Sunday, January 26, 2025

What Are Your First Memories?

 I read a blog post the other day about the writers first memories.  The writer said her first memory was from when she was 2 years old. I was blown away. I have written before about my poor memory, but it got me to thinking what my first memory was. I have virtually no memories of my childhood. Brief glimpses now and then, but only brief. I have almost no memories of junior or senior high school. I do have memories of things outside of school; my first deer, ducks, pheasants, but I really had to think about what my first memory was. Thinking back, I came up with 7 or 8 years old. 

Barb often teases me about my memory, I can watch a movie 4 times a year like it is my first time, I remember bits and pieces, somehow, she remembers every aspect of each and every moment of our life (mostly about things I screw up). It also made me wonder if life was like the movies I've watched multiple times and I was able to replay those lost years, would I remember any parts? Would something happen where I would say to myself, I know what happens next or would every moment be a surprise? The brain is a bizarre thing. 

So, what is my first memory? I don't not remember my age specifically, but I am able to deduce it base on the other participants. We were driving from Spooner to Shell Lake Wisconsin in our Rambler convertible. If my sister Becky is reading this right now, I know her heart just skipped a beat as she knows what is next. She was in the vehicle too. I think all told it was her, my dad and my brother Bob. A car crossed over the centerline causing us to hit the ditch to avoid a head on collision. The only problem was, that there was no ditch, just an embankment, a very steep embankment going down and go down we did. We never rolled, but I distinctly remember that rough ride down, hitting the bottom and us coming to a stop. I was trying to jump from the vehicle and my brother Bob pulled me back in. If Becky was in the vehicle, she had to be 16 or 17 meaning a I was 7 or 8. I have other memories that may be earlier, but I have no way to validate exactly how old I was so those remain a mystery to me. 

But on to things I do remember, like what we did this past week. It was a rough week. It started out with Shane and Jess having to have their well looked at. It had been losing pressure over the past few months so Shane dug up the well head and called a guy to come look at it. Bad news, they need a new well. The well guy showed Shane (and the rest of us) that they have a terracotta well casing. He had heard of them, but never seen one himself. Now he has. 

The good news is the well is still operational. Next up was the fireplace in the living room. It was abandoned years ago, in fact in the '70's when their furnace was installed, they used the chimney to vent the furnace. Since we were working in that area anyway, we decided to build a false wall and center the mantle with the room. As you can see from the picture below the mantle was no longer centered after the previous owner added the 1/2 bath downstairs. 

So, we went into demolition mode. That decision ended up being a blessing and a curse. Here is something interesting I ran into during demolition mode while taking the trim off the wall. Look at these nails. I know many of you seen them in your lifetime, but these types of nails were not made after 1915. Crazy!

After opening it up we discovered that the exhaust vent did not go all the way to the roof, but just a foot into the chimney, plus, decades of condensation has caused the vent to deteriorate the vent to the point that it needs to be replaced. 
They looked into two options, replacing the pipe but running all the way up the chimney or installing a chimney liner. No worries, we can carry on with everything while we get that figured out. Until the third thing happened. The worst thing of all. A thing that has stopped productive economies in their tracks. The dreaded Man Cold!!!!!! Nothing can bring progress to a halt like a Man Cold, in fact, it is rumored that was the ancient Anasazi civilization that was thriving in the 12th and 13th centuries was wiped out by..... yep, you guess it, the Man Cold. 

Coughing, headaches, fever, chills. I was inflicted for several days. 6 of them all told. 6 long miserable days.  I did not even leave the camper most days, I could not lay flat, so I made up the dinette bed and just up trying to sleep it off only catching brief naps here and there, day and night. Poor Barb, she had to endure one of the most pathetic things known to man. I don't think she has gotten a good night sleep either. Dakota, on the other hand was elated. With the dinette turned into a bed, Dakota could not fit under it, so she got to sleep on my side of the bed. 

On day 2 of my 6-day stint, Shane got it too and was out for 6 days as well.

Keep in mind, we have everything ripped apart and no running furnace and you recall how cold it was last week right? They could not even get any repair places to return their calls. They have electric heaters in each room, but it was still freezing in their house. Thankfully Jessica and Barb were able to carry on with painting the bath and pantry.

