Sunday, August 27, 2023

Reaching a Milestone!

 Goals. They are what drive and motivate many of us. Throughout my life I have set goals. Daily goals of what you want to get done. Career goals, such as achieving a certain level. Personal goals like building your own house or out fishing Barb. This week we should achieve the greatest goal we have ever aspired to, one of the highest pinnacles of my life, only taking us 9 years, 6 months, and 22 days to achieve. What is this goal?  1,000,000 views on our blog! (Pause here for clapping, applause and balloon drop).

If you are a blogger, you cannot help but look at the stats on other people's blogs and see what kind of views and followers they have. I am often envious of how many views and followers many of my fellow bloggers have. As of today, we have 145 followers, that number has held steady +/- 1 or 2 over the past several months. That is a number that is hard to move. In fact, I had to beg readers to push me over 100 in August of '21. 

But back to the 1,000,00 views. On average we blog once a week, sometimes twice a week, sometimes every other week. In fact, this is our 456th post since we started blogging in February of 2014 (499 weeks ago) meaning we get an average of just over 2,000 views per posts. 

The reason we blog has changed over the years. At first, it was to inform other readers on the ins and outs of fulltime RV'ing. We found other blogs useful so we thought we would return the favor. Then it morphed into a way to keep our friends and family up to date on what we were up to. Today, it is more or less a digital diary with a little of what I consider humor intermixed in. If only we would have monetized our blog, I am sure people would pay $1.00 to read it each week, right? Heck, how about $0.10 or even $0.01? But alas, we have never made anything on our blog. I take that back, we did meet a reader at a brewery once and they bought us each a beer. 

So, what have we been up to this week? Not a lot. I've been slowly packing for my trip to North Dakota to help with harvest. Barb has been making me individual meals and cookies so I do not starve while I am gone. I also worked on the final touches in the gazebo; wired 4 outlets, installed a TV, bought and installed a fridge and moved in the propane firepit. Barb worked on raking the black dirt on the outside  planted grass seed and laid some straw to cover it all. 

Barb also bought some solar lights to go along our path. As I was taking the picture on the left, Barb notices this guy on the right. We call him Mr. Toad. Although, it could be a female toad, we call him Mr. Toad just in case he identifies as a "Mr.". We see Mr. Toad at least once a week. Sometimes by the wood storage area, sometimes on the hill where we have the extra tin for the gazebo and on this night, he was admiring Barb's new lights.... If you look closely, you can see him in both pictures. 

We have used the gazebo every night. So far, we have had two happy hours out there. One with Dan and Bonnie and another with Jim and Carmen. Needless to say, we are really, really enjoying it!

Now that that is done, we have set another goal. This one will likely take several years to achieve. We bought a book outlining the top 100 hikeable peaks in the Black Hills and we want to climb every one of them!

"Climb" may not be the right word. Some you can drive to; most have established hiking trails to the top and quite a few have no trails at all requiring us to bushwhack through the forest to get to. Regardless of how we get to the top, we wanted to get started so we started with a couple easy ones. 

So, we jumped in the jeep and pointed it towards Custer State Park. There weren't a lot of critters out, but a few buffalo and prairie dogs cooperated with us. 

Our first destination was Mount Coolidge within the park. It is the only manned fire tower in the park and is named after President Coolidge who spent 3 months in the park during the summer of 1927.

At 6,023', it is the 78th out of the 100 highest peaks in the area. Regardless of the rank, and despite the smokey skies, the views are incredible!

Bird identification time, any idea what this is?

From there, we headed west out of the park towards Cicero Peak. At 6,166', this is the 62nd highest peak in the area. There is a rough logging/service road all the way to the top. 

If you look off to the west on your way up, you will get glimpses of Beecher Rock off in the distance. Cicero Peak served as a fire tower location from 1940-1974. Now, it is home to a radio tower. 

It was a slow, fairly easy climb but well worth the view once you get to the top. 


Two down, 98 to go! We'll save the tougher ones for when it cools down a bit.

This week's homework assignment is to count how many deer you see in this picture..... They have returned in droves!

The trail cameras are producing nicer and nicer bucks.

When we were in Rapid picking up the electrical supplies and fridge for the gazebo, I got a new computer! We were at Sam's Club looking over the various models and as tempted as I was, I just could not get myself to drop a couple thousand on a MacBook. So, I got myself a basic HP for under $550. This one has a full-body hinge and bonus, a SD reader. You would not believe how many do not come with them anymore. 

Saturday night was a big night. The annual South Hills Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation banquet. As you may recall, Kevin and Cheryl are the chairs for the banquet. We went early and helped them set up, then returned later for the festivities. And, I was a big winner! I won a bottle of Blanton's in the live auction and the 2023 RMEF Commemorative Henry Rifle in a raffle!

