Thursday, January 16, 2025


 Also known as Dry January has been a thing for several years now. I have never been one to make New Years Resolutions, if there was a goal I wanted to accomplish the date does not matter I just set the goal. Sometimes I am successful and sometimes I am not. Did you know that 62% of the population feel pressure to make a resolution, probably by a nagging spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend. 30% of the population actually makes one. Only 1% make it a whole year still committed to their resolution. Talk about setting yourself up for failure!

But Dry January is not really a resolution, it is more like a short-term goal. 31 days. I thought about it, and thought about it some more. Certainly, I could do it. But what about all those people in the liquor industry? If everyone stopped drinking in January how could those in the liquor industry afford to live? How would they afford their house payments, feed their children? The more I thought about it, the more I felt it was my responsibility to help these families out, that is just the kind of person I am, always looking out for others. It is my responsibility to not only drink during the month of January, but to make up for those who are selfish enough to not drink alcohol and put these poor families in the local food lines.  I am committed to keeping those poor families who work in the liquor industry well fed and clothed.

Now, those of you who read our blog on a regular basis may think we are lushes who drink from sunrise to sunset. In fact, a friend called me after reading our last post saying he was worried about our livers as that is the main organ that processes alcohol through our bodies. I would argue that our livers are healthier than the average persons as they are getting a lot of exercise, and exercise if good for you right?

All kidding aside, when we have our tours and tastings, they limit the amount of alcohol they give you. I doubt an entire tasting 3-5 glasses is more than ounce. They certainly are not going to serve you enough to get you drunk and let you drive out of there. Think of that liability!

But alas, we are done with the major distillery tour portion of our trip, we will still hit one every week or two as we travel and visit friends of family. Besides, I think we have purchased enough bottles already to keep many in the industry fed and clothed well into February at the very least. There are several bottles that have been eluding us for several years now. Three that are top of mind are Stagg, Eagle Rare and Elmer T. Lee. We look for them everywhere we go and had yet to find them. Until recently, we finally crossed on off of our list. 

All three of those are offered by Buffalo Trace and every once in a while, they offer them for sale at the distillery. We have been to that distillery 7 times in the past couple of years and have missed them every time. We missed them again this year! Well, we were driving through Cumberland Gap Tennesse and randomly decided to stop by the Kroger's Liquor store and see if they had any rare bottles. We were looking at the display when the clerk asks if we were looking for anything in particular. I just said, "Anything rare, unusual or hard to get" She said "I have some Eagle Rare in the back". Now, the next question is the most important. I have seen each of these bottles in liquor stores, but they would be marked up 3, 4, 5 times their value. I have seen them as high as $250, I am not paying over $100 for a bottle. Trying not to act too excited, I asked her, "What are you getting for that?". "$44" she says. ""Yeah, I'll take one of those".

She goes in the back room and brings one out when I asked her "I don't suppose my wife could get one too". Finally! I have Eagle Rare crossed off my list! I'll open one up and keep the other for my collection. 

As you may have guessed, we were on the move again having dodged the snow and ice that covered much of Kentucky. Our move down to London was a smart one, although we got some snow and ice, it was minimal. After spending two nights at The Farm RV Resort (highly recommend that park by the way) in London we headed south, east and then started making our way north. 

We stopped by The Axe Handle distillery along the way, a very small yet cool place. They thought we were Harvest Hosts for the night, we did not even know they were members. We thought about staying there, but it was too early in the day, so we carried on. We landed in Wytheville, Viginia for the night before continuing north on I81. Trucks, so many semi-trucks, the is obviously the main north/south travel corridor. 

Question for those who live or have traveled in this area. Is the Skyline drive through the Shenandoah National Park worth driving? How long would it take? Can we do it in late January? We are thinking of driving it when we leave Pennsylvania on our way to Florida. I have read a few blogs where people have driven it, I just cannot remember who that was at the moment. 

Thursday afternoon we landed at our daughter's house outside of Greencastle Pennsylvania where we will be for the next couple of weeks. 

