Friday, July 26, 2024

We Are Home!


There is usually a bright side to even a negative if you look hard enough. Even though we cut our adventure short a couple of days, this did allow us to cross back into the U.S. before August 1st, the date that the new CDC dog regulations took effect. And let me tell you, are we glad we did! There is so much confusion associated with these regulations. I still do not know all the details, just the horror stories we have heard, and this was even before they were enacted! 

Apparently, dogs have to have a microchip implanted in them before they can cross the border. Not a big deal as both of ours do. But wait, it has to be a 15-digit ISO compliant microchip. Dakota has a 15-digit microchip, Zoey does not, so she would have to have a new chip implanted. But wait, there is more. One person talked about having to get their dog a new chip, but also a new rabies shot tied to that chip. Total vet bill; over $600. The problem is that a dog cannot cross the border within 28 days of receiving a new rabies shot so they are stuck in Canada for a few more weeks. 

Another person talked about having to have a USDA approved veterinarian fill out the CDC form so she took her Canadian dog to the US to have the dog examined and form filled out just so they can cross again later in the year. 

Neither of these make any sense to me but these are the tales that are being told. I am sure there are more horror stories to follow. Suffice to say, we are glad we crossed before the 1st! I wrote that a couple of days ago and understand since then they have relaxed/clarified a couple of these regulations since then, but those of you crossing the border, you best know the new rules before attempting to cross. 

The roads were a mess up there this week. The fires are continuing in the area making for very smoky conditions. So far, the fires are not impacting any travel on the Alcan itself, but it is closed again at KM 624 due to flooding on the Peace River which washed the road away. We were through this way just a few days earlier, so once again it is a blessing we were a few days early. The detour for this section is to turn around and take the Cassier, which would add at least another day to your travels. 

Then there was the South Klondike, which was impacted by a landslide totally closing the road and trapping people in Skagway. The only way to get out of that area was the ferry to Haines. We were nowhere near this area so it did not impact us. I understand it is now open to one lane of traffic.

And I am sure many of you have heard of the Jasper fire which has multiple roads closed and has devastated the Jasper/Golden area with many significant structures destroyed. 

 Our fish made it home safe and sound. The route they took was a little weird. 2 Day FedEx Shipping took it from Homer Alaska to Tennessee, where it sat for 17 hours, then to Sioux Falls, SD, then to Rapid City and eventually to their respective delivery addresses. One box to Kevin's house, one box to Neighbor Jim's house who took it and put it in our freezer upon delivery.  Both of them said that they filets arrived ice cold with several of them still frozen. We would have preferred that none of them thawed along the way, but we just were not willing to pay $800 to have them shipped! Jim has been so helpful on this trip, between checking on the house, fixing fence and putting the fish in the freezer. He is now insisting that I have business cards printed for him with the titles of Property Manager, Caretaker and On-Site Security/Defense Expert. I know, I have said it before, but we have such great neighbors!

Our last night in Canada found us in Leduc, and you know what that meant? We got to see Dave and Leslie again! A lot has changed for them since we last saw them on our way up in May. They have sold their house, closed on it and are now living in their RV at a campground in Leduc while they look for a new house. Leslie was nice enough to book a site right across from them.

 After arriving and setting up we headed to Rig Hand Distillery where we had lunch and bought a bottle of Brum. It is a rum made from sugar beets rather than molasses and has quite a distinct flavor. Then it was back to the camper where we cooked up a couple of our salmon filets for supper. 

We spent the rest of the evening in the coolness of their 5th wheel. Dave and Leslie insisted that the girls joined us. Dakota just laid on the floor while Zoey terrorized one of Dave good socks. Here is Dave trying to gently extract said sock from the jaws of death. It was not until Dave distracted her with a ball that she finally released the sock.  

The next morning all 4 of us headed to Cora's restaurant for breakfast before heading south. After a 452-mile drive, we landed in Havre, Montana for the night. The border crossing in Wild Horse was a breeze and funny. I will have to say, the officer was kind of an odd duck, but very nice. As he was going over our passports, he looked at Zoey and said, "Those dogs sure are popular right now, I just don't get it, with their pointy ears, pug nose and bulging eyes, I think they are hideous". Barb covered Zoey's ears so she would not hear him. He just laughed, gave us back out passports and welcomed us home. 

Our last day on the road was a long one, just over 600 miles, but we were not going to stop with the finish line in sight. And before we knew it, we were welcomed with this sight.