Our next post will come to you from North Dakota. I am heading out Monday morning for a few weeks of harvesting and hunting! I am looking forward to getting behind the wheel of a tractor and semi, as well as just sitting in the reeds watching the sunrise as the ducks whistle overhead!


  1. Congratulations!! I sometimes I had kept up with our blog! There is so much that we have done and places we have visited that I know I will forget about! Enjoy ND! We sure miss SD, it was a great 4 years! Hugs to you all!!

    1. "Will" forget about?!?! I've already forgotten most of what we've done over the years. It is so nice having the posts and books to go back on and refresh my failing memory. We drove through Dutchman a week or so ago and thought of you guys.

  2. The God's are smiling down on you for sure. Love the blog.

  3. Love the way the "bin" turned out! I think you need a slogan. "What happens in the bin, stays in the bin."

  4. Congrats on hitting the million mark..too bad it wasn’t cash.🤣 Great job on the gazebo! I count 9 deer in that photo. That’s a great goal attempting all those summits. You definitely cleaned up on that raffle. Safe travels to N.D. and have fun on all those man toys.

    1. Are we talking USD or CAD? We will more than likely still be working on those summit goals if you make it out here in a couple years, we will have to do one with you guys!

  5. Your gazebo sure makes for the prefect evening hangout. What an awesome addition to your outdoor lives.
    We will all enjoy following along on your next 98 summits.

    1. You are in for a long ride then, as it will likely be years before we complete them all!

  6. Greetings to "Mr. Toad" and his keepers! Everything looks great, enjoy your time hunting...and now you have a new rifle too!

    1. We have not seen Mr. Toad for a few days now. I look out every night to see if he is under the lights but no toad. Now I am wondering "What is the home range of a toad?"

  7. The gazebo looks great, I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of it. Safe travels to North Dakota.

  8. Congratulations on the million milestone. That's pretty significant!
    I really love all the views in this post and now that I've found your blog, I look forward to reviewing more scenery and following your adventures.

    I would have a difficult time leaving that gazebo-with-a-view. Beautiful!

    That Henry is a handsome gun. Kudos.

    1. I've always wanted a Henry, they are so beautiful, but I could not justify spending $1,000+ on a wall hanger that will likely never get fired.

  9. Congratulations on your millionth hit. Not being prone to marking such milestones I had to check my stats - I have 1,113,220 hits. I have no idea when I passed a million!

  10. Forgot to mention, your bird is a House Wren.

    1. Thanks! We know our waterfowl but not so much on the songbirds.

  11. I love the gazebo…although, I see myself greeting the day with coffee in hand first thing in the morning. I’m with Jeff, we will definitely enjoy following along on your summit adventures!

    1. So far, we have not spent many mornings out there. One, I think. Our challenge is keeping Zoey close by, so she does not wander off and get in trouble.

  12. Congrats on reaching 1 million. Funny how I have been watching the numbers for sometime. The beauty of the gazebo is only surpassed by the view.. I would like seeing mountain tops by jeep also :)

    1. I haven't reviewed the book entirely, but I am guessing there are probably 10 or so summits that we can do by jeep. The rest are going to require a little foot work!

  13. Congrats on the milestone! I love the outdoor area, very creative and functional. Good luck on the other 98 climbs, it’s a long list! Also congratulations on your wins! Very nice. Good luck with the harvest!


    1. Thanks! We figure it will take us a few years to accomplish the summit goals with us being gone so much but it will be fun to get out and explore these new areas.

  14. First, I counted 10 deer...

    Let us know when you plan to 'climb' the "Needles Eye", we would drive all the way up there just to witness that feat!

    Congrats on the million mark. When I started my blog it was solely written for family and friends, especially for mom and dad who enjoyed it so much. Dad is gone, mom does not do computers any more at age 93...doesn't even do cell phone. But my sisters, brothers, cousins and past library friends still follow it, and I "think" my children look at it once or twice a year (that's not a joke). Still have 180,000 to go to reach a million. Guess I need to get my wife to 'reload' the blog ten times a day like Barb does for you... (just joking, congrats on the million mark)

    1. Tell her you will give her a penny a click as incentive!
      Our kids will mention something in the blog once in a while so I know they know it at least exists. Of my siblings I think 3 out of the 6 are regular readers.

  15. How do you subscribe to your blog?

    1. If you view the Web Version, you will see a "follow" button on the right side bar. You just need to push that!

  16. Fantastic job on the gazebo, and the view is stunning. What a great place for a sundowner session. A million views is a milestone for sure. Looking forward to your posts from ND.