We have been here almost a week now and hit the ground running with a list of projects to work on while we are here. As you may recall, we remodeled their main living room last year. They kept the Christmas theme going until we could exchange gifts, the tree looked great next to their new fireplace. 

 This year we are going to remodel their other living room and the half bath on the lower level. You may also recall this this house was originally built in the 1860's bringing some remodeling challenges, there is absolutely nothing square in this house. But we are making progress. We have gutted the bathroom inside and out and have started some wall and ceiling work in the living room. 

The picture above is a "before" picture of the bathroom. The picture below is after we have all the paneling and trim removed from inside the bathroom.

Then there is the outside of the bathroom which again was covered by paneling painted several times over the years. 


Friday night they took us out to a German restaurant in Hagerstown. The Schmankerl Stube offers very authentic food, most of which I cannot pronounce, but it was very good! After supper walked to a bar next door where the girls played games while Shane and I sat at the bar. 

After that we were headed off for dessert at a donut shop called Krumpe's. I questioned whether they would even be open at 8:30 at night, Jessica informed me that they are only open at night!
And they were packed! We had to wait in line to park, then wait in line at the store. Crazy. 

Other than that one outing, we have just been working. In addition to the living room and bathroom, we are tacking two other projects. We gutted the pantry and replaced some rotting wood in the summer kitchen. What is a summer kitchen you ask? It is where the wives cooked for all the farm hands back in the day. It is now used for as a project and storage room but there was one piece of plywood that was so rotten your foot would go through it. 

After opening it up we discovered the problem. Not only was the plywood rotten but many of the 2x8 stringers below it were totally rotted through. 

I sistered (put a new board alongside the rotted ones) each of the boards, put a new piece of plywood on top and it is as good as new, well almost.

I don't think we have any before pictures of the pantry, but I do have one "in progress" picture. 
All this seems like a lot to have going on at once, but we only have two weeks here and have to make the most of it. It also gives each of us something to work on as only one person can work on an area at a time. 

Will we get it all done in the next 10 days? I think so barring any unforeseen issues, but in a house like this that could come at any time!


  1. Oh man....this post takes me back....We lived in the east all our lives and most of that time was spent in a 200 year old farm house. When we bought it in 1976 it was in original condition and for the rest of our time there, we dealt with many of the same problems and joys you're experiencing with this "remodel" job. It was a grand old girl though and we don't regret a moment.

    1. You know exactly what we speak of then. Sagging floors, creaky floors, drafts and maybe a ghost or two!

  2. Never ending projects, even when you are on the road!! You guys are amazing. Regarding the Skyline Drive, it's a beautiful drive but we've only done it in the summer, I've got to imagine it's beautiful but the decision to drive it in the winter needs to be made a day at a time based on road conditions. Stay safe!

    1. Thanks, from what we have read so far it is open in the winter but don't know too much about it.

  3. The only resolution I have ever kept is my resolution to never make resolutions.

    At least in my neck of the woods, summer kitchens were used in the summer to keep the heat out of the unconditioned interior parts of the house. It was used for farm hands and family alike.

    1. That is a great resolution and one that I bet you have kept!
      I had never heard of a summer kitchen previous to this one, but what you are saying makes a lot of sense.

  4. Fran is doing Dry January this year. But there's quite a few craft family wineries here that need support ...
    So many projects, nice that you have the skill to take them on.
    Skyline Drive is beautiful! You should have no issues. But if you continue on to the Blue Ridge Parkway there's a tunnel at the south end that we were too tall for. Enjoy your scenic drive.

    1. Good to know about the tunnel, thank you. Make sure do your part to keep those wineries in business!

    2. There is a tunnel at the north end also. Winter is day to day as to whether it can be traveled or not. I believe there is a FB page with that information.

