When you become of a certain age your days revolve around one or two things. Important things. Things that if they do not go right can ruin your entire day. Funny, when we were both working, we were juggling a handful of stressful things with ease and invariably one or two did not go right and we took them in stride. Not anymore.
What these things are vary from person to person or in our case couple to couple. Maybe you don't get a good night's sleep. Maybe you wake up with an ache or pain. Or heaven forbid your favorite player does not do well on Jeopardy or The Wheel of Fortune!
We have a routine in the morning when we are in the camper, Barb gets up first, gets ready and takes the dogs out for their morning walk. This is my signal to get up and get ready. Much easier to move around and get ready with them all gone. But I have yet to know if we are going to have a good day or not. I will not find that out until she returns. Actually, it is only the first of a two-step process that will tell us if our day will be a good one or one filled with tension and stress.
After getting ready, I get back up in bed and start reading blogs or looking on The Facebook. When Barb returns, I put everything down and look at her expectantly. "Well?", I ask. Here is it the moment that will tell me if we will have a good day. I look at Barb's face with hope. "She went boom-boom", she replies and a wave a relief washes over me. Step one down, now for step two....
Barb starts warming up the water for her coffee and picks up both dog dishes and fills them up; two scoops of dry for Dakota and a scoop for Zoey. Each with a dollop of canned dogfood on top. Dakota gets out from under the dinette and immediately starts eating hers. Zoey will slowly walk up to hers like she is expecting brussel sprouts or something and starts nosing it. This is the other moment of truth, we have to ignore her, if we stare at her she will not eat, so Barb starts making her coffee while watching Zoey out of the corner of her eye; "Come on girl, you can do it, make it a good day", I silently pray.
Yes, that is what our lives have evolved to, from stressful careers managing dozens of people, handling projects and troubleshooting issues to having a good day hinge on whether or not your dog goes boom-boom and eats her breakfast. If either go wrong, and they do, there will be worry until both of these tasks are complete. Not by me mind you, by the other one. That, my friends is our life. I know you dog owners out there can relate.
By now many of you have figured out that I did not end up in an urn this past week. Either that risk has past or the appointment she set up is for when we return home. The next question is whether or not we are now pulling a boat?!?!? As you may recall, there were two that we (I) were interested in; one in Lee's Summit Missouri and one in Eau Claire Wisconsin and now a third that showed up last week in Hutchinson Minnesota.
We left the Camping World in Calera, Alabama and continued to make our way northwest to Memphis Tennessee. A first for us and maybe a last. We have been in some dirty cities in our years, but this one might take the top spot. Maybe it was just the area we were in, but trash and garbage everywhere. I have no idea how this city could ever get clean again, there was litter everywhere! Where we did spend the night was pretty cool though, the Bass Pro Shop. Their premiere pyramid location.
I loved this mount of three varieties of teal on one display. You birders out there will know what each of them are.
What I really like though were the vintage decoys. Oh, to own some of these.....
While it is a free spot to stay in their parking lot, it was pretty noisy as there is an interstate bridge right above us. The next day was another first for us. The first time in 12 years of traveling that we have ever set a foot (or wheel) in Arkansas!
Our next stop was one that we had been looking forward to for a while and happened to be right on our way. Mansfield Missouri, which happens to be the home of Shawn and Kim, an RV couple we met in Arizona many years ago. You may also remember them from a post when we had supper on their sailboat in Big Pine Keys Florida about this same time last year.
We spent the afternoon on their side by side touring their ranch. What an interesting piece of property! Of course, I only got one picture of them as they were walking downhill after showing us a natural spring.
After that we headed into town for supper at a new Mexican place followed by happy hour at the clubhouse at the ranch. So good to catch up with them again.
The next morning, we were off to see our first boat!