Of course, this had to happen on the coldest and snowiest week of the year. With both Shane and I out of commission, that left Barb and Jess to do the shoveling and other chores. 

Friday, the girls made sushi for supper. Kendall has been begging for it for almost a week. Look at these three generations, triplets, born 20 something years apart. At least there is no mystery of what they will look like as they get older!

Saturday we were able to get out to Kendall's basketball game. Pretty dang entertaining. Here is Kendall attempting a free-throw. 

So, what all did we accomplish? Not as much as we wanted, but everything we could given the circumstances. In the bathroom we ripped out the old linoleum getting down to the original wood floors, gave it a new paint job and replaced the toilet. Still needs a new vanity, light and mirror which they have yet to pick out.  

The pantry has a new paint job, shelf configurations and a new spice rack on the door.

We could not enclose the old fireplace area until the venting gets fixed for the furnace. Besides that, they no longer want to stick with their original plan and are now thinking about installing a pellet stove in that room. 

Our time here is done, almost three weeks. Now it is time to hit the road and hopefully find some warmer weather! But before we do that, I told Barb that there is a new movie that just came out that I want to watch. When I told her the name of it, she just shook her head, mumbled "Lord help me" and walked away. I don't know what that was all about. The movie, maybe you have heard of it, is called, The Notebook. 


  1. Oh wow, Jim. What a time you have had! Those poor kids too, getting bad news about the well. Wells are not cheap, as you know. And then the furnace vent, and the terrible weather and being sick on top of all that. What a week.
    I remember back to when I was at least 3 years old. But there are swaths of years that I remember little about. I think it is because life was pretty humerus during those years, no outstanding events that were recalled and discussed over the years. I really think that is how things get ingrained in our memories. Larry remembers a lot of his childhood, but in the coal camp there was always something momentous happening--injuries, mine closures, mine collapses, someone getting very very drunk, dynamite, fights...he has a lot of exciting stories, while my life on a street in a small town, surrounded by elderly neighbors, well not much happened there.

    1. You might be on to something. Some of the earliest things I remember are traumatic events. Perhaps it is good that I had a quite, uneventful childhood!

  2. I was the youngest of four boys, the girls were adopted later, so I was the youngest. We lived very close to the Sacramento Airport in line with the main runway. Mom figures I was just around 2 years old. I got behind the large living room drapes to look out the window, and what do I see? A passenger plane headed right for our house. I screamed, run over to her scared to death. She hears the plane pass over and figures out that I thought this large plane was going to hit our house. I was an adult (35ish) when I related this story at a family gathering, and mom says, "I never knew your remembered that incident, you couldn't have been much older than 2..."

    I agree...the girls look a lot like Barb, THANK GOD! Good idea going to Pellet Stove. Very inexpensive to operate, gives off good heat, and if they EVER pass legislation like Commiefornia did about using fireplaces, the Pellet Stove should still be good to go. (They actually have Fireplace Police who go around neighborhoods on cold mornings looking for fireplaces that burning wood...)

    1. I can see it now, some Karen or Kevin riding up and down the road in their electric golf cart looking for any suspicious smoke coming out of a chimney. Meanwhile in South America they are burning entire forests.

  3. My husband’s memory is way better than mine. He always brings up events I don’t recall. It scares me but there isn’t much I can do about it at this point. Glad you got through the flu!

    Pellet stoves are popular here these days too.

    1. Nope and you have no memory to refute him with, so you just have to go with whatever he says. Welcome to my world!

  4. Square headed nails! I have a few in a tin someplace, they sure are interesting! Too bad about the well, and what a time to have no heat! I hear those Man colds are almost as bad as childbirth.
    Ah memories, I recall things back when I was about 4...I cannot recall being without my brother and I am 2 1/2 years older than he is. I recall taking him to the outhouse with me! So yes I was about 4 and he was about 18 months old. We were potty/sauna pals for many years until we got an indoor bathroom in 1959 or 1960.

    1. We never had an outhouse at any of our places, I was born in the early 60's and my oldest sister is 10 years older than me. I do not recall her ever talking about an outhouse either. We did not live in the country at that time though, so that probably had something to do with it.

      In 2007, we bought a lake place that had an outhouse, but it was no longer operational.