    3. We will look up the height of the tunnel and watch the FB page for conditions.

  5. Your posts are never boring, Jim! I stopped with the daily wine back in September and haven't really missed it. My goal was to support Larry in quitting, as he had a problem with alcohol and it really affects his diabetes. So I stopped drinking but he didn't! In fairness, he has cut back considerably, only an occasional beer or two. I have wine if we go out to dinner at a place that serves it, but am keeping no booze in the house. Better for us both.
    It sounds like great progress is being made on the house! Our house is only 50 years old but there's not much level here either. I blame the amateurs that built it ( my first husband and me)!
    Can't tell you about Skyline drive except it sure is pretty. Been years since I have been on it. When I was a child my parents rented a big cabin in the park overlooking the valley, but those were torn down, sadly, to build condo-style rentals. More money to be made with those, but Hepburn Cabin was truly beautiful, one of the CCC cabins.

    1. We will do some more research on Skyline, from the responses so far it sounds like it should be fine unless there is some weather. Hopefully that holds off when we are passing through that area. Stay warm over there, it's about to get chilly!

  6. We have never been on Skyline Drive in the winter, but it is a pretty drive. And they are pretty conservative about closing it because of bad weather, so if there's been recent snow or ice, check ahead. And if your are prone to carsickness, this isn't the road for you. I see that you're only about an hour from where I live. When you mentioned Hagerstown, I looked up Greencastle and discovered it's relatively close. Sounds like you've got your hands full, but if you want to get out a bit, we can show you some local breweries.

    1. I was thinking to myself that I thought you were the one I read something about Skyline but I was not sure.
      If we get these projects done and find that we have some extra time I will definitely take you up on the local brewery tour. We have to help keep them in business after all!

  7. OMG! Do you really think that we would think that you would participate in Dry January? Really? We all know that your motto is "If you want to think like a fish, you have to drink like a fish". How gullible do you think we are? And another shining example of helping others as long as they are not cripples. I need to go back to reading the National Enquirer. At least the stories are more believable.

    1. That is why Barb out fishes me all the time, she drinks like a fish! It is all clear to me now. As for helping others, we help family for free, for others, we need some worthwhile incentive!

  8. The drive through Shenandoah is great. I’d call the park to check on the weather and if the roads are open. You can see Mt. Mitchell, the highest point. Go to Sierra Nevada brewery/restaurant. The original is in CA. Cool tour, amazing sustainable/renewable practices, grow their own food etc. delicious! Lucky score on the Eagle Rare.

    1. Good idea calling the park on the morning we are planning on driving through. We have had Sierra Nevada beer at some of our tastings in Q, I am sure will be up for a stop at that brewery!

  9. As a joke I asked Dianne if she wanted to do a dry January and she just burst out laughing! We’ve tried going dry during the week, but being in Q it's hit and miss. I think you guys are in your happy place tearing things apart and rebuilding. Cheers and safe travels! 🍻

    1. You asking Dianne about dry January is about as funny as me writing about it! You are Canadian after all! Barb and I love working on projects, we work best alone, but it is nice to have some help too!

  10. Great blog! No resolutions for us other than my knit at least five minutes per day one which went out the window last Friday when some woman donated her germs to me. I unknowingly passed those germs on to husband and our house guests. It's been one nasty bug, almost a week in and we are both still dragging as are our friends. Love the story about finding the Eagle Rare. So very kind of you guys to help your kids with that labor of love in their 1860's home! Safe travels!

    1. Maybe that does not count as breaking your resolution as it is not your fault. Kendall has been sick the past few days and it appears that she loves me so much that she wanted to share too!

  11. The joys of living in an older home. Looks like you are making progress.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Progress slowed down today, but hopefully we can hit it hard tomorrow!

  12. The efforts will pay off for sure. Hope no major issues will arise in the meantime.

  13. I can't imagine you wanting to sign up for a dry January. What for? LOL!
    What an exclusive donut shop!
    You guys have such construction talents to share with your family and I am sure it is greatly, greatly appreciated!! I bet you will finish. Be waiting for pictures. ;)

    1. With luck, our next post will have pictures of the completed projects!

  14. You need to give your son-in-law a bill for all this work..."Get us a bottle of Double Eagle Very Rare Bourbon" ("wink"...for those that don't know, they go for around $2-5K per bottle)

    1. Would you even open that bottle if you had it? I am not sure I could. And what makes a bottle worth that much? Does it drink 20x's better than a $100 bottle? I highly doubt it.