We arrived at the owners address in Lee's Summit just after 12:00 noon and there in the driveway was the boat. Better in person than it looked in the pictures. Shinier, cleaner, more features and accessories that we had anticipated. Over the next 60 minutes we went over everything. I asked questions, tested each of the electronics. Laid on my back and inspected the hull, ran the motor. Everything checked out. After a quick conference with Barb, I started talking price with the guy. We settled on a number that we were both happy with, shook hands and the deal was done! Well, not quite, I had to go to the bank and get some money. I had transferred some from one account to another and it was not going to be available until that morning. One of the things you deal with when you travel is banking. About the only bank we have found readily available across the country is Wells Fargo. We use that account as our traveling account and it did not have enough money in it, thus the transfer. Off to the bank we went. Not a huge deal, but more of a deal than usual. Getting out that much money in cash required the managers involvement, but I was in and out of there in 30 minutes.
After hooking up the boat we headed down the road with no destination in mind. We had no idea where we were going after this if we weren't going to Wisconsin. I was driving, Barb was hovering over the atlas and her phone trying to see where we should go. I was asking her where we were going, she was stressed... Finally, I just said "I am going to pull over until we figure this out". I see a huge empty parking lot and pull in. It was a closed business plenty of room for us to park and figure things out. We noticed that the adjacent building however was open with cars in front of it. I look to see what kind of business it was and started laughing. Barb, not yet seeing the humor, looks up from her atlas and says, "What's so funny?". "Look where we parked", I replied. She looks up, grabs all her computer, phone, atlas, gets out of the truck and heads straight for the business. What is the business you ask? A brewery of course! Transparent Brewing Company to be exact. What are the odds that we randomly pull over and it just happens to be in a brewery parking lot?!?!?
I took this picture in the parking lot. Doesn't look like this boat was specifically designed to be behind this truck/camper combo?!?!
One hour and one beer later we had a plan. 45 minutes later we were pulling into a Bass Pro Shop outside of Kansas City. If you are ever in the area and looking for a free place to stay. DO NOT pick here. Not that there is anything wrong with the business, it is just that 200' away is a fire hall and rescue station. Sirens all night long!
The next morning, we drove west two hours arriving at Milford State Park right around 1:00pm. A beautiful state park on Milford Lake. The day we arrived it was 75, the next day 81. Talk about two beautiful days! $21/night off season, we were the only two in the campground. But that is not the best part, the best part is the lake!
We spent two days on the water testing out the new boat, no fishing, just puttering around, reading and enjoying the days. Just what we needed!
Dakota just chilled on the deck and slept. Zoey was interested in everything that was going on around her.
After two days, we packed up and continued out way west towards home. Two 5-hour days if we hurried, which would bring us home Saturday, but there was a weather event heading our way; high winds; 30mph sustained, gusts over 50mph. We found refuge in North Platte Nebraska at a Harvest Host in the form of Pals Brewing Company. We pointed the rig into the wind to minimize the rocking from the wind, went inside for a couple of beers and a pizza before tucking in for the night.
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Barb got an interesting flight! |
The following morning the wind was still at about 20mph, but very managable. We drove the remaining 5 hours, arriving home around 2:00pm. Forrest, Somer and Lily greeted us, yup, they are still holding down the fort!
After 11 weeks of adventures, we made it home! We unloaded the truck of all the bottles we had acquired. Anyone care to take a guess how many bottles? I will give you a little help, below is a picture of some, but not all the bottles we got.
I will reveal the answer in our next post, until then, I will leave you with this video. Since Harry (the now dog lover) said that he would rather have dog videos over people videos on the beach, here is a video of Zoey on one of our drives. I thought about putting this on a loop and telling Harry to watch it to the end. Who knows how long he would have watched it for!
ReplyDeleteAs a dog owner and one that has had many previous dogs it is a horrible feeling seeing your dog sick or when the time for the end comes. Our dogs are like our children we want them happy and healthy. Congrats on your new boat. You came home with a nice selection of bottles, enjoy! So glad you arrived home safely. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.
What Zoey does not take care of in the morning, she generally does later in the day. Heaven help us if she goes through the entire day not completing those tasks.