  5. Glad you are feeling better
    Good work there
    Yay Ladies!

    Memory, my white metal crib at about 2 years oldish. I could walk and climb. They stopped leaving me alone napping when I stood in the upstairs window.

    1. Two years old is very impressive. I thought of something today that made me think of an earlier memory. I remember going to kindergarten and bringing a mat to take naps on, so that had to be 4 or 5, right?

  6. Yes, whatever that virus was, it was a bad one.

    Memory is unique to individuals. There is a guy in town who went tot he same high school as I, but 10 years later. I remember a lot of my teachers. He doesn't remember any of his. They say we don't remember much unless there is some sort of emotion attached to it. So, I remember our dog being run over when I was still preschool.

    1. Remember 2 teachers from elementary school, none from middle school, and 3 from high school, two of which were neighbors. I think you are onto something regarding the emotional attachment as each of those memories have some kind of event tied to them.

  7. Still in a high chair with a sippy cup of juice - I can remember exactly what the cup looked like and the distinct smell of the plastic. I look for one at antique stores all the time! I had to have been under two years old. Still, if I didn't have the blog I'd never remember all the details of the many places we've been the last ten years! Not the Man Cold!! Miserable for everyone involved (poor Barb). With all the set backs you did get quite a bit done. Safe travels!

    1. Our blog is our memory now for sure! I would not remember half of the stuff we did without it. We now have 10 years of hard printed blog books. I like looking through them and recalling some of the stuff we've done in the past 10 years.

  8. Th It's often shown on our TV, got tired of it I have.
    Well you have been busy being with ManFlu! Not good but it's pleasing you are over it I presume. You never know what you will find when you renovate especially a house you never had built.
    I saw online in the newspaper that there was a new type of Flu this year, it was in a doctors surgery on the wall, actually an Irish newspaper, yes it's called ManFlu!

    1. 95% over it. We kept hoping to find some kind of hidden treasure while remodeling, but we have really found nothing unusual. Even an old coin or newspaper would be interesting.

  9. My memory is much like yours, just flashes from my childhood and teenage years and even into my twenties. Photos help bring back some memories. I have nightmares about loosing our well. The pellet stove is a great idea. The temperatures this month have been below normal almost every day, the snow is not melting. I would like to escape to a warm place for a couple of months. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a wonderful week!

    1. We are so ready to be someplace warm, even warmish. It feels like it has been months since we have been anywhere it has been above 50 degrees!

  10. I also have a very spotty memory...not just of childhood, but of everything. In fact, I tease Mario that if anything ever happened to him, I would forget my life entirely! One example is he casually mentioned "let's go see Santana in concert"...I said, "Oh, that sounds like fun, I'd love to see them live"...he looked at me and replied "Honey, we have already seen them live TWICE, you had a great time"...I literally have no memory of it!

  11. I think you need to be somewhere warm and relaxing, to make sure you fully recover. Man flu is nasty, especially for the nurse!

  12. You're lucky you have Barb, Dakota and Zoey to take care of you after getting the dreaded Man-Cold that completely paralyzes men! Glad you survived!! My first memory? 2 years old getting stuck in the gate heading out to the alfalfa field. Cried myself to sleep until someone finally came looking and got me unstuck. Skip the Notebook.

    1. The only reai survived is because Barb was not strong enough to hold the pillow down!

  13. We currently are on a neighborhood well that the county maintains, but had a personal well before. And yes, well work is expensive, but we never had to have a new one dug. I have a couple of memories before I was 3 and many others after that of my childhood. My husband thinks his memory is bad, but then something will trigger an early memory. Maybe you remember more than you think. You just need the right reminder.

    1. It is just bizarre what your memory will conjure up. Like an old classmate from year ago you would have no reason to think of. Then all of a sudden you have a dream including them!

  14. My earliest memory was me falling off a slide apparatus at a neighborhood park. I was about four years old. It was a youth slide, so it wasn't that high of a drop. And this was the early 70's, so long before mulch and sand was used to break a fall, but asphalt. Thankfully, the hospital was right next door and I was fine, despite seeing my brother's future girlfriend over my face asking if I was OK. Despite the "downs" of the past week due to the man cold, it sounds like it was a good mix of fun and productivity. You're looking for warmer temperatures and I'm looking for 24" of snow. Chicagoland has received less snow than New Orleans this year. But the past two weeks have been bone-chilling.

