I love the PJ's. When my daughter was young we used to do the matching PJ's, but my husband never got into that tradition. It makes a great family Christmas, and I like how you included the pups. Have fun on your trip.

    1. It was made clear to me that I didn't have a choice in the matter so I went with it and it was a lot of fun!

  20. What a beautiful Christmas celebration. Safe travels.

    1. These last two Christmases were very special and will be remembered forever!

  21. It always sounds fun at your house, except for things like broken toes. Safe travels.

    1. The toe incident did put a damper on things momentarily, but Barb bounced right back and continued to be her spazy self!

  22. Love the matching pj's!! I do believe they make doggie ones an Dakota would fit perfectly. Just saying. I did enjoy all the puppy photos:) Sounds like a great Christmas with family. Sorry to hear about Barb's toe meeting the wood. Ouch! Safe travels to Kentucky and the bourbon trail. Enjoy PA. Hope the warmer weather continues to hold. Happy New Year!

    1. I really don't think Dakota would enjoy an outfit. She seems traumatized with just the antlers on. I might just give it a try though!

  23. Drive safe, watch for those deer running across the roadway, watch for them 2 legged bear that hangout around them there distilleries...that is one ticket you don't want to pay.

    1. Although it is probably possible to get inebriated, the distilleries really limit the amount of alcohol they serve. We will be careful!

  24. Next year gift ideas , steel toed boots. Safe travels. Vern

  25. Love the jammies, great choice! Music and movies with cooking and eating sounds like a wonderful Christmas! This is the first year in ages I haven't had the tree and decorations all down and out the day after, but the grands just left so I kept it up for them. How exciting to be heading out on your winter adventure with lots of visiting and distillering on the agenda! Happy New Year to you and yours,.

    1. Lily was in shock when she woke up on the 26th and all signs of Christmas were gone! The house looked so much more spacious without the tree in there though and it was time.

  26. Great family Christmas picture with the jammies. Creative gifts with good memories of where they came from. Sorry to read of Barbs toe, been there it's painful and takes time to heal. Looking forward to where you go on your way into KY. It's forecast to be cold here. Looking forward to seeing you and the pups. Happy New Year!

    1. We were looking at the forecast and it is nice until we get to KY. Then, cold and rain. Oh well, we shall make the best of it. See you soon!

  27. Safe journey and take care, and of course enjoy as I'm sure you both will.
    Lovely photos and I didn't know about the Elk, nice indeed.
    Happy New Year, may it be a good one.

    1. Now I am wondering what other animals had tusks and still have ivory. I shall have to do some research!

  28. Hello,
    The matching PJ's are cute! That should be a tradition now.
    Love all the family photos and the cute doggies.
    It sounds like everyone had a happy Christmas.
    Sorry to hear about Barb's toe!
    Have a fun trip and safe travels.
    Take care and enjoy this last weekend of 2024.
    I wish you all the best in 2025, Happy New Year!

    1. I doubt Barb and I will continue the PJ tradition if we were not with the kids. I love the fact that Somer does it though!

  29. Jim, that first photo of you and Barb and family decked out in matching pjs was such a great Christmas image, definitely one to be saved and remembered. And, spending the day together in pjs with good food and vintage films is my idea of a good day. We had family visiting for Christmas but only Patrick wore holiday pjs. Glad that Barb is healing and wishing you both safe travels. We’re going to PA in early January as well to visit family and friends. We stopped at a few Kentucky distilleries on our cross country road trip several years ago. The bummer was that some charged for the tours.

    1. Yeah, I think most of them charge for tours nowadays. Buffalo Trace I think is the only one that doesn't. They are still popular though as we had to book them months in advance.

  30. Oh do I know the toe pain. Two dislocated, one broken. It was weeks before I could wear real shoes again. Maybe a shot or two of that brown stuff would help!!! Love the elk teeth!!

    1. She bought some of that brown stuff today, so we'll have to give it a try!

  31. Good morning you two…I’m guessing you are on your way to lots of family fun and adventures! Love your pjs! And what nice memories they conjure up of years gone by with family gatherings for the holidays. The pups are so cute all dressed for Christmas! Happy New Year!

    1. You are correct, we are currently just east of Kansas City at a winery watching football!

  32. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy your trip and be safe. Tom and I are wishing you both a Wonderful New Year!

  33. Many wonderful photos of happy people, it does sound like you had a nice Christmas, enjoy your trip and drive safe more so if the weather is being a bitch.

    1. So far the weather has been awesome. Two days in and we saw 50 both days!

  34. You guys had a lot of fun with the matching pjs and dressing up the dogs and I loved the photos. What a thoughtful gift for Barb. By now you are well into your vacation. If you make it to Florida, let us know.

    1. We should be in Florida in about a month, hopefully we will be near each other so we can finally meet up!

  35. I do hope that Barbs toe is better. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas around your place....Making memories with those you love is the very Best. You did a great job on selecting a nice gift for Barb. I know she was so surprised. Hope you all have a wonderful and safe New Years Eve.....Happy 2025 to you and yours.

    1. It was a great day, already seems so long ago even though it was just a week ago today!

  36. Action packed and fun sounding Christmas with a nice holiday, travel and visits to enjoy! Hoping the toe is better and unlike Barb, I never mind posting mine on my New Year.

    1. Apparently, Barb's toe must be gnarlier than yours, there was no way she was going to let me post it!

  37. Great photos I enjoyed seeing the dogs all dressed up! What a nice gift you gave Barb!! They don't do much for broken toes unless they are displaced. They sometimes wrap the whole foot more they don't hurt so bad when you walk. Travel safely and have fun! We enjoyed The Jim Beam distillery one year:)

    1. Jim Beam is on our list, not sure when, but it is within the next week!

  38. Great photos showcasing the fun and gifts that everyone received! I particularly like the pendant you had made for Barb. It definitely shows that thought and effort went into the gift. But the photos of family and pets were the tops.

  39. That looks like a lot of fun.
    They don't do any thing for broken toes. They are too small! I've done that many times.