How's Barb feeling you ask? Better, but still not great. Hopefully now that she is home she can relax and get better. Knowing her though, there will not be much relaxing.

 Several of you have asked who won the 2024 Great Summer Adventure Fishing Wars. Drum roll please…… I did! Well, at least that is my story. I won the Rainbow trout category, the Grayling category and the Salmon category. Barb won the Dolly Varden category and the Lake Trout category with that monster laker. She is claiming that she should be the winner as she caught the only fish that would be considered a trophy and the largest Cod which really wasn’t even a target category. I told her, I write the blog, so I am the winner!

 In total we traveled 8,510 miles, averaged 10.8 mpg so about 788 gallons of fuel, and were gone 66 days. We spent $623 on campgrounds, $239 of which were the last 5 nights $239 where we needed hook up for the AC. Another $90 was our 2 nights in Seward where we visited the McCormick's. In all those miles, we only visited 4 states (SD, WY, MT and AK) and 3 provinces (AB, BC and YK). I cannot say this is entirely accurate, but by last count, we visited at least 16 breweries, 6 distilleries and one winery. We try to collect coasters from each one, Barb is going to make a plaque or incorporate them into a table at some point.

So, that is it, we are home! I think Zoey is happiest to be home as she has so much more room to zoom around. Upstairs, downstairs, bouncing off the couches. Sorry Harry, it was so fast I could not get a video! The next few days will be a mix of relaxing and unpacking as it is really HOT! Then it will be time to tackle that list we put together on our way home.


  1. Glad you made it safely home! Hope Barb recovers quickly! Fuel costs?? boring! Liquor costs?? now that would be an interesting statistic! :)

    1. There is a reason we keep track of some expenses and not others. We do not want to know what we paid in some categories!

  2. It is always nice to come home. I have never been on a trip for more than a couple of weeks. I was always ready to go home. I hope Barb feels better. Take care, have a great day!

    1. I think this year I will be away from home more than I will be here. I just wish there was two of me so I could enjoy both!

  3. Canada is certainly having a bad summer. I feel terrible about Jasper. Glad you were able to get back across the border. Last I heard they have changed the dog crossing rules once again. I wonder what they do about parrots? Congrats on your questionable fish win ... stay cool and don't work too hard!!! Didn't you say harvest was soon?

    1. Parrots and illegals are okay, it is just dogs they are concerned about. Three weeks here, then it is harvest time!

  4. Glad you had a safe trip back missing all the fires, slides and whatever else mother nature is handing out this summer. That is a nice haul of fish. Barb .... relax and feel better!

    1. There certainly are a lot of things to try to avoid this summer. We were very fortunate to have missed all of them!

  5. The wildfire destruction in and around Jasper is heartbreaking. Seems wildfires and storms are the new normal. Other than the smoke glad you guys weren’t affected and arrived home safely. I’m sure every time you dine on fish you’ll have fond memories of your catches and the locations they were caught. That’s great you got to catch up with Dave and Leslie. Cheers!

    1. We were expecting to see you two jump out of their trailer when we arrived!

  6. Welcome home! What an adventure you had! A freezer full of fresh caught fish sounds wonderful. The photo of the mud slide is horrible!

    1. Wasn't that crazy? And to think it trapped all those people in Skagway. Luckily, they had the ferry that they could go back to Haines with and carry on.

  7. Welcome Home! Obviously Zoe is checking out her familiar soundings.
    Did you always plan to return in time to help with the harvest?

    1. Always? In a few more years Chris and Holly's kids will be big enough to start helping and I will probably slow down. Although I enjoy it immensely, it is harder and harder to leave Barb for that long.

  8. Welcome back home! You should have left the smoke on the north side of the border. Only good aspect of the smoke is that it does obscure the sun and keeps the temperature a few degrees cooler. The heat and lack of moisture are pushing the crops along faster. We may begin harvesting peas next week. The guys are readying the combines and bins for harvest. Yesterday was the first day in about 2 weeks for me to get back to farm work. It was sure hot.

    1. Thanks Bob! Looking forward to seeing you, get in a tractor, have a few donuts and dine at The Redlight!

  9. Glad you're back safely. It's wonderful to be on the road, and great to get home again! We, too, left Canada with enough time to NOT have to deal with those new dog rules. Ugh

    1. Hopefully those new regs are not as bad as people are making them out to be and it will go seamlessly when we cross next summer on yet another adventure!