    1. Going to ND is bittersweet. When we were fulltiming Barb and the girls were with me all the time. Now that we have a home she has been staying in SD. While I love being up there, I do miss Barb.

  17. Love your gazebo and especially the view. Nice job! And congratulations on the million views! It has been a long, long time since I looked at my stats. Must do that soon.

  18. Thanks for visiting my blog. It was originally a blog of the life of our two cats, then after they had both passed I continued once a week with "Memories" posts. I would love to have travelled the way you do and see so much. Enjoy the harvesting and shooting. Hubby is having a cataract removed a week tomorrow and is hoping he will be able to shoot again afterwards. It helps to see what is on the other end of the gun!

    1. Best of luck to your husband, I hope he gets out shooting once everything heals!

  19. The gazebo is wonderful! Love the deer candid camera shots.
    Truth. I had never looked at my total views. Wasn't sure where to find it--but I did,
    Been blogging 17 years and am at a little over 580,000 views. I never would have guessed that many. Congrats on a million!! Wow! :)

    1. 17 years is quite the commitment! I'd like to think we'll keep blogging for 7 more years to hit that mark. Who knows, we might still be chasing our 100th summit then!

  20. Congrats on reaching that 1,000,000 blog views, That's exciting. And I love Custer State Park. I've been there twice since I don't live very close to South Dakota, but I would love to go back sometime again. It's a beautiful place. Thanks for visiting my blog too.

    1. You are a ways from South Dakota! We've been to New Hampshire once, it is a beautiful state!

  21. Nice rifle! That bottle of Blanton’s looks good too! You’ll have to save me a shot of it for clicking your yearly travel maps multiple times a day. :)

    1. So, you're the one! My son-in-law got a shot of Blanton's at a restaurant last month and it cost him $45.00 I believe so bring your checkbook or be prepared to work it off!

  22. Congrats on your milestone! Glad I finally got "over here" to add to that number :-)) I can see why you'd spend evenings in the gazebo, what a perfect location with that view and all the amenities you need. Beautiful bucks. I love that you get to see them in action on the trail. Your new climbing to the top goal looks like a fun way to see more of the area.

    1. It is amazing what a little begging will get you. I got 3 new followers today! Although a lot of the trails to the summits are established, we are looking most forward to the ones we have to bushwhack to!

  23. Congrats on over 1,000,000 views. It's funny ... I never even look to see what the numbers are. NICE rifle!! And the bird ... it's a bird. That's as far as my expertise goes. Pretty cool you put a TV in the gazebo! Have fun harvesting and DO NOT get anything STUCK!!! If you do, I want to see the pictures!!

    1. I think you have it right; you like to live vicariously through other people's misery. Me, I make my own misery, but who knows, maybe this season I will not get stuck!

  24. Hope you have a great harvest experience. I smile at your lofty goal of the 100 peaks. You will do it, no doubt. Great start!

    Congrats on the 1,000,000 views!

    1. You are right, it is a lofty goal but we are up for the challenge!

  25. Your name for your toad is not very imaginative. We have two large toads that reside outside our barn. Getting fat on the bugs our night light attracts. The first one we named Todd. Todd the toad. Then we call the other one his brother, but we have not done any DNA testing to find out if they are related. His name is Ted. Ted the toad. The Gazebo looks great. Is it windy in there though? Can you tell who had the millionth view? Was it me? Did I win the Tommy gun? That's a big milestone. Kudos.

    1. Thanks for continuously clicking our site during your downtime in the soup trailer. I am sure you were the millionth viewer and will be rewarded accordingly.
      We put panels on the windy side so we will be protected from the worst of it.

  26. Your gazebo looks fabulous. What a nice spot to spend a little time. Have fun driving all those big machines at the harvest.

    1. Although I am looking forward to farming, it is really hard to leave Barb for that long.

  27. Well, I certainly enjoy reading your blog since discovering it! The gazebo looks great and glad you are using it! We are heading to you neck of the woods and you are leaving--we are going to ATV in the Black Hills. Enjoy the harvest--is "enjoy" the right word??

    1. Bummer! You will love the riding over here. We're glad we found your blog as well. It seems we are very like minded. Cannot wait to read about your riding out here!

  28. Your gazebo turned out so awesome!! I know you two will definitely get the 100 peaks done. Beautiful pictures through out the whole blog. The rifle is absolutely gorgeous! Congrats on being a big winner!

    1. Thanks guys! Looking forward to fall and football out in the gazebo and cooler weather so we can go hiking!

  29. Congrats on your blog milestone! The gazebo is gorgeous. Such a unique place you two have created! So you’re peaks will be traveled to or hiked? Either way sounds fun! Boy did you clean up nice on that raffle!

