Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Road trip on a Road trip?

The dark, gray clouds hover over the Fred Meyer parking lot, so low it creates a claustrophobic effect. Red and blue flashing lights reflect off the wet pavement as police string crime scene tape around a lone RV in the corner. We watch from afar as an ambulance slowly pulls up alongside the other emergency vehicles, lights flashing, no siren, not in a hurry, that cannot be good. Blood, seeping across the pavement makes its way towards a nightcrawler that recently emerged from the wet soil. A robin swoops down and gobbles up the unsuspecting worm. And just like that, another life is gone. No one notices, time marches on.

 Oh wait, I am writing a blog, not a mystery novel! Let me start over. When I started this week's blog, we WERE in the Fred Meyer parking lot, it was overcast and wet, but there were no emergency vehicles to be seen, no blood, not even a worm. Salmon fishing has been slow, but we are steadily filling up our freezer one fish at a time. “Don’t worry”, one old-timer tells me, “Pretty soon, there will be so many fish you can tie a line to a donkey’s ear, and he’ll catch a limit just swinging his head.” Did he just compare my fishing prowess to that of a donkey? Rather than ponder this thought, I give my one fish to Barb for her to vacuum seal and put in the freezer.

 The vacuum sealer you ask? We had bought a new one at Sportsman’s Warehouse on the way up here planning on using it throughout our trip. That is until Barb saw Susan’s vac sealer. “I want one!”. She says sounding like an 8-year-old looking at the newest doll on the market. The problem is, is that Barb is not 8 years old, and Barb has her own credit card. She promptly went onto Amazon, ordered one and had it shipped to Susan’s house. I will admit, this thing is pretty cool. Like no other vacuum sealer I have seen before. It kind of expands the bag with air before suddenly sucking it out and sealing the bag. The problem with the traditional ones we are used to is the moisture. Fish, are generally wet, making it hard to get a good seal. This thing seems to seal it tight each and every time! Take a look at this video….. 

I did have one very cool moment while standing in the Kenai River at a place called Moose Meadows. I’m sitting there fishing and this bald eagle lands on this rock out in the water and just sits there. How cool is that? I think to myself. It just does not get any better than this. As if God heard my thoughts himself, he made it even better when this curious moose walks out to have a chat with the eagle!


I take a few pictures and continue fishing; the eagle flies off to be replaced by a seagull. Now the moose wants to chat with the seagull! I video it this time. The moose leaves and I continue to fish, 30 seconds later, it walks right by me! I get my phone out quick enough to take the last part of this video. One of these times, I know I am going to drop my phone right in the river! 

Since I last wrote, we have added 7 more salmon to the freezer, and when I say “we” I mean me. Barb has not been out. She is feeling better, but it has been wet and cold. No need to tempt fate with a continued illness. The fish are definitely here and like that donkey I managed to catch my limit more than once.


While I am providing sustenance for our family to survive the winter, Barb is off taking pictures of flowers and Zoey is reading the signs along the nature trail. 

Our big adventure for the week was a 100-mile road trip over to Seward to meet up with fulltime RV’er friends Steve and Debbie for a two-day visit. We met Steve and Debbie in Louisiana in January of 2015 and get together whenever we are within a couple hours of each other. The last time we saw them was in February of 2023 in Arizona.  This will make the 4th state we have met up with them! 

While we wait for their arrival, we took in some of the Seward sights. 

 We were all set up on the water at the South Resurrection Bay Campground when they pulled in with their friends Rick and Angie about 5pm. Hugs all around, it was really great to see these guys again! They are on day 70 something of their adventure and are just about ½ through as they are they are staying until September!


We are all traveling in Ram trucks with campers, in our opinion, one of the best ways to see Alaska!


After everyone was set up, we walked into Seward Brewing Company. Good beer and food but bring your wallet. I sure wish I had forgot mine! The next day we walked the other side of town near the marina. So many cool boats there. We just walked up and down the docks dreaming what it would be like to own one of those beauties.