  10. You did well escaping dog and weather troubles.

  11. Yay! Back home. So good to see you guys! I hope Barbs up to full speed soon. Enjoy your “win”! Getting home is the tricky part with the fires, landslides etc.

    1. Good luck to you guys, hopefully the roads and the fire situation gets better. It was a highlight of our trip seeing you guys!

  12. Glad you made it home safe and sound! And that your fish arrived home, if not frozen, then at least not cooked :). I would not have paid $800 either. We bought a Blackstone recently and I about had pink cats when we got a bill from Fed Ex for $260 for delivering it. My husband insists we got free shipping so he´s dealing with it, thankfully.

    1. Yikes! I sure hope you work that all out. A Blackstone is one of the things on Barb's list that she wants to buy. I am sure that by the time I get back from the farm that she will have one set up and ready to go!

  13. So glad your home safe and sound! Thank you for sharing!! Made for great reading! Planning for our trip next year leaving in July. Hoping to follow some of your route. Dan Adler

    1. We'll send you our 2016 itinerary, that was a really great trip for first time visitors!

  14. That's a lot of miles! How does it compare to other trips you take?

    1. Our two other longest trips were Alaska in '16 when we drove 13,500 miles. This trip we really focused on the fishing and those destinations. That is probably the direction we will do in the future as well.

  15. Glad you are home safely and hope Barb feels better soon and sees the appropriate Doctors:)

    1. She is already starting to feel a little better, a few more days should do it!

  16. Glad you made it back Safely and you Enjoyed time visiting friends. Seeing all that Fish in your freezer is making me hungry.
    Barb should get checked out by a doctor in case it is serious. Better early than too late.

    It's about time.

    1. She has an appointment next week, so we will see what they have to say. We are planning on two fish meals a week until we run out!

  17. My dearly departed Harold loved coming back to the US. It was his favorite place. Your numbers sure were interesting except I did not see a category for alcohol consumed or the cost of said alcohol. I think that's what your readers want to hear. Welcome home. If you are ever near Chicago, look me up. Harold would want you to have his Spork.

    1. We tend to stay away from Chicago for many reasons that you already know. Safe to say that our alcohol category had we kept track would have been 2-3 times that of our camping.

  18. Seems like a lot rigamarole concerning dogs, that's a lot of fish and I hope now you're hope Barb really starts to feel like herself again

    1. Way too my rigmarole for sure. Hopefully they clear things up!

  19. Glad you are home! Sad to hear about Jasper. That was one place we really wanted to get back to.

    1. It will take years for Japers to recover, it will never be the same, that's for sure.

  20. That is the first I heard about the rules for dogs crossing the border, needing a 15 digit microchip and a linked rabies shot. Authorities are being picky about dogs! Yet the USA lets in millions of people with no health checks. That salmon looks delicious. I read about the Jasper fires, so sad.

    1. Don't take my word for anything on the dog regs. Information is changing and clarity is coming every day. People just need to be aware so they can do their own research and get the latest information.

  21. I hope seeing a doctor is on Barb's agenda! There's got to be something going on. Well, that was quite a trip. I didn't realize you were gone for so long. Must be great to get home and spread out. Too funny what the border agent thought of Zoey. I must admit, I can see where he's coming from. Haha! I'm definitely more of a Dakota fan. AND Barb would most certainly have won out in the fish count of she was feeling better!

    1. So, what you are saying is that you too think Zoey is hideous! I would agree with you, but I have to live with them so I will just keep my mouth shut!

    2. Haha! No, Zoey isn't hideous! She has her own cuteness that many appreciate:) How's that!

  22. Glad you all had a safe trip! I have enjoyed following you on this fabulous trip. Trips are always so much fun, but nothing beats your own bed. I do hope that Barb gets that much needed rest so she can begin to feel better. Isn't it fun when packing everything up to head out on a trip?....Just not so much fun when you have to unpack. Best of luck in getting that list you made on the way home DONE. Congratulations on being the winner...LOL

    1. We spent today unpacking and we found that we only wore about 1/4 of the clothing we brought. We can definitely downsize next time. We learn more and more every time we go out.

  23. Strange how things can work out unexpectedly - coming home early certainly had its advantages in this case! Glad you made it home safely :)

    1. There's positive in everything right? Well, not everything, but I'll take these as a positive!

  24. Trust you to find a few bright spots in the early return, Jim! Those road slips look pretty scary. And the fires, what devastation. Heartbreaking.