    1. It's a weird year weather-wise. Heatwave in Alaska, snow in Florida!

  15. haha.. The Notebook! Sorry to hear you were sick..
    First memory is hard for me.. I have heard so many stories I can't tell if the memory is mine or not.

  16. I have a memory of when I was two years old but at this stage, I'm not sure it is actually a memory or just remembering the telling of it whenever this subject is broached, which happens more often than one would probably suspect.

    One man to another, you have my sympathies on catching the dreaded man cold. You are lucky to have survived!

    1. I know what you mean. We only have a handful of pictures from when I was younger. I don't know if I have a memory of the actual event or just the picture.

  17. My very first memory was when I was 2 or 3 years old when our doctor made a house call to check on me. My mom placed me on her ironing board for the doctors inspection. I’d previously spent 8 months in the hospital with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and almost died from complications which thankfully I have no memory of. Better memories were playing in the snow in Saskatchewan, ice fishing, exploring the prairie catching gophers and tadpoles.
    Sure looks like there were lots of unpleasant finds in such an old home during your visit. The kids are so lucky to have such experienced parents to help out. Safe travels!

    1. Those sound like horrible memories! I've never heard of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis before.

  18. BUSY, BUSY, BUSY.....and no, maybe not the best time to rip out the heat but on the flip side, with it being cold and snowy outside is a great time to work on a redo (haha, if that don't include heat)!!!! I have always liked those nails but I did not know that they were not made after that date. How cool is that. When I was helping SIL pack, she had some rolling pins hanging on the wall that I climbed up on the ladder (yes, the woman with no balance) and took those down, they were hung with those type of nails. Yes, took them down for her also to reuse. Okay, you made me feel like I need to get up and move my rear.

    1. At least according to the Google they were not made after that date. From then on they have what they call coil nails which are basically the same thing we use today.

  19. Some of my earliest memories include a car also. Driving to my Aunt Sara's in her Studebaker Lark. She would pick us up at my grandmothers and we would take the drive up to Galesburg ND. Flat farm country for sure. To entertain ourselves we would watch the odometer turn and then count the telephone poles and guess where the next mile was. Good times! That was before I learned how to play "Name that dead critter". Or the "Antelope" game. Safe travels.

    1. You and your sister played the antelope game?

      We had a similar "name that dead critter" game, but it was at the supper table.

  20. As Jodee it's not exclusively a Mann Cold. I did get it first, but then Fran picked it up the next day. Hit so hard and aggressive I tested for Covid ... negative!
    The kids house sure looks better with all your efforts.
    Continued safe and memorable travels!

    1. Not exactly where we wanted to get, but those two rooms look better at least!

  21. I have two memories from when I was two, or slightly younger. First was getting lost on a beach after walking away from my parents and the second was the first time I used the big potty. I looked down at the little potty chair and thought ‘don’t need that anymore’. 😂

    1. Are you sure your parents just didn't leave you and hide behind one of the dunes?

  22. I am so sorry for the sickness you all have had. The flu is going around big time here in our area. Granddaughter is home from school today, sick. You never know what kind of situation you are going to come across when remodeling an older home. Been there...done that. But in the end it is worth it. My earliest memory is when I was grandmother was very ill. My mom had me at the side of the bed standing there so I could see here and she could love on me one last time. A memory that I will alwys remember.

    1. Whatever is going around right now is nasty and does not give up easily. I feel like I am almost 100% now though.

  23. Oh DEAR Jim, I was all ready with a poor you, you've been sick and aren't those women team players and indomitable and all that, and you had to go and mention The NOTEBOOK????? Ugh I despise Nicholas Sparks' writing and I hate that stupid movie although I do admire the work of all of the players. But oh my word that is the dumbest book/story/movie but then, I hated Titanic too, hahahaha! I guess my tastes run to different directions. Most of my favorite movies are ones most folks have never heard ot. Something for everyone!!! As for memories, I have vivid ones but nothing clear before about age five. Your line about Barb having a sharp memory, especially about your screwups, could have been written about TG and me, hahaha! I can tell him the same thing three days after I first told him and he will react as though he never heard it before. If only you LISTENED to me, I go all on and on. So funny and so tragic at the same time. Is it possible that he started tuning me out forty years ago? Or even longer ago than that? No one knows. He reminds me of the line from Driving Miss Daisy, spoken by Boolie Werthan to his cantankerous octogenarian mother: "You're a doodle, Mama." Anyway ... I am so sorry that you suffered for six days and I am so glad that you're better and heading for warmer climes. We'll have highs near 70 this week and I am rejoicing about that! Love to Barb, Dakota, and Zoey and happy travels! xoxo