That afternoon, Barb and Debbie set up a blind bourbon tasting for Steve and me. It’s always fun and interesting to try new stuff and try and guess your familiar ones out of a blind line up.


Then it was an evening by the fire!


Barb and I retired early as we had a 4am wake up call. We needed to head 3 ½ hours west to meet up with Rich, Susan, Bob and Becky for yet another Halibut adventure! And an adventure it was! We tried to new spot from the other times we went out. This time the ‘buts were a little bigger averaging over 20lbs. Bob, Becky and I each caught one that went over 30, so that definitely puts me in the lead over Barb in the ‘but category!


Bob caught a big old skate (stingray). No good for eating, so it went back into the water. 

The biggest one I caught put up a really nice fight and when it was finally gaffed and in the boat Rich says “That’s a really nice one!”. "Does that mean, you think I have a nice 'but?" "Er, Ah, I don't like where this conversation is going."

We ended up with 12 really nice fish getting us over 100lbs to ship home.  


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, mayhem continues. Neighbor Jim is still waging war on the P Dogs, but now he has a new nemesis. Calves. Those of you who have raised cattle know that calves are incredible escape artists. Fences designed to keep full grown cattle intend to do their jobs pretty well, but calves have a way of finding any nook and cranny they can to escape. They generally do not wander too far from their mothers and eventually crawl back through, but it is a nuisance, nonetheless. 

So, Jim set out to find out where these little critters were getting out and sent me these pictures where he put a few boards up at our entry where the little critters have been escaping. Do I have a great neighbor or what?!?

This morning was spent in the Ross's kitchen, Barb and Susan talking all things freeze-drying. Apparently, they own 4 for their business, now Barb thinks she need one too. As Barb takes the first sip of coffee that Susan put in front of her, she stops mid sentence as says, "This coffee is incredible!" Susan shows Barb the Breville espresso maker in the corner....
.... gets a glint in her eye, looks at me and says, "I want one!"


  1. Loved Seward...looks like the campground is not as crowded than back in 2016. I have been following Steve and Debbie for a long time, they seem to be having a good trip too. I am sure glad Barb is giving you your manhood back by not fishing for awhile...but you know she will be back with a vengeance!

    1. From what I was told, the dry campsites were $20/night for dry camping. They are now $48. Totally ridiculous. Except for that view, which was awesome!
      Glad to read that you follow Steve and Debbie, they are good people!

    2. Yep, back in 2016 it was $20, no weekly or monthly option. We had a water's edge site for most of our stay, it was so sweet!

  2. You could write a crime novel! Great but fishing! You all look a tad chilly:)

    1. It was freezing in Seward! It was probably in the upper 50's, but that wind coming off the water cut right through the layers into your skin.

  3. Ok, you really had me going there at first! 🤣😁 You should definitely think about writing a book! You could incorporate you ur rv’ing adventures into it. Wow, so many beautiful animals. I’m fascinated by the sting ray! And Zoey is reading! How awesome! 😁 The new sealer looks awesome and definitely worth the money. I think Barb should buy whatever new appliances she feels will elevate your kitchen comfort! Haha!

    1. Now if Zoey could only learn how to write!
      I learned something about stingrays. If you lay them on their back like that, they are completely docile making it much easier to remove the hook. Who knew!?!

  4. I've got that same coffee machine and it's good. Mine is in black though.
    You certainly have a lot of fish and I do like that machine that sucks the air out of the bags, great to have for your needs.
    Loved the beginning of your post, thought you were really headed into a crime scene and was going to solve it. You had me fooled.
    Enjoy and have fun.

    1. When Barb first proof read the blog, she stopped halfway through the first paragraph raised an eyebrow and looked at me. I think she thinks I have completely lost it!

  5. You could be a mystery writer. I wonder what the eagle and moose had to talk about.
    It is amazing your dog Zoey is reading. Love all the critter photos and the moose video. The fishing looks great. Take care, have a great day!

    1. I am sure they were talking about the crazy guy down river fishing!

  6. You could be a novelist if you aren't already--this is such a nice trip you are taking-meeting up with fiends, enjoying fishing and stocking up the freezer thanks for sharing. Loved the eagle and the moose

    1. We have several friends that came up here this year. We were able to meet up with two. A couple others we did not cross paths with.