    1. Only a few of the summits are drive to, the rest we have to hike. Looks like I'm going to need some new hiking shoes!

  30. I count 10 Dear in photo. Have a good time in ND at the farm.

  31. Too bad you new subscribers have no idea there are two adorable fur girls in the house. Just saying!!!!! But you did at least have wildlife photos:) Love the gazebo! Very cool! Have fun in ND and be safe.

    1. In my defense, I did ask Barb if we had any party hats for the dogs. There will be dog pictures, maybe even a video for Harry over the next few weeks. But sadly, not of my girls.

  32. Congratulations on your millionth view! Glorious photos, too -- some wonderous images here. Your blog is much like mine in that there is no charge or ad (Really? Do I want to ask people to PAY for this?) and as much a journal or compendium of thoughts of life and travels. And I like it very much for that.

    Thanks, also, for your visit to Marmelade Gypsy. It was lovely to have you there. Safe travels.

    1. We enjoy exploring and reading other blogs. There is such a variety, even though some are not our lifestyle they are still interesting to read.

  33. Congratulations on that impressive milestone, I hope you know I am clapping for you! I had more followers on my old blog but I think that was because I joined every meme out there, which I loved but I quit doing them as I was having such a hard time returning visits and commenting, so I quit. I enjoy who visit and love visiting in return. Even now I run late on most blogging friends but catch up when I can. I still love the memes and will go to them just to take a peak. My blog started out for the same reasons, keeping family and friends up to date, and more importantly for the diary on our everyday lives, this for our son. Hubs and I had been chatting how much we would have loved that with our own parents, so that was the start of it all. You might think I’m an idiot but when I first blogged I didn’t realize it was open to the whole world and remember being shocked when I got my first comment. Now it has brought me my online friends which I love. I always enjoy the work you are doing around your place. Hubs has a good laugh because I am I enjoy YouTubes on how things work, seeing things built, like log cabins and furniture. I think this goes back to my dad and his dad who were great with carpentry and I often found myself with them when they were doing projects. That gazebo of yours is really something. Great post! I think I have waffled long enough. Happy travels to North Dakota. We have relatives there that we haven’t visited in a long time but great memories of our time on the old homestead.

    1. Where is your homestead at?

      I took wish blogging was a thing back in my parents era. It would have been incredible to read about their adventures and even daily life.
      I sometimes wonder if our grandkids will read about our adventures someday.

    2. I am sure your grandkids will enjoy your stories when they get older. Our son is which makes us happy. The homestead is on my husband’s dad’s side of the family. They started with blind oxen pulling their wagon across the prairie, immigrants from Norway. It would make a great movie, as would many of the immigrants stories across the country. The family now live near Dickinson.

    3. That would make an incredible movie. I go through Dickerson several times a year. That is a few hours southwest of where I am right now.

  34. Congratulations on your milestone. It is good to set goals in life to do our work and to achieve them. I too will tyr to follow you to get improved. All the best.

  35. Thanks, I will check out your blog as well!

  36. Congratulations on your milestone - woo hoo! I can't even imagine! Nor can imagine all those miles you have traveled - wow!! Your gazebo looks amazing. Enjoy all your evenings spent there!

    1. We were blessed with several years of full time traveling. Now it is nice to have a home base and only travel part of the year.

  37. Congratulations on getting 1,000,000 views! That's impressive!

    Your gazebo looks so nice. One of our goals is to work on fixing up our backyard and adding something like that so it's a place we actually want to spend time in.

    1. Ours turned out better than expected. We are looking forward to spending hours out there!

  38. congrats on your popularity, i enjoy my visits here!! i will hit the follow button, i have probably not done that. the gazebo finished up nicely and i love seeing the pics of the buck, i rarely see them here.

    congrats on those wins, booze and a rifle, don't use those at the same time!! ;)

  39. in response to your question on my blog: no jim, but how cool that you remember that story!! this is a different lake much closer to my home, a lake i visit all of the time. there are probably 50 swans here and i did not see any babies here this year. these swans come at the beginning of summer and stay until it gets cold. i do not know how many of those spring babies at lake como survived. i was a bad parent and never followed it through. i wanted to go the other day but at this point, i'm not sure i would know, i would have to hope they still remember me!! it's a bit further and the traffic at the shore in new jersey is horrible....bumper to bumper everywhere you go. after this weekend, it will disappear!!

  40. What a summer you've had, so many accomplishments and milestones. Congrats on finishing the house and gazebo. Hope we can get that way one day. Another year and we start the TN build.

    1. We hope to see your place in Tennessee, it sounds like it is beautiful!