    2. I have a hard time cooking a $45 Cowboy Ribeye! I use to get those for under $5 back in my restaurant days (wholesale price...perk of being management)

    3. That is a bargain! I could go for one of those about now!

  15. Glad you were able to avoid most of the snow and ice and still enjoy more distilleries! That's quite the two week project - lucky kids to have their traveling carpenter to help.

    1. It is a big list, but I feel confident that we can get it done, assuming all goes well that is.

  16. Oh wow…what a fun and productive way to have a visit. Projects are fun and checking them off the list is such a satisfying feeling. Hope you share the finished rooms. Shenandoah NP is beautiful, but I’m sorry that I do not recall how much time it takes and it was summer. Our very first long RV trip was to Dover, Delaware for a NASCAR race and we returned home that way. I wasn’t blogging at the time…😩.

    1. We will for sure share pictures at the end of our visit. Hopefully they will be pictures of completed projects, and not everything still all torn apart!

  17. Haha, love your take on Dry January! I agree, it’s more of a short-term goal than a resolution. Congrats on finding the Eagle Rare—what a steal! As for Skyline Drive, it’s gorgeous, but January might be a bit chilly for it. Enjoy the travels and the remodel! Sounds like you’re keeping busy!

    1. We are going to play it by year on Skyline Drive. Hopefully it is dry and somewhat warm so we can take it!

  18. Well you've been busy renovating, and you never know what you will find doing an older home. Enjoy.

    1. Oh, we found some surprises this week that brought all of our work to a standstill!

  19. I’m so glad you and Barb are thinking of others and keeping the families of alcohol producers afloat in January. Haha! 🤣 in all seriousness, I never thought how dry January might affect them. Or maybe it doesn’t at all? Hmm. 🤔 My husband stops in Wytheville often. He’s a truck driver. I remember the projects y’all were doing at your daughter’s last year. Glad y’all can help her again this year. Y’all sure get a lot done in a short amount of time!

    1. I seriously doubt dry January affects them at all, but why take the chance? I don't think I have seen so many trucks on one interstate before, I81 sure is a busy one!

  20. Hello,
    On Facebook, Shenandoah Nat'l Park has their own page, a good place for weather updates and road conditions. They often post that the Skyline Drive is closed due to road conditions. Lately they seem to be closing all or parts of the drive. Most donuts shops are only open in the morning, I have never soon one only open in the evening. I will look forward to seeing the completed renovations. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend.

    1. Good to know about the Facebook page, we will take a look at it as we get closer to our departure date and see if it is open.

    2. I forgot to mention the Skyline drive is 105 miles long and the speed limit is 35 MPH, a very curvy road in places.

  21. That is quite a project that you have worked into your travels, but too much bourbon could slow it down. 😜

    1. Good point, so far those bottles have not gotten in the way of our progress!

  22. Where in the heck do you STORE all that stuff!! Be sure and drive safely ... if you ever got in an accident, I'm sure you would end up in jail just from the SMELL!!!

    1. Now that I think about it, maybe we need one of those hazardous materials placards on the side of our truck!

  23. Great Post...when you finish your project up there in the COLD country, swing on down to Texas...I have a couple of projects you could work on. Best of Luck with the bathroom. Excited to see after picturess.

  24. You DO have a lot going on all at once! Kudos to your friends for leaving the tree up till you celebrate. I do that too -- at least one tree, maybe two -- but I do hope I can celebrate with my Canadian friend soon. At least before spring. Seems our celebration calendar tends to run about three or four months off the event! People say similar about Cork Poppers -- "That's a lot of wine!" No, it isn't (unless you go back for seconds. Or thirds.) A small pour, even of six or seven wines, is probably about a glass and a half to two! And that's one intense project! Good luck!

    1. We are feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment, the next day or two should really tell us whether or not we are going to be able to finish everything.