    1. Luckily no one was hurt during those slides. Just an inconvenience.

  25. With the flooding, mud slides, and fires...and the crazy new pup rules...definitely a silver lining that you had to head home earlier!!
    I really, really hope Barb gets to feeling her fine self again quickly now that she is back home again. :)

    1. Today (Sunday) she is feeling better than she has in a few weeks!

  26. Wow, the challenges of travel! Glad things worked out for you and you made it home safely.

    1. So good to be home AND it just rained and dropped about 20 degrees!

  27. You tell Zoe I think she's beautiful 😍 🤩 ❤️

    1. I cannot get those words to come out of my mouth. I shall have Barb tell her.

  28. Home safe and sound, that is good to hear.
    Money making with the new rules for the dogs, changes always cost money.
    Those photos of the roads look a mess, but happened after you left the area which is good.
    Take care.

    1. Yup, unnecessary regulations that cost the average person money and making little sense at all.

  29. Awesome trip & experiences plus impeccable timing- no,far be it from me to comment on the Fish winner. Barb’s symptoms have persisted too long- please insist on more than the usual blood tests as a full scan is needed-not to be scary but lymphomas can be deceptive as I can attest.All the very best.

    1. She has an appointment on the 7th, I am sure they are going to do more blood tests, but we'll make sure to ask for a full scan.

  30. Welcome home to you, Barb and the pups and the fish as well although the latter would most likely have preferred being in the water still. The devastation was sad to see and we are also getting some of the smoke from those fires here in NH.

    1. Funny comment on the fish! Although by now, they would have spawned and have died.

  31. Hope Barb feels better soon.

    Our daughter and her husband are avid fishers. I could see them doing a trip like that! They’d love it!

    1. It would be fun to come out your way and do similar fishing. I don't even know what species you have out there. The only thing we caught out your way was cod.

  32. It's always good to be home and have more room. Hope Barb gets answers as to why she isn't feeling well. No comments on Zoey! That's the first I've heard of this border crossing microchip thing--who is requiring this, Canada or the US? Kayce is scheduled to be spayed and microchipped in mid August--will have to check into this!

    1. It is the US. Upon further investigation, it does not necessarily have to be a 15-digit number, it just needs to be able to be read by a certain reader which all 15-digit microchips can be, and some lesser digit ones, but not all.

  33. Law that you have to have your dog microchipped? Really? How do I feel about that, well, I think having your animal chipped is not a bad thing, but for there to a law that says you have to do it, I don't agree with. Now I understand places other than the US have different ways of handling things and all that will depend on where you, and if you are willing to live there under those laws. Anyway, I have one cat chipped, because the little crapper gave me a scare when she escaped one night the day after my mom was buried. The other one needs to be chipped but really, she is not much for darting out the door and getting far from me. But still prob needs to be chipped......Moving on, Mother Nature sure can do some wicked things to the roads, trees and homes. Having a road go out like that would be horrible, esp if you happened to be in that spot when it went.... :) .. I need to get this next surgery behind me and hopes are to do some day trips to places, then I also have a couple of longer trips planned in my mind! lol

    1. I am against the government regulating things like that as well. So stupid. Add to that the government regulating things to protect us from ourselves. Good with your surgery, you have many more backroads to travel and explore down there!

  34. Glad you got back into the US before the new regulations took effect. Wow on all the things that need to be done. I am going to bookmark your blog in case we have friends who go up into Canada. When we travel such long distances, we really have to check things out before we leave. Just never know what’s going to crop up too. Good to know your fish made it back okay and yes, you have great neighbors, and they seem to have an excellent sense of humor. Glad to know Barb is feeling better also. Always fun to read each post about your travels and goings on. Thanks for sharing them, my arm-chair traveling is always fun when I visit here.

    1. We use other people's blogs as a resource when planning our trips. We don't find a lot who enjoy fishing like we do, but we do find quite a few that visit the major sights and attractions.

  35. Good to hear you had a great time in Leduc (and everywhere) again, and that Zoey is recovering from the rudeness, haha.

    1. Leduc is a very nice area. Love their trail and park system!

  36. What an adventure! Glad you made it home safely and avoided the new dog regulations—those sound like a nightmare. The road and fire conditions must have been challenging, but you navigated through it all brilliantly.
    Congrats on your fishing wins, Jim! Hope Barb feels better soon and you both enjoy some well-deserved relaxation. Welcome back!

    1. I think it was more luck than skill that allowed us to miss those fires and road closures. We had a great adventure, but it good to be home!