    1. I am not really a Notebook fan either, I chose that title as almost everyone would recognize it and understand the reference.

      What movies are you favorites?

  24. ... I can't say that I can recall my first memories. As an old guy I do remember things from the past, while I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday! Be warm and well.

  25. The well, the chimney, and then the dreaded Man Cold! Goodness! You guys are lucky you got done what you did while you were there.
    Loved the pics of the generations of the ladies! All beautiful, too!
    My earliest memory I was about 2 3/4 years old. I know because it was a memory of when my baby brother came home from the hospital. I have lots of memories of when I was a kid, but I still have trouble remembering movies--lol! ;)

    1. That would be a memorable moment, I can see why it stuck in your memory.

  26. I don’t remember a lot from early childhood. I think my first memory is my older sister trying to smother me with a pillow! My mother rescued me.

    1. Ha! I have a brother that did the same thing, except it was a blanket that smothered me resulting in my claustrophobia.

      Good times!

  27. Childhood memories can be a nice place to visit, or not. But either way, it's all in the past and what's present are your "triplets." It seems you were a lucky child and now you are a lucky man.

  28. You two sure have adventures!
    I found nails like that in a cabinet of my parents. We took it apart awhile ago as it was falling apart. My 3rd last (late) client told me that was when they were made and looking it up, he was right.
    Hope that man cold is totally gone.

    1. I think those old nails are so cool. I have a few at home that I am going to use in the gazebo to hang some hand-forged bottle openers.

  29. Before Health Care was established at Two years old my hand was scalded by Lipton Soup on a Saturday Night. My parents listened a friend and put Vinegar on it. When my mother finally brought me to the Doctor on Monday, he told her that's what Hospitals were for. For the next Year, every week the Doctor used a scalpel to cut the scab off my hand.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your adventures.

    It's about time.

    1. That sounds like a horrible memory and one you'd like to forget!

    2. Definitely unforgettable. Like it just happened yesterday not Seventy years ago.

  30. Wow - it looks like you had to rebuild just about everything in that house. I am sorry about the well.
    My memory is odd - I don't remember my childhood - but I do remember events after that. I am having trouble remembering names now. I am also sorry you got to sick for so long. Glad you are on the mend.

    1. It is a pretty cool house, but it does come with it's challenges.

  31. Your first memory of that car ride sounds scary.
    Sorry about the Man Cold, but glad you still had fun with sushi and basketball.
    Hope you find some warmth soon.

    Safe travels!

    1. For the first time in weeks, we went to bed and woke up with the temperatures above freezing!

  32. My friend parents have so many photos that I’m not sure what are true memories. I do remember watching a black and white movie on TV about a giant spider, since we didn’t grow up with a TV this was a real treat. I remember taking naps at some kind of summer day camp. While memories of conversations aren’t me I can remember doing things…just not when. As Jodie said thanks to the blog remembering the last 11 years easier.
    Opening up an older house is like opening a can of worms…never know what you’ll find.
    Glad you survived the man cold. Hope you find some warm temps soon.

    1. We were just talking about you two yesterday! It is still on our bucket list to get to southern Texas and do some of that surf fishing. One of these years we are going to make it!

  33. I'm a lot like you, I have very few childhood memories and hardly any high school memories. My earliest memory seems to be centered around Mom bringing my baby brother home from the hospital, I was six years old. So sorry you were sick, we can sympathize!--and of course the man in our house was the sickest! :) :) Hope you find some warm weather!

    1. I am betting my older sisters have lots of memories of babies being brought home, we had 7 in our family with the oldest being 11 or 12 years older than the youngest. Lots of babies to remember!