  7. Only 3 or 4 weeks ago, we were in a fancy restaurant eating a main course of skate and boy was it delicious!

    1. Dang! But I don't think Rich wanted anything to do with a skate in his boat.

  8. Your home away from home is going to stuffed full soon. Grin. I need a new vac sealer. Mine only seals. What is the name of that one Barb picked up. And maybe you should write that mystery you started this post with. Grin again. But wow. Nice fish and wow-a moose and eagle at the same time. How cool is that. Safe travels onto the next road trip.

    1. Avid Armor Chamber Vacuum Sealer. Perhaps, just perhaps, I will write the next paragraph to the novel this week!

  9. You do have a great neighbor. Checking fence lines can be a lot of work. Your trip looks incredible, but cold. I don't like cold and generally don't like fish, so I think I would have a different itinerary.

    1. There is an itinerary for everyone up here. The sports person, the city person and everyone in between!

  10. Reading about all your adventures is making me want to buy another truck camper and head to Alaska. Even though I swore after the last truck camper left I would never have another one of those things (I hate crawling up into the bed!) The bald eagle and the moose--awesome! Vacuum sealers are the best for those small RV refrigerators--I'm with Barb--I want one like that sealer!!

    1. This will more than likely be our last truck camper. In fact, Barb wants to list it and get a class C. Something with a bed that's easy to climb in and to make.

    2. Exactly! A friend with a truck camper said that by the time she makes the bed she needs a nap!

  11. I agree that y'all do look chilly, but nice haul on the halibut and it's always great to meet up with friends. That chamber vacuum sealer looks pretty slick and who can argue with good coffee. 😉 Yes, your readers will be expecting the next chapter of your crime novella to be forth-coming, haha.

    1. Chamber vacuum, I guess that's what it is called. Given a choice, I would rather be cold and put on layers than in the stifling heat. Unless I was freezing to death of course, then I would pray for heat!

  12. Loved Seward when I was there, but didn't do any fishing. I think I need another trip. I'm with Barb ... I NEED ONE of those vacuum sealers. I am curious about where you are storing all this stuff in your camper! So how do you get the fish back home? Do you have it mailed to your neighbor? Me thinks you better save some fish for him!!

    1. The fish is in Rich and Susan's freezer thank God for good friends. Everything else has a home except the vac sealer which is on a dinette bench.

  13. You had me at the crime scene tape 🤣 but your life sounds exciting enough without that. I wasn't tempted by any of the purchases until the espresso maker. I have a little mocha pot, but it is not the same thing. Not at all.

    1. The espresso maker is the least of the temptations for me, but probably top of Barbie's list!

  14. I was sure excited to see your post this morning. I will say...You totally caught my attention in your first paragraph. I was thinking...Oh no...a new "Dateline" and my blogging friends are witnessing this. I'm interested in knowing if you are shipping what you catch back home or where are you keeping them? I'm gonna check out that vacuum sealer. I MAY NEED one!! I am so enjoying this trip to the fullest and I sure enjoy your humor...

    1. The only downside I see to the sealer is the capacity. You could not do something big. I cannot think of something big we would vac seal so maybe that is not a big deal.
      We will be shipping the fish next Monday. Hopefully all that goes well!

  15. Crime writing next? Whoohoo!
    You guys will have the freezer stocked up for sure. Wow!
    Love the vacuum packing machine.
    I hear freeze dryers are quite the amazing gadgets, too. Can store food in the pantry for 20 years?! They say rehydrate and supposedly taste the same? You could be stocked up for a good long time--lol!
    What an adventure. Looks like with some really wonderful friends, too. I hope Bard feels lots better soon. :)

    1. I have a hard time believing that something can be freeze dried and taste just as good as a fresh one, but we've heard the same thing as well. Looks like we just might get the opportunity to find out!