DeleteSo much to comment on. Where to begin? First I will just skip over all of that gibberish about dog crap, literally. We thought Memphis was a dirty city also. We were in many places there that we should not have been but we live to speak of it now. That Bass Pro shop was pretty neat. I hope you went to the top for a great view. That must have been an expensive boat to require the bank managers approval. Did they escort you out with armed guards? I had to laugh when you "accidentally parked at a brewery". By now I think you can just sniff them out. As far as the bottles of booze, I will put it to you like this. I would say that there is 445 Disney beers worth on that table. Glad you made it home.
ReplyDeleteThere was a huge line to get to the top so we did not make it up there. We must have taken the same route into Memphis, hopefully the rest of the city is not like that.
DeleteHaving never been to Disney, I have no idea how much their beers are. I tried figuring it out but no number between 7 and 12 come out with a whole number. Unless you think we bought a partial bottle somewhere, which is entirely possible.
We even took a local bus tour of all the famous sites. Everywhere was dirty. I should have said roughly 445 Disney beers at 10 a pop. Does that help your math? Also averaging about a Hondo a bottle. Give or take.
DeleteI was chuckling over Zoey and how your day goes. We do love our fur-babies. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a pleasant trip home...and with a new boat, too!
I'll take a wild guess at 53 bottles.
Must be good to be home. :) :)
It is very good to be home. We have been home less than 24 hours, and that entire trip seems surreal, like it happened weeks ago. Probably because we are looking ahead to what needs to be done around here.
DeleteI know the feeling of watching your pet to see if their bodily functions are doing what they're supposed to and fretting when they don't. Congrats on the new boat. Looks like it was just what you needed.
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty much a daily ritual for Barb. Yesterday morning we got up early and got on the road, so Zoey's routine was disrupted. She failed on both tasks yesterday!
DeleteIt’s always a relief to get home safely and find all is good at the homestead. Congrats on your new boat! I love the photo of the moon thru the trees. Zoey is so cute in the ball cap and yes, we know all about the start of the day…
ReplyDeleteI thought you could relate to that beginning. Barb took that picture of the moon through the trees on our last morning at Milford Lake.
DeleteThat looks like fun!
ReplyDeleteI was talking to my son out west (he's in his 40s) and he put his neck out towelling his hair dry. I told him, once you hit 40 it's all downhill!
I like your map in the sidebar, showing you've been to Canada. Thing is, we're pretty sensitive about you call this 'states' you've visited. Canada has provinces and territories. Just so you know. We are really upset on this side of the border.
I suppose that is a sensitive topic right now, I have changed the title. We still have a few provinces we would like to hit. Manitoba especially, there is a lot of good fishing in up there!
DeleteI think your stash of booze is larger than what our local pubs carry. No guess on quantity but worth a fortune for sure. A big congrats on your new boat. It looked fast, how many hp? Love to hear all about the equipment on it, better yet, see it in person next winter? Bass Pro stores are awesome to visit and even better if they let you stay overnight. Zoey's expression on the boat looks like she is not quite sure yet if she is going to like it ;-)
ReplyDeleteI was watching a YouTube channel this morning where they guy said he had over 1,000 bottles at home. While we have a lot, we are nowhere near that level!
DeleteThe boat has a 50hp Merc on it. As far as electronics, it has two Garmins; the 93sv and the 73. I already have a 93 at home so will be adding that as well!
That’s a comfy looking fishing boat! I’ll guess 43 bottles. I bet it’s nice to be home. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteWe cannot wait to get out on it. Sadly, we still have 10+ inches of ice on our lakes around here!
DeleteBooze and a boat! A very well nice trip! I foresee some nice fishing trips coming up.
ReplyDeleteThey go together, right? Maybe not, but you are right on the other account. There will definitely be some trip in our future!
DeleteCongrats on the boat, and your haul of bottles is truly impressive.
ReplyDeleteWe were a little surprised when we got home and started unloading, it was like reminiscing about our trip all over again!