  34. I have the same "memory affliction" as you describe, only a bit worse since I'm a bit older. (See what you have to look forward to?) Memories can be tricky. Did I really remember sawing up my sandbox frame with that little saw I got for Christmas at 5 years old? Or is that a story embellished by my Mom?

    Anyhow, I totally empathize with the spotty memory.

    We're in the process of moving to a new home and it needs some remodeling. Your description of your own efforts look very familiar. Good luck with it all.

    1. Good luck with your new house, looking forward to reading about it and following your remodels!

  35. Rewatching movies? Sure, if they re good enough and last night we did that with Dead End, a 1937 film with Humphrey Bogart, Joel McCrea and more. The film was a B&W gem done on a single set. If you like classics, check it out, Jim. The notebook is also one we've watched, but only once. Sorry to read about the well issues, not well at all (awful pun). Even though you had limited time and then were down with the flu, you and Barb did manage to get a lot done . Hopefully, your net adventure will be in warmer temps.

    Memories of childhood, mine are not as clear as my younger by 3 years brother and as he is my lone sibling, I hope his are correct.

    1. I like the old classics but rarely take the time to watch them. Lately I have watched a couple of Clint Eastwood old westerns, they do not make them like that anymore!

  36. The bathroom is coming along.
    My first memory is when I was about 2 1/2 years old. My brother was a tiny baby and I found one of his bottles under his crib. I smelled it and it smelled so bad. I guess it had been lost under that crib for sometime and went rotten.

    1. I bet that smell stayed with you all your life, not much worse than spoiled milk to turn your stomach!

  37. Pantry looks great! Glad you’re feeling better and hopefully in a warmer place.
    My earliest memory was when I was 2. I had the Crupe (sp?) and in the hospital. I vividly remember being in a crib with plastic over it and a block of ice to cool me down and help me breathe. I was so scared.

    1. I had that several times as a youngster as well. I remember an old humidifier/vaporizer that looked like a spaceship which mom filled with water and something menthol. No idea how old I was though.

  38. I really don't have any memories of my childhood, I can remember walking along the front fence when I was about 8, I can also remember helping dad when he was burning stuff in the incinerator in the back yard which was a thing when I was young. Then when I was in my early teens I helped my dad wallpaper the kitchen and swore never again.

    1. The wallpaper incident must have been very traumatic! Did you stick to your word, or did you do it again at some point in your life?

  39. I can see why you would remember that one, big time. I'm grateful you were all OK but how terrifying. My earliest memory was my first cat -- I was about three or so. It's foggy. The first clear one is that cat having kittens that had three now politically incorrect (but accurate) names -- Blackie, Whitey and Pansy (the calico). I hear you on the well stuff. Ours at the cottage is holding on by a thread. Rick does software for the well industry and we know enough about pricing to know it will cost a lot, so we're hoping it holds on another year! Good luck with everything.

    1. Those are some good and funny memories you have about your cat and kittens!

  40. Sorry you were down with the Man Cold, sounded a nasty one to get over. That’s a very scary memory from your childhood. Mine was as a 2-year old of my mother holding me as dad introduced the new puppy he was holding. I am always impressed with your renovation skills and actually love reading about them. I watch a lot of YouTube shows on people building things from the small like furniture to cabins. Probably because my dad was a carpenter hobbyist who could build anything he put his mind to, with me looking on and handing him tools needed. Loved seeing the photos of the three generations. Hope the well works out. The only well memory I have is the new one drilled at my in-laws house and my sister-in-law coming out of the shower with her blonde hair dyed red because of all the rust in the water. Lots of tears and several trips to the hairdresser after that one. I had fun reading your post and will look forward to the next one.

    1. That is quite the story about the rust in the water. I could totally see that happening. I hope it was something she was able to laugh about years later!

  41. Sorry you were there during that freezing cold phase. Our daughter even had two hour delays for three days at school because of the single digit temps in the morning. I can't even begin to imagine an old house without a working furnace during it. Brrrr! Sorry you and Shane got the dreaded cold. Men are such wimps!! Dakota was the winner in that 6 days:)

    1. Dakota was the winner! We let her come up and visit us in bed almost every night, but it is just too small to let her stay. So she comes up, says goodnight and then hops back down.
