Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Rest of the Story.......

No fish tales this week, no pictures, just a tale. Due to overwhelming demand, I decided to continue the tale from last week. Now you will have….. The rest of the story. For those of you who missed it, the bolded paragraph below was the opening to the blog post earlier this week.

 You may think you recognize some of the characters in this tale, but I assure you, that are all quite fictional. Names, characters, places and incidents are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

 The dark, gray clouds hover over the Fred Meyer parking lot, so low it creates a claustrophobic effect. Red and blue flashing lights reflect off the wet pavement as police string crime scene tape around a lone RV in the corner. We watch from afar as an ambulance slowly pulls up with other emergency vehicles, lights flashing, not in a hurry, that cannot be good. Blood, seeping across the pavement makes its way towards a nightcrawler that recently emerged from the wet soil. A robin swoops down and gobbles up the unsuspecting worm. And just like that another life is gone. No one notices, time marches on.

Detective Olivieri donned her raincoat and approached the RV with the analytical eye of a 30-year veteran of the Fargo Police Department. While it is true there are not a lot of crime in Fargo, or even North Dakota for that matter, she has seen a lot of gruesome things in her day. Of course, she will never forget the Woodchipper case back in ’96. She had just been promoted to detective a month before that case and she remembers thinking how she wished it was her lazy, blue-beer drinking husband that had found his way into that woodchipper rather than poor old Carl. But that case is what really made a name for her, so if Carl had to be sacrificed to make a name for herself, so be it.

Before entering the RV, she stops and scans the parking lot. Why Fred Meyer allowed freeloaders to camp in their parking lot she would never understand. All it did was invite undesirables into their town looking for a free place to stay. She notices two sets of eyes peeking through the curtains of a Lance camper sitting on a white Ram pickup. South Dakota plates on the pickup are prominent on the front of the truck. South Dakota scum, why can’t they stay in their own state? She knows she’ll have to interview them and see if they saw anything. A task she was not looking forward to.

 Entering the crime scene, she sees more blood on the floor. “Where’s our vic?” she says to Colibaba as he is snapping photos of the inside of the RV. Colibaba was hired last month in a newly created “Forensics Officer” position. Not for his forensic skills, but because he was friends with the Chief. “He’s really good at taking pictures eh?” was the only explanation Chief Roche gave for the hire. But we all knew the real reason. They were bro-friends, have been for years, hell, the whole town knows. “No vic” Colibaba responds, “just blood, lady in that white Ram over there was walking her dogs, had an altercation and called it in”.

 “Make sure you get a close up of that bloody boot print, we can probably determine the size and make of it”, she tells Colibaba. “That’s my boot print, I accidently stepped in the blood”. “Take a picture of it anyway”. Christ, he will probably take a selfie with it, that guy loves his selfies. Scanning the rest of the floor she sees a single Croc sandal. A huge Croc, laying next to it is a bloody sock that looks like it had seen its better days. Damn, that a huge croc. Who wears Crocs anymore? Who wears Crocs with socks? She stifles a laugh thinking of her poetic skills. This case is getting weirder by the minute.

 “RV’s registered to a Harold Fury out of Pennsylvania”. Colibaba says. “Di called the phone number listed at the DMV, got a hold of the wife. She say’s Harold left in the RV two months ago. Said he was going to tour the ball parks across the US, no idea where he is and she said she hopes he never comes back”. ‘Di’ is Colibaba’s wife, also the dispatcher for the city. Nepotism at it’s best. She’s a lovely woman who deserves so much better. How’s that saying go; He married up and she married way, way down?

 May as well go talk to the lady in the Ram, she thinks as she heads across the parking lot. Before she can even knock, the door is opened by this gorgeous hunk of a man. Shirtless. Piecing blue eyes staring back at her. But it’s not his eyes she is looking at, it is the perfect 6-pack of a chiseled chest that has her attention. She grabs onto the side of the truck as her knees become weak. Her mouth is suddenly dry and she cannot speak. Finally pulls herself together and asks to speak to the complainant. “That was my wife Barbie, she was walking Dakota and Zoey when it happened. Let me get her for you”. Barbie? Dakota? Who calls their wife Barbie? Who names their dog Dakota? Original.

 ‘Barbie’ comes to the door, a perky little thing who looks like she has had one too many lattes this morning, or is she nervous about something? “Can you tell me what happened Mame?” “Well, I just was walking the girls, Dakota and Zoey, when this crazy man jumps out of that trailer and starts kicking at my dogs! Dakota hid behind me, but little Zoey is not afraid of anything and grabbed onto that man's canckle and started shaking it. Shook his Croc right off!” Upon hearing her name, little Zoey appeared around the corner of the interior of the camper. An ugly dog, with a nose that looks like it ran into a few too many walls. Shreds of a bloody sock hung from her disfigured teeth. Geez, find a dog dentist Olivieri thought.

 About then Barbie screamed, “There he is!” Pointing to a gangly ogre trying to run across towards the Fred Meyer. “If he gets into that store, we’ll never find him”, Olivieri yells.  “Fear not,” Barbie replies, “I have a Fur Missile, get’em Zoey!” Barbie launches Zoey who takes of across the parking lot, chomping into the man’s uninjured ankle dropping him to the ground. Olivieri rushes over handcuffing the man and turning him over. “Why it’s Harry the Dog Hater! Wanted in 23 US states and two Canadian Provinces” Barbie takes ahold of Zoey who is still shaking Harry’s legs like a little Tasmanian Devil.