  25. You and Barb are amazing, Jim! Just reading about the renovations had me exhausted.

    1. We work well together, it did not happen naturally, but over years of learning each other.

  26. We've done Skyline Drive and it's worth the drive for sure! Gorgeous! We did it in September so no idea in January. I didn't know about the Facebook page so will have to follow that :) Jessica's house is something else! So beautiful! I remember the last projects so we are excited to follow these! You are having such a wonderful trip! :)

    1. The transformation of the living room last year was pretty special. This one while needed, will not be as visually stunning.

  27. Looks like you have some interesting projects! Our family has been touched by alcohol I say drink responsibly!

    1. We are about 1/2 way through the projects, next post should have some completed pictures!

  28. Good luck getting the work done in the time you have.
    I don't drink much at all, maybe once a year. My family are all alcoholics and growing up I knew I didn't want to be like them so I just don't drink at all.

  29. You have dry January we have dry July, easy for me to do as I rarely drink, not something the rest of my siblings would do they like their grog.

    1. July would be a hell of a lot harder than January, there is something about summer and beer that just makes you thirsty!

    2. I get that, thankfully July is winter here

    3. Ah, that makes some much more sense now! I forgot.

  30. Good blog! You both have so many skills to help your family with projects.
    We did skyline and recall stopping at the visitor center in Front Royal for a map. Being as we were on the motorcycle, lodging was important to us. We stayed at "Skyland" near Luray one night, then "Peaks of Otter" had a lodge we stayed at and there was a campground across the road by the lake. This was in summer, it was beautiful. Wintertime would be also beautiful if open. The map offered lots of scenic stops and highlights of each. Once you hit NC though there is a travel challenge as the damage from hurricane Helene has sections restricted or closed these days Tunnels are a factor for height. Enjoy your travels.
    We still have a blanket of snow and more on the way this weekend. A couple days of slow melting some with loud crashing as it slides off the roofs a little at a time. Looking forward to your next update.🍻

    1. We will definitely stop by the visitor's center and check it out and see how high the tunnels are. Besides, Barb will have to get her book stamped adding another park to her list!

  31. I have never ever heard of dry January. I don't really drink, but if it is just a small tasting I don't think wine tastings are bad. I don't make resolutions because I never keep them. I am still TRYING very hard to lose weight. Your posts remind me on another post I follow. - that is his latest one. He and his wife are RV's. They are a bit older. But his knowledge is impeccable. He doesn't always write about his travels, but he does a lot. You may want to look him up. A lot in common yet different.

  32. Chatty is sweet. About the Shenandoah Drive. We love it. Have driven it several times and walked it once. It is beautiful with plenty of camp sites. However once in our van we pulled into a parking area for a nap and were asked to leave the park since we were sleeping without paying. LOL YES it is well worth the time and effort. It continues as the Blue ridge Parkway which also is a great drive.

    1. Been there, even while just stopping to have lunch. Overall, we have had good experiences everywhere we go, but there is always that one time....

  33. My husband has been doing Dry January for years, I think it's the sixth time.
    I don't smoke or drink and I never have good intentions, I always just keep going.
    Greetings Irma

  34. Glad you were able to check one of the rare finds at the grocery store off your list. How nice of you to worry about keeping the liquor families in business. You're doing a great deed. Haha! Nothing better than move in carpenters!! You two do such great work. Can't wait to see the finished projects. Don't freeze this week!!!

    1. We got about 6" of snow today along with the cold temps, kind of taking the fun factor out of things!

  35. Resolutions are always temporary.. makes us feel good.. like we are doing something and then we all just go back to being the we that we are. Good luck with your projects.

  36. I never ever make a resolution at new year's or any other -- well, let me amend that. Just today I resolved to stop eating so much bread. We'll see how that goes. Oh and it's a good thing you did not go dranuary on us because as you know, I am a teetotaler and so do nothing for the poor folk who produce and sell liquor and spirits. So you're doing my work as well as yours! But as a general rule I ignore new year's altogether! I'm well and truly over all the celebrating, by that point. That having been said, I am truly excited to see the final result of this phase of the remodel. Chop chop! xoxo

    1. So good to hear from you, I have been wondering where you were! I think I will be posting the final remodel pictures on Monday morning. We are not going to get as far as we had hoped.