  37. Sometimes things just fall into place...or...God knew you were going to give Barb her just reward as the Fishing Queen...I would not go outside when a lightening storm is nearby Jim...

    1. Oh boy. It was lightening the day after we got home. Do you suppose that was a sign from God? If was the same day I posted this blog!

  38. interesting information about traveling with dogs. we don't have a dog but still i found it interesting. i don't know how necessary some of it is, the chip is a good idea and you must agree since your dogs have chips. it was again "interesting" to see the road conditions and problems because of the fires. you guys have the best friends, you must be really nice people. i am sure it is good to be home again!! on a different subject, let me know how you will be printing your blog since the site we have been using will no longer be doing it!! thanks!!

    1. I am still at a loss on how we are going to print out books. Luckily, we got our last ones done before Blog2print closed so I don't have to worry about it until 2025. I'll let you know what we figure out!

  39. 8,510 miles!! So good to know you got home safe and sound after all those miles.

  40. Wow those roads are a mess! Glad you are safe and back home.

    1. Some people behind us were double and triple whammied by the fires and road closures. We were very fortunate.

  41. You made a list on the way home? Oh my! I think that would have slowed me down. Hope Barb feels much better this week. Love seeing your photos of this amazing trip! The fish are such a rare treat and I know everyone appreciates those you sent back! Hugs to you both, Diane

    1. Isn't that what everybody does? Make a list so they can start working right away when they get home? Makes sense to us!

  42. We do the same thing on the way home to figure out what projects and what takes priority. LOL. Glad you made it home safely with all the fires everywhere and still popping up! Border crossing was hilarious!

    1. I am glad we are not the only ones that are afflicted with compulsive obsessive list disorder!

  43. Oh dear I have a lot to catch up on! I will start again tomorrow and work backwards. I am sorry that Barb was sick. But so glad that y'all are home. Now, Zoey -- Just TELL ME where to send her the kind of socks she likes and I'll dispatch them immediately. Poor baby! Hahahaha xoxo

    1. Zoey likes any sock as for some reason she thinks they must all be destroyed. But based on the way she attacked Dave's sock, she must love the really stinky ones!

  44. This sounds like you had quite an experience traveling. Thank you for the information concerning the dog. Yes mine has a chip but may not meet the requirements. Glad to read Barb is better. Sometimes there is just "no place like home" as Dorothy says in the Wizard of Oz. Take care and thanks for stopping by to visit me. Have a great start to August.

    1. We called our vet yesterday to see if the chips they use are recognized by the universal chip reader the CDC is requiring. They said they were not sure, so it is best one do their homework before crossing the border.

  45. Welcome home!
    Y'all had quite the trip. We appreciate you taking us along "virtually". Boy, are we tired!

    Timing is everything and it sure seems your cutting the stay a bit short was very fortuitous. Fires, floods, landslides, canine worries. I suspect you are happy to be home. You certainly brought back a load of good memories.

    Rest. Hope Barb feels better.

    1. Thanks! We had a great time, already planning a return trip in a couple of years but are glad to be home. We could use some cooler temperatures though!

  46. Welcome home! That's a long haul and I'd say a mostly great holiday, apart fro Barb's illness. It's so wonderful to see good friends again and the fishing was spectacular. The dog chipping (I assume cats too?) is new to me. I might have to look into that in case we ever decide to take Lizzie across into Ontario!

    1. Just dogs for some reason. One would think they would include cats, but no. Something to do with rabies I believe.

  47. My goodness, I am so glad you got home before the road closures and the crazy dog rules at the border. It sounds like there is a lot of confusion that needs to be straightened out.

    Congratulations to Barb for the trophy fish!

    1. Today is the first day of the new rules, we will have to see what is happening on the Facebook pages we follow.

  48. The dog regulations sound strange. I'm sure they had their reasons, but... strange.

    Your fish came to Tennessee?! If I'd known I'd've waved Hi as it passed through 🤣

    The fires and the flooding sound scary. It'll take a long time to get some of the places back in shape 😢

    1. Strange route for the fish. Alaska, Tennessee, South Dakota....
      Some of those burn places will never be the same, at least in Our life time.

  49. Thanks for the dog info. I'm heading to Canada with our dogs come September, so I am going to look into this, especially seeing I don't know what microchip they both have. Hopefully my vet will know. And it looks like you had a tricky drive home. But it must be good to be home. Off to read your latest post.

    1. Sounds like they relaxed some of the new items until April, but there are still other requirements. Hope it all goes well for you!