 Harold Fury was living up to his name and was furious! “I told my wife that I was on a cross-country tour of Major League Ballparks, but I was actually on a cross-country tour to terrorize dogs. And I would have gotten away from it if it wasn’t for that dang-blasted flat-faced ugly dog!” After getting Harold safely in the back of her squad car, Olivieri comes back and tells Barbie, “I’ll be putting your name in for the $100,000 reward on The Dog Hater, a lot of people will be glad to know he is off the streets.” “$100.000?”, Barbie replies with a twinkle in her eye, “Why that’ll be perfect, I’ve had my eye on a new Breville Espresso Maker, a new Freeze Dryer and a new Class C!”

 And that, my friends, is the tale of how Harry the Dog Hater was brought to justice making the world a safer place for all two and four-legged creatures across the north.


  1. I knew it was him!

    1. Whenever there is trouble or chaos, it always comes back to Harry!

  2. I liked this story I am pleased you posted the rest of it as the first bit really left one wanting a bit more.

    1. Truth be told, there was no "Rest of the Story" when I wrote that. I had to come up with something quick!

  3. What an amazing tale! As always your stories are mesmerizing!!! Looking forward to seeing y’all in a few days!

    1. Mesmerized. That's kind of how Detective Olivieri was when she saw that hunk of a man!
      See you tomorrow!

  4. You sure do know how to spin a yarn there young man. Someday I would like to share with you the true demise of my poor departed Harold.

    1. Being his poor widow, you would know all the inside scoop on Ol' Harold. I would love to learn more about him. Like what did he do for a living during his working days?

  5. Oh too funny!! Enjoyed the story line!!

    1. I just kind of winged it. It wrote itself as I set out to finish it.

  6. This was just excellent! Thanks for creating the rest of the story. LOL! :)

    1. If you knew these characters, you'd know that the story really writes itself. AND it was based in your neck of the woods!

  7. There’s a phenomenon called being “bushed” when you have been in an isolated area for too long and start to lose control of your senses. Maybe time to turn that rig south Jim haha. Either that or you you were too close to someone burning weed while in BC 😵‍💫
    Great story!
    Chief Roche bahaha.

    1. Oh, I'm bushed alright. There's enough weed right here in Alaska to keep my imagination going!

  8. Oh, I LOVE it!!! I can't stop laughing! :) :)

    1. I am glad you liked it. I was afraid those who didn't really know the characters would just find it totally bizarre.

  9. Glad you finished the story which is good by the way...that word is 'croc' crocodile.

    1. I did not know that even though I did look up the shoes to make sure I was spelling it right.

  10. I loved the story, I am so glad Harry the dog hater was caught. Give Zoey a treat!
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

    1. One more dog hater off the street. Zoey's goal in life is to hide the world of such people.

  11. Great story. Art imitating life!

    1. A work of fiction, but inspired by actual people. Luckily I have friends with thick skin!

  12. You're having too much fun with this! :)

    1. Dave, above, (Chief Roche) might be bushed and I need to get back to civilization!

  13. Sadly I have to admit Di and I were in tears. I now know how Dino and Harry must feel being your friend. Guess I’m in good company…eh! You have a hilarious imagination Jim.
    Forensics Officer Colibaba

    1. You are in good company my friend. I gave Dino a break this time, but I am sure he will appear in a future chapter!

    2. Not that funny…

  14. Hahahaha! That was a great way to start a Sunday!!

  15. That is funny and fun. Kudos. 👍

  16. Well done under the pressure of your ever-demanding fans! The adventures of Barbie and Zoey is already a classic :-)))

  17. The rest of the story was really good ...except who was that handsome guy with Barbie:)

  18. Replies
    1. I saw guy in waders wearing croc in the Kenai River. No socks though!

  19. AHhhh! The REST of the story!! Very well done! I see what you did there at the end! Haha! You MUST give us a new story soon!

    1. I am working on the sequel now. I have so many characters yet to talk about!

  20. 🤣Thanks for sharing the rest of the story.

    1. Oh, I am sure those characters will appear in upcoming adventures as well!

  21. Hilariously told - good job. I can just see Zoey, the flying fur missile, teeth bared.

    1. Exactly, right? Flames coming out here backend and all!

  22. Great story!! I got a good chuckle out of it!! Thanks for sharing it!! And thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to leave such a sweet comment!! Enjoy the rest of your week!!
    Debbie-dabble Blog

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it even without knowing any of the characters involved.

  23. Just found this early this morning and laughed so loud I woke up the neighbors. Zoey to the rescue!!!! You missed your calling ... you should be a writer!!! But please, WITH your shirt on! LOL

    1. Awe, come on, you are hurting my sensitive ego! I am working on a sequel but this one may take a while to hit the shelves.

  24. Well I think I missed something. This was "the rest of the story" but I don't know "the first of the story". That doesn't matter because I got suckered in at the very beginning. Hmmm....suckered probably isn't a good word but oh well. Did Barbie get all her "wants" from the reward money? Did Zoey get a prime rib dinner? Oh...who was the guy traveling with Barbie??

    1. So many unanswered questions! Stay tuned for further adventures to find out!

  25. My mind is going, I see I read this before. Well, I enjoyed it the second time around also and I still think you should get it published.