  16. Glad Barb is feeling better and the fishing is good. Hopefully there’s still some buts left in 2025…just sayin. 😉 Incredible pics and video of the moose and eagle! Awesome you got together with Steve and Debbie. Safe travels and good fishing!

    1. We'll see what we can do to accommodate your request. One way or another, halibut will be on the menu!

  17. Some very nice looking 'buts' on the cleaning table. You have some nice friends and always great o meet up with them.
    Since moving to the Seattle area my son has become a coffee critic and purchased a similar machine. It makes good coffee, but so does my Kurig.

    1. Not being a coffee drinker, I probably couldn't tell one cup from another, but I am sure it makes good coffee. We have a lot in common with Steve and Debbie; fishing, hiking, bourbon, it's always great to see them!

  18. I think it is cool and wonderful that you meet and re-meet people in different parts of the country.

    1. No matter where we go, I think we could find someone we know. That was the beauty of being on the road so many years on the road. You meet so many great people!

  19. Talk about grabbing a reader's interest! Thst was fun, Jim.
    I need a good vac sealer like that, but looks like they are all out of my budget. Mine does okay, but it is aggravating to get it to seal wet stuff, as you say. Ah well, I can dream.
    Lovely lot of fish. You will eat well this year!

    1. They are out of my price range as well, but apparently not Barb's. I'm glad she bought it though, it is pretty amazing.

  20. The vac seal looks amazing. You've certainly justified getting one.
    The moose/eagle/gull meeting must have been such fun to watch, but it was even more fun to meet your friends.

    1. That moose/eagle scene was amazing. Probably never to be repeated again.

  21. More outstanding tales, real and imagined (?) from the road.
    I am all too familiar with the look you describe in Barb's eyes followed by that "I want one", which lately means, "I have already ordered one".

    All those fish remind me I need to replenish my own freezer. Mostly grouper from the Gulf of Mexico and crappie from Lake Kissimmee.

    Thanks again for your well-wishes. Gini is recovering nicely. We hope Barb is feeling better.

    1. Please don't tell me she's already ordered these things! We'll probably get home a stack of boxes outside the door.

  22. It was great to visit with you guys again and meet Zoey! I hope just a tiny bit of your catching rubs off on us. Oh, looks like you’re going to need a bigger camper for those appliances. Maybe a 5th wheel? 😀

    1. Stop! No more appliances for us. Can't wait to hear how you do fishing. See you later this week!

  23. I don't know if my comment will get past the censors but I just wanted to say that now I have heard everything. In all of my 60 years I never knew fish were wet until you finally told me. Thanks. Love the blog.

    1. Censors? I know not what you speak of. What I do know is something about fish. They are definitely wet. Follow me for more valuable information on fish.

  24. With all those I-Want Gizmos it's going to take a very big 5th Wheel to store it all.
    We met Debbie with you in Quartzsite, while Steve was parked down the road for better Internet connections.
    It's not good that Barb is still not feeling well. Hope things change soon.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    It's about time.

    1. Barb is at 90% now, so much better. Steve is retired now, so no need for Internet now. We hope to catch up with them again later this week!

  25. Your talents are wasted writing a blog Jim, you should be a crime novelist LOL.
    Glad to see you finally caught some 'decent' fish, although I wondered at your remark about not eating skate as we can buy it in shops here along with other fish.
    I can see the twinkle in Barb's eye from here - I want one too!!!

    1. It's interesting what is considered good eating fish one place compared to another. Cod, stingray and flounder are just thrown back here. Other places they would be prized catches.

  26. Vacuum sealers are awesome, how did we get by without them and that one looks amazing. What a bloody good photo of the moose and the eagle, it does look cold there but the it is Alaska

    1. Oh, we have had a vac sealer for years, but someone (me) forgot it at home. It worked out as we now have this cool new one!
      I wish I had my good camera when I saw that moose and eagle, it would have been such a better picture.

  27. i agree that you have sharp writing skills, and you are quite funny. maybe you should write for one of those nature magazines!! i enjoyed the you enjoy fishing with a moose?? i would be terrified!! your friend steve looks like santa claus and i want one of his hats!! if anyone needs a vacuum sealer, it would be you guys...that thing works like a dream!! it looks so cold in most of the pictures, but i think you are in your element!!