DeleteIt took me several years "after retirement" to figure out that the stresses of "work" could be left behind on the way home but without "work" new and harder to shake stresses took their place! And unfortunately , even after over fifty years of Glorious Life with one Wonderful Woman, 47 of them Married, finding out what the tone of the day will be like is scary! Even more dangerous because there's no "work" to escape to if it all goes bad! Glad to hear you had a wonderful trip. I hope you enjoy your new boat! I'm sure I'm not revealing anything you don't already know- but just like buying an RV its not the purchase price that will bankrupt you- its what comes after!
ReplyDeleteWhat a trip! Between stocking your liquor cabinet and finding a new to you boat plus all the adventures in Florida, you guys had a great trip. Hope spring has arrived in South Dakota so you can enjoy the boat.
ReplyDeleteGreat to see you guys! Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the boat.
ReplyDeleteDakota needs her own umbrella..I bet she was looking for shade! Hope you enjoy the boat! Yes older dogs can be a worry everyday until you know they are eating peeing and pooping:) (We even had types of poops...too soft, too hard...too much mucus...TMI) You made it back home safely! I think there have been more fires out in North Dakota...it has been a strange weather year. I suppose you are headed for field work soon. Y'all could start a bar with those bottles:)
ReplyDeleteWhere did you store all those bottles during the trip? Yay, congrats on the boat! I can’t believe you didn’t fish though? I’m guessing you had no poles with you. We’re hoping to go to Anacortes, WA late Aug. some great fishing there, just sayin.
ReplyDeleteWhile most go for Graceland, I loved the Civil Rights Museum at the Laurel Motel in Memphis. Sadly the city needs a good scrubbing, it could be so beautiful. Glad you avoided the urn and got a new boat as well! Your days on the water look heavenly with such perfect weather. Zoey is priceless in her gear. I feel you Barb - dod moms are the best people :-)) Always great to get safely home. With no broken bottles!
ReplyDeleteHey, congrats on the boat, you both look like old hands at piloting it. Many days of fun in your future, of course, you have to block out the bad days; bouncing around in wind-chopped waters & blown spray in your face, oh well, good times. It looks good behind your rig.
ReplyDeleteMy day always starts great. It shouldn’t surprise you though that I no longer have a dog.
ReplyDeleteThe boat looks good.
ReplyDeleteKnow what you went through, finding quiet places to spend a night.
Aren't you glad that you weren't on the road yesterday.
Stay Safe and Enjoy!
It's about time.
Bass Pro Shops and Cabela locations seem to all be located near noisy roads/bridges. Like the new boat--it's always been a dream of mine (not the Cowboy's) to live on a lake--probably won't happen! Yep, I got the "boom boom" part of this post right away--Kayce is a great eater but the night time pooping routine has to be done or she gets me up at night. Glad you made it home--it always feels so good to be home.
ReplyDeleteGlad you found a boat and got to try it out for a couple days. Things really lined up especially the weather. Tough to tell how Zoey feels about the boat ride. Her face is tough to read! It's fun to be away but always good to get home. That is A LOT of bottles!!!
ReplyDeleteJust think if that camper caught on 🔥... BOOM!
ReplyDeleteIam going to guess about 70 bottles, give or take a few. Quite a haul.
Memphis, never stopped there because of its reputation for crime. Such a comedown for a once magnificent city.
Never had to deal with aging dogs in that way because our were all outside boys, but I can relate to the worry as they age. That stage is really difficult, for everyone.
The boat looks awesome! Many hours of fun ahead. After the ice melts.
Glad you made it home to find all well there.
This sounds like quite the adventure and you found a boat too. Sounds like got out of Missouri in good time to avoid all the tornados, hail etc. we missed all that here at the lake but not too far from us got hit pretty bad and up in stlouis area was bad too.
ReplyDeleteI am going to guess around 50 bottles. Our Wisconsin friends tour winerys all over the country and always come home with at least a case.
Happy new week Kathy