    1. Steve retired a couple months ago, has not shaved since. He reminds me of Jeremiah Johnson or Grizzly Adams, but Santa Claus certainly fits as well!

    2. i remembered about barb, i hope she is almost 100%!!

    3. Not quite, but much better. It doesn't help that she's been standing in a river the last couple days!

  28. You're so right about hornets. I received a single sting while mowing grass in 2019 and am lucky it wasn't worse. Others emerged from the nest pointed at my direction like bullets frozen in time from "The Matrix" universe. So I certainly dodged a bullet there. lol Whew!

    What a great start to your post! Until the bit about a robin out at night eating a worm, you had me going. ~grin~ I need to catch up on your posts; what an awesome trip! We visited Alaska in 1999 for a mere week, not near long enough. So I'm living vicariously through your travels. :) Oh, and I've seen a vacuum sealer like that on a Youtube channel. For now, I freeze most items before sealing but would appreciate an upgrade. Heh... Travel safe, be healthy, and have fun!

    1. Freezing, or partially freezing items before sealing is also a great tip to avoid moisture on those traditional sealers. I am just usually not patient enough!

  29. Figured you'd be meeting up with S and D soon - and in such a fun and gorgeous place. Definitely looks cold!! That's so much fish - you'll be stocked for the winter for sure :-)

    1. How could we not try and meet up if we were in the same state? We've been in touch for weeks looking for the right opportunity. Looks like it might happen again next week as well!

  30. You are having a great vacation trip it seems. However, sitting in jackets and hats around the fire doesn't look like summer fun to me :-)

    1. It was a tad chilly in Seward, but worth a little discomfort to visit with Steve and Debbie!

  31. This sounds like the most wonderful trip! (The first paragraph is pretty cool, too!). Love those photos with the moose -- what a sight! And all that fabulous fish. You will be eating well for the whole of the year!

    1. We have enough fish to fill the freezer, now we just need to get it home!

  32. You had a wonderful Alaskan adventure. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. Love that little daisy. They remind me of my dear mom. The coffee sounds delicious. Wow, those fish are huge!


    1. The daisy was pretty random but made a great picture. I think next week's blog has a whole patch of daisies in it!

  33. The moose and eagle in one frame is a photographer’s dream shot! Wow! Great captures!

    1. I know, it was surreal. I did the best I could with my phone camera.

  34. Thanks for the great map of your route. When we were in Alaska I didn’t visit Homer but went to Seward two or three times in that one vacation. We had great sightings of sea otters in the harbor. Something I will never forget. What a treat to meet up with your friends and wow on all those fish you caught. I’m with Barb as I now want that vacuum sealer and the expresso machine! Thank you Barb! And have you ever thought of writing a mystery novel because you had me hook, line and sinker. I love the line about the donkey’s ear! The eagle and the moose must have been a surreal and awesome sight. Glad to know Barb is feeling better and I think she was very wise not to tempt fate. Cute picture of Zoey reading the sign. I will waffle on no more but tell you how much I enjoyed reading and seeing those sights of Alaska again. I was there with my niece and her husband who live in Germany and I don’t get to see them that often, so it is a wonderful memory. Thanks for such a great read and happy travels!

    1. Glad we could elicit such fond memories for you. Alaska is such a special place. Ita been 8 years since we've been here. Way too long.

  35. So much halibut!!! That is worth so much money. Yum! Great fishing. But are they one ugly fish! Haha! I love that profile photo of Dakota:) So cool that you met up with Steve and Debbie!

    1. We'll have halibut to eat for a year! Barb is saving all sorts of different recipes for us to try.

  36. My brand-spanking-new son-in-law, Mike, has a Breville but it's not as fancy as that one! He drinks 8-10 cups of espresso a day. He can drink a cup at 11 pm and sleep like a little bitty baby. Wild. xoxo

    1. I could not imagine Barb on that many, she is bouncing off the walls after just two!
